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 RULES (Please read before getting started!)

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Lotus Chan
Alysson Wittmann
Kovu Malandro
Ally Black
Timothy Black
Angel Bridge
Shaya Gallant
Master Splinter
14 posters

Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySat Aug 23, 2014 11:53 pm

Hello and welcome to TMNT Origins! We hope that you enjoy your time here! While this place is an RPG outlet for people to unwind and have a good time, we have set a few rules in place to help things run smoothly. Please take a moment to read over them to make sure you're up to speed and in the know. Please make a post once you have read, understand and agree. If you have any questions, they can be addressed here as well.

*When registering, please make sure that the name that you have chosen isn't already in use. This also goes for when making characters. Having three 'Joe's' can be a bit confusing.
* All characters should have their own account. If you only have one e-mail address, you can always make up a bogus one for any additional characters. PM me from your primary account and let me know of any additional registrations and I will activate them for you.

Forum Rating
*This forum isn't based on your Saturday morning cartoons. It's gritty, will contain blood, gore and swearing, so it has been Rated 'R'. Please keep this in mind before registering.
*The forum is adult based so adult situations may happen. There is an adult only section on the forum and all 'love scenes' must take place there. A link can be embedded into 'fade to black' for anyone that's interested in reading what goes on behind closed doors. Not everyone is comfortable reading  smut and we don't need threads spammed with sex.
* I strongly discourage PWP (porn without plot). If that's all your character is interested in, keep it in the NC-17 section.

* Posts must be written in third person. For example: Raphael sprinted across the graveled rooftops, the cold night air burning his reptilian lungs. Please no first person narrative. Posts shouldn't look like this:  'Sprits rooftops...sits on ledge.'
* No godmodding. This means that you cannot move or give actions to another person's character unless you have been given permission by the player.
* Please, no one liners. Remember, you are painting your scene with words so please be as descriptive as you can. Remember to put thoughts and feelings into your posts where needed. While we don't expect every post to be a novel, we do ask that you make at least three healthy paragraphs. Please don't get lazy with your posting.
* You are expected to post in a timely manner. If you are responsible for a Canon, we ask that you make one post for canon per night if they are up to post. If you have two canons, this means you will be expected to make two posts per night. We understand that RL can prevent this sometimes, but we do expect consistency. If you are interested in a Canon but cannot meet these requirements, please PM me.  
* All opening posts must include a date, time and location. If it is continuing from a previous thread, a link must also be included with a brief summary.  
* Communication is key! Discussing plots and ideas can make for some amazing stories. Always make sure everyone is on the same page. If you have a scene worked out with someone, make sure that others are aware so that plot toes are not stomped.
*Stagnation is often a forum's downfall. Plots and ideas can go sour if people are left waiting. Because of this, there is a two day rule in effect. If your character has not posted within this time, players frozen in that particular scene with you are at liberty to puppet your character. If this becomes a consistent thing with your character, if you are playing a canon, it will be adopted out to someone else. If it is an OC, it will be written out of the story, however the players see fit.

* As stated above, Canons are expected to make a post on a nightly basis, if it is your character's turn to post. We do understand that RL will sometimes prevent that, but we do ask for consistency.
* As a canon, you are one of the forum's 'chearleaders'. This not only means that you are expected to be active in games, but you must interact in all aspects of the forums. This means participating in the fun stuff section, greeting guests and making them feel welcomed. If you are playing one of the Turtles, you will be expected to keep up with your respected forum and answer any questions that come your way. Please take all of this into consideration before applying for a canon.

Original Characters:
*Every story needs originals. With this being said, we strongly discourage Mary Sues. If your character is smarter, stronger and better at everything than the turtles, you may have a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu.
*Make sure that your character fits into the stories. Ask yourself a few simple questions. What do you plan to accomplish with your char? If their only reason for existing is to hook up with a turtle, you don't have a very strong OC. Make sure that he/she can still be an asset in the story without hanging from a Turtle's arm.

Profiles and Applications:

* Registered Canons and Original Characters must have an approved profile before being involved in the games. No exceptions. I've learned from experience that "I'll have one up tomorrow" usually means it will never come.
* If a profile is unfinished, it must go into the 'work in progress' section. Please do not submit unfinished applications in the 'finished' section.  


* Please keep avatars and signatures to a presentable level. Nothing too big or distracting.
* All Turtles must have matching themed avatars. For example: We don't need a old movie Mike, 2012 Leo, New movie Raph, etc. This forum is strongly influenced by the 2014 movie, so the turtles and Splinter should be represented with avatars from that era. Human chars such as Karai and April can have different Play by's, but please pick an actress/ actor and not 'toonish' pics.

Additional stuff:
* Be respectful to one another! If you have a problem, try to work it out as best as you can with that person(s). If the situation cannot be resolved, please PM one of the admins.

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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySat Sep 27, 2014 7:43 pm

Update: The forum now has an adult section for all of your TMNT naughty needs! If a new member wishes to have access, you must reach a 20 post count before being granted permission. This is to help us establish that you are of age. After you have reached the required number of posts, PM an admin or mod (either Erica or myself) and let us know if you would like to be added.

Last edited by Rogue on Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Oct 12, 2014 12:34 pm

Rule Update: This wasn't made clear in the rules, I just assumed that people would know how it worked... my bad. If you are registering just as a member it is okay to create a simple user name. Take me for example. All of my OOC stuff is posted with this user name.

Original Characters should be registered by their first and last name. Example: Seth Grimes.

This helps to keep things organized and less confusing. Smile
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Master Splinter
Master Splinter

Posts : 211
Join date : 2014-09-30
Age : 54

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 12:01 pm

I have read and I agree to the rules.
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySat Mar 07, 2015 11:47 pm

Welcome aboard, Splinter!! ^^
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Shaya Gallant
Original Character
Shaya Gallant

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Location : Dr. Fallows Lab in NYU

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyThu Mar 19, 2015 3:40 am

I have read and agree to them.
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Mar 22, 2015 12:12 am

Thank you, Shy!! ^^ And welcome to the forum!! We're glad to have you here! Very Happy
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Angel Bridge

Angel Bridge

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RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySat Apr 18, 2015 9:16 am

I agree already - come on guys ya know me I don't always play by dem rules but I've read the book Razz
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Posts : 50
Join date : 2015-04-21

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Apr 21, 2015 9:58 am

I can abide by these rules...
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Apr 21, 2015 10:39 am

ZOMG.. TC AND Angel... that's what's up!! ^^

...and thank yous! I know following rules ain't really either of your styles, hehe Razz

Welcome to the forum!!
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Posts : 50
Join date : 2015-04-21

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Apr 21, 2015 10:40 am

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Timothy Black

Timothy Black

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Join date : 2015-04-28

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Apr 28, 2015 12:18 am

Fuck your rules! Bitch!
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Ally Black
Original Character
Ally Black

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Age : 28
Location : Right up your alley... ;)

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Apr 28, 2015 12:09 pm

O.O TIMMY!! ^^ *tackles and squeeeeeezes*

Naw, be nice.. the admin is samurai and can decapitate you! O.O
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Kovu Malandro

Kovu Malandro

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Join date : 2015-08-11
Age : 27

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 12:52 pm

I agree and will abide these rules! ^^
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 1:50 pm

Welcome to the forum, Kovu! We look forward to getting to know you! ^^ Have fun!
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Alysson Wittmann

Alysson Wittmann

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RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyWed Sep 30, 2015 3:34 pm

I agree to these rules! Smile
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Lotus Chan

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Location : Hazlet, NJ

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Oct 18, 2015 9:38 pm

I have read and agree to follow these rules ^w^
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Oroku Saki

Oroku Saki

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Join date : 2015-10-31

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Nov 01, 2015 7:38 pm

I will abide *For now*
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Tara-Lee Stone

Tara-Lee Stone

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RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptyWed Nov 04, 2015 9:29 pm

I agree to the rules
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Posts : 40
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Age : 29
Location : NYC Sewers

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 10:30 pm

So how do we apply for a canon character?
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Age : 35
Location : Wherever the drugs are.

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 10:39 pm

Hey hey new person. you are quick to jump in with the questions! no hello? a how do you do? I like your spirit!

Anyway! I don't actually have an answer to your question, but it felt rude to leave ya hanging. You'll have to ask the bosses

Rogue and Erica

Who were you thinking of playing? I can tel you if they're taken or not and you can go from there. Also if you would like to chat with us all in person you can come in the chat room, we are in there every night.

chat chat!

we will help you get cozy and comfty here!
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Age : 29
Location : NYC Sewers

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 10:48 pm

Hey, thank you very much. I'm still trying to figure the website out. ^^
Well, I was hoping to play Leo but I see he's already claimed, so I was thinking maybe I could be Foot Leo if that's allowed. If not, my second choice would be Slash. Characters that aren't in the 2014 movie can be used, right?
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Age : 35
Location : Wherever the drugs are.

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 10:55 pm

yeah pretty much all the main characters are taken. I'm Leo, sowwy! lol. Slash was made, and used for like...two scenes, so now he's...somewhere in the abyss.

no, no foot Leo, sorry. There's only the four main, no AUs.

The forum is largely based around the movie, I'm sure you noticed. right now we are working on a kranng plot though so having other characters come in that's not in the movie is A-ok!

We even have a bonesteel!

but yeah! Slash is doable I'm sure. Talk to the Rogue about it!
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Age : 29
Location : NYC Sewers

RULES (Please read before getting started!)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: RULES (Please read before getting started!)    RULES (Please read before getting started!)  EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 11:15 pm

Alright, Leo. Thank you. ^^
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RULES (Please read before getting started!)
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