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 Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]

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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 2:18 pm

October 28th
6:13 PM
A few hours after 'Family Meeting'.

April was busying herself with tidying up her cozy apartment, preparing for the unusual guest that would soon be arriving. Unusual was probably an understatement. Not only was he a large, mutant Turtle, but also the most unlikely of the brothers to 'crash' at her place for the night. The pretty red-head had only known the Turtles for a couple of months now, but Leonardo had been the most elusive. It was funny, considering that Mike had told her that usually Raphael was the elusive and stand-offish one. That hadn't been the case around her. Maybe she just had a way with the grouch. That earned a slight amused smile as she placed a pillow and nicely folded blanket on the arm-rest of the couch. Raph and Casey were so much alike, yet she had a way with both. But this was Leo. The leader of a clan of mutants. Maybe that's why he seemed so distant at times. Maybe tonight would turn that all around.

After everything looked presentable and the undistributed Halloween decorations now temporarily residing on the kitchen table, April returned to the den and took a seat on the couch, waiting in anticipation for Leo to make his appearance. Her kitchen window had been left unlocked for him. It seemed the guys weren't big on using front doors, and for good reason. Having large mutated Reptiles standing at the front door would surely draw too much attention.

April blew at an unruly strand of red hair that refused to stay tucked behind her ear, her mind lost in thought. What could have happened that would have sent the Leader packing? Well, at least for the night. Had he and Raphael gotten into it again? Did she need to have the first aid kit handy? The last time those two got into a squabble, she had treated Raph's busted sinuses. It seemed that she had taken on many roles since meeting the Turtles. Caregiver, doctor, referee, boarder. Not that it bothered her. The boys added more spice to her life and had become such close friends in the short amount of time she had known them.

Her mind then shifted to the Halloween party that she had been preparing for. Would the guys come as themselves? Surely so. Besides, it was the only time of the year they could walk around, undisguised. However, that probably wasn't the best idea. They had enemies, after all. Dangerous people that would recognize that those 'Turtle costumes' were something a bit more permanent. And what of Casey Jones? Would he dress up?

...'Something tells me he'll dress up as Jason Voorhees...'
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 8:45 pm

finally having gotten away from his brothers, Leo made it to April's place. he made it to the upstairs window and tried it. Finding it open he made his way inside and called out for his friend. April, I'm here. He said and closed and locked the window behind him. He made his way to the couch and dropped his bag on the floor. He probably didn't even need to bring anything, he was only staying the night and he was sure April would keep him company, his books wouldn't be needed.

Leo sat down and started getting his story straight in his head. No doubt April would have questions and he didn't mind that. in fact he was eager to spill everything that happen to her. He needed someone other then his brothers to talk to about this.
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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 1:26 am

April was so lost in thought that when the window slid open with noisy protest, it startled her ever so slightly. She was quick to get up and greeted him half-way, watching as he moved to the couch and dropped his bag beside it. Obviously he was planning for more than one night. Not that she minded, but it meant that something serious must have happened.

Sparing the blue-clad reptile a smile, she sat beside him on the couch, trying to visually read him. Of course she wanted to know what had happened, but she wouldn't bombard him with questions right off the bat. No. First things first...

"Would you like some coffee?" She offered, but remembered that was Don's thing. But then again, maybe Leo liked the stuff, too. It was a little late for coffee, but it was the perfect beverage to drink while getting things out on the table. "Or, if you're hungry I have some left over meat lover's pizza...."
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 1:32 am

Leo smiled at April and gave her a slight nod as a greeting. When asked about food and coffee and brighten up a little. The pizza sounds great. But do you have some tea instead of coffee? Or a soda would be fine too. So how have you been? Sorry to come over like this, I just needed to get out the lair.
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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 1:47 am

"Yeah, I have tea." April smiled and headed into the kitchen to round everything up. She placed the pizza on a plate and warmed it up, then grabbed the jug of tea and an iced glass. Gathering everything, the red-head carried it into the den and placed it onto the coffee table in front of Leo, then resumed her spot beside him on the couch.

"No, it's okay. You're welcomed here anytime. It doesn't matter how late it is." She told the Turtle. Leo had kind of opened the door for discussion, so April thought it was safe to bring up the question that had been hounding her ever since Leo had made that call.

"So, what happened, Leo? Did you and Raph get into it again?" She asked, giving him a good once-over. Other than a few scrapes he'd sustained when Raph slung him to the ground, he didn't seem any worse for wear....

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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 4:39 am

Leo took the tea and pizza with thanks. He sipped his tea and took a bite of the pizza. Both were much needed. He was feeling a little better already, though he dreaded going back home. He knew he would have to face his father sooner or later.

At April's question Leo shook his head. Not this time. I got into it with Master Splinter. I yelled at him and refused punishment. But it wasn't a fair punishment. And to be honest I think we are all getting a little old to be punished by our father. Anyway we got into it, He stripped me from my leader title and gave it to Raph.

Leo shrugged his shoulders. Maybe Raph will do a better job. But he really didn't believe that. In fact he was worried about Raph being leader. The Hot head would probably just lead them right into trouble.

I met some new friends. Some other humans. A girl. Leo said with a hint of a smile. She's very nice. They all are. But Splinter wants me to stay away from them. He said we can't trust them. But, While I was with them a foot ninja showed up and all of them stood by my side to protect me. I know I can trust these people.

Leo sipped his tea again. Her name is Mikko. The foot ninja. The other girl. My friend she's Lexi. But Mikko has this friend Laz, and he. Gabe and myself went to speak to Mikko. She's not so bad. She said she would leave me and my family alone, and you know I believe her. I think we can live normal lives if given the chance, you know?
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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 1:51 am

April sat quietly, sipping her cup of coffee as she listened to Leonardo's side of what happened. For once, his 'disagreement' wasn't with Raphael, but his father. That little bit of information shocked her. From what she had gathered, Leo always seemed so eager to please his adopted father. But it seemed as though Leo, like his brothers, was a typical teenage boy. It shouldn't be so shocking that he would rebel on occasion, and not see eye to eye. It was a part of growing up.

She waited until he was finished, wondering what kind of advice she should give to a teenager that had just had a 'falling out' with his aging dad. "You guys are growing up, and I know Master Splinter realizes that. But, you four are still his children, Leo. You always will be. And there will come a day when he realizes that he can't reprimand you. But right now, you're still teenagers, and as grown as you thing you are... you're still 'children'." She explained, knowing it was probably the last thing the blue-clad leader wanted to hear. Ex leader. It seemed that things had gotten serious and Leo had been stripped of his role. Though, it did worry her that Raphael had been given that responsibility. Raph certainly had the qualities of a leader. He was strong, and loyal to a fault. However, his anger issues was a major downfall. But who knew, maybe being shoved into this position would give the red-garbed mutant a goal to work toward. This could go either way. It would be either good, or end in disaster, but April's thoughts on the matter would remain silent.

It seemed that Leo had made new friends, and a girl was involved. The red-head had certainly caught that smile when he referred to her. She watched his features and could see there was something there. He had feelings for her. A crush. The corners of April's lips curled into a smile. Leo having a crush.. that was adorable. But what did the girl think of him? Obviously she thought enough of Leo to help protect him, but would she return Leo's feelings? Could she see past what he was? Those questions caused her smile to falter. Unless the guys met exceptional women, they were destined to be alone. In that regard, anyway. They still had each other, and that may have to be enough. Yeah. That was a depressing thought. All of the boys were special in their own way, and possessed the qualities that women would adore. It was sad to think that they may never get to experience that kind of love.

"What is normal.." She said, trying to get her own mind off the thought of lonely mutant ninja boys. "Yeah, there are people that will accept you, Leo. You all deserve that. But, unfortunately not everyone is like Casey and me.. and your new friends." She gave him an apologetic look. "I think it's great that you've made new friends. But you have to understand your dad's side of this, too. There are those out there that would love to cash in on you and your brothers. Splinter is just trying to protect you."
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 6:58 am

Leo understood where April was coming from. He himself knew that he went way over board with his father. But he wasn't a child. Yes he would always be his father's child. But things were different. Splinter didn't see that or didn't want to see that. His father was protecting them, but he wouldn't be able to do that forever. He needed to learn to trust Leo a bit more

Leo finished his pizza and nodded at April. We may still be children to our father and I understand that Mike and Don are young, But I'm 18 and last I heard, in the human world that means I can start doing things on my own, making my own choices, noy being grounded for everything I do. I understand i still live under his roof...So to speak. But he has to realize that we are growing, and that, maybe we want more then what we have now.

Leo sipped his tea and set it down on the table. At least April seemed happy he had made some new friends. They needed as many friends as they could get.

I know Master Splinter wants to protect us. And I appreciate that. but with somethings, he needs to let go. And I know things are different with us then with humans. But instead of punishing me for making friends, maybe he should be happy?

He ran a hand down his face and leaned back on the couch. I think my biggest problem is...Or, was, that he didn't let me lead. when my brothers and I were out on the streets I lead but once we got back home I was no longer a leader. Splinter took over. I don't know why, but that bothered me. I guess a lot of things have been bothering me. And I just sort of blew up.
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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 3:01 pm

April took it all in, allowing Leo to get everything off his chest. She could certainly see this from both Leo and Splinter's perspective which was a good thing. She could be on the fence with this and not side with one or the other. She was just thankful that she was here for him to talk to. This was probably something that he couldn't express with his brothers. Since knowing them, April had became 'the shoulder' to lean on. The 'ear' to listen. She couldn't recount the times that she had Raphael on this couch. It was a change of pace having the appointed leader. Well, ex. But she was certain that his demotion was a temporary thing. But how would Raphael feel about having this responsibility stripped from him? There would certainly be hurt feelings, so maybe this 'temporary' thing never should have happened. If anything, Splinter should had kept the role until Leo was able to earn it back.

"There will come a day when I think Master Splinter will completely step back and leave you fully in charge. You will be responsible for dealing out punishments and he will leave all decisions to you.." She explained, taking a small sip of her coffee, thankful that it was finally cooling and not burning her tongue. "But you have to understand, while you are still young adults, he's having to learn to let go. He's protected you all of your lives and not ready to cut the umbilical just yet. You will have to understand that he will always try to protect you.." The red-head briefly thought back to Robyn, her younger sister, and how she had always tried to protect her, especially after their father disappeared. She remembered how rebellious Robyn could be, not unlike how Leo was being with their father.

"And Splinter does realize that you want something more, and I know without a doubt in my heart, he wants those very same things for you. Take this from someone who practically raised a little sister." She spoke with deep sincerity, meeting his deep blue gaze.  Obviously the circumstances were very different. April had never had to worry about Robyn ending up on a lab table with needles shoved in her arm while a scientist drained all of her blood, or cut away chunks of tissue. The thought alone caused goose bumps to erupt over her pale completion. "He's just... afraid that you four will be hurt, because he understands how the majority of this world will treat anyone as unique as you all are."

April rested a hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Just remember that he's doing this because he loves you. He's not second guessing your decisions as a leader, he's just acting as a father." She told him, hoping that he would understand.

"My advice here is... don't go to bed angry at him..." She told him, choking up a little. Fortunately she was able to hold her composure.  "Because you never know if tomorrow will bless you with him...with any of them." Considering what she had gone through with her father, this was good solid advice and she hoped that Leo would take it to heart.
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo]   Time-Out [Tag: Leonardo] EmptyWed Dec 24, 2014 4:13 pm

April was right, of course she had a habit of being right. That was good, she gave good advice that always seemed to help, just talking things out was helping Leo calm himself and see where he went wrong. He still felt that he was right just that he went about everything in the wrong way. Splinter was doing his best, Leo knew that.

Yeah I know he's looking out for us. I guess I went about things the wrong way. I'm not really angry at him, just...annoyed.Still I owe him an apology. I shouldn't have snapped like I did. Now it looks like I'll be following Raph's orders, So chances are none of us are going to live much longer.

He said the last sentence with a smirk. Raph would probably end up getting them in trouble, the real question was, could Leo actually find it in himself to listen to Raph's orders?

Thanks for listening, April. I hate to bring this drama to you, but you give good advice plus your couch is comfortable. And I'll have to introduce you to my friends soon.
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