Ok, so many of you have talked to me in the chat room, due to I introduced myself there as one of the newest member's of this lovely site. But I thought...(since I kinda did vanish...due to work) that I introduce myself properly right here.
The name's Amelia, and I am 28 and if you can't guess by the name I am female. I am a deli clerk, been one for 4 year's now and while it isn't the most fun job, it pay's the bill's and I am thankful for that at least. I still live with my parent's and yes some claim that's wrong, but I pay bill's and help around the house and vice-versa so I really don't care what people say.
So, how long have I been into the turtles? Oh god...well let's see I actually was first introduced to them while at Pizza Hut when they had one of the those big video game consoles with the turtles game's on there (please don't ask me which one...I don't remember) and now said pizza hut is closed...so woah. And then came the cartoon's, and movies...so I've been a avid fan for a long time. Still got my mikey troll figurine (i call him mikey cause the hair is orange) which is the one troll i won't part with.
So yeah...this is me....