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 A Dragon's feast

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Leonardo Hamato
Lexi Davis
Hunter Mason
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 3:26 am

Forty minutes of pure hell. Tortured, beaten and raped repeatedly.. it seemed like it would never end. Part of her wished that they would kill her- get it over with. Make it stop! If only she had a knife, she would have ended it herself, but she would be granted no such luxury...

She had been kicked so hard that ribs had been broken, fought so ferociously that her right wrist had been snapped. A fractured cheek bone and a concussion that had been mercy during the short stints when she blacked out, but never for long enough...

Unfortunately she was conscious when Hun made his return. Crumpled on the floor, her undamaged hand made a feeble attempt to reach for her clothes, grasping for that small ounce of dignity that remained, wanting to cover her mangled body. Her once perfect skin now adorning vicious, bleeding bite marks.

When Hun spoke, her undamaged eye fixated on him, tears mingling with the blood and grime. She noticed that the camera was on her, and she knew his intentions. To taunt her boys with this. He had ordered her release, but would she survive this? She could feel her lungs becoming tight, no doubt compressed by blood...

The camera was on her. If Eze and Gabe were going to see this, she wanted them to know...

"It was...worth it to.. save them..." Her voice was hoarse and cracked and came between painful wheezing,  but understandable. Her gaze then focused on Hun. "I.. pity you. To not know.. what it's like... to love someone...that much..."
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Hunter Mason
Hunter Mason

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 3:35 am

Hun gave her an expression of mocked insult. That hurts, it really does. To think that I haven't loved. I love. I'm about to love the fuck out of you right now.

Hun grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her feet. He then threw her over his desk but away from the camera, he didn't want her turning the device off, that would ruin any future fun. He held her there and stripped, placing his cloths beside her......


After Hun was done he let her go from his grip and grabbed the camera turning it off. He looked at her and shook his head with a tisk tisk.

I've had better, I'll have someone show you the door. He told her and slipped on his boxers not worried about the rest of his clothing. it was his office if he didn't want to dress he didn't have to!

you should probably see a doctor. You look like shit.

He opened his door and called down to three guys to see Lexi out.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 3:53 am

And the torment continued. Again she fought and struggled with her dying strength, but it was little use. Just like the others, he had lavished her with rough treatment, inflicting as much pain as possible. Her cries became silent when he damaged her larynx...

At least, it seemed to be over. The torment, at least, but she was doubtful she would survive her injuries. A broken rip had nicked her lung. Blood gurgled in her throat with each shallow breath. Three men came in and roughly picked her up off the floor. She went limp in their hold, but enough awareness remained to notice the grenade hanging from one of the thug's belt. They were too distracted by having a naked woman in their arms to realize as her one good hand reached down and took it, pulling the clip with it still strapped to the thug's waist.

If she died, so be it. It was worth it to take out the Purple Dragons. But fortunately for her, they tossed her in the dumpster and returned inside before it went off....
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 5:00 pm

((Read this first))

Leo was feeling pretty good at the moment. He had saved to beings, made a new friend and a new ally. he just hoped that he really could trust Karai. He had told her about his family problems that they were split apart at the moment. If she wanted to, she could easily use that against them. He was putting his trust in her though.

He was also really looking forward to see Victoria tomorrow! He knew it wasn't a date or anything, but he was just as excited as if it were!

Leo had long left the tower after telling Karai good bye, now he headed to april's place via the roof tops. The loud explosion caught his attention. It was close. He could see the smoke. As he got closer he watched Hun and a some others flee the building.

It was obvious that they were all badly hurt. Leo shook his head, gang wars, he assumed. Hun and three others jumped in a van and drove away. There were a few others stumbling out and trying to get out the area. Probably wanting to avoid the cops, that was if the cops even came.

Leo gave out a heavy sigh. He couldn't just walk away from this, even if the Dragons were a bunch of ass holes who probably deserved what ever the hell happen here. He had to see if there was anyone else in the building alive he could get out.

The turtle jumped down to the street level and started to head to the burning building. It was the quiet moans and choking sobs that stopped in his tracks.

He looked over at the blue dumpster and walked over to see what was going on. He was not expecting to see lexi so badly beaten.

he peered over the side of the bin, eyes widening at the sight of her form. She seemed like a broken doll, crumpled up and thrown away.

Lexi! shit! hang on. I'ma get you out of there! He almost frantically jumped in the trash with her and decided on the best way to get her out of there. she was so beat up he was scared to injure her more. He had to get her to the hospital fast! calling an ambulance would take too long.

Hold tight, I got ya. He told her finally picking her up, trying to be as careful as possible. Once in his arms he jumped out the dumpster and made a mad dash to a dropped fire escape.

I'm getting you the hospital. You're going to be ok.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 12:08 am

To add insult to already nearly fatal injuries, Lexi was tossed in the dumpster like a piece of trash. Broken glass and dirty needles pierced her bare skin, but the additional pain barely fazed her. She was going into shock, due to the trauma, blood loss and metal torture. Then the loud explosion that nearly deafened her....

...she had done it. She had taken out the Purple Dragons' Headquarters. Hopefully her tormenters had perished, and at the very least... Hun would have to rebuild, if he survived. The dumpster lid had been slammed shut, but a bloody hand protruded between the flap, bloodied fingers curing around the dumpsters lip as she tried to find the strength to pull herself out. Blood pooling in her lungs, making each raspy breath a struggle. She tried to cry out, but a damaged larynx made that nearly impossible. She was doomed. It seemed hopeless, but then the dumpster lid flew open and the dim streetlight illuminated her savior's face...

"...Lll..eoo.." She managed to wheeze out, barely understandable. The effort felt like razors cutting into her throat. Tears of pain, fear and relief rolled down her cheeks as he scooped her up, embarrassed at her naked state, but that was the least of her worries. She had a fighting chance.. thanks to him. Weak arms wrapped around his neck and she buried her face against his shoulder, sobbing quietly against him...
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 12:21 am

shhhh..It's ok. I'm going to get you help.

He hurried to the nearest hospital and after making sure the cost was clear, he jumped from the roof and to the hospital's emergency doors. He placed her in a wheelchair. He hated to leave her like this, but he had no choice. He couldn't risk being seen, even though right now that didn't seem as important.

I'm going to have to leave you now. I'll call the front desk and tell them you are out here. But I'm going to keep in touch with the hospital to make sure you are alright. As soon as I'm able I'll visit you, I promise. I don't know what happen. But you're safe now.

He took her uninjured hand and gave it a light squeeze. He moved the hair from her eyes and offered her a small encouraging smile. Then he vanished from her sight, and moments later nurses and a doctor were rushing outside to bring Lexi in the building.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 14, 2015 2:25 pm

Lexi held to him, every movement painful. She tried to talk, tried to thank him, but doing so was excruciating. Her throat was beginning to swell, making breathing difficult. God.. was she going to survive this? She was so scared, but kept reminding herself that she had blown up Dragon Headquarters. Maybe she had put an end to Hun. Even if she died, maybe her 'family' could live on without the threat hanging over their heads. A worthy sacrifice...

She faded in and out of consciousness, but cruel fate made sure she was aware when she was placed in the wheelchair. She did not want to release Leo. Her good arm hung to him as long as she could, her undamaged  eye pleading. She didn't want to be alone, but she understood that he couldn't be caught. Wheezing with each shallow breath, blood pouring from the corner of her lip, indicating the internal damage. Fortunately medical staff was quick and they wheeled her inside. A nurse quickly grabbed a gown and covered her naked form as they rushed her into one of the rooms where they carefully placed her on the bed and a gray haired doctor quickly got to work, assessing the damage...

It was obvious what happened. The young woman had been repeatedly raped, beaten, skin ripped by numerous sets of teeth. Broken ribs that resulted in punctured lungs. A broken wrist and cheek bone...

"Prep my team. We're headed to the OR... He informed his team.  

Lexi was fading in and out of conscious as the team prepped her for anesthesia. Part of her wanted to fight it, knowing there was a strong possibility that she wouldn't wake up. But, she needed the operation, or she would die for sure. She had to let go and trust....

"I know her. Lexi Davis, she interned here. Pull her file and try to reach her emergency contacts.." He ordered one of his staff as the mask was placed over Lexi's nose and mouth. "We're going to take care of you, Ms. Davis..." She heard him say as her eyes fluttered and finally slid closed....


It took some searching, but the information was soon found. The young woman picked up the phone and dialed Ezekiel's number, then waited anxiously for him to pick up....
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 5:12 am

Eze was laying in bed staring up at the ceiling. Sleep was not coming to him, he was too worried about everything going on, and Lexi's words swam in his head. Then his phone rang. Probably Hun. He debated not even answering it, but that could only make things worse.

He reached over and grabbed his cell then pressed the button to answer the call.

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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 7:49 am

The young nurse was beginning to think that she would have to move onto the next contact but finally, there was a voice on the other end. The man didn't sound as if he'd just woken which was good, it meant she probably wouldn't have to repeat the news..

"Ezekiel Blat?" She took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm calling from the Metro Hospital. Miss Davis was badly injured. I'm not sure what relation you are to her, but your name was on the top of her Emergency contacts. We can discuss the nature of her injuries once you get here..."
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 7:52 am

It did take a moment to gather what was told to him, Lexi was in the hospital? Wasn't she in the barn? Then it clicked, she went to Hun. He quickly sat up and started to get dress while he was on the phone.

I'm on my way now. I'll be there in an hour.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 8:05 am

"Be careful getting here. We will see you soon, Mr. Blat." With that, the young nurse hung up. Now to return and see if she could be of any assistance. Surely she would be the one to greet the 'family' once they arrived, and deliver whatever news was available at that time....
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 8:17 am

When Ezekiel couldn't find the keys to the van he headed outside and realized she took it! That left Lexi's car and Mikko's racer. If he took the car he would have to get Laz. And no way would Mikko let him touch her car. With a defeated sigh he ran to the barn and started yelling at Laz to wake up.

Laz was sleeping soundly when Eze came in yelling about needing Lexi's keys. He sat up and grabbed his pants and took them out.

What's going on? Laz ask, still not realizing Lexi was missing.

Lexi's in the hospital. I think she went to to talk to Hun. Some good you did protecting her!

Hearing this news, Laz was quick to get dress and follow eze back out to the car.

She must have slipped out while I was sleeping.

I didn't know ninjas were such heavy sleepers.

Are you seriously blaming me for this!?

Yeah! I am! Ezekiel yelled and got into the drivers seat of the car slamming the door. Laz also got in and did the same.

Soon the men were on the road headed to the hospital, but the drive would not be peaceful as the yelling and fighting continued.
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Hunter Mason
Hunter Mason

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 8:22 am

Hun was sitting in the passengers seat of the van. three of his men were in the back seat and one of the higher ups were driving.

Hun lived, but not without some extensive injuries. he had been close to the explosion. His hearing was gone, sight in his left eye was gone. in fact the left side of his face was gone, as was his arm. the rest of his body was badly burnt.

Hun was slipping in and out of consciousness. He couldn't communicate with the men in the van, but he did manage to point to a business card with Baxter's name on it. that was were he wanted to go. If baxter could really do what he had said, then Hun wanted to be rebuilt, not just stitched together.

So his driver raced to the scientist as the others tried their best to keep Hun alive.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 9:08 am

Word traveled fast. Dee, one of Hun's higher ranking older thugs was returning from a job out of State. Not only was he a high rank, but the African-American male was also the one that recruited Ezekiel when he was just a teenager. Then later came Gabriel. Both boys had been young, but he had taken them under his wing, along with the assistance of the older woman that everyone affectionately called  'Mama'... even Dee.

Dee was 47, 17 years older than Ezekiel, and 22 older than Gabe. He had always considered himself a father figure. Hell, it had been him that had shown them the ropes, and along with Mama, given them a place to stay. Practically raised them. He watched them grow, watched them make mistakes. Watched them thrive. It was he that encouraged Hun to give Ezekiel the promotion, back when Sally was still alive...

When Lexi entered the picture, Dee figured the bombshell was nothing more than just a pretty face. Another play-thing for Gabe to grow tired of and toss away. But that wasn't the case, and Lexi proved herself stronger than the toughest 'girls' in the gang. Dee had always considered the thug girls dykes, but Lex didn't fall into that category. She was beautiful, and knew how to fire a gun. He often referred to her as 'Firecracker'.

Unfortunately Dee had just now found out about Hun's intentions to have Gabe terminated, and that's what brought him back early. To convince Hun this was a wrong move. But as he drove back towards the city, one of the survivors of the explosion called to inform him that Headquarters was gone, then informed him of who was responsible, and what the gang had done to her...

The news made Dee sick to his stomach. To know that the teenage girl that he had watched grow into a young woman was so brutality attacked, but it sounded as if she had gotten the last 'laugh'....

Grabbing his phone from the passenger seat, Dee dialed Eze's number and waited for him to pick up....
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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Age : 39

A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 9:20 am

With the argument in the car getting heated, eze almost didn't hear his phone go off. he glared at Laz as both men got quiet and Ezekiel answered the call.


He hadn't checked who was calling, but hoped that it wasn't Hun...or the hospital calling with worse news.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 5:35 pm

Dee knew that Ezekiel had the habit of answering his phone without looking to see who was calling, hence the lack of any fond emotion. Then again, hell- this was Ezekiel. He had always seemed to have two modes. Neutral and angry.

"Still no manners, dawg..." But he would keep the teasing to a minimal. After what he had heard, it was hard to be in a teasing manner. "I hear our lil' Firecracker went boom... took out heardquarters..." He told Ezekiel, not sure if he had heard or not. Obviously he hadn't been with her, otherwise he never would have allowed the rape to happen, not without being taken down. They protected their own.

"But that ain't all I heard...please tell me she's alive.. and Gabe? Words circulatin' that Hun's gonna take 'im out, that's why I'm comin' back. To talk sense into him, if he's still alive...."
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 6:05 pm

It was quite a surprise to hear from Dee, in fact it took Ezekiel a moment to realize who it was. Hey, man! Long time no see. You just come back when shit hits the fan uh? So it was Lexi that blew the place up? Must be why she's in the hospital. I'm headed to her now. Gabe's alive. but...he's hurt bad, man. Shredder took out his legs. severed his spine, not sure if he'll walk again.

I don't know if Hun is still around. I don't even know how Lexi got to the hospital. I think she went to try and talk sense into Hun. Her idiot boyfriend didn't stop her.
he added angerly and glanced at Laz.

He told Dee where Lexi was and that he would meet him there. It was good hearing from his old friend, he just wished things were going better.

I got everyone at a hideout, out of the city. Mama's there too. I'll bring you to Gabe and the others after we take care of Lexi if you want.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 8:11 pm

Finally, recognition that brought a hint of a grin to Dee's lips. Would have been bigger if things weren't so gloom. Sounded like Ezekiel didn't know  the whole story of what happened to Lexi, and if the guy was driving, it was best not to tell him. His informant hadn't given him the same courtesy, but then again it was kind of important that Dee be made aware that there was no longer a Headquarters. Sure, there was the fall-back spot, but how many Dragons survived?

So Lexi had a boyfriend? Dee didn't think she would move on for awhile after Gabe. Hell it had been what, a year? Well good for her. "Aw, c'mon Zeke, don't be so hard on a homie. You know Lex's like fire, can't contain it. If she had her mind set on goin'.. it was gonna happen. Not even you could stop it."

It was upsetting to know just how bad Gabriel was hurt, but at least he was alive. He listened to the directions and where Lexi currently was and gave an unseen nod. "A'right, dawg. I'll be there in about an hour. See you soon..."
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyTue Dec 15, 2015 10:11 pm

Alright, man. See you in a bit. Ezekiel hung up and looked over at Laz who was waiting for some kind of news.

Lexi blew up HQ.. Don't know who survived yet. This is a mess, I shouldn't have told anyone anything and just delt with this all myself.

Laz didn't say anything, but he did agree. Eze should have kept it to himself.

It didn't take the hour that Ezekiel thought it would, most likely because of the speeding. They made it to the hospital in record time and parked close to the front.

Both men jumped out the car and ran inside asking the first person they seen about Lexi.
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Lexi Davis
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Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 3:45 am

After x-rays, scans and ultrasounds had pinpointed all of the damage, hours had been spent in the O.R. to repair off the damage Lexi had sustained. Broken ribs and wrist set and pinned, a tube running between ribs into her chest cavity to aid the collapsed lung. Wounds cleaned and sutured. After the operation, a vest was placed around her rib-cage to aid in healing. The doctor had opted against keeping the ventilator in place after witnessing the distress it was causing. If the swelling in her injured throat continued, then it would have to be put back into place, but for now they would monitor her, and hope that they mask would be enough.

Due to the nature of the attack, tests would be ran at the appropriate time. After checking in on her, the staff left her to rest. As one of the nurses headed back to the station, she noticed the two men and after hearing who they wee here for, she led them to the room...

The room was dark, save for the soft glow of the monitors and the hall light that filtered into the room. Lexi was awake and staring out the door in a drug induced haze, but a spark of recognition crossed her features when she saw Laz and Ezekiel. Finally, she wasn't alone in this. She was relieved to see them, even if she couldn't show it, but the quiet tears should have spoken volumes. Inwardly bracing herself for Ezekiel's scolding, she hoped he could let that go for now.

A shaky hand extended in their direction, needing the physical contact of loved ones....

The nurse hovered behind them, not wanting to interrupt but knowing that they needed to know what happened. "She.. was gang raped and beaten. She sustained broken ribs, a broken wrist, a collapsed lung and numerous lacerations. We're giving her morphine to keep her comfortable..." She told the men. "If you have any questions, I'll be right outside." With that, she headed out of the room to give the group some privacy.
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 5:14 am

There would be no preaching about how she should have never went to see Hun, no scolding. Not now, now Ezekiel was just happy to see Lexi alive. He and Laz walked up to her bed, each taking a side and sitting down close to her bed.

Eze gave Lexi a small sideways smile and pressed the back of his knuckles against her cheek.

Look, I brought ya boy toy. And we made it all the way here without killing each other. He told her in an attempt to lighten the air.

someone else is on their way here to see ya. Dee heard about what happen, he's on his way here.
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Lexi Davis
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Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 10:40 pm

The morphine dulled most of the pain, but could only ease her mind to a degree. Awake and for the moment alone, the memories of that horrible event plagued her. How scared she had been, how hard she had fought them... it was enough to consume her, conjuring tears that she felt too exhausted to cry...

Fortunately she wasn't left to her own thoughts for long. Ezekiel and Laz entered the room and for a fleeting moment, she wondered if she was imagining this. As they drew closer and she felt the back of Ezekiel's knuckles, she knew they were really here. A relieved tear rolled down her cheek, even managing a weak hint of a grin at his attempt to lighten the mood. That was a rarity for Ezekiel, and the fact that he had brought Laz along touched her. Maybe, just maybe Eze would warm up to him..

Lips quivering, she weakly leaned into his soft touch.."T..thank you.." She managed in a raspy, low tone. The effort hurt her throat, but she needed him to know that she was grateful for his thoughtfulness. He had put his own feelings towards Laz aside and brought him along, because he knew it would mean a lot to her. And it sounded as if Dee would be paying her a visit soon. The guy had been gone for so long, it would be good to see him again. Reaching to give Ezekiel's hand a small, weak squeeze, her gaze then shifted to Laz, wanting nothing more than to abandon the bed and crawl into his lap for snuggles. If only movement didn't hurt so bad. She tried to shift just enough so that her good hand could reach him, wanting to feel his.....
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Lazarus King
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Lazarus King

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 10:45 pm

Laz was heart broken. He should have been there with her. He sat down beside her bed and took her hand in his.

I wish you would have ask me to go with you, Babe. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you.

Laz leaned over and kissed her forehead. He was doing his best to hold it together, he didn't want to break down in front of Lexi, she needed him to be strong.

You're so brave. He told her and gave her a slight smile.
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Lexi Davis
Purple Dragons
Lexi Davis

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyWed Dec 16, 2015 11:53 pm

Lexi could see the emotion in Laz' features, but she knew he was holding it together for her. She weakly squeezed his hand a weak squeeze, another tear slipping past her best attempts, knowing he blamed himself for not being there. "You.. would have been. If you had known." She managed, the strain causing painful coughs. "It's not your fault... and.. you're here for me now...that's what...matters."

This was ICU, so she was certain there were visiting hours, but she would insist that her boys be allowed to stay, if they wanted to....
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Lazarus King
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Lazarus King

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A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Dragon's feast    A Dragon's feast  - Page 2 EmptyMon Dec 21, 2015 6:41 pm

Laz was still beating himself up over this. To know that he was right there next to her, able to stop her, or at least go with her. But he wouldn't show those feelings. It wouldn't help Lexi right now for her to know that he blamed himself for this. What she needed was support. and he was more then happy to give it to her.

Looks like there will be lots of hot soup and sappy romance movies in the furture for us. Maybe a puppy? Oh yeah, Laz was going to spoil the hell out of her, starting now.

Is there anything you need right now? a pillow, blanket, chocolate?


Before Laz could offer anymore treats to his girl, a woman walked in carrying a small vase with a blue rose. she smiled at the people in the room and set the flower on a shelf in Lexi's view.

"A Mr. Leonardo sent this for you." She explained.

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