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 Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]

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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 11:28 am

A week Prior to 'Foot Prints'

6:25 PM
Foot Tower/Headquarters
New York City, New York

There had been many tales as to why Oroku Karai had been sent away to Japan at the tender age of sixteen. Some of the Foot spread silent rumors that it was to expand her training and help mold her into a more lethal assassin. The tale that Oroku Saki's daughter had been told was that this trip would help restore order to the original faction. To lead. Even though Karai had been so young, she displayed the qualities and skill of a seasoned leader. It would make sense, so she bought into the ruse and accepted the challenge. The young Kunoichi was never one to back down although leaving the only home she had ever known was bitter sweet. Most of all, she would miss her father, but understood that this was something that he encouraged. Her ultimate goal was to always make him proud. That is why she pushed herself so hard, trained beyond what was humanly sane, even when her small frame threatened to collapse. It was all for his approval.

After settling into her new role as the leader of the original Foot Clan, Karai began to realize that there was something more to all of this. The fighting style of the Japan faction had remained untainted as it had been rumored. There were elders with heirs capable of someday taking over, but the moment she had stepped foot onto Japanese soil, the leaders had backed down. The teenager was Oroku Saki's heir, and the clan elders needed to see her in action. They would test her to insure that when the time came and Oroku Saki was nothing but a memory, Oroku Karai could handle the overwhelming task of leading the New York faction.

Karai wouldn't disappoint. Despite her young age, she quickly proved that not only was she a lethal fighter with skill and discipline beyond her years, but she aced the role of a leader with flying colors. The elders were impressed, not only with the Shredder's prodigy, but with Saki himself. It was apparent that the man was devoted in his role as a Sensei. Of course they understood that he would naturally put his most efforts into his own daughter, but rumors circulated about the kind of instructor he had become. Seeing Karai in action reinstated their confidence in making Saki leader. They had chosen wisely, and young Karai would carry out his legacy.

Even though Karai had earned their confidence in a matter of months, her stay would last two years. During this time, the young Kunoichi soaked up the Japanese culture and everything she could about her clan's founders. Two years seemed like an eternity when you yearned to return home, and your heart became heavy with the grief of missing your father. When the rumors of her father's condition, and this new threat that rivaled her clan, Karai was quick to make the decision to return home. The elders agreed, they had nothing more that they could teach her and it seemed that her presence  was needed elsewhere. If Saki's condition was deteriorating, they had confidence in Karai's ability to take over. The time was close at hand.

Even though the Foot's private jet made excellent time, the trip was still long and tiring. Aside from the pilot, two of the Japanese branch's soldiers had accompanied the young woman on this trip, to make sure that she was kept comfortable. They were dressed in their Foot uniforms, minus their masks. Karai was dressed in a beautiful black kimono with slits up either side of her legs, stopping just below her hips. Seeing the woman out of her uniform was new to them. The Shredder's heir was beautiful in her uniform, but now she was gorgeous. The mens attempts at small talk had been dismissed because the young woman had no interest in discussing movies and the latest big names in entertainment. Such things were trivial and boring to her. Her lack of socialization did little to alleviate the myth of her hardness, but Karai wasn't interested in winning any popularity contests, or making friends with two soldiers that she would probably never see again after today. Besides, her mind was too laden with the heaviness of what would await her back home. This new rumored threat that seemed to be meddling in her father's affairs.

The alleged threats could be taken care of with her katana, but there was a more pressing issue that required a more delicate and loving approach. Her father. If the rumors were true, how would she deal with it? Saki had always been her 'rock'; her foundation. To know that it was crumbling brought forth emotions that she wished not to deal with, but like any other challenge placed before her-- she wouldn't back down.

Once the jet touched down on the Foot's aircraft bay, the soldiers grabbed Karai's luggage and assisted the woman into the massive Tower. It wasn't as large as the one they served in Japan, but it was quite impressive. It was obvious by the gold plated door knobs and breath-taking interior that Saki was doing well for himself. Taking several elevators, Karai was inwardly excited to finally set eyes on her room. She led the two soldiers to the door and instructed them to leave her bags just outside the room. No man, other than her father, had ever stepped foot into her room. She wasn't about to let that rule be broken now, no matter how kind the two had been. The Kunoichi dismissed them with an unexpected 'thank you', then she headed inside to freshen up.

Moments later Karai stepped out of her sanctuary, still adorning the beautiful black kimono and laced heels that made her a little taller. Normally she would be in her GI, but tonight was special. She would be seeing her father for the first time in two years. Hardened by her years of rigorous training and the responsibilities that had been placed upon her at a young age, this feeling of excitement was a rarity to her and on the inside she felt like a small child that had been lost for too long and was finally being reunited with the man that hung the moon. The man that had not comforted her from nightmares, but taught her how to conquer them. The man that had kissed away her first tears, and then taught her how to hide emotions that the enemies would view as weakness. To many, he was a ruthless monster.. but Karai knew a different side of him. He was her father, and now she was here to aid him if the rumors of his illness were true.

It seemed that no one was expecting her return. Her presence earned genuine looks of shock and respectful bows. Two years had passed, and now Karai was a young woman and even out of uniform, the air that surrounded her was powerful.

"I am looking for my father." She told a young ninja when he offered his assistance.

"Lady Karai. What an honor. He waits for you in the garden." The man told her, not daring to look up from his deep bow.

It was obvious that her father had been informed the moment the impressive metallic jet had touched down, and was now waiting for her. With a slight nod, Karai headed to the elevator that would deliver her to the beautiful garden that her father had created on the roof of one of the towers. The moment she stepped off the elevator, she saw him. His back was turned to her and he was gazing off into the distance. The sight of him made her chest swell and the emotions that she had been taught to control were making themselves known. Happy tears burned at the backs of her eyes, but she dared not to let them fall...
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyMon Sep 29, 2014 10:22 pm

Oroku Saki had been anticipating the arrival of his daughter, Karai. It had been two whole years since Karai was last seen in the United States, let alone with Saki at all. So the anxiousness and anticipation was rather overwhelming. He had been her father for several years now and the two had formed a very unique bond as father and daughter. One must understand that Saki 'lifted' her from her real family when she was but a child; a baby even. Karai remained blissfully unaware of this truth and Saki kept it that way for a very good reason: to protect her. To protect her from vicious lies.

The tower was well-decorated, one of the tallest buildings in New York and easily one of the most recognizable. Many thought its owner to be a but a wealthy entrepreneur with good business ventures and even better partners. Saki never made an attempt to dissuade them otherwise. His nice lavish suits, expensive sunglasses, shoes that equal one car payment to most; he was living his life luxuriously. Karai was not aware of his rich lifestyle and would probably be shocked upon her arrival. To his daughter, Oroku Saki would always be the infamous Shredder, a being of immense power and respect.

But such wealth caused for a lot of media attention. The press hardly left him alone for a moment to recuperate from a long day's work. Being wealthy and recognized in the city was not always the 'dream life'. Often it would be considered a nightmare. Saki took to this 'paparazzi' way of living rather well and didn't let it hinder his true career as a professional assassin and underground crime lord. The city remained oblivious to the fact that Saki was the notorious Shredder, leader of the criminal organization known as The Foot Clan that was taking the city by storm. They were truly a force of nature.

Then again, he couldn't complain. This 'Jekyll & Hyde' routine was a job all in its own but it afforded him wealth, respect, credibility and most importantly power.

The butler of the tower, and head groundskeeper, stepped out of the elevator to inform his boss that Karai had arrived on American soil by private jet. It left the elder Oroku feeling giddy deep within his dark soul. He was anxious. How would she look since he last laid eyes on her? How had she grown since then? Did she find a man with whom to call her own? The latter seemed unlikely. Karai was not exactly known for being flirtatious or promiscuous with those of the male variety. Besides, Saki would not approve of the wrong man for his little blossom. But that was obvious.

After Saki gave an assuring nod, the butler bowed. He kept his head lowered for several moments and refused to make direct eye contact as Saki was a most frightening man even when not in an ill mood. The butler made his way back down to the ground floor. It took only a few minutes before Karai had ascended to his rooftop garden. Saki, dressed in a very beautiful dark gray and black dress suit, black and maroon tie with a dragon design on its length, stood facing the garden. In his spare time, Saki loved taking care of his personal garden. He had picked a flower just for her.

Once he was alerted to her presence, Saki turned. A smirk adorned his rugged and experienced features as he slowly approached his daughter. His daughter. What a fool Yoshi was. "My daughter... You look beautiful! You've grown so nicely. You... You look a lot like your mother, you know. She would be proud.", Saki grinned. He wanted to make her feel invited, as this was as much her home as it was his own. Slowly, his hand moved out to her with the flower gently placed before her. "Lily of the Valley, one of the rarest flowers. It signifies a return to happiness. It symbolizes your return... to me. Welcome home, Karai."
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyTue Sep 30, 2014 1:27 am

When her father finally turned, it took everything Karai had not to rush to him. The young woman was trying to steady her emotions as she drew close, taking in his every feature as if seeing him for the first time. If appearances were any indication, her father was faring well. There was nothing to indicate some crippling illness, but then again, mental instability was as stealthy as the Elite. Perhaps it would take time to show itself, but Karai was clinging to the hope that the rumors had been nothing but just that, gossip of those with too much time on their hands, and an itch to start chaos.

A smile stretched across her beautiful lips as she drew closer, a quickness in her walk despite her best attempts to be reserved. But all of that  quickly went out the window and for now, she wasn't a seasoned assassin or the heir with so many responsibilities. She was a daughter who loved her father as much as humanly possible. "Father.." She breathed, finally closing the distance. His compliments nearly brought forth the tears that she had been fighting so hard to keep at bay, especially when he mentioned how she looked like her mother and that she would be proud.

Wanting nothing more than to hug him, Karai paused to take the beautiful lily that he had picked just for her. She knew of its rarity, but its meaning touched her. He simply amazed her with his vast knowledge in every single aspect and she hoped that someday she would be as wise as him. The young kunoichi held the delicate flower protectively in one hand as she finally wrapped her arms around her father's neck, hugging him tightly. The embrace conveyed all of her emotions beautifully, and spoke silent volumes of just how much she had missed him. How much she loved and adored this man.

"I have missed you.. She told him, a silent tear finally sliding down her cheek and as soon as she was able to reluctantly release him from her embrace, she quickly wiped it away. A tender kiss was pressed against each cheek, then she gingerly caressed his face. "You look well." She told him, sparing him a smile. "And I see that you have done very well for yourself." She commented, having noticed the lavish changes that had been made around the tower, and the beautiful suit he was wearing. Sure, her father was wealthy before, but things had advanced. They certainly had a lot to catch up on.  

Karai finally took a moment to appreciate the sweet scent of the beautiful flower, a contented smile radiating on her features. It was a side of Karai that very few would ever see, just like this hidden side of her father. Around each other, they had the freedom to express their more lighter sides. Her beautiful eyes shifted to meet his gaze. "How have you been?"
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyTue Sep 30, 2014 7:34 pm

"Father", she said. That word... It caused his scowl to vanish completely and wipe away any anger that once lived there. For the time being, of course. But truth be told his scowl hadn't remained since her return. But it was good that it would seemingly stay that way. Karai being there with him made owning such a tower all worthwhile. His wealth, his power, his success - it was all his own doing, of course. But having a daughter there by his side made accepting such a powerful lifestyle much easier. Karai was easy to take care of and raise for she never stepped out of line.

Sure, the occasional mistake and accidental failure did present itself to be certain. More than he would like it to. But at least she tried. At least she was persistent and attempted to execute everything with even the slightest form of perfection. However, today was not to reminisce on times' past. It was a moment of happiness, for both of them. This was a time to look ahead and see what the future held for either of them. She was Oroku, and that meant a lot more than even she thought.

A single tear strolled down her near-perfect complexion and Saki cocked his head to the side. He wasn't sure what to do or how to feel. It meant so much to him. She meant so much to him.

"I see you still have yet to conquer your emotions. And yes, I am quite fine. How was I supposed to look?", Saki jokingly asked his daughter. It was unusual how she stated that sentence. How it was delivered sounded so odd. But Saki chose to ignore it for now. New York was their oyster so long as she remained with him in this tower. After all, a father had to treat his daughter after a two-year absence. Though he brought up her emotional state, Saki remained unaware of his own until his stomach began to well up and his body reminded him that it was okay to 'feel'. So much emotional overwhelming them both.

Truly, it was a rare event to see either of the Orokus showing anything other than stoic determination and anger. He slowly lifted his left hand to caress his daughter's soft cheek. She had noticeably wiped the tear away already but Saki cupped her chin in his gentle palm and smiled down at her. "I've missed you more, Karai. It's so good to have you back where you belong. With me, with the clan. I built this empire not only for myself as a sign of my power and success... But for you as well. This empire, when I am gone, it will belong to you. My daughter.", the overwhelmed master reassured her. It would be hers, all of it.

"I've been well. As you can probably imagine!", he chuckled slightly and playfully to her. His hand moved down to her shoulder and gently gripped it as they soon embraced one another. "It feels so good having you back, Karai. We have so much to discuss! How was your training? Sometime you'll have to show me how you've improved, if you think you're strong enough...", he teased playfully. Of course Karai was strong. She was an Oroku, none were weak in his family. Memories of Nagi still haunted him. They mocked him to be stronger than his brother, to honor him by killing the turtles and their Sensei. But what haunted Karai?
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyWed Oct 01, 2014 12:39 am

Karai had been hoping that her father had not witnessed the tear that managed to break her attempts, but that had not been the case. He commented on the fact that she had yet to master her emotions and she responded with a slight nod, embarrassed at her slight failure. He didn't seem disappointed, however and his question startled her a little. Had its intent been too obvious? Had it not been casual enough? Naturally Karai would not just come out and ask him if he was feeling unwell. No. That would be offensive, even to her own ears. At least he seemed to play it off in a joking manner.

"It has been two years, father." She reminded him. "Perhaps not a significant amount of time in the grand scheme of things, but each day passes like an eternity when you yearn to return home. It feels like I have been away for decades, so perhaps I was expecting to see a very old man." She lightly returned his teasing.

His tender caress was a welcomed feeling and she savored the sweet moment. These instances happened so scarcely in her life, and her father was the only one granted permission to touch her in such a way. She enjoyed it for as long as it lasted, because these moments certainly never happened enough. Perhaps that's what made them so special. The young woman listened on as he spoke of the empire that would one day be hers, the moment he was gone. The only thing that she could think of in all that is that he would no longer be at her side, to see her succeed, but Karai would do her best and make him proud. It felt good seeing him in such a light mood and she knew that he needed more moments like these. Away from the throne and the responsibilities of his growing empire. They both needed it.

Karai hugged him again and when she was finally able to release him, she walked with him along the beautifully paved trails. Her father had done such an amazing job with this sanctuary, but that didn't surprise her. Oroku Saki failed at nothing.  Their travels led them to the beautiful koi pond and Karai sat on the bench that her father had placed here for good reason. Watching the fish was therapeutic and she knew it was the whole garden's reason for existing. A small smile hinted at her lips when he mentioned her training and that she would soon have to show him how she had improved, if she was strong enough. "It is your training that made me strong enough." She told him with a look of gratitude. "But yes, I am strong enough. I excelled further than most of the elders. They were impressed, not only with myself but with you as well." She told her father. "Perhaps soon I can show you how I have grown." She added with a fond smile.

Karai was thoughtful for a moment, thinking back to his earlier comment. They had much to discuss, and indeed that was the case. But there was one pressing matter that forced itself to the forefront of her mind. "I have been informed of a potential threat that has been targeting our Foot and the Dragons. Has there been any leads on the ones responsible?"[/color]
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyThu Oct 02, 2014 10:25 pm

Saki found this therapeutic on its own. Being with Karai, showering her with smiles and a happiness that had not been emitted from him in many years. He was a strict father, yes, but he loved his daughter, no matter her true bloodline. Karai would always be considered his daughter; and that was fine with him. It was all she needed to believe. No one else had a clue to where she had come from. Though Saki had no problem telling the elders up front what he had done and to whom, Karai was still his. She would remain his so long as he still drew breath. Who would take her away from him? Yoshi? The rat-mutant? It entertained his thoughts.

But no, not even a mutant would rip her from his loving grasp. Karai would never leave his side and the reason for that was because they loved one another as any father could ever love his daughter. He was protective of her. To Saki, she was a delicacy that no one was good enough to even glance at, let alone touch. Karai was not fond of human contact anyway and that made his job as an overprotective father that much easier. She often taught the boys who would give her those sexually-implied looks that her body was not up for grabs. That made him proud. It made him proud because she knew her place in the world and it was not with commoners.

Silly idiots. Saki chuckled when Karai mentioned that he was aging, questioning his own presence. It was the small things that he enjoyed with Karai. This, just talking. Sharing times that they had lost in most of her childhood because he trained her to be a perfect killing weapon. To slice as swiftly as any blade, deeper than any cut. Saki had transformed his own adopted daughter into his very own personal assassin. If only Tang Shen could see her child now...

"Oh? You thought that upon your return I would roll out of the elevator in my wheelchair to greet you? Approach you with an antique, wooden cane?", he teased. But even the invincible could be broken. He knew that. Someday, Saki would accept that and never look back. But those days were far, far away now. His skills still translated into him being a top adversary for any known rival and enemy who dared step in his way. Still the strong one. "Good to know I can still surprise you.", Saki admitted with a smile. Karai was but a beautiful child when he first made her laugh. Her cackle was hypnotic in her crib years.

Soon, they had wandered over to his personal koi pond which was inhabited by the fish and a few others. A frog croaked at him as it sat on a lily pad. Saki glared at it, the frog glaring back at him as if it were challenging him to a staredown. His smile became a scowl as he saw nothing but a mutant turtle staring at him. Thankfully, Karai happened to be speaking at that point in time and pulled him away from it. His reflection had shown him nothing but a bitter conqueror - The Shredder. Saki shook it out of his mind and smiled at his daughter once more. "Karai, I have no doubt that you have blossomed into a seasoned warrior. Just like myself. It was always my intention for you to become something great!"

Saki paused for a moment. Their embrace had him thinking back to when she was but a little girl of seven, running up to him and hugging his legs. Her tiny, little hands gripping him from behind and begging him not to go in his private helicopter. She wanted to play Castle again but Saki had business to attend to. And as if being dropped smack-dab in the middle of that once again, Karai mentioned business. It was inevitable. It was as inevitable as his own guilty conscience for having ripped her from her loving family only to turn her into an obedient killing machine. Was it even worth it? Saki started to doubt his decision back then but it was too late now.

"Ah, so I see word spreads fast among the clan even still. Yes, we've had some slight trouble with a group of... Well, mutants. Their fighting skills are rivaled only by my own. From what I could tell, my enemy trained them in his old style. The Hamato style. The same style that killed my older brother, Nagi.", Saki commented on the band of brothers as he slowly shifted his gaze over to Karai. That smile had faded. That happiness was gone. "No leads yet as to where they are. I sent one of my top soldiers out to locate them but to no avail. We are still working to find them. Why so interested?", Saki confronted with his own curiosity. Therapeutic, yes... But still a long day ahead.
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptySun Oct 05, 2014 1:13 pm

How Karai enjoyed these light moments with her Father and cherished them while they lasted. She knew all too soon it would be back to business as usual and duty would take priority as it usually did. His comment about the wheelchair earned a light chuckle from the young Kunoichi. Something that perhaps no one else knew about 'The Shredder', he did have quite the sense of humor.

"I cannot foresee a day when you will ever cease to surprise me, Father." She told him, a soft smile adorning her beautiful features. The moonlight cast her in a heavenly illumination that presented her as more than a hardened warrior. It seemed appropriate considering that in this moment, she was completely stripped of her role as a seasoned killer. Her gaze drifted to the Koi pond, watching the large fish swim around their domain, knowing that the Master was close. The animals adored him, knowing that he was the provider of food. If only all of his ninja were so 'thankful'.

The proud daughter noticed that her father's glare seemed to be holding a large frog beneath its scrutiny. Perhaps its loud call was annoying to him, but Karai hardly considered it as such. What funny little creatures the amphibians were. Their clumsy little bodies and those 'puppy dog eyes' fixated to the tops of their skulls like little aliens. Karai had no way of knowing that the creature reminded him of the Mutants that were starting to interfere with his plans. The clan of his sworn enemy.

She listened with deep intensity as her Father explained these new enemies, and how they fought in the style of the one responsible for slaying her 'uncle'. Then he asked why she was so interested... buy why wouldn't she be? If they were causing her father grief, then something needed to be done.

"If they are a threat to you, then they certainly have my full 'interest'." She told him, pulling her gaze from the beauty of the pond and fixating on him. "I thought the one responsible had met his end..." But if these creatures had been taught in his style, then apparently that wasn't the case. "Perhaps your top soldier is incompetent." The Kunoichi in her stated boldly. She understood that her Father was very careful about those he considered higher ups, but Karai was skeptical by nature. "Perhaps this is a task that I should oversee." She told him. "Never send a man to do a Kunoichi's job.." She teased. But there was more to this. Indeed, this was a family matter.
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptySun Oct 05, 2014 10:33 pm

Oh, how Saki entertained himself with these lighthearted moments. His enemies would never suspect that the great 'Master Shredder' could also be a casual type of guy, one who enjoyed talking with his daughter. One who enjoyed the finer things in life. Admiring ponds, star-gazing and even more so watching the 'blood moon' and the solar eclipse when they crept upon the city. But most people did not enjoy those things. To the common person, such beauties were ignored and forgotten about like yesterday's trash. But Oroku Saki loved watching a blood moon take precedent over the blackened sky. It was much like his meteoric rise to prominence.

Nevertheless, Saki also enjoyed listening to his daughter as they shared a very rare moment in their lives. Spending time with Karai was something he never truly managed once he became the most notorious enemy across New York. The Foot Clan were always his top priority and that often shifted his attention to their dealings and shady business ventures rather than spend time with his only daughter. Karai was adopted, sure, but to this business demon she was his, and only his! Hamato Yoshi was a fool. He didn't even know what these creatures looked like. One of his loyal ninja had spotted a glimpse of one of them but that was it.

Just a glance. A quick glimpse of what the ninja had referred to as 'a giant turtle'. This 'giant turtle' knew Ninjutsu because it laid waste to many of his soldiers and humiliated the Foot Clan singlehandedly - but with was all presumed. Saki just went by what one of his own men explained to him before he was left with one less finger for his failures. But Saki was generous; he let the fool live to see another day.

Saki smiled. "These creatures are no threat to me. They haven't yet located me or stumbled across my empire. I can't say the same for our Foot ninja, of course...", he humbly regretted in his tone. It was obvious that his Foot ninja have failed him an awful lot lately. Lazarus and a few of the others had been rumored to be starting some sort of revolt against the clan. Rumors of the clan not being what they had expected. A shame, really. Saki folded his hands behind his back and stared intently at Karai. "You wish to lead my men, Karai? I do believe they would fawn over you more than they would listen to your commands. I have my doubts about such a thing, dear daughter. But perhaps there is something you can do for our organization. These turtles... ", he sighed.

"I want to know more about them. About who trained them. If Yoshi survived that night then he will be back for vengeance. I will give him the opportunity. A fight to the death against The Shredder!", Saki proudly announced to his daughter. Fear was not an option. Weakness was not an option. Mercy was for the weak. All teachings from Shredder himself. Teachings he, himself, followed on a day-to-day basis. It was a way of life. His announcement probably came as a surprise to Karai but what did she expect? His arch enemy was, questionably, still alive. Saki knew that it would come down to her finding out the truth. He just couldn't let that happen. Not for all the power in the world. Well... Maybe.
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyTue Oct 07, 2014 11:38 am

Well it seemed that this new rumored clan had not posed a threat as of yet, but if they were sworn enemies, Karai knew it was simply a matter of time before that happened. It was best to get to the bottom of this before it became out of hand. Keep the small things small. Karai would assist in any way she could, but it seemed that her Father had little faith in her ability to lead a group of his men on this quest. Of course it seemed he had lack of confidence in his men's ability to focus with a woman of her beauty in charge, but Karai took it as a form of dejection.

"After a broken arm or two, they would learn to listen." She decided to play it off, even managing a hint of a smile. Of course Karai had her ways of grabbing the attention of the unfocused. That same 'tough love' had been applied to those foolish enough to drool rather than listen back in Japan. She would spare no mercy to those that wouldn't take her seriously. Still, she would not argue this point, not with her Father. Perhaps this was a task best executed on her own. Besides, Karai had always worked best when left to her own devices.

Hearing her father boast about Yoshi's final battle with 'The Shredder' did catch her off guard. How quickly his tone changed was noticeable, but she quickly played down her shock. It could have been seen as a bout of his rumored madness leaking through, But Karai refused to see it as such. Her father was just reacting as anyone would if given the chance to right the wrongs.. but that pride in his tone... once again, the young kunoichi shook it off.

"Then, you can count on me to retrieve this information, Father. If Yoshi still breathes, I will find out. I will also gather what information I can about his followers."
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyTue Oct 07, 2014 6:32 pm

Saki smiled at his daughter's aggressive behavior and tenacity. She would force his men to listen to her and follow her commands? He did that on a daily basis. Though, admittedly, some were more willing to do so without being asked more than once. It wasn't a request, it was a direct order. The Foot were compiled of some of the world's top amateurs who only started to come into prominence because of him. Because of his good nature. Karai seemed intent on helping him and deep down Saki knew the right thing to tell her; what a father should tell his daughter. But for some reason his better judgment as a Master kicked in and he could not ignore it. Karai was strong, no doubt about that. Being an Oroku, that was expected of her. Even so.

"You seem so eager to help. What's on your mind, musume? You look troubled. Trust me, I know that state of mind better than most.", Saki asked as a father would his child. Karai was physically dedicated and devoted, but mentally? She seemed an entirely different person. It was not very pleasant seeing her in such a light but perhaps it was all in his mind. Rumors had started about Saki's own mentality, with many attributing his obsession of power to the decrease in the Foot ranks as of late. But perhaps it was all just a big coincidence. After all, where else would these outsiders go? Who would take them in? They were at a disadvantage of their own out there. Such foolishness would certainly be punishable by death if he ever came across them again.

Hamato Miwa... That was Karai's birth name. A shame Yoshi would never get a chance to address her as such so long as Saki drew breath. However, Saki began to question his daughter's loyalty once she agreed to do as he had asked. Just something about it that seemed odd and unusual. Was she truly trustworthy to do what was necessary? If presented with the opportunity would she take it? She had to. There was no other choice. Regardless, if his enemies figured out who Karai truly was would she still remain loyal to her one true father? The man that raised her when she was but a toddler? Her loyalty would be tested when the time came. There was no way to be certain. As much as he wanted to believe it, could he trust her?

Saki simply lifted his left hand and ran it over her silk-like black hair and cupped her chin to gently lift her gaze upward to stare into her father's bold eyes. His brown hues were full of visions of a child he helped raise, helped blossom into a warrior. A young woman that he loved with all of his heart. "Of course you will, Karai. I have no doubt that your recent skills and talents will serve our clan well. Trust is an easy word to misinterpret and abuse in dire times. I'm glad I can trust you to do what needs to be done.", the Master remarked with a small smile. The kind of smile that seemed more like a test of will than an actual gesture. Karai was a noble warrior with the skills of the ancient masters. She would prove him right and destroy everything their enemies stand for.

Even if it means suffering casualties. A war is raging, not just outside of the tower but inside of the man waging it within himself. Torn between being a good father and making up lost time, and being the conqueror this world needs. Perhaps his own loyalty would be tested. When that day comes, he will be prepared.

*Translation: musume-daughter
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

Posts : 89
Join date : 2014-09-23
Age : 28
Location : The Foot Tower

Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyWed Oct 08, 2014 9:44 pm

"You seem so eager to help. What's on your mind, musume? You look troubled. Trust me, I know that state of mind better than most."

Sometimes Karai feared that her father could read her thoughts. Not that she had anything to hide, but hearing of the rumors and trying to establish how much truth were in them felt like treachery in a sense. The fact that he could see that she was troubled made her slightly uneasy. So much so that a response wouldn't come right away. Still, a soft smile finally found her features as she visibly tried to reassure him that his assumptions were nothing of concern. " It is nothing, Father." She told him, because there was no way she would tell him of those rumors. The whispers of his instability and the doubts that but  few had in his ability to continue leadership. She knew the reins to his empire was something that would have to be pried from his cold dead fingers, and she would defend him until the end.

Karai's soft smile grew as he ran his hand down her silky hair, savoring every moment  of this time that would be too short. Such gestures were reserved only for him and no one dared to touch her in such a way. Even after her two year absence, it seemed that everyone remembered that she was to be respected and feared. Obviously the tales of the Shredder's Daughter had reached even the newest recruits, for she had received their respect the moment she had walked through the halls of the Tower for the first time in years.

"Of course you will, Karai. I have no doubt that your recent skills and talents will serve our clan well. Trust is an easy word to misinterpret and abuse in dire times. I'm glad I can trust you to do what needs to be done."

Indeed, her Father could trust her. Though, Karai couldn't help but notice the smile that seemed to hold more than just his confidence. Perhaps it was nothing more than her earlier unease that he had seemed to pick up on the fact that something was troubling her. One thing could certainly be said about Oroku Saki, his mind was still as sharp as a tack. If there was some mental insanity at work here, it had left that part of his brain untouched. "There will never come a day when you cannot trust me, Father." She assured him, giving his wrist a light, reassuring squeeze. "I will do what needs to be done. I know that you have dealt with your share of disappointments as of late, but I will not let you down." Only time would tell if she could live up to such a tall claim, but her whole life Karai's number one focus was to make him proud, but never had she been placed in a position where her moral code would conflict that goal...
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Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki]   Like Father, Like Daughter [Tag: Oroku Saki] EmptyFri Oct 10, 2014 6:01 pm

Karai reassured her father that trust was not an issue. That she would stop the turtles and every enemy to come the clan's way, if need be. Karai was always good for her word and Saki acknowledged this. He could tell that she was dedicated, no - determined - to make the Foot Clan proud in her. That was a mighty weight to be holding on oneself but he had no doubt that his daughter could handle it. She was often the first to request some 'field action', more than the others. They were all loyal, but to what extent? Did they have a certain limit? A line that they could not cross, no matter what? This concerned Saki, who prided himself by his handiwork; by the clan. The Foot were his brainchild. His ultimate plan.

But Karai held a certain devotion to them. Her word was often her bond. Never did she intentionally fail or disappoint on any level. However, she was only human. Her emotions could very easily affect her professionalism on the field of battle. Exposing her heart and morality could cost Shredder his empire and his reputation. But she hadn't failed him before. Not intentionally. Always something else, there was always something in the way of their progress. Their achievements always ran into some sort of roadblock, figuratively speaking. Karai was always good at hiding her true emotions from him. Sure, he could pinpoint particular mannerisms to alert him of an issue but Karai was very good at concealing her feelings. She had become a pro.

At her reassurance, Saki smiled. It was a soft and warm expression that rarely ever adorned his visage. "I know you won't. You've never let me down before, my daughter. But I'm fully aware of your code.", he sharply revealed with a slow turn of his head. "Promise me something, Karai. Promise me... That no matter what, you will end their lives even if they beg for your mercy. I want to know that I can count on my warrior, as well as my daughter.", Saki commanded with a heavy voice. So long as she could give him that promise, there would be no problems. Saki just wanted to hear her say it. It would mean more to him if she could promise it rather than him just assuming her loyalty. It would make better sense.

Before either of them could conclude, Saki's butler silently barged through and leaned into the master's ear to whisper inaudible information. A sadistic smile curled his features as Saki gave the butler a respectful bow and sent him on his way. He glanced over at Karai and shifted his head to one side, hands still behind his back. His dark eyes were staring directly into the windows to her very soul. Saki had mastered such tricks in his spare time. "It was great seeing you again, Karai. We still have plenty to catch up on, so, why don't you get one of my men to show you to your room for rest. I'm sure the comfort would feel inviting this evening. Perhaps we could catch up tomorrow. I have business to attend to. One of the many delights of the businessman, you know...", he joked half-heartedly.

Saki leaned in and gave his daughter a kiss on her soft cheek and bid her farewell for the evening. Apparently, business had to come first. It always did. Be it Saki, her father, or the malevolent Shredder there was always some business to handle. In just a few moments he had obscured from her view. Saki was heading up to his office where the 'business' could be handled. Who? What kind? That remained unknown. But for the time being, it was a 'need to know' situation; and no one needed to know. Not yet.

Exit: Saki; End?
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