| Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) | |
+3Leonardo Hamato Casey Jones Master Splinter 7 posters |
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Michelangelo Hamato Canon
Posts : 565 Join date : 2014-09-18 Age : 25 Location : Hogwarts!
| Subject: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sat Sep 24, 2016 9:01 pm | |
| Finally it was his turn to drive!!
The last leg of the journey, the farmhouse ahead of them, behind city living all its noise and fuss.
So far the trip had been far to quiet, all those traveling with him engaged in their own thoughts or things and Mikey too, having been absorbed in reading. A book.
Yes an actual book! Look he read from time to time!! And it was not all superheroes and capes, this one something crimey. And he was half way through pages loaded with intrigue. Hardly having noticed whilst living this written life in the paragraphs of the head investigators footsteps and trials to find a cold killer that the turtle van was a sanctity of peace and quiet.
It was time to ruin that!
He grins and reaches for the volume button turning it all the way down before pressing the buttons beside it to scan for radio station, all the way out here there had to be good loud country music type channels right?
Aha the lighted dial let him see the flicking numbers had stopped and he grins hoping when he turned it up loud it was a song -
It was even better than that... It was a song he knew!!
And so loudly he joined in - "I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE MAN!!" | |
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Leonardo Hamato Canon
Posts : 500 Join date : 2014-08-25 Age : 28 Location : Underground
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:00 pm | |
| Leo was the first one to get behind the wheel on the way to the farm, so his time driving had been over for a while. As much as he liked to be in control of all things all the time, he was happy to have someone else take the wheel so he could sit (shot gun of course) and relax on the ride to the farm.
When it was Mike's turn to drive Leo casually tested his seat belt. Knowing all was safe he sat up a little straighter just to pay a bit more attention to the road. In case. Mike did get distracted easily after all.
Of course the radio soon came on, a bit too loud for Leo and he was quick to turn the volume down.
If only he could turn the volume of his brother down.
Mike! Driver focuses on the road, not his american Idol audition. | |
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Michelangelo Hamato Canon
Posts : 565 Join date : 2014-09-18 Age : 25 Location : Hogwarts!
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sat Oct 01, 2016 10:56 pm | |
| "A good driver bro -" Mikey counters making a point to stressed the word good driver with a whole amount of teasing in his tone. "and a good ninja -" Again possibly heading for a smack upside the head with his cheek. "Can multitask. That is drive like a pro annnnd get ready to rock the stage with his incredible voice."
Oh yeah!
He ws looking forward to the freedom of the farm house. outside during the day, soaking up sun! | |
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Master Splinter Canon
Posts : 211 Join date : 2014-09-30 Age : 54
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:08 pm | |
| He had been napping.
Sometime during the trip after their last stop pulled over off the road behind bushes to avoid as much detection as possible and to take care of natures calls and a chance to eat some sandwiches - he had resume his meditating and found instead he had sometime during it gone to sleep. Up until then he had just quietly been enjoying rare quiet and the scenery then meditating.
So he was a bit of a grump when he was startled awake by Michelangelo's sudden musical foray and very loud singing - glad when Leonardo turned the radio down.
"Well multitask at a lower volume." He grumps ears turning towards the two sons in the front. Stretching his legs a little knowing at the least they were not too long away from the farm house and it meant a hot tea! | |
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Casey Jones Canon
Posts : 101 Join date : 2015-03-06 Age : 35 Location : Look down
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:33 am | |
| Ooooh music - from behind the Bikes magazine he was still buried in, about a third of the way throughCasey hums and taps his foot - singing along with the music and Mikey. though it was not until the volume went down that it was revealed Casey was NOT signing the family friendly version. "I've used every swear man, I've used every swear... across the desert fair annnd, In the mountain air man, cause I don't mind lookin crazed maaaan - I've used every swear..." Still singing and foot tapping and wonderfully oblivious to the fact he could be heard.
"I've used mother fucker, cock sucker, asshole, shit -" and on and on... | |
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April O'Neil Canon
Posts : 340 Join date : 2014-09-15 Age : 32 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:46 am | |
| So much for the peace of the ride!
There she had been deciding to just ignore Mikey and the sudden blare of music and singing.
And was just agreeing inwardly with Leo and Master Splinter a small chuckle still watching the scenery go past out the window. And now...
Some other singing caught her attention. And it took a few moments before she realized it was Casey. And just what he was singing!
"Casey! - oh my Gandalf!" she laughs reaching over to lightly smack his knee to catch his attention and hopefully stop that very very crude version of the old Cash song.
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Angel Bridge
Posts : 85 Join date : 2015-04-18 Age : 27 Location : Disturbia
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:50 am | |
| Popping a bubble as snorts of laughter made her shake in her seat Angel grins. "Yeah Casey should not say such things in front of Mikey." she chides moving her gum to blow another bubble - she was in the very back of the old party van her knees up on the seat ahead and sunk down in her seat.
Though a wink and she adds. "though you are sooo telling me how to find that version on the tunes." She informs - it would be her first time out to the farm house. she was looking forward to a change of pace. | |
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Leonardo Hamato Canon
Posts : 500 Join date : 2014-08-25 Age : 28 Location : Underground
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sun Oct 09, 2016 5:00 am | |
| Casey! Leo turned back wide eyed at their human friend. Language. Please. Angel, do not encourage him. Man he was sounding like those dads on TV, one step away from threatening to turn the van around!
Leo reached out and not only turned down the radio, but put in his on CD as well. A few seconds later the sweet, sweet tunes of Electro Swing music poured from the speakers.
Much better. | |
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Donatello Hamato Canon
Posts : 407 Join date : 2014-08-27 Age : 26 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Mon Oct 17, 2016 11:47 pm | |
| Donatello had taken his turn in driving early on and now he was just relaxing in the back. At least he was trying to, but with Mikey - Mr. ADHD - behind the wheel made him a bit nervous. He didn't even know he was gripping the seat tightly until he nearly jumped out of it when the music started blaring through the speakers.
"Mikey!" Don shouted, having to yell over the noise, but then soon Leo took matters into his own hands and turned the music down. He flashed his brother in the driver's seat a small glare into the rear-view mirror.
"Please be mindful of the others in the back of this vehicle - especially since the speakers are back here."
At least one good thing came out of being in the back and that was Mikey's voice wasn't quite as irritating. Not as much as it would be for whoever was riding shotgun, anyway. He relaxed back in the seat after the noise was brought down and something more mellow was pouring out of the speakers. | |
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Michelangelo Hamato Canon
Posts : 565 Join date : 2014-09-18 Age : 25 Location : Hogwarts!
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:13 am | |
| "Ohhhh come on Leo - this stuff is sooooo olllld." Mikey taunts playfully. Making sure to poke his tongue out at Donnie in the mirror. Shifting about restlessly int he drivers seat, the result behind the vehicle slightly bunny hopped as the accelerator was depressed and then let up a little when Mikey realized he was going well over the speed limit.
A chuckle and grin over a shoulder at Angel. "Yeah - and boot scooting boogey and nutbush and macarena and chicken dance and electric slid and cha cha... all those songs that are sooooo easy to dance too." He grins amused by Casey's foul mouthed version of Everywhere. The long legged lean dark girl had not been out to the farm before. A true city slicker this would be good for her as much as themselves he was sure.
True it was a bit of a pain all of them would not be there yet thanks to room in the car and someone needing to be on the home front for a while but still.
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Angel Bridge
Posts : 85 Join date : 2015-04-18 Age : 27 Location : Disturbia
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:57 am | |
| Chuckling still Angel shifts her backside, half numb in any case thanks to her position and carefully, between the gadgets and gizmos and the stuff Donatello always wore Her fingers brush shoulders. "You look a little tense Stretch," A friendly voice and playful tone in his ear hole and use of a nickname she bestowed rather recently. She was a tall girl, five nine but had come home to find her green friends had done the growing thing too - especially for most of them the height.
"Mmmm glad you recalled to pack the coffee. Sooooooo can I ask about all these new toys your wearing?" She adds a little tense herself with all this long riding about - she never was one of those people whom could shut off and go to sleep during long trips. She would watch out a window or listen to music or read or watch in travel entertainment or find some one to chat to or kids to entertain...
Anything. And right now the friendliness to Don as she considered something she had wanted to ask about all his tech gear.
If he wore it all... all the time. Some of it was all new to her. And she had not had much chance to ask him. In fact little time to catch up with each brother and Splinter as she wished to before they were all dragged off out to the farm. Well almost all. | |
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Master Splinter Canon
Posts : 211 Join date : 2014-09-30 Age : 54
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:26 pm | |
The occupants of th van were growing restless Splinter supposed and he grins, " that's enough Michelangelo the tunes are better then that racket you put on." voice low, amused by the teasing and chatter and seriously dry in the mouth! That tea could not be here soon enough!
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Casey Jones Canon
Posts : 101 Join date : 2015-03-06 Age : 35 Location : Look down
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:54 pm | |
| So absorbed in the far say place known only to those lost in reading of some type the vigilante man whom usually could not sit still for more than a few moments or concentrate on something for more than seconds unless it was an engine they were pulling apart or putting together he was quiet taken aback by Leo's admonishment and even started, " whhhhhhaaaaat ? Oh oh sorry man what was I singing?" truly un awareness just what version he had been singing.
Blinking towards Angel with a reluctant grin a hand dropping to Aprils and squeezing it. "sure Angel you can count on me..." leaning over to whisper to his fiery red haired woman, "scuse the French love." | |
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April O'Neil Canon
Posts : 340 Join date : 2014-09-15 Age : 32 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:25 pm | |
| Chuckling still April felt the squeeze and shook her head offering one back. "It is okay Casey - heard worse and it was in song..." she was thoroughly amused, kissing the big oafs cheek. But as usual tried to keep from overt affectionate public displays.
Because Casey was not the most comfortable with such things, and because she felt sometimes it was just teasing her green bros about the kind of affection that would not be simple or easy for them to find in this world. Not impossible but not easy.
This trek of the road lead around the back of the farm house for an easy drive into the barn, and also out of the way of the main highway and any busy farm folk still working. And she noted with interest the small lovely house further in the wilderness belonging to neighbors that usually traveled a lot had lights on. She would have to visit tomorrow or ...
More of when ever the farm house was refreshed after months of being shut up.
"Guys." She says to catch their attention - particularly Leonardo. "looks like our back neighbour here is home. I will try to ind out how long they are staying and stuff in a day or so but just be aware that some one is here. They should not be trouble though." Just so her green bros were aware. | |
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Leonardo Hamato Canon
Posts : 500 Join date : 2014-08-25 Age : 28 Location : Underground
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Sun Nov 27, 2016 7:31 pm | |
| Leo was pleased that most everyone agreed on his choice of music. He won this round! Sadly he wouldn't have this kind of control once they were at the cabin. He was sure that Mike would find the radio and blast whatever he wanted. But unlike being in a closed in space, Leo could simply leave the area and take a walk out into the woods.
He mostly ignored the other talk going on in the van until April spoke up about the neighbors.
He turned to look at her and nodded.
I'm sure it'll be fine. As long as no one gives them reason to come see what's going on...Mikey. Leo said as he gave his little brother a light, playful punch in the shoulder.
I Just can't wait to get out this van and stretch out my legs. Fall asleep in the grass under the sun. He would be a bit more careful with laying in the grass this time around. He remembered the last time he decided that was a good idea. By the time he felt the first bite. The ants had swarmed him! He shivered at the memory. | |
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Donatello Hamato Canon
Posts : 407 Join date : 2014-08-27 Age : 26 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Mon Nov 28, 2016 3:18 am | |
| The touch on his shoulder made Don turn around. He gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Angel. It's just that I think we're all feeling a bit restless right now. At least we'll be there approximately 22 minutes from now." And he had this particular route down to a science...as long as Mikey didn't take any wrong turns.
When Angel asked about his tech-pack, he was more than willing to tell her anything she wanted about it. In fact, he was glad she found such an interest in it. It certainly would pass the time. Shifting in his seat, he (very much in detail) told her what every piece of equipment did and how it worked.
And his distraction worked beautifully because they were finally at the farmhouse. Don was a bit surprised that Leo wasn't concerned about others being so close by. But, he let it go because he figured if Leo wasn't worried, then that was a good thing. He just wanted to get out of the van and stretch his legs. | |
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Michelangelo Hamato Canon
Posts : 565 Join date : 2014-09-18 Age : 25 Location : Hogwarts!
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Tue Nov 29, 2016 9:01 am | |
| Mikey was humming along - true Leo's music did not often sport the deep loud and random shouting, swearing or crazy ass lyrics but it was not to say Mikey did not listen and enjoy. He was a someone Donnie had called a music buff or overtly eclectic in his musical tastes. One week he'll be in love with a nineteen ninety nine musical chart hit the following something recorded on youtube once in some small corner of the world.
So he was happy enough Leo won the musical round for the last leg of the journey though he did wish for more noise. And was interested in getting Casey's version for his t phone. Though he would pursue that some moment he and the tall vigilante could steal away Donnie's laptop and down load it.
He was humming and so spaced partialy focused on the road he was surprised by Leo's light tap and sniggers at his own half startled small yip and jump in his seat. "Hey dude I am Mister NinjaTurtle Mikey. Those people wont ever know I was here." He crosses his heart.
That was not to say he would not of course sneak off to watch the people.
He sometimes enjoyed just checking out the neighbors here in the middle of nowhere farmland and hunting cabins and old ancient mining sites. He enjoyed spotting these humans going about their days - snatching glimpses of living different to the city life he knew. And his brothers knew that. Splinter new it. And so far whilst he may have come close to being spotted over the few years they had been coming out here none had caught him for sure.
It did amuse the turtle in orange though he may have sparked a resurgence in alien or bigfoot stories out here.
He slows once the tall old farm house comes into view, pulling slowly into the barn that was some dozen or so meters away from the main house. "You know those neighbors April?" He asks finally turning the van off. "And on that note we're here! Everyone out!" | |
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Master Splinter Canon
Posts : 211 Join date : 2014-09-30 Age : 54
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:14 am | |
| "Do as you need to April, thank you - it is appreciated. As long as they are no trouble I do not predict a need to change plans to do some country side training out here." He gives Leo a pointed look a little relaxing then he was responsible for ensuring the brothers with him got in some endurance running about here.
"But first..." He grins and unbuckles opening the side door nice and wide. "It is tea and relax time!.. You'll make sure Donatello the hot water service is going." He liked the hot hot water out here. Maybe some night a soaking bathe - maybe he could convince Angel and April to comb his fur for him afterwards?
Yeaaaah. That was a plan.
But not tonight. Tonight a good hot drink and claiming his small study converted room as his whilst here. Leaving the youngins to work off their travel squishies. | |
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Casey Jones Canon
Posts : 101 Join date : 2015-03-06 Age : 35 Location : Look down
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:41 am | |
| Casey perked up a lot as they stopped right behind the rat master in leaving the van and stretching once he had the space a glance at April though. "Will there be a dude there?" he asks, usually he was good but heck April was a beautiful woman and he knew that - and she could certainly upgrade on a big vigilante lug like himself.
So now and then he felt a tinge of unease about the idea of April possibly meeting handsome farming or ranger type dudes.
"I aam coming then!" he states without waiting for an answer moving to the back of the van and opening it to gather his equipment bag and April's suitcase. | |
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Angel Bridge
Posts : 85 Join date : 2015-04-18 Age : 27 Location : Disturbia
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:20 am | |
| Angel was intrigued. "You know man you are so freaky smart and clever." she praises Don at least the last bit of the ride was more interesting. A lot of the more technical descriptions sort of went over her head but Stretch was patient enough to dumb a lot of it down for her.
"I am definitely trying out your pea shooter some time when Mikey aint paying attention - annnd the drone." She warns him playfully, a kiss to cheek. "Thanks Stretch, it looks very cool." She grins and shifts waiting for more to exit the van so her way was clear. Chuckling when she heard Casey.
"If there is some sexy cowboy I want all details." She warns playfully just to tease the tall man some more. | |
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April O'Neil Canon
Posts : 340 Join date : 2014-09-15 Age : 32 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:04 am | |
| April rolled her eyes at Casey ignoring him for the moment but chuckling and ruffling Angel's hair on the way past and out now taking the moment to stretch and move the kinks out of her legs before answering Leo and Splinter giving a light shrug. "I don't see them being much of a problem, the family actually lives in New York too but come out here for holidays sometimes, a small family, grandmother, dad and daughter whose about your age Mikey. But when out here normally keep to themselves, I will let them know I am here and to call before they visit or anything just so you guys can vamoose if they do." She assures the Leader and the father.
Grinning at Mikey. "I do know them - gret friends, used to baby sit the daughter from time to time. And ew Casey. the dad, Hank is a beautiful man, in a clean cut military sort of way... but I love my rugged lug too much to be interested in a man decade older than myself." She giggles and winks at Angel. "Too old for you too gal." | |
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Leonardo Hamato Canon
Posts : 500 Join date : 2014-08-25 Age : 28 Location : Underground
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Thu Dec 01, 2016 2:33 am | |
| If I had a goose, I would name him Vamoose. Leo said quietly to himself as he slipped out the van. Sometimes he couldn't help but amuse himself. Once his legs were stretched and feet landed on dirt he gave a content sigh.
The furthest thing from his mind was training. All he wanted to do now was lay out.
Leo closed the door to the van. Walked out to the middle of the grassy yard and planted himself face first on the ground, and laid there. This was the life.
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Donatello Hamato Canon
Posts : 407 Join date : 2014-08-27 Age : 26 Location : New York City
| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:45 am | |
| Don could feel his cheeks warm at Angel's praise and kiss to his cheek. "You got it," he told her, grinning as he opened the door and stepped out, stretching his legs. He saw Leo practically faceplant into the ground and he rolled his eyes still grinning. He barely caught what Splinter said to him about the water, but he nodded. "Of course, Sensei."
Then he helped Angel out of the van by taking her hand. | |
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| Subject: Re: Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) | |
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| Green Thumbs. (Farmhouse Holiday Shenanigans) | |