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 *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)

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Erica Martins

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Age : 25
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*Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) Empty
PostSubject: *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)   *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) EmptyFri Oct 14, 2016 6:33 am

Poke Thread Rules;

* Forums will stagnant and players will (some slower than others) lose interest/muse/motivation/desire if left with no replies. If no longer interested after being poked please let the players you are in the thread with know by pm or in Chatzy or wherever else is best to contact them or leave a note here in the thread. So thread/Game can be edited to play around a leaving/left or going to be away characters/ players.

* Pokes are only necessary after fourteen days of no replies to a thread (that's two weeks or fourteen days or about half a month) and that should be sufficient time for players to either make an effort or let people know they will be slow/ won't be posting for a while / or simply not going to.

* If going to be slower but still interested please let your fellow players know in email or pm or Chatzy or in here.

* no need sign in or go to this thread to see it/ if have been poked, it will be in the thread title and only need to glance at sites portal page to see, though you certainly can check thread for more details to pokes if you have been poked.

* be polite in pokes, be aware its to say, a reminder to post when can not to do so now - right now or else!

* pm or email Mod Erica Martins and or chatzy/ email/ pm our founder Rogue with any issues with pokes/ players.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:39 am; edited 6 times in total
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Age : 28
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*Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) Empty
PostSubject: Re: *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)   *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) EmptySat Oct 15, 2016 1:25 am

I'm not up in Love story, Baxter is. He said he hasn't posted because he's not sure to continue in that thread or move on to the lab. Will talk to Rouge soonish. Also post will have to wait for a moment until player isn't dying. But do appreciate the updates.

Also after checking. Ezekiel isn't up. He was the last to post. Unless that's what you meant? I do believe Gabriel is up in that. Or Daisy. Haven't heard much from her I hope she didn't drown Bella.
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

*Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) Empty
PostSubject: Re: *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)   *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 12:38 pm

Most already know, but for those not in the know, I have been dealing with some pretty severe health issues. Will return when I can. Feel free to move around my characters, or start a game without my characters until I can return.

Have fun!
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Posts : 199
Join date : 2014-08-23

*Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) Empty
PostSubject: Re: *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)   *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) EmptyMon Oct 17, 2016 2:11 pm

EDIT: I managed to make posts... lots of posts. Go me! ^^ I think I'm caught up except for 'Better love story'.. and we'll resume that once we figure out where to put Baxter.

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PostSubject: Re: *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>)   *Pokes!* (<Insert POKES here!!>) Empty

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