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 Tiffany's Niche'

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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Location : Wherever the drugs are.

Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptySun Nov 23, 2014 7:47 pm

So this is where my puppet player, is going to post about her life. she'll be posting under my name because she's too lazy to make a new account for her own damn self. But here she will update peeps on the going ons in her life bad and good. She might even rant. I don't know I can't read her mind....wait....anyway here she is, Tiffany!

Hi! Instead of finishing bax's profile I'm doing this! So instead of making thread after thread of things going on I'm going to write them all here in this thread. I'll also post my chat status (if I'll be in or not) in here so the chat room thread don't get filled up and shit.

So what's going on with me? well I've been very ill. very ill. chest pains and stuff. been seeing doctors and all. also gallbladder will have to be removed and pacemaker will have to be changed. so that's two surgeries. I also have to get an angyogram. I spelled that wrong. really wrong. but basically they put me under and shove a tiny camera up a blood vain in my inner thigh that reaches all the way to my heart so they can see what's going on in there. They use to just take ultrasounds but sense I was blessed with amazing cleavage they can't see my heart on the ultrasound anymore so they have to go in with the camera. Also I have every doc I see bitching at me to lose weight. Like it's that easy. and with thanksgiving and christmas it's super hard.

(it should be noted that I just now dumped a pile of cinommon down my shirt)

so that's all the bad news. good news! I am losing weight! I to take a pic with a 4foot plastic Mikey and we got a new dog. (I'll have pics of her soon and I'm sure I'll talk all about her in chat so I'll save all that for then)

what else? depression has been hitting hard. Arthas helps though, he seems to know when I'm real bad. But I've lost almost all interest in things that I use to enjoy, I just can't get motivated to even get out of bed. The only time I leave the house is if I have to see a doc, or my mom drags me out. other then that, I'm in bed till like 7 at night. not sleeping but just laying there. of course I get out of bed to take the dog outside though. I'm thinking of getting off my meds. I'll stay on the Paxil but the other stuff isn't doing much. The paxil keeps the nightmares away.

The voices have come back though. I'll think I'll hear the TV on loud and clear, but no TV will be on. I'll hear music when no one else is home and no music is on. Then some times I hear whispering, but the speech is really fast like soft mumbling. it drives me crazy. I've also been having strange dreams about devils and demons. they're not bad dreams really. just strange. That is, of course, when I sleep. sleep is hard for me lately. up for days causing the voices not only to be louder but the shadows and bugs to appear. so I basically lay in my room listening to voices that aren't there, watching shadow people play in my room and when I sleep I dream of dating the devil. fun.

so that's what's going on so far. ^^

I might write in here maybe twice a week with little updates.

~Tiffany~ study
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Age : 35
Location : Wherever the drugs are.

Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyTue Nov 25, 2014 9:16 pm

I'm not going to be online tonight. I will be on tomorrow night though. Just not feeling well and haven't slept in a few days. I know you all know how that is. I did make my post! I'm going to take tonight to try and get sleep and get better. took some meds and a hot bath now it's time to sunggle in my covers with my puppy.

Tiffany's Niche' 1526475_10152660550321865_3283171784422481991_n
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 4:55 am

It's around 2:40am. Can't sleep mostly because I slept all day. I haven't been sick or anything I just feel like shit. Mentally and emotionally so. I find that the things I use to have joy in have faded. Not you guys though I love you guys and still love our Rp. It's just other things. Like crafts, drawing, even getting out the house. it doesn't have the same appeal to me anymore.

I didn't come in last night because I was feeling really low. I was crying for no reason and even started cutting myself. Luckily it wasn't too deep, but I know when I see the shrink there will be questions.

I wasn't trying to kill myself or anything, just relieve some pain you know? It didn't really work.

I see a gallbladder doc today, then a shrink. So it'll be a day full of doctors. I will be on tonight. and I'm happy to see some post done! Can't wait to interact with Ally more. And still working on Eze. sorry it's taking me so long, but knowing nothing about a character's history is hard. I don't know where he came from or how he got in the gang, so I'm wondering if I should just make that part up. we'll see.

anyway, love you guys, sorry I haven't been on as much lately or if I seem distint. hopefully things get better soon
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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon Dec 22, 2014 2:18 pm

*squeezes tightly* I'm so sorry that you're going through it with your depression. This is a bad time of year to have to deal with it, I certainly know that. I wish words could do more, but unfortunately they can't. Just always remember that we're here for you, and if you need to talk to someone that has dealt with this, and is still dealing with it, I'm here for you. I consider you one of my best friends and would do anything to help you. I wish we were closer. I wish I could do more. I'd take you out for a few drinks.. I think we both need it. Just keep your head up. Just keep swimming. I'm praying for you, and sending positive vibes your way.

I know it's hard to work on a character that you don't have much history on, but Ezekiel is yours now. If you need help brainstorming for him, I would be glad to help you. Some of his stuff was included in Gabriel's profile if that will help you any. As far as where he was born and his parents, you're his handler, you can paint his story. But no rush. *hugs* Your health must come first.

I hope everything goes smoothly for you at the appointments. *snugs* Looking forward to seeing you tonight!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Location : Wherever the drugs are.

Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyTue Dec 23, 2014 5:40 pm

a few drinks sounds wonderful. I really should plan a trip to come visit you. I mean you're not THAT far away. ^^

I think I have some ideas for dear Eze. Had a dream about him so I'm going to take some insperation from that.

Saw the shrink today, She told me (and I'm not joking) To suck it up. Then she put me on more meds. She also wants me to get a bypass surgery on my tummy. Losing the weight is very important to her for some reason, she's a shrink not a like, a real doc. I mean she is, but she;s not my heart doctor even though she likes to act like she is. I'm not real comfortable with her so I'll mention that to my caseworker when I see her.

Also, I never mentioned this before but I have been working on a poetry book called Dead Girls Never Say No.

I stopped working on it a while ago but I'm thinking of picking it back up! It's a lot of Horror/goth poems. Maybe I'll post snippets on here some day.

My pacemaker is working fine. got that checked out today. Will have to get it replaced maybe some time in the spring. fun fun!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyWed Mar 11, 2015 2:25 am

I'm back at my little corner of the forum! yaaaaay fuck last i used this thread was in December. anyway as I said in chat, the peeps in my house hate me. mainly my brother and sister-in-law. the roommate is cool.

They forced me back into my bedroom with the computer because they didn't want me in the main room with everyone else. then as an extra insult. Megan suggested that I get a microwave and put a ramp in my window so I can cook and let the dog out without haveing to be seen.

there are more examples but tonight! My brother just got paid a very large sum of money. he decided that we are all going to eat sushi. I told him I have 12 could he help me out and I pay him later. he said no. not just no. but acted like I wanted his first born.

then I was hungry and we had all these bananas. I asked for one and got laughed at and told no. Now the food thing bothers me because he will eat my food without asking, but I ask for one thing it's no.

Maybe I'm bring picky. I guess because I would give my brother and sister in law the cloths off my back but not only do I get nothing in return, but I get banished to the back of the house so that no one has to see me. It hurts. I want to move out but my dad wount take Arthas in and I'm not giving up my dog.

I really need to move out though.
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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyWed Mar 11, 2015 2:41 am

*squeezes tightly!* Sad I'm so sorry you have to go through this. They're just being mean. Yeah, I agree. You need to get out of there. I wish you were closer, we could be roomies.
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Location : Wherever the drugs are.

Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon Apr 27, 2015 6:08 pm

Didn't know where else to put all this news! news in the entertainment!

First off X-Men apocalypse is going to have our favorite church goer, Nightcrawler. However a bit of sad news for those that know that comics. Gambit was always one of the four horse men in the apocalypse series. he will not be in the movie however. He was going to be but the actor backed out and they didn't replace him. Which is sad. But NC will be in it and he's my fav. So says the very large tat of him on my leg.

Silent Hills. This has been going back and forth for a while, the two companies that were making the game with Norman Reedus as the lead role, split. Making the whole project be put on hold. During this time Norman's contract witht he game ran out and he didn't want to sign up again because there was too much confusion about the game. Silent hill creators say that the franchise will continue. But the game Silent Hills is not going to be coming out.

Suicide squad is being filmed. The lead being Harley Quinn with her boy toy Joker. Joker will be plaied by Jared Leto and his pics as Joker have leaked.

Tiffany's Niche' 150424211642-01-new-joker-revealed-0424-small-11

Joker will be covered in tats and walk around shirtless most of the time so my painties are already wet. Nopics of Quinn yet how ever.

Deadpool has realesed pics from the movie he's making that will be rated R thank god.

Tiffany's Niche' ODRWguo

And I think that's all the entertainment news I have.

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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon May 04, 2015 5:35 pm

first look at the new Harley Quinn.

Tiffany's Niche' Tumblr_nntam2UpJp1rrhhnko3_500
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyTue May 05, 2015 6:56 pm

Another life update. This one will be short and sweet.

As you all know I have an infection in my leg. The doctors are freaking out, which in turn is making me freak out. I'm being pumped with strong antibiotics and if it's no better in two weeks, i'll be admitted into the hospital for wound care. So lets hope this sucker heals!

A-Kon is getting closer. in fact it's 30 days away! I'm excited but my back has not been kind to me. I can hardly stand or walk. and no doc wants to give me more pain meds! Stingy assholes. I do have some back work outs that's suppose to help. So I've been doing that. Hopefully the back calms down before A-Kon.

other then that I've been over all sick. not keeping food down, fever, docs say it could be because of the infection. so I got meds for that too.

anyway, that's what's going on with me!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyWed Jun 03, 2015 6:40 pm

A-Kon update 1!

So it's Wed. and i finally got everything packed up and ready to go. Even finished all my sewing. Now I'm dying my hair blue. and there is blue EVERYWHERE! all over my face, neck and hands. I'm turning into a smurf.

Anyway, sadly I will not be coming on tonight. We're all heading to baton rouge to meet up with other peeps so I will not be home.

I haven't posted in the zombie plot because I'm not sure where to put my charactres. Though I know I want Spike in there so when I get back home I'll finish up his profile. Just need what you have Rogue!

I hope that I can get some pics because my phone is being an ass and keeps shutting down everytime I pull up the camera. The bastard!

So I'll see you all monday! don't have too much fun without me!

PS: I already miss my puppy!
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Erica Martins

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Jun 05, 2015 9:26 am

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers

great to hear from you!

Very Happy sounds like a blast Wink

haz some more fun and all fingers crossed phone lets you get some pictures Very Happy

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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptySat Jun 06, 2015 11:57 am

Up date! Having fun at the con but can't take pictures so sister in law is taking them. I miss you guys! And I miss rping! There is no wifi in the hotel room so I'm sitting on the floor if the dealers room. There is a shit tin if tmnt stuff here. Ton not tin. I'll be home late Sunday night. So I'll see you all Monday !

Love you guys!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 2:32 am


I'm home bitches! OMG! the drama. twas fun will tell you all about it tonight! tomorrow night! but it's 1:30am so it's is tomorrow night.
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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 12:25 pm

Yay! Glad you are home and that you had fun! Hope the drama wasn't as bad as last year. Can't wait to see you in chatzy.. missed ya!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Jun 12, 2015 3:08 am

Sorry I ran so fast last night. Branden got home and decided that night was the night to see a movie. So we caught the midnight show. In 3D! It was sooooooooo good. The best one yet! Dinosuars everywhere! Raptors and things and blood....actually there wasn't much blood.

it was so good thoough!

I made some pooooooost and I shall see you all in the morrow.
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Aug 14, 2015 6:16 pm

Hey all, Tiffany here. I wanted to let you all know what's been going on with me lately. As you can see I have no been keeping up with post, and I'm so so very very very very soory about that. Those of you who have known me for years know that that is just not me, I'm usually the one waiting on other people.

First i want to say no, I am not bored with the games. I love the games on here and I can't wait to see where they go!

So why have I been slow with posting, and why wasn't i in yesterday?

Honesly, I'm not doing too good mentally or emotionally lately. I wasn't on last night because I took an over douse of some pills and passed out I'm lucky I woke up.

I don't want you guys worrying about me though! I'll be ok and I promise that I'll start keeping up with post better.

So that's why I have been all none posting and coming in late or not at all. Just wanted to let you all know.

LOVE YOU GUYS! I love you
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Erica Martins

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Aug 14, 2015 8:11 pm


Wink we more concerned for you not about the posts pretty one! *hugs hugs hugs* you'll catch up when you can - though your chatzy Leo has stirred some concern too Razz hearing you over dosed is very frightening - please try to be much more careful?!

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Aug 14, 2015 10:33 pm

*hugs and squeeeezes tightly!*

Indeed, your heath is much more important than posting. If you need to take time to regroup, don't worry about the forum.. it will be here when you're in a better mindset for it. ^^

Now for the heavy. You know I've been down that road and can totally relate.. so I understand. We've helped each other over the years, so just know that I am still here for you.. that will never change.

This forum is more than just a place to hang out and RP.. I think we've proven that over the years. We're family here. Wink *hugs*

We love you!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyWed Nov 11, 2015 2:57 pm

Hello fam!

I know that you all pretty much know what's going on and why I haven't been on a lot, but I felt that I should let you all know exactly what's going on with me. Because I am feeling horrible about skipping out so early at night.

So first there is my shoulder(it's more then my shoulder but we'll keep things simple)) during the day I don't really do much with my arm, I'm mostly resting, at night when I get on the computer, having my arm raised to type starts to really hurt! like really really! and I still think it's nerve damage, and it kinda ticked me off that the doctor didn't order any test to see what was wrong.

The other thing that's been going on, (that I don't put on facebook but want you all to know) is my new tatas! On my first check up after surgery the doctor told me that sometimes under the breast area, the stitches might come open leaving a little hole, not to worry about it, it wont hurt and it'll heal up.

Well I got that little hole under my right breast. But then it got bigger and bigger and started to hurt, then *insert some gross stuff* yeah. and I have a fever. so friday I'm seeing the doctor to see what's going on.

So I'm just all over really sick. and been sleeping a lot. I have no more pain pills. and the doctor wouldn't give me any. so that sucks.

Anyway! that's what's going on. I hope to get all better soon!
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyWed Nov 11, 2015 6:51 pm

Oh shit keeps getting better, listen to this.

found out that my lovely uncle Micky has advance lung cancer and there isn't anything they can do about, the docs are giving him about three more months to live.

And that's bad enough, but his wife, my bitch of an aunt, was told by the docs that, it would be best for my uncle to be at home, and comfty. Plus Hospice would come and take care of him, she just needed to make him comfty, not much to ask when you have been married for ever! (they are in their 70's got married when they were teens)

Aunt bitch says no. She just doesn't want to deal with him anymore, and no way is hospice coming to HER house.

So she stuck him in a nursing home. a bad nursing home. It's the same place my great grandmother was in and it was horrible! So that pissed me off. She just, doesn't want to be bothered.


It's all fucked up.
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptyFri Dec 11, 2015 11:18 pm


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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptySun Dec 13, 2015 11:40 pm

This is a story I will call roach crises.

It was the middle of the day. around 2 on a Saturday evening. Mother was on the phone with the annoying lady from down the street. Speaking on a headset and hands free to work about, Mom wondered into the kitchen to tidy up and watch some dishes (because she never fixed the dishwasher in the 23 years she's lived in the house)

Soon, annoying lady finally hung up and mom turned to around to wipe the counter top. And that's when she seen it. Laying on the counter beside the half eaten birthday cake was a large, greasy, roach.

Seeing the intruder, Mom panicked! Her horrible fear of the bug taking hold of her. She rushed to the washroom where the poison was. the poison to kill the roach, the roaches poison, the poison of roaches! The spray of death!

Slowly and carefully the frighten mother came back into the kitchen. to her relief the monster was still there. Lest she wouldn't have to burn the house down to rid herself of the hidden creature!

Then the phone rang! Mother jumped with a start! she answered it with a push of a button, the headset still sitting on her head.

Hello? Hello? Mom said breathing heavy.

You alright? it was the aunt that lived next door. She was calling about the chirstmas party at the bowling alley.

There is a huge roach in the kitchen! I have the spray but it's half empty! I might need a back up can!

The aunt could hear the frantic tone in her sisters voice. I'm coming over! She needed to save her younger sibling! For her sister was strong, but even the mighty elephant cowers from the mild mouse.

No! No! I got this. Reet! Just stay home you don't hav...OH GOD IT'S MOVING!

I can be there in two seconds!

The aunt could hear the spray of the aerosol can. Then silence other then heavy breathing. Then more spraying.

I think I killed it. Yeah it's dead. Now I have to throw it away. I don't want to touch it!

Again the aunt insisted that she come over and help. But the mother refused. No! This roach was small and weak! She would not let it conqueror her! She told her older sister bye, she would call back when this was over.

Now with dust pan in hand. Mother scoops the corps up and, with the look of horror on her face, flushed the spawn of satan down the toilet.

Battle won. Mother came back into the kitchen and made herself a mimosa. The battle was hard. the roach fought well.

It was then she turned to the cake. The cake that had been lovingly baked for her oldest daughter. It had been shaped as a coffin, for her child was strange, and morbid. But now. now the cake had an added ingredient, the poison. The birthday cake had been between her and her foe. The cake was tainted now.

Knowing that her children were not wise in the world of self care, and that they would still eagerly consume the dissert, she sadly tossed the confection away and called her sister back.

the roach was dead...But in the end, it was he who got the last laugh.

(all of this actually happen. I was sad.))
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptySun Dec 20, 2015 5:48 am

Hello guys and girls and more guys.

sooooooo....I have not been feeling so well lately. physically I'm fine. I think. But my depression and anxiety is hitting me like a mac truck. Days are all melting together, I don't even think I've showered in two weeks. need to do something about that.

I don't leave the house and yatta yatta.

point is.

I'm sorry that I have been slow with posting, both on here and on MM. Also that I have not been in chat like a normally am. I'm just, down. It's horrifying what your mind can do to you.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be on sunday night. so i'll see you all then.
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Erica Martins

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Tiffany's Niche' Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' EmptySun Dec 20, 2015 6:05 am

Thats fine but had to let you know Wink and first and foremost - take care of you!!! *hugs hugs hugs*
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PostSubject: Re: Tiffany's Niche'   Tiffany's Niche' Empty

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