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 The turtle hunt

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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 04, 2015 7:26 pm

((October 20th

Baxter had been trying to get his hands on one of those turtles for a while. he had employed a few people to take down one of them, but they all came up short. Though some word of mouth, Baxter heard about a man that was known for hunting down heard to find and catch animals. the only problem was, the guy was expensive. Baxter had already blown through his funding. And he was just about out of money. So he planed on taking some of the funds from the foot. Shredder wasn't around and he wasn't worried about Karai. What would be the harm?

After some searching and asking around, which took days! Baxter finally had a way to contact this hunter guy.

Bonesteel. The name fit the occupation that was for sure.

After gathering what Baxter felt was enough money as incentive he gave the hunter a call. And if the guy turned out useless. Well Baxter had other ways to make the human body useful.

Last edited by Baxter Stockman on Tue Oct 06, 2015 11:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 12:17 am

Fortunately for Stockman, Simon Bonesteel was already in the Big Apple. Or, the 'rotten fruit', as the hunter liked to refer to it. There was nothing good about big cities and their snobby people who obsessed over their appearance and wasted their meaningless lives behind an office desk. Sad sobs. What a waste. None of them would ever experience the level of adrenaline or excitement that accompanied a good hunt. Then again, it took a certain kind of psycho to be so indulged and obsessed with his destructive way of life. Well, not damaging for him. Actually, he made a name from himself from the hides and flesh of rare critters.

A few citizens of the city had caught glimpses of the rare New York Turtles. After hearing of Bonesteel's success of capturing the Himalayan Yeti that now resided in an undisclosed laboratory somewhere, potential 'clients' had contacted the Hunter, going on the whim that if the rumors of the Turtles were true, having one in their possession could be their ticket to fame.

Indeed, Baxter wasn't the only one with high hopes of having one of the beasts, but money talked and whomever offered the most would have themselves a novelty...or two....

The numerous flights between Japan and New York had been tiring, but the hunter was happy to step boot back onto American soil. That whole language barrier was a bitch! The Hunter was capable of learning their tongue, but those lessons would take up valuable hunting time. Besides, it wasn't as if he planned on moving to these places... just passing through. No need to waste time adapting to culture.

The Hunter had arrived in New York yesterday afternoon. He had found an old run down slaughter house that the owner leased for cheap. It would have to do, since there was no log cabins in these parts. Besides, the butchery already had essential tools needed for his line of work, and also harbored huge steel cages that held unfortunate beasts captive.. perfect holding cells for if the potential client wanted these things alive. The Japs had already expressed an interest in one of the critters, and naturally they wanted it still breathing. Apparently having one of their own wasn't enough.. greedy bastards. Though, the female had been a challenge, whispers echoed of the enormous size and strength of these city dwelling beasts.

It was now 2 AM and unable to sleep, Simon had decided to take in some of the sights of this horrid city. Hunting in the concrete jungle would be a first for him, but it made no difference. He would hunt them down and place them at the mercy of the highest bidder...

Simon was out of his element and stuck out like a sore thumb among the city slickers. He was sitting in the back of the bar, a crossbow slung across his shoulder, despite the 'no weapons allowed' sign and the numerous requests that he received from the staff. His muddy boots were propped up on the table as he sipped a brew, hair greasy and skin smeared with God only knew what. The man made his waitress nervous, even though he didn't spare her a single word. She inwardly cursed herself for changing sections with her co worker earlier that night.. she always got the weirdos!

Before the blonde could interrupt and ask if he would like another round, Bonesteel's phone began to vibrate. Not recognizing the number, the Hunter expected it to be another potential client throwing his request about something exotic and dangerous and illegal...

"Bonesteel speakin'.." He introduced with his thick Southern drawl. "Guessin' yer in need of my services..."
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 10:38 pm

Right to the point. Baxter liked that. He cleared his throat before speaking.

As a matter of fact, yes I am. My name is Baxter Stockman, I am a scientist and have endless amounts of funding, that is all you need to know of me. I'm looking for someone competent enough to gather a turtle for me. This isn't your ordenary turtle. The turtle I seek is mutated, and a skilled fighter. I have hired others they have all failed me. I hear you are the best. Money is not issue. what ever you charge I will give you. Last I heard the turtles, four of them, live underground. I only need one. Think you can handle that?
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyFri Aug 07, 2015 11:33 pm

Of course this guy was a scientist and wanted one of the alleged mutant Turtles for himself. It was an old tune by now, and just like the ones before him, this Baxter Stockman claimed to have endless funds. But this guy had an advantage over the Japs... he was local and if he proved legit, it would save Bonesteel the headache of transporting the beast overseas. What a bitch it would be trying to get a Mutant through customs.

"Yer not the only one interested in those beasts, Stockum.." He mispronounced the man's name, not feeling it was important enough to catch or write to memory. His head was too full of other, more important things. "But, you have my attention. If yer serious and can put money where your mouth is, give me your location." He would have requested for the scientist to come to him, but he needed to establish that this guy was an actual scientist with an actual facility, otherwise he could be some quack sending him on a wild goose chase...

..not that hunting geese was bad, but he had moved on to bigger game with bigger price tags....
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptySun Aug 09, 2015 4:30 pm

Baxter was oh so tempted to correct the man's mispronunciation of his name, but decided not to. He gave the man his location. A small warehouse where he kept his more secritive projects. It was a risk sending the man to this location, but a healthy business relationship started with trust? yeah.

I am very serious. I'll have your money.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 11, 2015 12:44 am

Pulling out a notepad, Bonesteel scribbled down the location, trusting that his GPS could find the joint. He had been lucky to find a means of transportation since landing in New York. An old Humvee that would need some customization before taking on the big task of bagging a massive shellback. Though, part of the hunter speculated that the size of these critters was nothing more than 'fish tales', but only time would tell.

"A'right. Be there soon." He told the man, then slid his cell into his pants pocket.

Much to the waitress's relief, the oddball redneck that kept calling his crossbow some Southern Belle name was finally leaving. The tension seemed to leave as soon as the door closed behind him, and the staff all exchanged looks amongst themselves.

Ten minutes later, the old Humvee pulled up at the given location and the Hunter climbed out, taking in the sights of the warehouse. It didn't look like much, but if this guy could put money where his mouth was, that's all that really mattered. After adjusting the crossbow over his shoulder, Bonesteel headed towards the entrance and without bothering to knock, pushed his way inside....
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyFri Aug 14, 2015 9:52 pm

Baxter was fiddling with some parts that were to be part of his solder project when Bonesteel let himself in. With an annoyed groan, Baxter quickly covered up the robot with a sheet and turned around to face the intruder.

Your manners leave something to be desired. You must be Bonesteel. I like your eagerness.

Baxter pulled out a black suitcase and laid it on the table.

Ten Million. To start. bring me the turtle, alive, and I'll add another ten to it. If it's not a fair price I'm sure we can work something out.

Because he didn't really care that he was leaving the foot broke. He needed a turtle, the turtles blood and brain.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyMon Aug 17, 2015 1:38 pm

Indeed, growing up in the backwoods of Georgia, Bonesteel's manners left much to be desired. This Baxter guy was snarky, but Simon had dealt with a lot worse. The Hunter had noticed as the self-proclaimed scientist covered a large object with a sheet. It certainly sparked his curiosity, but first.. business.

Without saying a word or introducing in person, the man adjusted his crossbow over his shoulder and moved over to the table that now harbored the suitcase with its offerings. When the case was popped, Simon could hardly believe his eyes. Ten million now with the promise of another ten awaiting him at the Turtle's delivery. Still unable to believe his eyes, Bonesteel plucked a bundle and slid one of the bills out far enough to hold into the lighting, making sure it was legit before proceeding. Confirming that the bills weren't counterfeit, a smile crept across the Hunter's features.

"I can tell it's gonna be nice workin' with you.." The man finally spoke as he placed the bundle back into the case.

"Why are these varmints so important to you?" He had to question. Sure, he had hunted and captured rare creatures before, but never had he been offered this amount, and it made him question how the scientist had come into such an ungodly amount. The 'how' wasn't really that important to him, but why he was so willing to pay so much certainly made him curious...
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 9:20 pm

These turtles, four of them, have been slipping through my fingers for too long. I need their organs for a special project I'm working on. And the mutation in their blood will also be useful.

Stockman paused for a moment.

There is also a mutant rat as well as a cat running around. I'm not asking for all of them, but bring me more then one mutant and we can work out a price. Now then, if you will excuse me, I have work to get back to.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

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PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 11:05 pm

So this tale certainly turned interesting. Four of them, plus a mutant rat and cat. That last bit earned an amused look. Predator and Prey. That would be interesting. It seemed as though Baxter had big plans for the mutants and it seemed as if he would be terminating their lives, so that brought up an important question...

"You want 'em dead or alive?" Because it would certainly be easier to put an arrow between the beasts' eyes, but if he was harvesting blood, then perhaps it would be beneficial to have at least one of them still breathing.

"If you need 'em alive, then you better have some containment chambers ready.." Because there was no question. Bonesteel would get his targets, it was simply a matter of time...
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 11:10 pm

Alive if possible. I have chambers ready. Baxter said and walked around the table. He pulled the large sheets off glass chambers that would hold the mutants. He knocked on the glass and smiled proudly of himself.

There is no getting out of these prisons. If you have to kill them, try to get them here fast so I can still use their organs.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 11:17 pm

Bonesteel watched as Baxter unveiled the holding chambers. It was good to know that this man was prepared since he preferred the critters alive..

"You want 'em alive, I can do that." He promised, slightly offended by the 'if possible' comment. Did this guy not know who he was?! He had captured a highly intelligent Yeti and a 'Shinobi' Turtle.. these dumb beasts would be childs play.

"Any idea how much they weigh? Things will go a lot quicker if I have the appropriate dose of tranquil prepared before I cross 'em..."
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

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PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyTue Aug 18, 2015 11:22 pm

The turtles are about six foot, I don't know, well over 200 pounds. the rat is lighter, and the cat, she's a scrawny thing. I'm not sure about exact weight though. I'm sure you can handle it. A word of warning, they are trained ninjas, so watch out for that. The turtles and rat I mean. good luck.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyWed Aug 19, 2015 12:05 am

Trained ninja? Well, that was almost laughable but Bonesteel wasn't one to do that. Over 200 lbs.. well they were certainly larger than the female he had captured. He wasn't sure of the gender of these beasts, but if any were male, the Japs would most certainly be interested to hear about it, since they now owned a female...

"Yeah, I can handle it." As if he had to say that. Adjusting his crossbow once again, the Hunter took the case, then made his way towards the exit. "I'll have you one by tonight.. maybe even more.." And he would leave out the bit about having another potential 'client' overseas. No need to throw up the fact that Baxter may have some competition...
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

The turtle hunt Empty
PostSubject: Re: The turtle hunt   The turtle hunt EmptyMon Sep 07, 2015 11:15 pm

sounded like this guy was pretty confident. More so the Baxter was. Many so called mighty hunters tried to get one of the turtles and always failed. But he wouldn't voice that. Baxter simply waved him away.

Good. The more the better. And the better you get paid.
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