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 Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)

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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 12:03 am

(( continued from Cultural Exchange ))

Maybe taking the cage with her was a terrible idea - but it would be one less chore to be done - though as she reached the back door and let the jack and cage roll past her and one of the wheels caught her left pinkie toe painfully Erica hopped on the spot cursing for a moment. Wondering how she would contact the hunter when her phone was just dead...

and wondering if the public transport was a safer option than a taxi in her current state of dress when she noted with surprise that Bonesteel's humvee was still in the car park... or had come back...?

She blinks and drags the trolley jack and cage over and looks in - he was not there...


And as a though occurred she blinks and hurries around it looking to where Leatherhead had come and gone again...
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 1:32 am

Thanks to the tracks that he had discovered earlier, Bonesteel had yet to leave the property. Earlier he had decided that it would be a hunt for another day but the wind was moist and promised rain and the last thing he needed was for those tracks to be washed away.

The moment that Erica walked out the door, she would see him down on all fours, moving alongside the tracks. His hunting knife was pulled from his back pocket and used for size comparison alongside one of the foot prints. He estimated the critter to roughly around seventeen feet! A salty here in the States?? Well, stranger things had happened.

The hunter followed the belly slide to the point where the beast had no doubt disappeared into the inky waters below. Maybe he would find a diving shop nearby and rent scuba gear so he could investigate this further.....
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 1:44 am

Still bare foot, still in the torn, bloodied green dress with odd splatters of hardened dental cement on it and her skin, heels she leaves by the cage and humvee making her way over to the man on crawling about in the mud, she was careful to step lightly from dry spot to dry spot keeping her feet fairly clean.

And she knew her feet would be in his line of vision, pale with the chill of the atmosphere, a little dusty from the travel over the ground to this spot and the left ones small toe terribly bruised. "Mr. Bonesteel there is one of those spa joints just a block from here - they may have mud spas in there." She lightly teases and squats slowly almost over balancing as in her current weariness far less nimble and sure of her own limbs as usual, to place her fingers carefully in the only dried giant print Leatherhead left behind fingers splaying as his webbed ones had, so small inside the track and her mind momentarily going to the time hours ago when a very large turtle man had taken one of her hands and held it as they both slept in the damned cage. "So... guessed the size?" She asks curiously, perhaps to see just how good he was. Not caring if in her position Raphael's dew rag rolled and looped and tied neatly about her thigh was visible six little trinkets glinting.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 10:38 pm

Bonesteel knew exactly who it was before she even spoke. The way her footsteps greeted the earth, even barefooted, was distinctly hers. It was a talent, really. Something he really didn't boast about but living a life of solitude, you become in tune with your talents. He had noticed the set of human footprints that had accompanied these tracks and even though now barefoot, he made the connection....

As if it would be a challenge. She had a thing for these beasts....

"I like to go all organic. Those spas use chemicals..." Okay, so yeah. He could have a sense of humor, too. Knife still clinched between his teeth, the hunter stood and readjusted his pants that had became heavy below the knees, laden with mud. His belt would have to work extra hard to keep them in place. The knife was sheathed, now replaced with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his lips.

"'Bout seventeen feet.. give or take...originally thought Croc due to size, but the splay between toes don't add up. American Gator...mutated variety.. " He concluded, and gave her a cock-eyed look and a knowing hint fof a sideways grin. "But somethin' tells me you already know that..." And yes, he had definitely noticed the big 'red' Turtle's bandana hanging from her thigh...

..."And you know that big red one, don't you..."
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Jan 21, 2016 10:58 pm

Standing as he did - again slower than her usual self and arms slightly out to keep her balance and listened stretching forcing some 'wakefulness' back into her limbs. "oh of course what was I thinking? Organic is best." She chuckles and feeling as if the little bit of making the muscles work had re awoken her just a little more to operate just above zombie zone she met the sort of grin with one she did not bother hiding.

Aside from the fact she would never forgive what he did to Raphael, and capturing Donatello (at least he was not so busted up!) she really had no problem with the man and even admired his obvious skills. Even if she loathed what they were used for. "Thats impressive - your right, Leatherhead is seventeen foot long - from tip of his snout to the very end of his tail... when walking bipedal he is seven foot tall. Very gentle guy really for a mutant american gator... most of the time he does get dangerously enraged or aroused at times." She answers and glances down at Raph's rag where she kept it for safe keeping her fingers brushed the little trinkets. "I know Raphael," And her tone before playful becomes soft a light linger on the l of the big red captives name. " I gave him these add ons to his dew rag, only hours before you found him, must ask Gran Gran about the little trinkets. My gator friend came to help me, I needed his blood to save BigRed's life - but he may need more... and mutant turtle would be better..." She gives Simone a searching look from eyes that had shadows under the lower lashes hinting at the hours she had kept since he had brought Raphael here. "Speaking of which - may I see where you caught Raphael and Donatello? - I'll make the trip worth your while by shouting you dinner."
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 12:09 am

He knew it. The little lady knew a lot about a lot, just as he had always suspected. And she was very giving with that fact. The fact that she could be used as Gator bait did briefly cross his mind, though he had never used an unwilling human in any of his captures, nor was he about to start now. But, she could give him very useful information, if he played his cards right...

"Got a way with the beasts, eh? Don't you hang around humans?" A quirk of his brows. "And no, Stockman don't qualify..." Yep, a jab at the man. Considering her request in the exchange for food, he didn't have to give it much thought. Truth be told he was starving.

"Alright. Deal." He told her and led her around to the humvee, opening the passenger's side door for her. "What are you, 16? Ain't you got a dad lookin' for you?"
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 12:22 am

"humans-" A snicker as though she barely registered herself amongst those of her own species no more. " pffft I hang with GranGran and my next door neighbour from time to time." Erica responds following and somewhat taken aback by the gesture of opening his humvee for her, she had to scramble in not used to it and clumsy in her weariness but after the third attempt she made it - totally forgetting her heels and the cage. "their mostly human." She giggles a little and raises a brow, but in all reality admitting she had no close human friends. "I think so yes, seem to be the only one to be able to calm Raphael... and Leatherhead has been my best friend for ten years. Their not the only mutants I know." She did not actually fear telling him this even if in her current state she had not been so ... open - what could he do with the information? And she somehow felt he'd not take her unwillingly to try trapping Leatherhead. Her big friend was also a very smart reptile.

"Seventeen, and my father knows I can take care of myself... for most the part." She clicks the seat belt into place at once.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 12:55 am

Yep. The girl was a grade A klutz. The hunter was almost embarrassed for her and would have offered to help but my some dumb luck, she finally managed to get into the cab. He closed the door behind her and not forgetting about the cage, rolled it to the back and loaded it up. Who knew. With all of these mutants about, it would probably come in handy again. Certainly not fitting for a seventeen foot Gator, but he would find a way when that time came.. and he was certain it would.

Once the back was secured, he climbed into the driver's seat and soon they wee off, destined for the spot he had captured the turtles. Indeed. He had noticed the state she was in and figured it was from her efforts with the big Red turtle but still, it would have been more comfortable for him if she was a little less Rocky Horror Picture Show.

"You do know those critters are dangerous, right?" He asked, figuring that she was in complete denial, only seeing what she wanted to see. "These ain't neighborhood strays lookin' for a handout. They're beasts. with instincts and.... needs. Would hate to see a pretty girl like you end up dead because you think they can be tamed..."

And as he figured, she had a father. Still, he wasn't so sure that her dad would appreciate her running around, petting beastly Turtles like they were house cats. "Does your ol' man know yer workin' for Stockman?"
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 1:04 am

Erica was un accustomed to so much free space in the cab and looked across at Bonesteel deciding to answer the last one first. "My dad knows, he and GranGran gave me a car for earning the internship -" She sighs. "Wish I could tell them what he was really like... but such my luck. And granted the car is my GranGran's volkswagon bug but it's vintage and works."

picking at a little of the dental cement on her wrist she shrugs. "I know what they are. Leatherhead almost .... uh... killed me five years ago in a fit of instinctual lust the first time I ovulated... some days before I bled the first time -" And she left off here - it often shocked others how frank she spoke about bodily functions and also to see what Bonesteel thought of that. And blushed... he thought her pretty?

That she had been attacked... and still was Leatherhead's best friend, unafraid of Raphael... of the hidden secret Slash.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Fri Jan 22, 2016 1:53 am; edited 2 times in total
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 1:22 am

And the Hunter was certainly taken aback by just how freely she spoke of such things. Okay, this was awkward, and even made the tough guy blush a little. Geeze, females. And this one. "Yer somethin' fierce.." And there was a light but awkward chuckle in his tone. But all amusement aside... "And what happens next time you.... you know... around one of 'em? How can you be sure that yer... hold on 'em will be enough..." And he let that hang in the air for a moment.

"And I wouldn't get too attached. Who knows what the Japs and Stockman have planned for those shellbacks once they're worn out as studs. You know how those foreigners are... they'll kill endangered varmints 'cause they think devourin' their meat will give 'em some powers or some shit.." He felt like he was having to tell a young farm girl not to get too attached to the cattle.

Last edited by Simon Bonesteel on Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Jan 22, 2016 1:33 am

Well this was amusing, was he blushing? And that awkward sort of chuckle. Erica gave him a slightly playful grin and continued. "It's silly that media and current sexual education gets pms and menstruation mixed up as one and the same thing, pre menstrual syndrome happens before the period itself and in regards to Leatherhead is the time my or any females scent would set him off. Will find out in .. Tomorrow if the same happens with Raph, though he is very sore and battered and even with Leatherheads blood replenishment may be too downtrodden to act even if he wanted to... Either way I brought him back from a rampaging rage - surely I can help him control horny."

And she was still blushing. "I am flattered Simone, you think I am pretty and fierce." A chuckle of her own to cover her own awkwardness at this. "Thanks..."

Then humor vanished for a moment and a low almost inhuman growl leaves her at his words at what the future holds for her friends - more. "I have someone - and he consented! - for the Japanese and Baxter that will keep em busy long enough for me to figure out a way to burn that fucking lab down... Daddy always said nothing is insurmountable." Her tone was protective, she intended to free them and revenge upon the crazy Stockman. and was not afraid to tell Bonesteel as such, what could he do with the information? She knew her work with Baxter and the Japanese would secure her in the place even if they took any warnings in regards to her seriously... which they shouldn't she was after all just a teenager... a teenaged girl more over.

"I am not afraid to die for them - Leatherhead is my best friend... Don seems sweet, and Venus... That poor girl no one should be facing what she is, every decision stolen from her?! Especially the decision to become a mother - that's a huge deal... And - Raphael... I feel the attachment there is something far deeper. It is too late for either of us to be warned not to be attached."
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptySat Jan 23, 2016 12:48 am

And she began rambling on about female things that no guy really cared to hear, especially one that wasn't in tune with females. He tried to focus on the road, wondering if she was really going there to spill some scientific mojo, or if she was actually trying to embarrass him. Definitely hard to tell.

Just as he suspected, she was overly protective of critters that weren't hers to become attached to, but he let her vent, not caring enough either way what her plans were. Hell, if she freed them, it would put him back to work... more money for him. A win-win, really. But something she said caught his attention.....

"You can control 'im.... really?" And part of him was in disbelief.

And soon, they were pulling up in the alleyway where the captures had gone down. The pavement still stained with the blood of the larger turtle, but surely the coming rain would wash that all away....
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptySat Jan 23, 2016 2:40 am

A quiet fell in the last half hour of the trip. Mostly because Erica actually lightly dozed, only light as she would be unable to truly sleep, she afterall did not truly trust Simone, and was away from the big turtle. The stopping of the humvee caused her to sit bolt upright and blink, unfocused for several long moments as to where they were and what they what doing here.

And opening the passenger side door just enough to fall out the door landing hard on knees that where already bruised. But again she rebounded straightening moving towards the blood stains. Answering Bonesteel as she went. " Yes... this attachment we both feel helps to center Raphael, Its not control. As in I don't command him, not in the sense one would a loyal person, horse or dog... I just... offer his overloaded senses and emotions, a time out of sorts, something for him to focus on to the exclusion of all else. He could, I think, choose not to allow anything I do to help him in these moments. I am most thankful he does allow it - for his sake." She squats among the now dark brownish red stains fingers tracing and touching them... Eyes searching the ground. "Our first kiss was breath taking." as the hunter might have guessed by now, she had no ability to not be outright honest and open in this state of total weariness.

And there! - finding. Here where she was sure the first spear struck pieces of thick plastron. "Oh Red - how scared, angry and in pain you must have been." She sighs untying the dew rag, stroking the little figurines, taking in the scent that clung thick to the red cloth and then laying it flat to gather the plastron bits and as she moved along where she gathered Raph had tried a death roll and received the spear in his side and then his carapace finding pieces of his shell too collecting them in his dew rag. This was what she had wanted to see the area for - the reclaim these little bits of Raphael from the cold hard ground. And of course note the location. She had not paid much attention to what Bonesteel was doing during this time - focusing tired eyes on ensuring she missed nothing. And then scrambling away from a clown mask that blew onto the area carried by a eddie of wind down the alley way - she shudders gathering the rag and it's contents up and even scurrying closer to her companion - the look of revulsion and fear as the masked bounced, rattled and scraped it's way past all too visible on her face.

Only relaxing again when it was blown out of sight behind some miscellaneous debris.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Age : 48

Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyMon Jan 25, 2016 1:27 am

Bonesteel was oblivious as to why she wanted to come out here, to see the spot where the Turtles were captured, but he didn't question, even as she began collecting the shell fragments, curious, but certain it was for some 'tree-hugger' reason. Or maybe to five to Baxter, to spare the beast of losing bits of his shell for experimentation.

Simon lit another cigarette, taken aback by her comment about their first kiss. Was she serious? Yeah, she was quite.. 'special', but he had never been the type to give advice or question someone else's life and he wasn't about to start now. Not when he knew that he would never understand her, just like she would never understand him. They were world's apart, but her being so young.. he felt slightly protective in a fatherly kind of way. Still, he wasn't sure what to do with that. It was.. new to him.

"Stockman promised me a shell... but I busted that one up pretty good.. wouldn't be much use to me. So yeah. Yer favorite is safe from bein' shelled." Maybe it sounded harsh, but in his own way trying to comfort No matter what Baxter had planned down the road for the shellbacks, the Red one wouldn't become a coffee table due to the measures that had to be taken during his capture.

The hunter hadn't noticed the mask, but noticed Erica's reaction which confused him. And then he saw it, a small chuckle.. something he rarely did. "I thought everyone loved clowns." Okay, so not him... but he really didn't like anything that most considered 'adorable'.
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyWed Feb 10, 2016 5:59 am

Erica blinks, shivering, recovering from the rush of the flight or fight hormone that had blazed through her body clutching the dew rag and it's load to her. Breathing hard.

Hearing the chuckle and looking around at Simone registering what he said she side stepped the plume of cigarette smoke. "Well... my past with clowns has been... nothing short of horrifying - and no amount of telling myself its just a some one in a mask or make up will ever make it better." She gives him a sheepish grin. "I'm scared of heights too - but I'd prefer to jump off a cliff to facing a clown... though would do both if needed -" And she did not have to include whom she would do both for.

She choose not to comment on the shell thing, if she had her way they both knew he would never get any of their shells. But it made her smile a bit. "Ready to eat? promise my grandmother is an excellent cook." she shivers a bit in the cold chilly November air. "thanks for that, he is more than my favorite... so much more... and his shell will heal in several months - once Sla - uh by shedding that is - well might take the holes a few sheds to be re grown but he will eventually have a whole shell once more, they heal faster than normal turtles... faster than humans even cause of the mutagen in their blood." She cut herself off forcibly this time and covers it with talk of shell healing. Because tired as she was and honest as she was, so open... Slash had made her promise upon meeting him never to reveal he existed unless he choose it, Leatherhead was fine with it, trusting her discretion on the matter, and as hard as it was not to be utterly honest with whom ever was close in this totally exhausted state she could not go back on a promise, even the secret of Raph's spot would be under lock too... and so to lead BS away from talk of the one giant turtle she was certain no one but her and LH knew of (for now anyways - that was soon to change) she goes with-  "thank you for bringing me here - I... wanted to take back these bits of Raphael, they should not be here on the cold ground... we didn't even bury my mother and infant sister in the cold hard ground..." and now these bits were not, but were now carried in his dew rag, clutched safely in her caring hands.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyTue Mar 01, 2016 11:53 am

The fact that she was so deathly afraid of clowns was still comical to him. Sure, those annoying things were far from his favorite and he thought the whole thing was pointless, but to fear them? It was strange to him, but those thoughts resolved as she informed him of Raphael's shell, even thanking him for sparing that critter's armor. Though, if it healed so quickly and the booger was in captivity for that extent of time, his shell was larger and more impressive than the others- until he'd busted it up.

Still, hearing that Erica had lost so much managed to get to the usually cold hunter. He'd hardly known his own mother. His father had been his everything, and he'd lost him too soon. And for whatever reason, that Red beast meant a lot to this girl. Okay. Maybe it sickened him that she saw the critter in a romantic light but still, knowing she had suffered so much loss... he wouldn't be requesting Red's shell... for her sake. Though, he honestly could not see that one surviving in a captive setting for long. Words that should go unspoken.

"Hey.. sorry about yer family..." He said with quiet sincerity. For whatever reason he had taken a liking to this girl and not in a romantic sense. She was a brave little shit, that was for sure. Well, until it came to clowns.

Remembering that she had asked about going to her grandmother's, the hunter nodded and opened the passenger door of the Humvee for her and after she was settled inside, climbed behind the wheel. "You sure they ain't gonna mind you bringin' a stranger home?"

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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyWed Mar 02, 2016 3:06 am

Erica had quietly watched Simon - he seemed to be thinking on something and she was not one to pry. Though she knew her phobia of clowns was a source of amusement to most and she was certain he would view it the same way and was not particularly bothered by that.

And she sensed something else.

Though was not certain of it until back in the humvee cab that it came to her in a flash and it took her a moment longer of quietly watching him to answer his question. "Thank you, I can tell that was not false consolation, but true commiseration, you have lost family too - I won't ask, but ... thank you and like wise -" Her tone belonged to some one perhaps older, but she had seen a lot in her young years. "I am sorry about your family..."

She smiles then, back to his question. "Not at all... you would not the first I have invited back to enjoy GranGran's fabulous cooking and her warm kindness... and maybe." She chuckles lightly setting the carefully wrapped shell bits in her lap and pulling her belt across clicking it. though she wondered if he would note she was in the middle of the passenger side seat not all the way across against the passenger side door away from him. Sitting here as sign of her own sincerity. Not all up in his personal space, impossible in this vehicle and she sensed something that would be appreciated, but closer still. "And maybe enjoy my dad's company, you both have the same taste in vehicles. He might be home..." And maybe no notice would be taken to crossing her fingers. She hoped he was there. She was not sure what would happen when she returned to the lab later, but... a little longer with her dad and Gran Gran would be perfect....

Just encase...

Some directions later to the corner situated yellow painted Cafe Noble' and this statement and hope was spot on. There was her father's own humvee.... Her gift car, the old hippy decorated volkswagen would be between the massive vehicles.

Her dad - he must have only arrived before them! he was beside his car watching... A tall man. She could not help a grin at seeing him.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:24 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Hank Martins

Hank Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyWed Mar 02, 2016 9:47 am


It was certainly not one of his 'ghosts' vehicles. Not that he was expecting it, he had given himself leave for the day for 'family' though it was really so he could sneak next door sometime and check in on April maybe find whatever evidence she had found and remove, destroy it then track down her blond friend - the shy quiet intelligent Shaya and likewise take her evidence. He had lied (sadly not for the first time) to his fellow Ghosts and Bishop stating the security threat had been dealt with and in a sense he was rectifying that and ensuring their operations here in trying to deal with the Kraang threat before it became more of a public panic.

Interesting development. Hank thought - watching muscular arms loosely folded across the front of his 'skull' suit the helmet folded sort of like a hood hanging between his shoulder blades. Though he was not armed. He had not 'locked' and 'loaded' to deal with this little errand, he really doubted he would need it to ensure April and Shaya's silence. Not many people would see his get up as military.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 1:09 pm

Bonesteel had noticed Erica's close proximity, but how she still gave him his personal space. Perhaps it was a gesture of comfort, a common ground, knowing they had suffered the same losses. Whatever it was, the hunter didn't seem to mind. He had to admit, even if only to himself, it was nice having human company for once.

Hearing that her father might be home made him a little uneasy. Sure, he knew his own intentions, and how they did not include her as a love interest, but what would her father think? Would he jump to conclusions? The more he thought about it, the more he considered it may be a bad idea. Should he back out? Drop her off and go? No, that would look even worse.. especially considering that her ol' man was standing in the yard as he pulled up and parked. Leaving now would look even worse. The least he could do was stick around and assure his innocent intentions of the father had other thoughts.

Though, it was interesting that the man owned a humvee and decked out in his skull uniform. Sighing inwardly as he put the vehicle in park and turned off the engine. A quiet look at Erica, still uncertain. "I hope yer ol' man ain't the type to jump to conclusions. It can't look good a middle aged man comin' home with his teenaged daughter..."
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 3:03 pm

Erica blinked at Simon missing what he meant and smiling reassuringly. "Once he did jump to conclusions a few years back when I came home late with an middle aged strange man. Has not done so since. Hmmm, though like dad you two could pass yourselves off as late twenties or early thirties, both do not look middle aged at all. Come on, I'll introduce you." Admitting in the tired state of hers she had extended this kindness before, in this manner, maybe naively so, too trusting? And it did not occur to her in the torn beautifully shaped green dress, shoeless, blood stained and covered in flecks of white stuff she was not making the best impression to start introductions between Bonsteel and the man currently watching them. But she was out of the humvee hurrying toward her dad - all but tackling him in an eager glomp preceded only with a "Dad!"

An eyebrow raised and a somewhat amused sort of half smile on his face, his arms loosening and unfolding in time - to recieve her glomp and grinning now snug her with an equally pleased "Marshmellow!"

Maybe if he had not known his daughter as he did, he might have jumped to conclusions, unbeknownst to him she had just stated she herself had done this before. He too was thinking of those few previous times, the first time in particular she arriving home hours into the night at fourteen in some mans car. He had been utterly furious that time and recalled the fight that broke out between himself and his daughter. Him berating her foolishness and accused her of putting herself in a situation where she could have been raped or killed, or both. She had yelled back the man was about to commit suicide. To which Hank recalled cruelly telling her she should have left the man at the bridge where he had been about to jump. She had set her jaw and glared right back at him just as furiously told him she'd never turn her back on someone in such a desperate place. Never.  Reminded of the stubborn set of her jaw at the time and her oh so not scary glare, Hank just grinned and with a smooch to her cheek, set her back on her feet and an arm still about her as he loosened the other for hand shakes, he had learned that time ago and the few after to not jump to conclusions with his own daughter, she'll introduce the man and why he was here. Probably for Hank's mother in law, Ida's fantastic cooking no doubt. "going to introduce your friend? And what's with the uh... attire?"

"Ah long day at work, long story - Dad Simon Bonesteel, he's a colleague from the labs and gave me a ride home instead of me having to travel by public transport or taxi dressed like I am - Simone!" She calls encouragingly, gesturing the man forward - to come shake hands. "My dad, Hank Martins."

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:40 am; edited 2 times in total
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 11:56 pm

Simon kept his distance, feeling awkward and oh so out of place. He knew how this could have looked, but there seemed to be a trust between Erica and her father, and for now, he didn't seem to be accusing. Of course Bonesteel acted with only good intentions in this situation. Sure, he was a cold hunter, but some people did earn his compassion, and Erica had wormed her way into his feelings. He cared about her, much like a daughter. It was... strange. And yet, it felt good to care about someone for a change, instead of keeping her at a distance.

Hands shoved deeply into his pockets, Simon waited for the exchange between father and daughter to come to its conclusion, and when Erica introduced, he took a step forward and extended his hand for a shake.

"Nice to meet you."
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyTue Aug 02, 2016 12:39 am

"Oh oooh, yes certainly a better idea than you coming home on public transport dressed like a cast extra from a rocky horror picture show yes." Very good idea. Hank was more disposed therefore to be more relaxed about the introduction and reason why a man a bit younger then himself he guessed was bringing his daughter home so late in the night. He grins and takes the offered hand shaking.

And none of that silly squeezing or finger crushings going on.

"and you, thanks for bringing her home tonight, I see we share an interest in the motors we have." He nods to the other humvee missing Erica's half muffled snort and giggle and roll of her eyes. Well no he caught it but was not going to let her know. And a wink at Bonesteel, see the mighty hunter had no need to be shy or uneasy around her big bad military dad.

Erica stifled a yawn. "Come on we can compare humvees after, I promised Simone a good meal." she was chilled and wanted to go inside.

Hank let the hand shakes drop, "Alright alright, after you both." He reached for the yellow building door and pulled it open indicating Erica and Simon lead the way in. It was close to close up time so the cafe floor was pretty empty.

((stupid pc keeps auto correction Simon to Simone - Razz pffft why have I never noticed Very Happy ))

Last edited by Erica Martins on Thu Aug 11, 2016 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyThu Aug 11, 2016 12:14 am

The interaction was helping make Bonesteel feel a little less awkward. Still, he was slightly concerned with what Erica's father would think, but he seemed to be accepting, and didn't protect the fact that Erica had brought him here for a good meal...

"Eh.. if it ain't too much trouble.." He said, letting the handshake drop when Hank released, giving a half-smile and a nod in the Humvee's direction when he noted the fact they had a common interest. "Can't beat 'em, man. Nothin' like a good Humvee for gettin' the job done.." A returned wink ad he followed Erica inside, taking in the place. Certainly one of the nicer spots he had been in lately, a luxury compared to old run down slaughter houses converted into headquarters....

"Nice place you got here..."
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Erica Martins

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptySun Aug 14, 2016 3:49 pm

"You are not wrong, guessing both of us are in a line of work that makes having a powerful, big and versatile vehicle important." Hank agrees following the pair through the doorway and grinned. "Never - mum loves cooking - and the more people out there in this city bragging about the full belly she left them with, the better." His belly growled. True he and his Ghosts usually ate well even when mission that left them little choice but to eat whatever they required on the run, but the thought of taking this home visit to have a good hot meal was undeniably a good thought.

A bell had tinkled over head and behind the counter where she was closing off some of the display units on the bench Ida looked over and gave a delighted cheer. "Hank - Erica! I was hopin you both be home soon!" She grinned and came around the bench crossed the floor hearing the new mans compliment and beaming as she hugged Hank and then Erica. "Thank you - I endeavor for complete comfort of my customers and new friends." Immediately counting him among the friends obviously as he had come in with Hank and Erica.

Grinning Hank gestures. "Simon my mother in law Ida, Ida our Bomb brought this gentleman, Simon Bonesteel, home from work to be fed." He introduces ushering the group towards the more bar bit of the counters, a meal, a stiff drink and coffee certainly would be welcomed. He seated himself and shoved out the two stools either side of him for Simon and Erica and Ida.

Ida nods. "Excellent, a man needs a good home cooked meal every now and then." She had grinned kindly at Simon like a much older version of her granddaughter adding a hug to him and the cheek to cheek 'kisses' of greeting, not missing Erica's little amused snigger and turning a more stern and motherly tone on her, "But I am not feeding you Erica dressed like that - go go get changed, have a shower my dear you look dead on your feet - go!"

Erica only put up a little defiance, she was tired, she looked like a horror movie run away... and this would give the hunter and the military man and her grandmother time to sort out food and talk more, and she had to contact April still. Having no idea she would be instead taking to one of Raphs brothers. So with a defeated sigh and grin Erica nods. "Okay, okay - wont be long" the last bit added to Bonesteel, though he would be made to feel right at home with her dad and grandma she knew. Heading to the back of the cafe and up a stair way located here to the apartment above.

Hank meanwhile took a seat and gave a deep sigh, it was good to be home, waving away Erica as she left, chuckling, but yeah she looked very tired.

Ida waited for Simon to sit too moving around the bench to be on the serving side and pouring the two men a shot of a thirty year old bourbon - "Any specific requests for food? and I'ma look at that injury of yours closer Simon." She points having noticed.
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

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Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel)   Muddied Waters (tag Bonesteel) EmptyFri Aug 26, 2016 12:12 am

To say that Bonesteel felt extremely awkward would have been an understatement. He was not used to any of this. He and Hank seemed to have things in common, so that was refreshing and certainly an icebreaker, but being cold so long... he was slow to thaw... but it was happening. Erica was probably the first person in a very long time to extend a friendly gesture. A friend? Hell, she was the closest thing to a friend the guy had.

It was sensory overload. The acceptance, friendliness and warmth. Being considered something other than a horrible human being. It was.. nice. In an odd sort of way. Not that he ever set out to win friends or the popularity contest, but it certainly didn't hurt from time to time...

Following the group to the designated area, Simon took a seat, caught completely off guard by the older lady's 'kisses'.. that was something else. Then Erica was ushered off to get cleaned up and his anxiety level spiked. Oh great. Would they use this time to interrogate him about his intentions? Well, that certainly wasn't the vibes that they were giving off. There was still that air of hospitality.

"I ain't picky..." He told Ida when she asked what they preferred. "Anything you offer'll be a treat... can't remember the last time I didn't have a meal from a can..."

When Ida mentioned his injury and offered to see to it, he shook his head, not used to any level of concern. "It ain't nothin'. Jus' one of the hazards of the job..."
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