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 Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]

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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

Posts : 45
Join date : 2015-07-19
Age : 47

Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] Empty
PostSubject: Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]   Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] EmptyThu Dec 17, 2015 1:20 am

Most out-of-towners visiting New York chose the plush existence of one of the city's numerous hotels, but not Simon Bonesteel.  Sure, after the funding that Baxter had given him to snag a Turtle, he could have stayed in a five star suite with all the pampering of a celebrity, but such luxuries had never been his style. Not to mention, it wasn't practical.

Instead he opted to rent an old vacant slaughter house that would be perfect for his operations while here. If he had to house a Mutant over night, there were plenty of holding pen, ad a few had been specially modified to take on the strength of an angry mutant Turtle. And who knew, maybe he would capture two. If Stockman only needed one, then the additional captive would be sold to the highest bidder.

After setting up 'shop' and getting the place in working order, the hunter customized the Humvee, adding a steel cage in the back with a motored tower behind it. The metal cable wound around the spool, connected to the sphere that was loaded inside of the harpoon cannon. The left wall of the vehicle was lined with fire arms of various caliber, dart guns each with different dosages. Baxter had given him a rough estimate of how massive these creatures were, but he was no stranger to 'fish tales'. It was better to be prepared just in case these beasts were smaller, or larger than anticipated.

Along with readying his shop and vehicle, the hunter had done his research. He became knowledgeable of their general territory, and there was even rumors that they inhabited the sewers.   If tracking the beasts didn't work, then he would go into their domain, but that would be a last ditch effort. Not that he would need it. Simon Bonesteel always bagged his target. Besides, he had learned of the creatures' habits. Apparently they were some 'do-gooders' and had been rumored to help those in need. So to speed the process along, Bonesteel had 'hired a young woman and her boyfriend to act out an attack. The boyfriend was dressed in all black, a ski mask masking his face. He would 'attack' the helpless female, and Bonesteel assured him that no harm would come to him. His darts were ready and he never missed his mark.....

The stage was now set. The Humvee was parked in a pitch-black alley, the back open inn preparation. Right outside the alley the young woman walked past, casual in appearance, until her 'attacker' lunged forward, grabbing her and pinning her to the wall...

The woman put on a convincing show. Her blood-chilling screams cut through the night sky and in a matter of seconds, a shadowy figure shot past, too fast for the untrained eye but Bonesteel had caught enough of a glimpse to calculate weight. But as prepared as the hunter was, he couldn't keep his promise to the male actor. Pressure points rendered him unconscious, and now the Turtle was trying to calm the woman who was freaking out, calling the Reptile every insult in the book, all the while beating him with her purse. The scene may have been comical if Bonesteel had a sense of humor.. but he was all business....

The tranquilizers were fired. Four in total. A possible overdose, but hey.. Baxter wanted them dead or alive. Preferably Alive, but given the size of these things, better to be safe than sorry....
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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Age : 26
Location : In the shadows of yer nightmares.

Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]   Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] EmptyWed Dec 23, 2015 3:22 am

Just another typical night, it would seem. Aside from the pandemonium as more frazzled citizens tried to leave the city as the news of some 'plague' caused an uproar. It was always something, but Raph had seen nothing that would cause him to worry. Besides, he was distracted by is running thoughts as he rushed along the rooftops, the chilled night air brushing against his reptilian skin. Still, he didn't seem to notice the discomfort of being semi-cold blooded in such conditions.

He thought about Erica, and the was she made him feel. That warm tingly feeling that he had felt around April, once upon a time. The kindness she showed him, and how willing she was to accept his differences. How at ease she made him feel. And there was that nagging longing, as if there could ever be anything more.. as if it was even a possibility. It made him inwardly curse himself, to self-torment in such a way. It seemed that every time he finally convinced himself he would forever be alone, something happened to make him question it....

...No. Erica, like Mikko, would never see him in that light. Maybe at least, a friendship would form. It was the most he could hope for. It was farfetched to think that a human would ever give up their way of life to be with any of them, if it was even possible.....

Inwardly cursing himself as he effortlessly leaped from one roof to the next with no destination in mind. That was until he heard the desperate screams of a woman, pleading for help. Begging for someone, anyone to help her. Too far out of police jurisdiction, it was a bad choice for a casual stroll, and she would pay the price. Luckily for her an unlikely hero would answer the cries that others would ignore.

Like a shadow in the night, Raph dropped down and in an instant, the attacker was an idle lump on the ground. Unfortunately the scene was not as it seemed and as he moved forward to check on the sobbing heap that had crumpled against the wall, a series of tranquilizers hit their marks, piercing his thick reptilian hide. One in the neck, delivering the drugs directly into his jugular, another to the femoral, and the rest all hitting veins that would prove affective.

A slip in focus would cost him dearly. An attempt to help someone would cost him his freedom and potentially end his life. Shocked, angered and the high dosages already working on him, Raphael's topaz eyes focused on his attacker and rushed at him, sai poised and ready to drive into the hunter....

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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

Posts : 45
Join date : 2015-07-19
Age : 47

Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]   Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] EmptyWed Dec 23, 2015 3:42 am

"Hot blazes, it worked..." Bonesteel breathed in a low whisper to himself. Sure, the guy that he had promised his safety was now on the ground, but maybe he would apologize later... or.. maybe not. The darts all hit their marks and for the first time, Simon saw the creature. He was massive! Much larger than the little female that he had tagged in Japan. This thing was enormous! And that shell... being a collector of trophies, he had not failed to notice that magnificent shell that adorned the beast's wretched hide.

It would make a fine coffee table, if Baxter was willing to part with it after doing whatever he planned to this creature.  

Bonesteel was hopeful that he had calculated enough tranq to put the creature down immediately, but unfortunately that wasn't the case. It was charging at him with weapons pulled and aimed directly at him. Still, the hunter did not panic. Being overly confident, he knew this critter was as good as his. He stepped behind the harpoon cannon and fired the weapon. Fortunately there was enough drugs in the creature's system to put his reflexes off and the  6" spear hit its mark, shattering through the right chest plate of the Turtle's plastron. When he spun to attempt to 'death-roll' out of the thick metal chord, another spear was fired, hitting the center of his carapace....
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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Join date : 2014-08-25
Age : 26
Location : In the shadows of yer nightmares.

Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]   Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] EmptyFri Dec 25, 2015 12:41 am

Vision blurring, Raphael could feel  the heavy pull of the drugs as he charged towards what he thought was his attacker. The girlfriend of the downed man screamed in horror, realizing they had bit off more than they could chew, and her boyfriend had paid the price. He was down with no signs of waking up in the immediate future. Had that creature... killed him?! She worked frantically to revive the man, inwardly regretting ever taking this job. At least the creature didn't seem to notice them. His sights were locked on Simon Bonesteel, the hunter crazy enough to take on this job.

Closing the distance, unfortunately Raphael would not reach his target. A cannon was fired, sending a spear shattering through his thick right chest plate. Blood splattered and spewed, a slight 'sting' felt as the hooked tip snared the flesh beneath. In a frantic attempt to dislodge the thick wire cable that was connected to the cannon, he 'death spun', much like a trapped crocodile, and another shot was fired. Another unforgiving spear pierced his carapace, shattering the entry sight, and then another found his exposed left side. A pained cry, brimming with anger and hatred shattered the once quiet atmosphere. Blood poured from the numerous injuries as labored breaths fogged the chilled night air. The tranquilizers had taken hold and he swayed, death gaze still fixated on the hunter as eyes fluttered and he staggered, losing his balance.

Now on hands and knees, Bonesteel figured this hunt was over. It was a matter of time before the beast would be unconscious. Complacency would cost him, however. He neared the creature with his crossbow ready to fire if the thing lashed out, and that's exactly what happened. Unfortunately for Bonesteel, the Turtle moved faster than a blink of an eye. The hunter's feet were pulled from beneath him and just as quickly, the heavily drugged Turtle was on top of him. A sai pierced his shoulder just as an arrow lunged and went half-way through the creature's neck...

Hated glares were exchanged as the beast slowly began to slip under, his full dead weight threatening to crush the hunter.....
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Simon Bonesteel
Simon Bonesteel

Posts : 45
Join date : 2015-07-19
Age : 47

Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael]   Code Red [Bonesteel Vs. Raphael] EmptyFri Dec 25, 2015 12:48 am

Shit. This critter was full of surprises and he had to hand it to the thing, he put up a good fight. But in the end, he wasn't a mach for the Almighty Hunter. Pinned beneath the mass of turtle, the creature's blood was pouring on him, thick and warmer than he would suspect, but none of that mattered.

Simon managed to wiggle himself out from beneath the crushing weight, blood pouring from his own shoulder wound, mixed with the crimson liquid of the beast. Giving him a nudge  to make sure he was down, Bonesteel wedged a cigarette between his lips and move to the back of the van where he activated the towing device on the cannon, reeling his catch into the back of the Humvee and directly into the heavily armored cage that would hold him for transport. Yeah, Baxter would be pleased....
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