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 Potential... (tag Stockman)

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Erica Martins

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Location : solitary confinemnet

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyThu Sep 17, 2015 12:41 pm

Date: 6th Oct
Time: 9 AM
Location: A Saki Inc Laboratories building.

(Takes place two weeks before turtle hunt )

It was normal to feel nervous upon beginning any internship. Totally natural to feel out of place in the new building and surrounded by new faces finding her way through the bustling busy people. And normal to have a sense of over whelmed in her head.

But Erica felt she really deserved to feel it all tenfold. And not even a friendly greeting from the usual bus driver that had picked her up nice and early this morning, or the usual curiosity she had over her fellow morning commuters could dampen the giddy fluttering of butterflies in her belly.

It had been her written supposition speculating mutational physiology that had gained the attention of the Baxter Stockman. Too be fair she had a little more than just hunching and guessing to go on writing the essay, as her best friend was a mutant. However, it still puzzled her somewhat, as far as she knew his primary field was engineering and robotics, what interest was her xenobiological hypothesis and biology knowledge to him? Though the internship came with the promise of payment for her future education into any elite university she wished.

But here she was now, nerves still fluttering in her belly, outside a door that had a plaque on it announcing this was indeed Baxter Stockman's office five minutes early her second supposition in hands, a long essay about using three d printing to print usable organs, dressed plainly in white tight collared t with a sun symbol over the belly, black jeggings and her favorite bright red boots with the unusual black designs waiting until she had two minutes to spare and gathered her courage to raise her hand and rapp on the door firmly, but not noisily. "Dr. Stockman?"

She waits.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 12:51 am

Stoackman had been preparing for Miss Martins' arrival. at first he wasn't very interested in taking on an intern, it seemed too much like baby sitting. But after finding out about her knowledge in mutation he found her quite intriguing.

He sat behind his desk then soon heard knocking. Glancing at his watch he nodded. Two minuets early. Punctual.

Come in!
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Erica Martins

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Location : solitary confinemnet

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 4:16 am

Another deep centering, calming breath - and Erica gently pushes the door open, stepping inside, eyes at once wanting to rove over the office of self made famous scientist, take in everything get a clue of what the man was really like, to see if he had something he might have been working on in the room or a bookshelf in here showing what he read. Maybe a coffee mug on the table... laptop?

Though she forced the curiousity away and focuses upon the man himself offering a smile and stepping over to the desk holding out her hand to him. "Hello Doctor Stockman, I'm Erica Martins." She greets politely. Hoping her attire was neat and tidy and overall her punctuality and friendliness would make a good first impression, especially considering her youth.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 6:42 am

When the girl first walked in, Baxter took her all in. hair, outfit, attitude. It all mattered to him. He was looking for a very peticuler type of person and it remained to be see if Erica fit that type.

Please, have a seat. He told her, motioning to the chair in front of his desk.

I think I've had my team do enough research about you. He informed and flipped through some papers.

Now...why do you think I could benefit from having you work with me? He looked up at her and placed folded hands on his desk.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 9:27 am


What exactly was he looking for? Marks on her record for sneaking out of school? Drugs? Records? Hidden pregnancies? Stealing? Other misdemeanors other teens get into maybe.

Well he would find none. Mostly because Erica was always far too busy to get into that kind of mischief. In her morning hours she helps prepares Cafe Noble, then school, after school a couple of hours of work. Her evening hours where, as far as all knew homework. But these also mingled hours with Leatherhead, this she knew no one would know about. Then it was home to wash bed and repeat. He would find no marks of suspected self harm, alcohol, speeding, moonlighting...

So she was not alarmed at this at all.

"I am flattered you had people look into me and also understand it was for security purposes." well that's how she preferred to see it as she took his offer. She did not slouch into the seat like other teens might have. She sat on the edge eagerly waiting for an opening to show him something she had been working on for some time now. Though she and Leatherhead would never have the equipment to build it. Ever. 

Then he handed it right to her and she lifts the 'book' which clearly had been a recycled paper book with a silver cover and places it on his desk carefully. "If I may be frank Doctor Stockman, I was puzzled as to why you a noted, peer reviewed, internationally famous and sought after mostly engineering scientist would require and yes benefit from having some one whom more favors the biological side of science, including hypothesized Xeno biology." She was both trying a little flattery and hinting she had of course 'researched' him as well, and admitting she knew she had some interesting essays over the past few years of what creatures may be on the other planets and moons in their own solar system given the differences in the eight planets and their moons. "But I thought I'd show you something I have had thoughts on a while and it may be all the answer you need for that question as to whether both of us will benefit." 

She lets him look when he was ready - not to rush him, after all if he liked the idea it was a HUGE advancement in biomedicinal research and would have ongoing benefits for science. Though the three d printer idea was not hers of course and a well used one already this would be taking it to the next level altogether.

In the pages he would find her thoughts, theories, proposed designs and details on something that was more his department. Engineering an actual printer capable of producing working biological organs. Thanks to Leatherhead was her some pages filled of proposed printer shape, size and details on how it may work... Her notes on the edible scaffoldings the printer would then impregnate with stem cells ready to 'grow' entire new organs.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Sep 21, 2015 11:33 am

It seemed he wasn't the only one who was doing background checks. He slid the pages over to himself. He started to read and was quite impressed. But did she really have what it took to work with him. not many did.

Your intellect is certainly not in question here. What is in question, is can you not only handle what we do here, but also, can I trust you to not tell others what you see or hear.

He put the pages down, but kept them he would look over them more later.

What I am working is bringing the dead back to life, so to speak. Freshly decided humans, combined with the latest in robotic technology. We are also working with mutagen, the propose being that dead tissue is not helpful, the mutagen can hopefully fix that.

Baxter looked at Erica to watch for a reaction to this information. He then continued.

Also. Speaking of mutagen. were you aware that there are mutants living in our very own city? I plan on capturing these creatures and harvesting their mutagen from them. Who knows, maybe they will be part of my little robotic project.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyTue Sep 22, 2015 9:50 pm

His rather disrespectful cavalier attitude to deceased...

Gave her pause, she tilted her head a little, her dark brown eyes finding his and holding. She'd done many an hour searching Leatherhead's eyes, so meeting and holding Baxter's was easy, she gave very little else in reaction to his words for some time clearly deliberating on her response to his words - she had no fears he could steal her designs for a organ printer - everything of hers was her intellectual property, thanks to her father and grand mother, and marked as such on each page he had just looked over in the bottom left cornerr.

"Can I ask what is the outward and onward long term goals of such research and experimentation? Are you searching for immortality? Or hoping to create a ... soldier force that can take place of living people on the field?" She finally speaks, curious. "Is there medical uses? military?"

Yes she was young and naive and maybe somewhere under the curiosity she felt some disgust and revulsion at the idea of resurrection, and deeper under than all inner fears of possibly being part of unleashing an zombie apocalypse. But her mind was also intensely curious. "And reanimation... of course surprisingly best way to go about it would be a engineered virus or bacteria that will replace the naturally colonies on a persons body, maybe activating at death and destroying those responsible for decay, replacing the body's neural pathways and reactivating the dead lines so to speak... of course what is reanimated being half human and half virus or bacterial colony may not be 'that' person still." She brainstorms out loud...
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyFri Sep 25, 2015 9:06 pm

And Baxter quite enjoyed her brain storming. He gave a nod and her. Well we are trying to work with the military. but words like morals keep getting tossed around. viruses and bacteria are a little harder to control then robotics.

He stood up from his chair and walked behind her to the door.

Come I'll show you around if you are still interested in what we do here.

And if she wasn't then she would have to be disposed of.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 1:06 am

"Maybe so, but robotics requires maintenance whilst bacteria or virus or fungal bodies are self containing." Erica responds and nods standing up. "Sure - be great to see the rest of the place." She leaves her book for the reading and waits for him to lead off.

Though she said nothing about morals. Mostly because she gathered by his tone he did not hold much store for morals. But they were important she felt. Immensely important.

Thought subjective in conjunction with differences in culture, tradition, religion and parental influence.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 1:30 pm

Most robotics do, but mine will not need the maintenance that normal robots would need. We think of everything here. or at lest, I do.

Baxter opened the door and walked through letting her follow him. He lead her to an elevator and pushed the button to go up. Once it arrived he stepped inside and once Erica joined him hit the only button available that would lead them right to his large lab.

He folded his hands behind his back as he waited to arrive to the floor.

Once there the doors opened and he this time he let Erica out first.

This floor looked more sterile and clean then the floor they just came from. There was a strong smell of metals and bleach. The walls and floors were white, the many doors that lined the halls were metal and automatic, an ID card was needed to enter and leave any of the rooms. cameras hung on the ceiling scanning the floor.

This is where the magic happens, if there was such a thing. come.

He lead Erica to the first room, using his ID card the doors opened with a woosh noise and a burst of cold air hit them. You get use to the temperature. He told her and walked in the cold room.

In this room there were three other scientist working on various things. In the center of the room was a large tank. about seven foot tall and wide, inside was filled with a green fluid and inside the fluid was ghostly white humanoide creature. from the main tank, other smaller tubes lead to other machines.

This is project "ghost" Isn't he beautiful? His skeletal structure is made out of a Titanium that we created here in the lab.
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Erica Martins

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptySun Sep 27, 2015 9:47 pm

For most the part she had followed taking in where cameras were and their positions, and she expected the clean smell, the cool plain white coloration.

Mostly listening to Baxter, smiling a bit at his talk of magic and the maybe of it, she was still a bit of a dreamer and rather thought that was still magic in existence. In some form or another. "Science in its own way is a form of magic, and scientists the magicians." she offers eyes trying to take in everything they passed. Which was not much as most was of course behind secured doors.

Of course she may have been more embarrassed by her bodies automatic response to the chilled room, not the goose pimpling of course, or her hairs standing on end in effort to trap body heat to her skin, but the hardening of nipples. But she barely noted and greeted politely the other scientists in the room before eyes fell on and took in the tank and the creature. She hesitated a second then stepped fearlessly closer to look. "titanium? what's ... His range of motion and speed?" She wonders slowly scanning the .. Maybe others whom had no experience in mutant would be shocked.. "Is.. Is he sentient?"
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyTue Sep 29, 2015 2:00 pm

Baxter chuckled at her mention of scientist being magicians. That was one way to look at things. He watch her reaction to the ghost project, she didn't seem worried about the creatures well being, or scared of it in anyway. that was good.

We don't know yet, but yes he is sentient. We had an issue when we decided to wake it. it attacked, or tried to. Luckily that tank can not be broken. So we don't know how strong it is, or fast or even what it's capable of yet. What we do know, is it's brain scans show that it has a high intellect.

We have compared it to human brain scans and the ghost project is quite remarkable. but, this only makes it more dangerous, and until we can find a way to completely control it, it has to stay in it's comatose state.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyWed Sep 30, 2015 3:17 am

Of course she would not display in front of these scientists. Or Baxter how her heart ached looking into the tank and hearing this sentient being was...

Living in a glorified bathtub.

It was so very very cruel.

And it was only her long learned ability to keep her calm around her best friend that allowed her to hide just how much seeing this disgusted her.

Yet, and this disgusted herself about herself! she was intrigued by the science. What he was....

"You may be able to subliminally program behavioral responses to commands like stop via use of auditory... maybe use music as a way to sooooth his reactions to being... awoken. Music after all affects the body and brain even when we sleep with it playing."
She offers keeping her tone carefully free of the disgust she felt at calling he just He... as in some beast that needed taming.

And suggesting a way to possibly tame him. Find something to ground him when awake so the focus was not on the rush of new sensations, and the fear and maybe instinctual need to fight or flee.

She steps back from the glass as she feels the overwhelming urge to touch - to see if she could tap and alert him to her being there.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Join date : 2014-08-29
Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyThu Oct 01, 2015 6:19 pm

Baxter thought about her suggestion and nodded. That may work. We will have to try that. Maybe that will be your first task. But for now let me show you why I need someone with your expertise, this way...

Baxter lead her out of the door and down the hallway. He then stopped in front of what seemed like a just a plan wall.

Know that I am risking much letting you see this. Know that I have ways of taking care of those who betray my trust.

He pushed on a white square on the wall that opened up a panel. He slid his card in the slot and the wall opened to reveal another room. He walked in and as soon as both of them were inside, the door slammed shut and locked.

In this room there were no other scientist working. It was quiet except for a few computers that were on. On the left side of the room were four, very large metal slabs that were standing up right. on the slabs where electronic cuffs to secure what ever would be on the slabs.

around each slab was various tubes and large needles covered with plastic to keep them sterile. Over in the corner was a large tub filled with a silver liquid that bubbled and steamed indicating it's extreme temp.

In this city there are at least four mutants, that we know of. Turtles. Maybe you heard the rumors around the streets of them, they have been a thorn in many criminal's sides. I have been after these creatures for some time now. for a number of reasons. One, I wish to harvest the mutation in their blood. two, I wish to study them, inside and out, see how they tick, how the mutagen effected them internally. and three...

He motioned to the liquid bubbling in the tub

My team likes to joke that i'm trying to create something called a wolverine.And apperently they don't mean the animal. whatever. I will save one of the mutants, let one live to inject them with this metal. essentially, replacing his bones with the metal. Australium! Once it's harden, nothing can break it.

Baxter paused for a moment. He looked at erica and studied her face to see if she was still willing to work with him.

I know what you're thinking. Why would I, a scientist who specializes in robotics care about things like mutagen, or creating a living being, or even making an already strong mutant stronger! I'm branching out. I hope to take the mutagen and be able to copy it, mass producing it to sell. as for the Australium, your idea about the music, might be able to help control the mutant as well. I have a man in mind that will capture the turtles for me. Once they are here. You will take over the projects, with my supervision of course. I expecially will need you during the autopsy of one of the turtles. in fact, because I want to see how your mind works, I will give you one of the mutants to conduct your own test on.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyThu Oct 01, 2015 10:47 pm

Erica threw one last look at the poor beast stuck in the tank, her heart ached for it. And a few small ideas presented themselves to her as she nods at Baxter and follows him. 

And she bristled silently keeping her face calm. Trust. She was starting to see what kind of person he was, what kind of scientist. Brilliant. Yes. But... So cruel and cold. There was other methods... Sentient beings did not have to be created, controlled and cruelly locked up to achieve ... What ever it was he was trying to achieve. And what benefit did all this have to the world as a whole?

However she did not miss the not so subtle hint she could lose her life if she backed out now, he was really not giving her a choice to say no, he was showing her things she could never be allowed to know unless he was planning to execute her should she show signs of cold feet. Well. She would find ways to undermine him on the inside then. And the first step, to make sure he understood all her knowledge on mutants was purely theoretical. That he never suspected she had actual contact with a mutant on more than a regular basis. "Expertise... More like guess work. All my work has been up til now strictly theoretical."

She noted the panel he pushed, and his card. Hm.

She had heard rumors. It was something that had intrigued her and Leatherhead to no end. Also rumors of a tiger mutant. Leatherhead was probably the best kept mutant secret in the city. There was rumors of albino gators... But none of a giant sentient gator.

She met Stockmans gaze, again thankful for all the time she spent with Leatherhead, not many could best her at a stare down and or see what she was thinking, so used to was to keeping him secret. "I was not thinking anything like that... You would not be a scientist if you did not have more than one field of interest and desire to know more..." she knew a lot about the mutagen... She and Leatherhead studied what they could from his blood. "I ... will need to study mutagen to be able to help... Perhaps we can utilize my idea for three d organ printing here... Why harvest a beasts organs if you can print them out... Or ... Maybe clone one of them. From what I theorized of the mutagen it is best fresh from the source. If there is only four, and there is always the chance of losing one or more in the effort to capture them, you don't want to potentially lose whatever you have. So if you don't have to harvest one for its organs... You could have more than one improved mutant under control. More than one to milk mutagen from, more profit."

She hated putting these alternatives out there... Hated suggesting methods that would keep these.. Turtles imprisoned here... But at least they'd be alive and be able to escape. "after all waste not want not right?... Whom is this man you are thinking of?" she stepped towards the liquid metal bubbling away. 

Replacing the entire bone structure would not be feasible. Or safe... She'd have to... Find a way to add it structurally to the bones, carefully. "I ... this Australium... Then I will need all the information on it you have... I am not familiar with it."
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptySat Oct 03, 2015 9:24 pm

Why waste the money on such things, when we can just remove them from a creature already alive? Yes there is only four of them, losing one or two is a risk. Hummmmm...Cloning? that might be something to look into...

Baxter headed out of the room expecting Erica to follow him. He headed back to the elevator. That was all he was going to show her for now. Once the turtles got to him then he would let her assist in his test.

I'll also need a human test subject. But I'll be dealing with that on my own. I will be putting you to work right away, however.

He stepped out the elevator and headed back to his office with her.

I need you to go to Chinatown. On Bayard street is a place called Jing Fong. Go there and ask for Bones. He has some supplies I need. Or at least he better have. He's already been paid so you just have to grab and go.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Oct 05, 2015 11:00 am

"Well it would be more of a waste of cash to willy nilly harvest organs of such a small population of mutant turtles, when there would be more profit if clonning or printing organs can be utilized." Erica contradicted gently, appealing to his business sense. After all a little money lost for more gain in the end? wasn't that a good business model?

She follows Baxter again her mind running over all she had seen so far. She had like most in the science field admired the illustrious Baxter and his vast intellect.

Now felt rather chilled being around him, she could never - despite her very good play acting at the moment! - just view mutants as anything but a experiment... a profit to be made. Or wish to be cruel upon them.

But as she had realized just moments before she could not back out now - she had to find a way around his plans, give him nudges towards less brutal means. Though he may just not care of the future profitability and maintaining it as much as much... maybe he just wished to be cruel to one of the turtles?

Well - whatever it was she would have to do her best to subtly prevent such outcomes.

She nods when he mentions a human test subject, feeling a recoil in her belly again glad he was not eager by the sound of it under is supervision on that front! "Oh?" She was also surprised he had a task for her already. And listened as he gave her the job. Also given she was young what they really should be doing was arranging a time for him to meet her parent or guardian. And go over paper work for her internship. But a job was a job and she was determined to prove herself a good intern. After all whatever trust she could gain may be payable forward later in more freedoms and free reign. More opportunities. "I'd be glad to... and wont be more than a couple of hours given traffic and public transport."

And she was gone in the next moment to her first task.
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Erica Martins

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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyWed Oct 07, 2015 1:12 pm

Bayard street, and into this place known as Jing Fong.

Erica made it - and with some difficulty, even if she was disturbed by what she had learned of Baxter this day - she really had to keep her mind on task alone and not go looking about the Chinatown and get lost in this interest or that curiosity.

She did not know whom to speak too but she asked fearlessly for the mysterious Bones.
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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyThu Oct 08, 2015 10:15 pm

Hearing his name being asked for, Bones slipped out the back room and walked up to the woman. He had a robe on, but not much more underneath.

Who is asking about me? He asked in a thick asian accent.

He looked at the woman in front of him and grinned. Was this one of the girls sent to him to butcher? If so she would have a letter on her informing him of what the client wanted off of her.
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Erica Martins

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 12:39 am

And she had waited perhaps a few moments watching the small groups of one and twos of peoples coming n and out, Trying to take in without being obvious what was purchased or what people had in arms. So curious!

"I am." Erica says firmly causing her arms a little. "I have come here to pick up a package for Dr. Baxter Stockman." She informs this man watching him approach - and not at all liking the grin he gave her, but her own face was a calm sort of sort. Refusing to be rattled even a little by the guys flashing.
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Potential... (tag Stockman) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyFri Oct 09, 2015 12:16 pm

Bones eyed her for a moment then nodded with a more cheerful smile.

Ah! one moment.

He hurried into the back once more where fussing about could be heard between a few people, all speaking their native Japanese language. But after a few moments Bones came back out, this time wearing shorts and holding a white cooler that was covered with dried blood.

Here. I added the extra heart like he asked. I didn't charge him for it this time, but you let him no I wont be giving out freebes again.

He handed Erica the the cooler then waved her away.
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Erica Martins

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptySun Oct 11, 2015 9:03 am

Taking the cooler with extreme good poker face smile - to hide the creeping feeling of 'ick' she felt being close enough to almost touch this mans hand she gave him a nod and lifted the cooler into her grip before their hands brushed.

Normally she would have been more than delighted to meet someone so unique, with the piercings and tattoos especially the eyes. But for some reason, again an sort of 'sense' born from having a best friend whom was a wholly unique individual on his own - made her skin literally feel as though it were alive with the sense of 'crawling' being so close to this - Bones. And all she was doing was receiving a package!

She gives the man her best sweet smile. "Thank you, I am sure Dr. Stockman will be pleased and so much so he wont mind paying full. He said you are prompt and gifted at your work." Baxter had said no such thing of course but a tinsy winsy wee bit of ego stroking and praise for good work will be a good thing?


"Farewell for now."
She says kindly.

She backs up a little before turning - not wanting to be in arms ... or lunge reach and her back to this dude. And made it seem she was just dodging the other patrons. Then she was out the door.

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyMon Oct 12, 2015 11:28 pm

Bones just sneered at the woman when she mentioned Baxter talked well of him. He knew that was a lie. Though he was gifted at his work. A woman poked her head out the curtain that separated the back and front of the place and started fussing at him in japanese and throwing dishes at his head.

He laughed at the woman and blocked the attacks, then looked at Erica.

Women are crazy, uh? I'm sure I will be seeing you again soon.

As Erica walked off, Bones watched her until she was out the door, then started yelling back at the woman and headed back to the back room.
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Erica Martins

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyTue Oct 13, 2015 8:07 am

She wondered if he thought his sneer or the disregard for women as whole would unsettle her?

Erica pondered carrying the contained and returning to the subway for a ride back to whence she had come.

The thing that bothered her most in truth was the questions she had.

Where did these... organs come from? Should she find a way to take the smallest of tissue samples to keep somewhere for DNA identification? And she knew what kind of man Baxter was now - but what exactly did he need these ones for?

The ride back was a quick blur thanks to it all going around and around in her mind over and over.

And by the time she was back and heading back to the office of Doctor Baxter Stockman she had decided more firmly she was going to have to ruin his plans from within. Find a way to put that poor stuck in the tank beast out of its misery and prepare to do what she can for these turtles. Protect them intact as much as she could.

She hoped.

And decided she was careful to take a deep breath and make herself relax before lifting a hand and knocking on the hard door.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

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PostSubject: Re: Potential... (tag Stockman)   Potential... (tag Stockman) EmptyTue Oct 13, 2015 6:48 pm

Baxter was very busy, lounging in his chair, listening to the classical music coming from his computer's speakers. His glasses laid on his desk and his eyes closed in medication. Then there was a knock on his door.

He sat up, put on his glasses and turned the music off.

You better be here with my lunch or my package. Come in.
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