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 Alysson Wittmann

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Alysson Wittmann

Alysson Wittmann

Posts : 99
Join date : 2015-09-29
Age : 20
Location : Nowhere and everywhere at the same time...

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PostSubject: Alysson Wittmann   Alysson Wittmann EmptyTue Oct 06, 2015 9:07 am

Name: Alysson Wittmann

~ Alysson never knew her parents, therefore she had no idea what surname belonged to her. However, her best friend Emily’s surname was ‘Wittmann’, so since they shared a strong sisterly bond she decided to use that name as well.

Nicknames: Alyss, Ally, Runt

Gender: Female

Age: 12 (almost 13)

~ Since she doesn’t know her actual birthday, she made one up for herself. She and Emily used to celebrate it every year together. Her 13th birthday will be the first time she doesn’t get to celebrate with Emily.

Affiliation: Currently, no one

Appearance: Alysson has long brown hair tied into messy, lopsided pigtails. Her eyes are slightly larger than average and are a vivid shade of blue. She’s rather short for her age, and skinny. She usually wears a simple grayish-blue hooded sweatshirt, a yellowish skirt, and pink leggings. On her feet she typically wears her old, dirt-covered sneakers. She doesn’t have much of a clothing variety, mainly because she hates stealing clothes – all the different sizes confuse her, and it can be annoying and time consuming to have to try different stuff on to make sure it will actually fit her.

Personality: Alysson is a bit shy, and doesn’t easily trust. As she was shorter than most of the other children at the orphanage, she was often subjected to bullying. She used to enjoy daydreaming about beating them up once for a change. It was fun to imagine. Cunning and creative, she would often make up plans for getting back at her bullies, but they never seemed to work out in her favor. However, because of her powerful stubbornness, she never considered ‘giving up’. She was stubborn in both the good and bad ways.
With an undying curiosity, Alysson longed to explore and be free to do whatever she wanted. She wanted a real family, for Emily was honestly the only person at the orphanage that she actually cared about.

History: Alysson has lived in an orphanage for as long as she could remember, and hated every moment of it. First of all, she felt that there were too many rules. None of the other children seemed to follow them, but anytime she stepped out of line she got in trouble. Also, the bullying was horrible. Apparently, being a bit shorter than everybody else made her a ‘runt’ and deserved getting beat up and teased any time the adults weren’t in the room. Emily, a girl one year older than her, was her single friend. They’d spend time together all the time, hiding away from the bullies and grown-ups so that they could actually have a little bit of fun once in a while.
One day, when she was around eleven, Alysson finally came up with the grand scheme – running away. She didn’t know why she didn’t think of it sooner, it was perfect! If they didn’t have to live at the orphanage, they didn’t have to put up with its rules and bullies anymore. They could actually be free to do whatever the heck they wanted!
However they were both naïve, and didn’t exactly know what to do once they were out on the streets. After finding an abandoned warehouse, they decided to temporarily call it home.
Alysson had only gone out for an hour one day, looking for food, when the Purple Dragons found and raided their ‘house’. When she had finally returned, Emily was dead.

Sample Post: It was late at night, and the streets were empty aside from the small girl. Alyss looked around cautiously before stepping out of her hiding place behind the dumpster. After ‘the incident’, she knew that caution was key.
The silence confused her and made her uneasy. She knew she couldn’t possibly be alone. She peered around the alley quickly, and then made her way down the street.
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Erica Martins

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Alysson Wittmann Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alysson Wittmann   Alysson Wittmann EmptyThu Oct 08, 2015 1:20 am

THis looks much much better than the bare bones profile you started with Very Happy though bare in mind for the next profile just leave it in the 'finished' section of the character creations until reviewed and it will be moved here for you okay? Wink

Though you took on the edits we pmed about well and I do encourage you to go back from time to time and and more to it as you think of it. And adds some more to your Sample post, maybe that Alys finds a stray cat or something Very Happy

But I do like it and look forward to now continuing on with rp with Alys. Smile
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Alysson Wittmann

Alysson Wittmann

Posts : 99
Join date : 2015-09-29
Age : 20
Location : Nowhere and everywhere at the same time...

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PostSubject: Re: Alysson Wittmann   Alysson Wittmann EmptyThu Oct 08, 2015 8:56 pm

Okay! Thank you~
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Alysson Wittmann Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alysson Wittmann   Alysson Wittmann EmptySat Feb 13, 2016 1:48 am

You didn't have a Q&A thread. But anyway! I got you something!

Alysson Wittmann GghYbkT

Your first chemistry set!
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