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  "Our Business is Life Itself."

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Erica Martins
Mei Pieh Chi
Alysson Wittmann
Baxter Stockman
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

Posts : 129
Join date : 2014-08-29
Age : 47

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyThu Mar 24, 2016 10:04 pm

((8am Stocktronic labs, Tank room.))

Baxter had been at the lab through the night and into the morning. He let Alysson go off on her own, as he was trying to establish more trust with her. He had some other plans for the young girl. But nothing that would be happening right away. He needed to test his inventions before placing them on the girl. he wouldn't have normally bothered with that, but he had taken a liking to the child. He allowed her to continue sleeping on his couch in his office if she wanted to. Of course she was not given any keys to go into the more secure rooms Baxter learned that lesson from Erica.

In the tank room all seemed well. Crystal had just brought them their breakfast, Fruit, cereal, milk, and some hot waffles and syrup. He still didn't know that the woman had given the turtles a means to communicate with her in the kitchen. Had he, he would have quickly taken them away. There was more that his personal tablets could do then just order food.

He had yet to meet up with the Japs. He was dreading it actually. And Mel? Oh god. Mel was prof that there was no god, because no god would thrust upon him such an annoyance!
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Erica Martins

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Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 7:55 am

It was a long time in the darkness of the den. Punctuated by her stirring Raph twice, complaining, protesting, cursing and generally whilst being a good 'wranglee' so to speak definitely making sure she knew he was unhappy about it.

Though considering these times was to get him to go to the loo and most important drink water she was not very apologetic. In fact pretty danged proud of herself for bravely waking the 'bear' to do so. But hey at least all his very mild grumblings was rewarded by more muscle massages upon returning to Den to sleep more.

Well sleep for him, she mostly just laid there in the dark and thought. Mostly composing songs in her head until it some time during the night she had drifted off herself

Her own needs seen to in those moments of waking plus the bits of cleaning about the tank so she was feeling rather accomplished when they settled in for the night... Well what she could do for it, cleaning the vomit and the pissed out words and placing some of the rockery back into place. The tree unlike the rockery was not fake however so there was no way in heck she could even shift it so it would have to stay where it was now. She'd stacked the dinner tray away and the tablet was now in her back pack stashed in the den with them. Her only real regret was that Raphael had not been well enough yet, at least too dehydrated, to have Donatello over for a visit. But given she had ensured he drank as much as she could get him to perhaps tonight?

Again the great turtle took up most the space head out the log entrance to escape her fragrance, she just to his left having snugged there for the night. She knew breakfast would be around or already here and that it was time to leave the den to eat. And maybe ... Hopefully get some light exercises in... That swim.

But unlike she had previously this time she would let him awake on his own. Hunger would eventually rouse the Raph. Erica content to just rest there.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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Age : 26
Location : In the shadows of yer nightmares.

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 12:39 pm

Raphael was not the Turtle best known for religion, but he had prayed for merciful sleep. Unfortunately, the higher powers that be didn't seem to hear his pleas of desperation. It had been a long, painful and restless night. Those small segments of sleep either interrupted by nightmares that had unfortunately become his suffocating reality, or the gentle prodding of Erica to make sure the 'essentials' were met, eased back into a hint of comfort by those heavenly massages. Fortunately he had been able to block out most of her scent, and he probably had his condition to thank for not completely going beast on her.

Another hour stretch of 'restfulness' with lingering imaginary jabs at his subconscious mind, reminding him that not even this escape could spare him of reality. His body twitched painfully around the small form of his cohabitant, soft whimpers that would never escape his conscious self filling the quiet. A loud buzz saw, coming down mercilessly and shattering plastron, shell splinters and blood splatter... conscious... witnessing... pain...fear...

"AHHHHHH!!" A loud blood curdling scream as bloodshot eyes flew open and battered form shot into an upright sit, shoving himself back against the cave wall.....
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Mei Pieh Chi
Mei Pieh Chi

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Age : 23

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 12:56 pm

Mei was still in disbelief of current events. Unlike the other Turtles, the whole captive experience was nothing new to her. Though what had changed was for once, she was no longer alone. Last night had been spent curled in the arms of someone that cared...someone that loved her. Someone who promised to protect her. She would have slept soundly, if her thoughts were not interrupted my the energy festering in the opposite 'prison'. Even though she could not hear Raphael's whimpers from their isolation point, she could 'feel' his fear. As massive and impressive and vicious as he was.. he was not handling this situation well at all.

Mei knew that it could lead to rash actions that could cause Donatello's brother his life. The fact that Raphael had slit his own wrist was testament of his desperation. Perhaps overwhelming anxiety, or tapped into that wild part of himself. Born and had lived a free life, unable to adapt. This was why some wild animals didn't do well in captivity. Their inability to adapt.. and Raphael had that gene. If Raph put one of the humans in danger, he would no doubt be 'put down' as if he was nothing more than an animal. And in his state, it was clear that death would be more merciful... but Mei hoped they could escape before it came to that.

The young female Turtle had reluctantly removed herself from the sleeping Donatello's protective arms a little over an hour ago, content to let him rest for as long as he could. She hoped that today Raphael would be strong enough to be reunited with his brother. It could be the red-clad Turtle's only saving grace. Though, she was certain that Erica was the reason that Raph was alive right now. No, she knew that was the reason. Having physical contact with his brother would help the anxiety, she was certain of that. To be reminded that he had many reasons to keep fighting.

Mei slowly ventured outside of the den and found a high point amongst the rocks, elevated well above the cave. A good place to meditate, to clear her mind and hopefully reach out to the scary Turtle on the astral plane. To calm him somehow. She sat quietly and undisturbed as the human woman brought their breakfast, concentration unbroken by the wafting aroma of delicious temptation. Unfortunately she was unable to make contact with the red-clad mutant. The demons would not let her in....

...and then the scream that reverberated throughout the tank room, shaking her to the core. Her concerned gaze fixated on the glass prison that was Raphael's, then drifted towards their own cave, wondering if Donatello had been alarmed....
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Erica Martins

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 7:49 pm

The twitching and whimpers... they began anew -

And it broke her heart.

This was partly why she had woken him previously. Aside from needing to attend to his care and doing what she could to ease pain given he could not have more medication on top of all the sedatives he'd already received...

She might have cried - the tiny bit of contentness she'd felt moments before shattered. But no - she had to be strong as iron within and calm, and try her best to sooth, offer what she could in comfort. Though, she knew Raphael needed his brother, brothers really, and wished she had a mutant power to teleport about like Nightcrawler, teleport them all outside this godforsaken place and be done with it.

She ignores the feel of tears on her cheeks - but this time was not quick enough to gently rouse him from the horrors before - oh Gandalf!! - did that scream test her reaffirmed resolve to remain strong... Shook it...

There was a scramble and she shifted enough to prevent herself being caught up in the rush. But followed, as best she could relying on her ears and touch so light to find him in the darkness of the den, that denied her human eyes anything but vague outlines she could not be certain of and not caring if he bit or lashed out at her in fear - though hoping her scent, her familiar knowing touch and voice would prevent that - she shifts closer, keeping contact light, a brush over toes, knees slowly moving a bit closer - remaining to the side of him so if he needed he could escape out the den entrance, slowly seeking that place under his chin - just a stroke of fingers that trembled with with rest of her. "I'm sorry BigRed." not entirely certain if she meant not just being fast enough to wake him this time, or for the entire situation... She was not going to lie and say it was okay simply cause she was there, it clearly was not. And was not entirely sure her words would register, but hopefully her voice and touch so light would help... a little...

Last edited by Erica Martins on Sat Apr 02, 2016 12:59 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Age : 47

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 9:44 pm

((phone convo with Karai from Better love story then twilight ))

Karai wrote:
Karai pulled her phone from her GI and dialed Dr. Stockman. She did not want the man involved in this, but realized that he could be the young Turtle's only hope. Their only chance at a crucial weapon. She had seen what the Turtle could do, they could raise him into the perfect soldier.

Baxter was heading out the tank room and into his office. He was trying to avoid the Japs for now, and Mel, where ever she was. He had just reached his door when his phone started to ring. Cursing silently to himself, he checked the caller ID which only caused more, louder curses. He finally got himself together and answered the phone.

Stockman speaking. What is it? His tone was crass and annoyed. This had better been important.
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed Mar 30, 2016 2:19 am

Donatello slept peacefully with Mei in his arms most of the night, but when she left, he curled up on his side.  He reached for her but only found grass underneath his fingers.  He opened his eyes briefly and saw her leave but didn't pursue her.  Instead he gave her her space and fell back to sleep.

He awoke much later with a jolt when he heard a scream, eyes flying open.  Even in his sleep, he could tell who the voice belonged to.  "Raph!" he cried, ready to jump to his feet then remembered he had crawled in there.  So he scrambled out of the cave and ran to the closest wall from his brother's tank, pressing his palms against the glass.

"Raph, are you okay?"
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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Age : 26
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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed Apr 06, 2016 5:06 am

((Finishing the phone conversation))

Karai: The Kunoichi breathed a sigh of relief when the crazy doctor finally answered. As much as she disliked him, she felt that he was Phin's only hope. "Doctor Stockman. Your services are needed at the tower, and I do have a feeling that you owe me...."

Baxter: Owe her? He didn't owe her anything! Everything he was doing in that lab was going to benefit the foot in some way. Baxter frowned deeply. He had no desire to leave and go to the tower. "Whatever it is I'm sure it can wait. I am quite busy, and I have a turtle here that needs to be prepped for surgery soon. I'm afraid I don't have time for whatever nonsense is going on at the tower."

Karai: .... he was.. 'prepping' one of the Turtles for surgery? What on earth did he plan on doing to Leonardo's brothers? "Well as it turns out, it cannot wait. From my understanding you have dipped into my father's funds without consent. Perhaps if I was the degenerate in your position, I would grasp for every opportunity of redemption. My father will not be so kind..." And she allowed that to sink in for a moment. "I have a Turtle here in need of your... talents. He is in critical condition and it cannot wait. I suggest that you assemble your best team and arrive promptly."

Baxter: So now the brat was threatening him? He was none to happy about that, but hearing she had a turtle there did interest him. still, it would have been better for her to bring the turtle to him. He was sure that his lab had more equitment then the tower. "I'll have you know, that your father gave me access to the funds as long as what I worked on helped his cause, which I assure you it will. It would be best for you to bring the turtle here of course. I'll be there soon." Baxter then hung up the phone and stood from his desk, he walked out to gather some doctors and supplies. the red turtle would have to wait a bit longer for his operation.

((Exit Baxter Stockman))

((In the tank room))

Raphael: Deep shaky breaths. His eyes darted around in the dark, used to such an environment, but it was bluntly obvious that he was still in this hell hole. Still, it did bring him some comfort to have her so close and those fingers finding his spot. Still shaken and heaving for breath, he melted into the gentle touch, nostrils flaring with each breath, eyes flickering and sliding closed... "No... I'm.. I'm sorry..." For being such a coward. For being unable to adapt to this. For making her efforts feel useless. And then something managed to meet his hearing. A familiar, frantic voice somewhere in the distance..."Donnie?" He finally looked up, gaze trained the direction of the exit... was he out there?!

Erica: Keeping touch light and brief and resting on her knees now she'd blindly found her way closer in the dens darkness Erica made a regretful sort of noise in her throat - "it is okay you have nothing to be sorry for..." her own gaze shifting to the exit. "No, I think... He heard you and is worried." voice low. "but soon he will be here." well as long as nothing else unexpected happened today.

Raphael: He was not ready to leave that comforting and reassuring touch, but needed to make some sort of visual contact with his brother. A small nod and he reluctantly pulled away, making sure not to hurt her in the process. Slowly he made his way toward the exit, crawling out on hands and knees until the light hit him, then struggled to find his footing...

Donatello: Don wanted nothing more than to assist his brother right now. To be able to make physical contact with him. Heck, to just talk to him would be better than having this stupid wall between them right now. "Raph, are you okay?" he repeated, pressing his palms more firmly against the glass as if he could just phase right through it and enter the other tank. Even though that was impossible.

Erica: following the big turtle out and having been in the dark den so long she actually had to sort of squeeze her eyes shut against the brightness out side and where as she had intended to keep the light contact via being beside him for comfort instead she sort of ran into that carapace "ooomph!" and fell back on her butt in the stream with a small splash and a shocked gasp at the feel of the icy wet pebblishness!

Raphael: Finally managing to find his feet, Raph made an attempt to close the distance, but not before Erica could run into him and end up in the pond. Confused at fist, he shifted to see what the fuss was about, worried at first, but amused after realizing that she was okay. Offering down a hand and gently pulled her up... "Yeah, Donnie... I'm okay...."He answered, shifting his bloodshot gaze to meet his brother, hoping he could hear from this distance, even if it was a lie, it was what Donnie deserved to hear. And with Erica once again on her feet, he made his way over to the glass, pressing his palm in alignment with his brother, even if there was distance between them.. "Are you? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Donatello: This was the closest Don had gotten to his brother since he first came in here. He glanced at their 'joined' palms before answering, shaking his head. "No, Raph. I'm fine. I'm just worried about you." He didn't want to put that guilt on Raph about how much it terrified him to see Raph hurting himself. And how helpless Don felt only being able to watch. He also noted the condition of his brother's shell. "What did you do to yourself, Raphael?" The pain was evident in his voice, but he couldn't stop the question from slipping out.

Mei Pieh Chi: She watched as Donatello finally exited the cave, but decided to stay in her place, knowing this needed to be a moment between brothers. Even if separated...

Erica: and she needed the hand up shivering from the shock of the chilled water Erica squeezed the big hand in thanks before letting go and whilst close for the moment standing back to give the brothers the alone time... Then the shock of the water awoke something she had been holding onto forever because she really loathed doing it here... "ooooh... Darn it, be back..." she shivers some more and hurries away to the loo corner doing the ridiculous Sims like pee pee shuffle the entire way.

Raphael: But the guilt was already there. Now seeing his brother and the worry and then the question, it hit hard. Donnie had seen everything. God.. he didn't even realize. He had been so out of it, trapped in his own mind and torment... "I...I can't be in here, Donnie..." His voice was quivering, obvious, pained. Fear. If only he could stay as collected as he thought his peaceful brother was...."I gotta get us out of here..." It wasn't a direct answer, but Don was a smart Turtle. In Raph's mind, somehow the glass would break if he tried hard enough, because everything had a weak point....

Donatello: Don shook his head. He really wanted to hug Raph right now. "I know, but not with your method. The only thing you've succeeded doing is re-injuring yourself. There has got to be another way." Surely the others were figuring something out. "I know Leo has to be working on a plan as we speak. Just hang in there, brother. It'll be okay as long as we keep a cool head about this."

Raphael: Raphael wanted to believe his words.. wanted to the faith that a rescue crew was coming.... "But.. what if they don't know, Donnie.... no one's lookin' for me.." Because no one had looked for him before. Weeks at April's and no sign of a brother, and he was in the obvious place. Well.. Mikey did stop by.... "They'll know yer missin'..." So there was that, but what if t hey were caught? So much to worry about! And like Donnie, there was nothing he wanted more than a brotherly hug.. there had been so much distance between them lately... so much pain....

Donatello: And then the guilt hit him hard. Don closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "Raph...I'm sorry. I feel absolutely horrible about that." Then he looked at him, blinking back tears. "I'm sorry about everything. I know what happened between you and Love. I know it wasn't your fault." Then Don's expression hardened. "She used you, Raph. She used both of us."

Erica: Erica did not announce her return... Finally, cold fingered, and goes to a solar lamp to warm her cold cold toes and fingers still giving the brothers their space glancing over towards Venus and knowing she too was doing the same thing. She smiles at her then glances towards the food hatch and ... A though occurs to her, hurrying towards the log and den again she crawls into find the bag and the tab Crystal gave them to request things from her... Turning it back on as she had turned it off during the long hours in here to conserve power and reduce possibility of it making noise and disturbing Raph from sleep he needed.

Raphael: Raphael was not expecting that bit of information. Donnie... knew? How the hell did he know?! He blinked, taking a step back, surprised and scared and now fighting back his own tears. Ashamed, even though he had no control... but it sounded as though his brother understood and... didn't blame him? He was at a loss for words..."She did." And he nodded. "Still....I didn't... I didn't mean for it to happen....she.. she wouldn't stop...."

Donatello: Don sighed again. "I know. And no one blames you, Raph. She pushed you to do that with her." Don REALLY wanted to hug him! Even though Raph always had that 'tough-guy' attitude, even he needed some comfort. And he needed it more than ever. "I was never angry with you, you know. I found out about her using us long before I could even think to blame you for it."

: And this was one of those moments that Raphael certainly needed comforting. His legs felt like Jello so he flopped back onto his backside, the soft sand breaking the impact. Not that he would really care. Exhausted and defeated and wanting nothing more than brotherly contact right now. Man, how he never thought he'd crave it so. "...I...I know I was hard on 'ya..." And the tears began to fall. "On all of 'ya... but... I was tryin' to protect yo...but I couldn't protect myself from my own damn instincts...."

Donatello: Don moved to his knees to keep his eye contact level with his brother's but kept his hands on the glass. "Raph, it's okay. It's something new to all of us. The control will come eventually, I'm sure of it." Don personally hadn't lost that control, but he knew it was possible. He just hoped if it did, it wouldn't be with Mei. Speaking of Mei, Don glanced over in her direction then smiled back at Raph. "Did you see her, Raph? She's so beautiful."

Erica: she had just sent a message to Crystal request she contact her own Grandmother and get two large tins of milo from her. Explaining to the women it would be an excellent health recovery item for the turtles... turning off and placing the tablet back away Erica was just leaving the Log when she saw Raph go down and of course thought something was very wrong, she skidded over maybe a tad clumsy still from the chill of her loo visit and ends up crazing her knees a little as dropped to his side - but her forth coming question regarding his health was swallowed as she realised the brothers both were now seated... And felt she knew what was going on, relieved a little she resumes her feet rubs a hand briefly over the big turtles head gently and heads to the front glass wall, "Ben.. Jerry?" calling out to the assistants that had helped her before.

B&J: their shift here just started new, the two glance at each other but Erica was not standing close to the food hatch - Ben was still scrapped and scratched and bruised from his forced squeeze through that hole. Jerry nods and heads over the glass wall between himself and the girl. "yeah?"

Erica: Smiling as the man approaches Erica nods. "you able to find out if there is anything happening with the turtles today? It would be great if yous could swap me over for Donatello for a while." she explains glancing back to Donatello and Raphael. "the sooner the better."

Raphael: And Raphael hoped that his brother was right. That there was a way to maintain control otherwise, he couldn't see himself being with anyone, ever again. Unless he completely lost it, and that scared him. Especially how close he had gotten to Erica.. how he already loved her.. Then came Donnie's question and seeing the admiration and fondness in his younger brother's eyes, Raph wiped at the tears and managed a faint smile. "Yeah.. she's cute, Donnie." Of course no one had anything on Erica, but he certainly wouldn't voice that. The Turtle girl was pretty and if she made his brother happy and wasn't a complete lunatic, he was happy for him. "An upgrade to Love..." And he felt Erica's presence, but then she moved away to talk to the humans. "We're gonna get outta here..." He promised his brother, one way or another. Even if he didn't make it out himself, he would give his life insuring his brother's freedom if need be.

Jerry: Chews his lip... And taking this chance to put up the sign "Don't be Sammy!!" on the tank with glue tack. "okay. Give me ten minutes to scout about okay?" he finishes and nods backing away and heading back to Ben, telling him what was going n and leaving the tank room. Ben nods.

Erica: Erica smiles, the two laser jockeys were not bad. She heads back over to bring the breakfast tray over to Raph, not interrupting his and Dons conversation smiling over at Don though at his words amused and glad, just bringing food closer and offering silent comfort waiting for the Jerry to return.

Donatello: Don chuckled lightly then glanced over at Erica as she came over to Raph. "I see you found a special someone, too. I'm happy for you, Raph." Then he smiled at his brother again. "Look what we both have from this bad situation, brother. That means everything will be okay."

Jerry: would not take long, he was told Baxter had been called away on something important with a few top gore workers and the Japs had closeted themselves in their quarters and wished not to be disturbed. He grabs a transfer cage on the way, the only way aside to open the side hatches of the tanks and get the purple wearing turtle into the neighboring tank and back again laters. He was just pushing the thing in as Erica was delivering Raph the breakfast tray.

Erica: seeing this Erica patted Raps knee and headed back to the wall to talk to Jerry and find out what he had learned.

Raphael: And hearing that, Raph's grin grew a little wider, sniffling back the snot and years and nastiness of emotions. "Yeah..I dunno how I got that lucky..." And he watched as she left once again, still communicating. He just hoped that he made it out of here, to pursue any time of life with her. "Guess some good did come of it..'.. I got to talk to you... I missed you, Donnie...."

Donatello: Don's own smile grew. "I missed you too, Raph. So, are we good now?" He wanted to know for sure, but considering Raph wasn't yelling at him, he took it as a good sign.

Erica: the quiet talk between them... well looks like they got somewhat a lucky break with Bax out and the Japs watching weird anime tentacle porn or something and so nodding Erica makes a one moment gesture to Jerry and heads back to Raph kneeling beside him and kissing a cheek, she had heard before - "I consider myself the lucky one." she winks looking over to Don and breaking into the conversation gently. "how's about you come over here and make the goodness really good Don?" she nods to Jerry waiting with the transfer cage. "and if Venus don't mind I'd like to go over there." of course she'd prefer to remain right here, snug the crap out of Red, hands hand lifted to brush the remains of tears that made it past the red rag cloth away so gently. Include ing Venus here because she did not want to force her company upon her, but new the brothers really needed this.

Donatello: Don smiled at Erica, nodding. "I would love to." And he really needed it. He also knew Raph really needed it. He glanced over at Mei again before looking back at his brother and Erica. "I'll go see if she's on-board with it." Then he got to his feet and headed over to Mei. "Venus? Would you mind if Erica came over here for a while as I go over to visit my brother for a bit?"

Raphael: Sniffling again and smile growing when Erica joined him, he carefully leaned against her, nodding at his brother. "Of course we're good, Donnie...I never blamed you.. jus' anted you to understand..." And it seemed as if arrangements had been made and his brother would be permitted to join him? He gave a hopeful look at Erica. And it didn't seem that Venus had any rejections to having Erica visit her....

Mei Pieh Chi: Indeed, Mei was a little reluctant, but offered a soft smile and nodded. "I do not mind..." Because if the boys trusted her... perhaps it was time to do the same.. to let her guard down....
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Alysson Wittmann

Alysson Wittmann

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed Apr 06, 2016 11:17 pm

Alyss had been lying down on the couch in Mr. Stockman's office, her eyes shut though she wasn't sleeping. She'd listened to him on the phone, though she didn't pay it much attention. All she knew was that he'd be out of the lab for a little while. Once she was certain he was gone, she got up.

Yes, she technically had his permission to go about the lab on her own. Still, she'd have a bit more freedom without him around.

Because she was his, and was no longer considered a test subject like Mel, she didn't think she was being monitored. She kept her guard up anyway.

Her first objective - find Mel.

'Coward' 'Selfish' 'Blind' Mel had said so many mean things to little Alyss! Naturally, she didn't want that sort of negativity in her life. And all Mel did was make her so so sad. And Mel made Mr. Stockman unhappy too. In fact, everyone would probably be very relieved if Mel wasn't here anymore. Everyone here would be oh so happy. Happy with Alyss.

All she had to do was find the room that Mel was in...and Operation Bye-Bye-Mel could commence.
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Erica Martins

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon Apr 11, 2016 1:22 am

That hopeful look!

A smile of her own and her words that had been meant for Donnie to tell Mei, that she'd be fine with just sitting outside the tanks whilst the boys had their bromance if Venus was not happy with the idea of her visiting.

And the fact Donnie had already gone to see Venus also was as her words forgotten.

She nods at Raphs look, [olor=#FF69B4]"yes as long as you guys need or until there is news of the mad scientists return to the labs."[/color] She assure nuzzling her nose tip to his snout glad to see the news made him hopeful.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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Age : 26
Location : In the shadows of yer nightmares.

 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon Apr 11, 2016 11:18 pm

Raphael wasn't sure if it was the hopefulness of that he would soon be able to hug his brother... whatever it was, it caused happy tears that he could not contain, though he quickly tried to wipe them away. Could be allergies, and if anyone asked, that's what he'd say..

Another small smile and when Erica nuzzled his snout, met her lips, kissing softly with a whispered 'thank you'..
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon Apr 11, 2016 11:34 pm

Don smiled up at Mei, took her hand and kissed the back of it. "Thank you." Then he gave her hand a squeeze then let it go. He smiled at her once more then headed back over to the side of the tank, giving Erica and Raph a thumb's up.

"Let's do this."
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Erica Martins

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PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed Apr 13, 2016 6:47 am

Erica almost missed the thumbs up but managed to momentarily return it and barely registered Donnie's words - her attention stolen by Raphael completely for some several moments, shifting, where he had leaned against her before now she brought more of her soft warmth against the much larger turtle man, careful to keep her weight on her knees though, a hand dropping, fingers tracing along the cracks in his plastron to find his much larger one bringing it back to those little trinkets briefly intertwining their fingers capturing and clasping the red cloth strand, the gifts between their palms. Her other hand shifting to cup the back of his head bringing that kiss and those whispered words of thanks deeper, returning her own murmured "no, thank you... BigRed."

A reminder of, her love, that promise she had made giving him those trinkets to protect him, all she had spoke of choosing him when she had returned to the labs, willingly entering into captivity,muncertainty and willing to follow him to the end.

Certainly aiming to render him breathless as she herself was with the force of the emotions, then she withdrew, the kiss, her hand cupping his head, thumb light and soft brushing away tears he missed. Her own eyes for the moment dry and holding his, othe hand still kept contact squeezing, nodding towards where his brother would be brought over and let in, to wait for him with her and she would be taken to the other tank.

Jerry outside the tank having got Ben to help him roll the cage into position to receive Donatello, "if your ready uh.. Purple?" within to take him to the tank next door rolling his eyes at the moment between the girl and big scary turtle. Waiting for the taller turtle to climb in. The tank and cage edges married and opened - without the proper clearance personnel cards that responded to sensor built into the mechanisms of the tanks side entrances that slid up, this was the only way they being lowly laser jockeys during their usual hours and on the added shifts here just door guards,  could accomplish opening and transfer.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 6:32 am

Fingers intertwined with hers, their palms against the trinkets, Raphael felt breathless for the moment. The gesture still managing to take his breath away. As the kiss deepened, soft churrs rattled and tickled the back of his throat, lasting even after the kiss ended. Now his gaze shifted to the direction his brother would be coming from, eager and excited, even if he appeared guarded. Anything could go wrong, after all and he couldn't afford to completely become lost in hope. Though, there was that rare glimmer in his eye, hope that had not been there hours ago.....

It had been so long since he had been in the same room with his brothers. Unable to touch them... to smell them... all things that he thought were memories.....
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Mei Pieh Chi
Mei Pieh Chi

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 6:36 am

Watching everything unfold, Mei smiled as Donnie kissed the back of her hand, a small blush coloring her cheeks from the warmth that seemed to radiate from him. She returned the hand squeeze and finally slid from the cliff, still guarded about meeting the human woman, but also hopeful.She sensed no malice from the human and only a desire to help, and it was obvious how close she was to Donatello's brother. Humans had hurt her so much... ripped her from her 'home', had taken everything. But this one.... this one was different.....
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 5:37 pm

Don glanced at the cage and his expression darkened. That was the absolute last place he wanted to be - even if it was only temporary. But Don knew that it was the only way he would be able to see his brother. He had to comply. Sighing heavily, he made his way into the cage. He trusted these people...barely. He was so tired of being locked up period.

"It's Don or Donatello, please. Not Purple." he corrected the men as he waited to be transported to the other tank. He saw Mei move from her seat and he gave her a small wave and a reassuring smile. Everything would be okay.
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Erica Martins

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed Apr 27, 2016 11:18 am

Watching  Raphael's face as she drew away, well almost, pausing for a moment Erica briefly pondered the odd mix of hope and fear. As plain to her gaze as if it were flashing in bright neon colors over the cheeks that had blushed so very often that day a few days ago at Aprils. Did Raphael need a reminder of that he'd helped one of his younger brothers that day? That, on that day the little brother in orange had sought him out in need of council and reassurance and the big brother had stepped up to the challenge easily. That she had brought news Leonardo was aware of their capture, that he was no doubt plotting to rescue them.

Yes. Her great red clad turtle man needed that reminder. To be hopeful, not guarded. Well about this one little aspect of their current captivity.

Yeah, their situation sucked, many things could go wrong in the tank room with her and Venus in the neighboring tank, but the... this between brothers... would be fine. "Wish I had met all your brothers under better circumstances, perhaps when we are out of here I can meet and greet them all properly, Michelangelo, Donatello and Leonardo." light, soft casual remark, her honesty in wishing to truly meet all his family one day, but one calculated to remind him of their evening with Michelangelo at April's, her words previously on news she had personally seen to ensuring Leonardo knew of their plight.

And despite wanting to stay and feel more of those churrs. She gathers herself and stands reaching and pulling her backpack to her as she does so, drawing out a tight little roll of clothing and un doing the hair tie keeping it in the roll pulling her hair back into a quick messy plait, then the the green summer strapless very short dress over the white swim suit she was currently wearing and the backpack over her back, giving Rapheal a wink and standing beside him now waiting as much as he was.

"Uh okay, Donatello." Jerry says uneasily but pleased too. "I'm Jerry." The cage was easier for him to move once Donatello was in and the side door and cage closed automatically sealing him in for transport the some several meters over to the big red turtle's tank.  Moving the sides together to open. Nodding at the waiting girl. Though she could have slid in and out of the food flaps if she wished to - this time she waits, although Jerry nor Ben had no idea it was for her big red clad turtle she waited for, remaining close until his brother was in the tank. "We're here." unnecessarily when the way was open for the tall leaner male turtle to slip out into the open of his brothers tank.

Last edited by Erica Martins on Tue May 10, 2016 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue May 03, 2016 1:27 pm

And Raphael was internally grateful for those little reminders and the reassurances as she kept at his side. His fingers finding hers, slipping through as much as their bulk could and squeezing her so gently. Another slight nuzzle, conveying appreciation and admiration to this female that had been at his side in more ways than one. Keeping him grounded and sane and.. alive.

"You'll... you'll get a chance under better circumstances.." Perhaps a little too late for the initial introduction to all, but there was hope. And it was in his voice because there was no 'if' she got another chance.. she 'would'. They would get out of here, all of them, and start a new life.

His heart picked up pace the closer Donnie's transport cage drew closer to his own and carefully tugging Erica along, moved in the direction of where the doors would open, not even for a moment contemplating a escape. This moment was long overdue, and not a damn thing would ruin it! It had been so long, and so much had happened that he couldn't help but feel slight nervousness, but the overwhelming joy of being reunited with his brother extinguished all of that....
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed May 11, 2016 11:34 pm

It felt like forever in that cage while Donatello was wheeled over to his brother's tank. But it was finally happening! He needed to be with his brother so they could just talk. Talking with Raph required privacy which is something that couldn't be accomplished between their two tanks.

Finally, the cage was pushed over to Raph, the door was opened, and Don stepped out. He just stood there for a few moments, trying to figure out how Raph would deal with the situation. "Raph?" A few moments later, he made his way over to his brother and hugged him tightly.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do this."
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Erica Martins

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptySat May 14, 2016 1:32 pm

And finally Donnie was there -

Just moments earlier, Erica had adjusted her fingers to so her ring and pinkie left out made it easier for the intertwining, her thumb stroking those thick three fingers knuckles where it could reach. Nuzzling, she delighted in it - so much so she gave a delicate little shiver and moan. "Oh I just wanna lay back and let you nuzzle me all over!" - innocently and entirely unawares she said that out loud, having thought it was a thought that never made it past her lips. Then a little nod and grin at his words. After feeling she could have done more to ensure a more restful night and done more to prevent night mares it was good and warming to hear and see if for just now some time that he had hope their current imprisonment was not permanent. She herself was not sure how escape would be facilitated but she had no doubt they would. Having followed she drew aside when Donatello exited the cage into their tank, gently disengaging from Raphael - with a kiss to that 憤 scar, slipping her fingers away from his when the tall lean purple clad turtle made his way over. Smiling when he initiated the hug.

And made her way to the cage, climbing within and relaxing back. "the next tank please." with a little bit of humor - almost as if taking a palanquin ride.

Jerry nods a snicker, "Of course," and waits until the cage and tank sides had closed once more before wheeling the girl over to the next. "we are here milady." making a fancy hand gesture once the cage and neighboring tank sides married and opened.

"Wonderful, always nice to ride in style." Erica chuckles climbing out of the cage into the tank, now completely alone with Venus. And for a moment deliberated on how best to precede, a humph pout of thought on her face. Then she decided and headed over to the still standing tree here and its neat line of bushes, closer to Venus but not all up in her space immediately, turning the heat lamp here to provide a little warmth to the grass spot behind the tree and bushes and then turning back to gather the food tray left by Crystal. It was not perfectly hidden, but she and Venus were both small enough once seated to be afforded some privacy in the space and Erica felt it would be a good spot. Not even thinking of going into the den for the simple matter that space like hers and Raphs was a personal space. "Gonna come eat?" a warm invitation for the nervous turtle female to join her pulling off her pack back and adding to the tray a block of chocolate. Nothing like chocolate to share to ease a new bond in the making.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue May 24, 2016 12:57 pm

Raph smiled at Erica as he lavished her with another series of nuzzles at hearing her words... "It'll happen soon.." And he winked as he reluctantly released her, nuzzling and kissing her forehead before she left....

Now waiting in anticipation, breathing hitched and labored as he stood there, heart hammering inside of his chest. So many emotions harboring within. He wanted nothing more than the company of his brother, and it was finally happening! The moment Donnie stepped into his cage, he fought through the pain and discomfort and closed the distance, meeting his brother in a tight embrace...

"Donnie...." The hug tightening, but mindful not to hurt him, he nuzzled his neck, warm tears burning the backs of his eyes and he made no effort to stop the few that managed to slip down his cheeks. The hug lingered, not willing to let go just yet. He thought this would never happen again. He feared that he would never be given the opportunity to express just how much he really did care, and how much he loved them. But here it was. That window he had been praying for...

Sniffling softly and churring quietly, he nuzzled against his brother's shoulder. "Love you, bro."

Last edited by Raphael Hamato on Tue May 24, 2016 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mei Pieh Chi
Mei Pieh Chi

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyTue May 24, 2016 1:12 pm

Venus watched everything unfold, and soon the human female was inside of the tank with her. She had been nervous before, but remembering how good she seemed to be with Donnie's brother. And she detected nothing sinister within her aura.

Still, she hesitated for a moment, having been so long since she had been in the company of a 'good' human, not sure of how to react. She watched as she arranged the food... then chocolate...[i]chocolate!/i] It had been so long since she's had such a treat and her stomach growled, causing her to scuff at its betrayal.

After a few moments, she slowly approached and took a seat beside the young woman, hugging her knees against her chest. Her eyes were still on that bit of chocolate, but felt it would be rude to just snatch it up and dive it....

"Hello..." She greeted nervously, big doe eyes meeting hers...
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Erica Martins

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyWed May 25, 2016 1:27 pm

It was a good thing she was soon in the transfer cage and now seated in the tank, Rapheals nuzzling, kisses having left her knees a little unwilling to be cooperative.

She was breaking the chocolate bar into its little cubes of goodness when Venus joined her, piling the little pieces on a little plate having moved the toast to the other plate and was just placing the last few pieces down when the female turtles light voice greeted her. There was no bars or Donatello between the two of them this time. Though she could see she was still nervous, knees hugged to herself like that. Erica smiles licking her fingers and to show a more unthreatening, open receptiveness Erica stretches her legs out beside the food tray slumping relaxed against the fake rockery of the walling that separated the 'loo' and 'waterfall' hidden space from the den. Noting like hers and Raphs tank the stream of water feeding along the rockery to the pond came out under the logs entrance way.

Her own brown eyes meeting Venus's, "Kon'nichiwa, raburīaizu."
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Donatello Hamato
Donatello Hamato

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon May 30, 2016 1:12 am

Raphael Hamato wrote:
Raph smiled at Erica as he lavished her with another series of nuzzles at hearing her words... "It'll happen soon.." And he winked as he reluctantly released her, nuzzling and kissing her forehead before she left....

Now waiting in anticipation, breathing hitched and labored as he stood there, heart hammering inside of his chest. So many emotions harboring within. He wanted nothing more than the company of his brother, and it was finally happening! The moment Donnie stepped into his cage, he fought through the pain and discomfort and closed the distance, meeting his brother in a tight embrace...

"Donnie...." The hug tightening, but mindful not to hurt him, he nuzzled his neck, warm tears burning the backs of his eyes and he made no effort to stop the few that managed to slip down his cheeks. The hug lingered, not willing to let go just yet. He thought this would never happen again. He feared that he would never be given the opportunity to express just how much he really did care, and how much he loved them. But here it was. That window he had been praying for...

Sniffling softly and churring quietly, he nuzzled against his brother's shoulder. "Love you, bro."

Don held Raph just as tightly as he was with him. "Raph, I'm so, so sorry." He didn't let go of Raph until his brother was ready. Don wouldn't take that away from him. "I love you, too," he answered, giving Raph a small nuzzle. The scene possibly looked a bit questionable to others around, but it was a very welcome embrace for both of them. Don didn't really care what it looked like, and he was sure Raph didn't either.
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Mei Pieh Chi
Mei Pieh Chi

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 "Our Business is Life Itself." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Our Business is Life Itself."    "Our Business is Life Itself." EmptyMon May 30, 2016 1:13 am

Eyes drifting from Erica to the chocolate bar, stomach growling in anticipation, earning a bright blush from the female Turtle. It had been so long since she had seen chocolate, and to smell it... it was almost more than she could take. It came as a surprise that the human could speak her language, and even earned a small smile.

"May I?" She finally asked, gesturing towards the chocolatey goodness that would not stop taunting her. She did not want to come off as a 'begger',but like most females, chocolate was her weakness. Especially in this time, when her body was receptive....
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