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 Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)

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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyThu Mar 24, 2016 2:52 pm

((8am. Foot Tower day after Just like ol' times ))

Today was a bit stressful for Leo. He had made a promise to, who he thought, was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He was to bring her a pizza and they would eat it together in the foot's garden. It would be nice. But, he also had his brothers in his mind. He knew that what ever plan they had couldn't be done right away. It seemed that Raph needed more rest. Hopefully Mikko would be able to tell them more about Raph and Don's condition, along with ways to get in the lab and get them out of the tanks.

He had called Mikko earlier that morning. She sounded dead tired, and mummbled something about a brain. She had probablt been drinking. Good news was that she was willing to go to the lab today! She said she would talk to Laz, and Leo trusted that she would keep her word and go and report back. So that was some stress off his mind.

He had just picked up two medium pizzas. One with extra cheese and one with cheese and pepperoni. Leo thought Vic's first taste of pizza should be simple. And speaking of taste. He was a bit worried that she hadn't 'eaten' in a while. Hopefully if she did attack he could handle the situation.

Arriving at the Foot tower. Leo boldly let himself in. He gave a few friendly nods to the guards as he passed, though he could sense that he wasn't fully welcomed there and was only tolerated because of Karai. Reaching Vic's room he gave two loud knocks. Victoria. It's Leo. Can I come in?
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Victoria Bishop
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Victoria Bishop

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 1:21 pm

Victoria had not slept well last night. This was all very new to her and she wasn't sure if her inability to rest was largely to do with the fact that her body no longer required rest, or because her still human mind over-thought, as she always had. So many uncertainties. Where was her father? Why was she alive? She had been shot... she died. She remembered that. And now, everything had changed.

Means of transportation was no longer horse buggies and technology had come a long way. The world was full of ninjas and mutants and... the ladder had become her primary food source. She fed on blood. Normal food was just a 'hobby'... habit. a pleasure to the pallet. But now, she was hungry...

Bloody tears rolled down her cheek, recalling the events of last night, what had happened after returning to the tower. Starving, she had found Phin...and....mutilated him. Half of his face ripped off, left arm stripped down to bone.... all because she couldn't control the hunger. It all happened in a blink of an eye, before anyone could control her...

She had been ushered away, and now did not know the fate of the little ghostly colored Turtle. But she remembered the fear in his eyes as she tore into him, and unfortunately he had been too weak to use his 'gifts' on her.  Though, he had left her with a pretty horrific migraine. She deserved it, she thought. And deserved so much more.

She was still a bloody mess when the knock came at the door, and a familiar, soothing voice. She was curled up on the bed,clutching her pillow, reluctant to answer at first, afraid of what she may do. But it was Leonardo and somehow.. he had the ability to make her feel okay. Finally willing herself up, dried blood coating her lower jaw but she was currently not in touch with her physical self. She cracked t he door open just slightly, bottom lip quivering like a scolded child before pushing it open, disregarding the guard that had been placed by her door.

"You.... remembered me..."
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 1:39 pm

Infiltration of Baxter's lab had brought many things to light. Unfortunately the mad-man was nowhere to be found, but the Kunoichi had discovered everything she needed to know. It was obvious where her father's funds had been used... to capture and 'house' two of Leonardo's brothers. She would need to get word to the Hamato leader, and eventually face Baxter..

Unfortunately the mission had to be cut short due to Victoria's instability. Karai had questioned her choice to bring the vampire along, but did not trust her in the presence of Tiger-Claw. Though, had she known that the girl could easily rip the Tiger's throat out, perhaps she would have left the pussycat to the girl's mercy.

Soon after returning to the tower, Karai left Victoria to rest in her room (or so she thought) and she headed up to the Garden to call Leonardo. Before she could dial the Turtle, she was alerted by the medics that there had been an incident in the infirmary. The temporary Foot leader had been greeted by a bloodbath.

The young Turtle that her trained staff had been fighting to save, shredded to pieces. The right side of his face had been ripped down to the skull, his left arm was nothing but bone with little strips of flesh and twitching nerves. His right eye dangled from the socket as he gasped his dying breaths...

Karai ordered the team to save him at whatever cost, which earned her questioning looks. There was too much damage...and him being an 'animal', the humane thing would have been to stop his heart, but the kunoichi would hear none of that. She ordered them to get him stable and not to question her motive. Where there was life, there was hope and his potential to be a powerful weapon... and after Stockman had helped himself to her father's money, he certainly owed her a favor....
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySun Mar 27, 2016 9:20 pm

Leo flashed a smile when Vic first opened the door. But soon frowned at seeing her covered in blood. He didn't back away from her though, he didn't fear her.

Of course I remembered you. And i brought the pizza. With the boxes in one hand, He used his free arm to wrap around her and guide her back in the bedroom, closing the door behind them. He put the boxes of pizza down and went to the bathroom. Soaking a soft towel and warm water he went back over to Victoria and started to gently clean her pale skin of the red stains.

Are you alright? No one hurt you did they?

He knew what had happen. It was obvious. She went after the young turtle. He would be sure to check in on how he was soon. But Vic was clearly upset, so for the moment, he needed to take care of her, make sure that no one had tried to hurt her during the attack.
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Victoria Bishop
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Victoria Bishop

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 12:23 pm

Even though she was excited to see him, Victoria hesitated, unsure if she could be trusted alone with him. But she no longer felt that burning hunger. It seemed that Phin's blood had extinguished it... for now. She had been alone since the incident, and now more than ever, needed the comfort of a friend.

She allowed him to guide her back inside and didn't protest as he cleaned her up. It was only then that she realized what a mess she was. Embarrassing, but he seemed to get it. To an extent, anyway. At his question, she slowly shook her head....

"No... no one hurt me..." She sniffled, wiping at the bloody tears as her gaze shifted to the pizza boxes. He had remembered. She met his gaze, hoping, praying that her confession would not push him away... "But...I hurt Phin. I hurt him really bad and I don't know if he's alive..."
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 12:43 pm

"Lady Karai.. he's going to need more blood, or we're going to lose him..." One of the doctors called out, wondering just why Karai was demanding such efforts to save this creature. It was their job, what they were trained for. Still. Usually such severe cases were... helped into the light, so to speak. Because Saki did not want to waste resources on someone that would no longer be able to serve him. And this mutant, if he survived, would be crippled at best.

"One of the Hamatos is in the tower..." A young ninja informed as he stepped into the infirmary, overhearing the frantic demands.

"Lead him here." She instructed the student and as he left, Karai pulled her phone from her GI and dialed Dr. Stockman. She did not want the man involved in this, but realized that he could be the young Turtle's only hope. Their only chance at a crucial weapon. She had seen what the Turtle could do, they could raise him into the perfect soldier.


A soft knock outside the Vampire's door and the young man poked his masked head in, 'eyes' fixating on the massive Turtle. Having never seen one before today, he was a little awestruck. "Lady Karai has requested your presence in the infirmary..."
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Mar 28, 2016 9:38 pm

Leo frowned deeply and nodded his head in understanding. After he cleaned her face, he wiped at her eyes and sat her on the edge of the bed.

That isn't your fault. What ever you did, was because you didn't have control, but I'm going to work on that with you. And maybe my brother can find a way to create a synthetic option for you. We'll figure this out. He gave her a warm smile and grabbed a brush that was on the night stand. He started to brush her hair when one of the foot came in.

I guess news travels around here fast. Am I really needed that badly? But then it registed that he was needed in the infirmary. this was probably about the little turtle. He wrapped an arm around Vic. I'll be right back. You can start on the pizza without me. and I got soft drinks.

Leo gave her another light hug and stood up and headed out with the man.
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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySat Apr 16, 2016 11:21 pm

((After the phone conversation with Baxter))

Karai: At least it sounded as though Baxter was coming. He certainly better. Otherwise he would regret it. Putting her phone away, her attention shifted to Leonardo, her pale skin smeared with Phoenix' blood. "We need blood..." She told him. "Victoria managed to find her way down here and.... it is not good...."

Leonardo: Leo frowned and nodded. He had already figured what had happen though he didn't know how bad it was. He walked inside the room to sit down so they could take what they needed, and then he spotted the poor turtle. "We need to figure out something, maybe some kind of synthetic blood she can have." Leoo said out loud, but was mostly talking to himself as he sat down in a chair.

Karai: The kunoichi nodded as she guided Leonardo into the chair and watched as the team prepped him and quickly got down to business. He could see Phoenix from this point, barely clinging to life with his mutilated face rapped in gauze. The fleshless bones of his arms will attached and also wrapped, not sure if there was anything left for Baxter to work with, of if it would need to be removed completely.. start fresh.... "I have been meaning to touch base with you, but unfortunately all hell broke loose. I have been to Stockman's lab, and he has two of your brothers and a female Turtle..." She told him, unaware that he already knew... "And yes. We need to figure out a way to curve her... feeding habits. Phoenix cannot survive another attack... if he even survives this one...."

Leonardo: Leo sat still as the men worked. He listened to Karai and nodded his head. Of course he wasn't going to tell her that he already had a plan in works of getting them out. Exspecially sense it involved Ex foot. "Do you know what he's planing on doing with them?" He asked.

Karai: Karai was quiet for a moment, not wanting to upset him, but knew he needed the truth. "I just got off the phone with Stockman. He mentioned something about projects for the Foot. I do not know if this is an arrangement that he and my father legitimately worked out, or if he is grasping to save his on back side...."

Leonardo: another deep sigh, Leo looked down at the ground for a moment then back up at Karai. "Then I have to get them out of there soon." And hopefully Mikko was already on her way to look the place over for them.

Karai: The transfusion was almost complete, but Karai wondered if this would be enough. Still, it would be dangerous to take too much from Leonardo. "Do you have a plan?" She asked, hoping he was not going into this half-cocked...

Leonardo: Leo was silent for a bit. He still wasn't too sure how much he should trust Karai yet. She had so far proved that she was on his side, but it very well could have been an act. Still...Finally Leo gave a nod. "yes. I have someone heading to the lab today actually, to check things out, look at the cages that my brothers are in and find weak points. After she gets back with me then we'll take it from there."

Karai: "And who did you send on such a mission, hmm?" Because she would certainly know Mikko... "Can you trust them?"

Leonardo: "A friend. And yes I trust her." Leo stated.

Karai: A nod, and Karai decided not to pry. "That is good." And she took a seat across from him, monitoring.. "Do you feel alright?"

Leonardo: "yeah, I'm alright. I actually came here to talk to Victoria. Maybe try to start helping her control herself." Leo explained. though really, he just wanted to spend time with the woman and get to know her better. But Karai didn't need to know that he was developing feelings for the woman.

Karai: And she just gave a nod, having been informed on why Leonardo had come here, though she figured it w as nothing more than him keeping his promise to the young woman. "You should be careful around see what she can do.."

Leonardo: "Yeah. I'll be careful, I'm sure I can hold her back if she did attack me though." Leo gave a small, cocky grin. "I am pretty strong you know. Big muscles and all."

Karai: And Karai couldn't help but snort at this. "Yes, I can see that.." And it was oh so tempting to tell him that she had seen bigger, but she did not want to burst the Turtle's bubble. "But do not underestimate her, Leonardo... she stripped the flesh from his bones before realizing that was not what she craved.. it happened so fast..." And she let t hat hang in the air. "You are welcomed here any time while my father is away, but be mindful, not everyone will be so accepting. TigerClaw has expressed his displeasure with my alliance with you."

Leonardo: "I'm sure a lot of others here are not thrilled with me walking around their home." Leo said and looked back over at Phin. "when he is better, Well enough to leave here, I would like to take him to stay with my brothers and I. Be with his own kind. Away from here. I don't even want to think about what your father will want to do with him."

Last edited by KittyGrl on Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySat Apr 16, 2016 11:23 pm

((From "Our Business is Life Itself." Enter Baxter))

Baxter made it to the tower with a three of his men. he parked in the back and popped open the trunk. Him and his fellow doctors grabbed everything they had brought. Not knowing what was needed, or what the damage was or any info really, he just brought what he thought was most important. If it came down to it, he would just have get everything stable and move the turtle to his lab.

Everything gathered. He shut the trunk and the four men headed inside. Baxter knew were to go so there was no need to converse with anyone. Thankfully.

Once he was in the infirmary he looked for a place to set things down.

alright, what's the damages?
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 5:50 am

So, Leonardo wished to take her young charge back to his place when he was stable? Well, that made sense. Phoenix was one of his own, after all. The problem however, she had invested interest in the little 'weapon'. He had potential and being so young and outcast, could be molded to serve a greater purpose.

"Yes, he is of your kind Leonardo, but perhaps it is best that his full potential and capabilities are not expressed upon your family..." She told him, gaze shifting to the door of the infirmary as Baxter and his men finally made their appearance.  

"He is a rogue. A wild card, much like Victoria. We have only glimpsed those capabilities, and we do not know what emotional trauma this attack will leave on him..." And of course there was the physical deformities and possible disabilities  but if he survived, that could all be dealt with. Baxter was a wild card much like her new charges, but the man was brilliant in his own right. Karai was confident that he could salvage something from all of this...

"We shall discuss this at a later time..." She told the Turtle, knowing he would be in no mood to chit-chat with Baxter so close, and she did not wish to say anything that may possibly stroke Baxter's ego.....

Regarding Baxter and his men with  quiet nod, she led them over to the surgical area where her team were struggling with keeping the mutilated creature breathing. What will that had been there faded completely, fighting to let go, but the greed of the Foot forbidding that departure...

"Two nights ago I took in two charges..." She told Baxter, slowly removing the blood-soaked gauze from the left side of the pale-white Turtle's face, revealing the skull and eye hanging from the socket. "The other one requires mutant blood to live... she became a bit carried away..." And now she revealed the damaged arm, merely bones, stripped of flesh. She met the man's gaze, stern and demanding. "I have been to your lab, Dr. Stockman. I know what you are capable of. You owe my father. I request that you save his life... he is a valuable asset to this clan....and perhaps your one shot at redemption."
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 11:31 pm

Leo suspected that Karai had plans of her own for the boy, and he was sure that he would not approve of these plans. Then Baxter walked in and Karai wanted to talk about the subject later. that was fine. he needed to get back to Victoria. Though a part of him wanted to stand and beat the shit out of Baxter for taking his brothers. No. he couldn't do that. He had a plan in motion, he would go through with it, Wait for Mikko's call, if she was quick with information, mabe they could get in without Baxter being there. It would take some time for him to take care of Phin.

If I'm no longer needed here I have somewhere to be. But I will be back to check on things in here. He said and stood up to leave.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyTue Apr 19, 2016 11:42 pm

Baxter noticed Leo, but for now ignored him. He was looking the smaller, lighter turtle over carefully as Karai explained what had happen. Not only was there this strange turtle, but a vampire as well? Not that he believed in vampires, but right now he didn't have a better word in mind.

when leo got up to leave Baxter waved the turtle away. Yes, go. I have it from here. He said and started to pull out tools to get to work.

I'll patch him up, get him stable enough to move, then I'll want to bring him to my lab if you which him to be fully operational. You simply don't have the equipment here I need.

the man then glared at female ninja. Believe me, child. When your father sees what I have done for his cause, there will be no need for me to redeem myself.
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptySun May 01, 2016 12:53 am

leo paused for a bit and carfully watched Baxter. There was nothing more Leo could do for the boy. He would return to check in on things though. Make sure Baxter wasn't doing more then saving the young turtle.

Leo turned to the door and headed out. He hurried back to Victoria' room, and while lightly knocking he opened the door and peeked in.

Hey. I'm back. He said, alerting her of his presence. He then stepped in the room and shut the door behind him.

I was thinking, it's a little cold outside, why don't we stay in and have our meal?

He smiled at her and placed a pillow on the floor, then sat cross legged on it after removing and laying his weapons down.
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Victoria Bishop
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Victoria Bishop

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyTue Jul 26, 2016 4:24 am

It was taking too long..why was it taking so long?? What was going on out there? Was Leo okay? Should she go and check on him? Should she venture out and risk hurting someone??

Huddled on the bed with her knees hugged against her chest, the knock couldn't have come any sooner. The young vampire quickly hopped up and opened the door, a fatigued grin tugging across her lips as she wiped at bloody tears, cursing the fact that they were more obvious than real ones...

"I was beginning to worry..." She told him and after grabbing the boxes full of pizza goodness, joined him on the floor. Sniffling quietly, she slid the top box closer to him, knowing the food was of his world and what he was familiar with....

"The first slice should be yours..." She told him, and watched him curiously. "I want to know how it taste... from your point of have to tell me...."

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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyTue Jul 26, 2016 4:40 am

No need to worry. I made a promise and I always keep my promises. There is some...issues going on right now. But I have a friend handling things for me at the moment.

He opened up the pizza box and poured them each a glass of soda. He pulled a slice of the cheese pizza and took a bite. Chewing with a smile.

Mmmmm well. It's hot. and soft. Very cheesy. Lots of flavor. He took another bite and nodded. One of the best tastes in the world. I know you'll like it.
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Victoria Bishop
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Victoria Bishop

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 10:29 pm

Victoria was very curious to know what was going on, but decided not to ask.. for now. She just wanted to spend time with Leo, without the heaviness of the world weighing on her heart. She listened as he explained the taste of pizza, a smile tugging across her lip as she pulled a slice from the box, scooting a little closer to Leo. She wanted to be near him. It had been so long since she had felt a connection with anyone, and.. she was getting pretty attached. How could she not? The guy was a sweetheart.

Holding the slice up and watching the gooey cheese ooze between her fingers, she giggled quietly and carefully bit off the tip of her piece, chewing it slowly. Her red eyes grew wide at the taste that seemed to explode in her mouth...

"Oh my goodness, this is amazing!"
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 10:37 pm

Leo didn't mind her being close at all. in fact he really enjoyed it! Though he was still aware that she could go a little blood thirsty and attack him. he would deal with that if or when it happen.

He smiled when she finally took a taste of the pizza and liked it.

Grabging a napkin, he patted some sauce off her face. See, I knew you would like it. And there's endless different kinds of pizza. there's even pizza that taste like apple pie.

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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 11:31 pm

Karai was not happy with Baxter's tone of voice, or the fact that he wanted to transport Phoenix back to his facilities. He could be speaking the truth. They did not have advanced medical equipment at their disposal, but this could also be a ploy for him to steal what was rightfully hers. Though surely he would think better of that, considering that her father employed  him.

"Very well. But I will accompany you to make sure that he gets settled. I have big plans for him and I know you will do everything within your power to save him. To make him an asset to this clan." She told him.

The kunoichi was curious as to what Leonardo was up to, but she had a strong feeling it had something to do with Victoria. Any fool could see there was a connection there.
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Baxter Stockman

Baxter Stockman

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyMon Aug 01, 2016 11:37 pm

Of course she wanted to tag along. Though he was certain it wasn't only because of the turtle. Yes, it was no secret, Karai had a thing for him. It was flattering really, though she wasn't really his type. Finally getting the woman's ok. He and his men started getting the young turtle ready for transport.

It didn't take long, and soon they were heading to the lab, Baxter in the back of the transport van, making sure that Phin stood stable through the ride. His mind already racing with what 'improvements' he could add to the boy.
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Victoria Bishop
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Victoria Bishop

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyWed Aug 10, 2016 11:57 pm

Vic blushed a little when he patted the sauce off of her face. Ever since the transition, she had become a messy eater. But at least she wasn't ripping into some poor mutant's jugular. She briefly thought of poor Phoenix, wondering how he was....but tried to shake the guilt from her mind. She could not control what was done to her, nor could she control her need for blood. Someone had done this to her... someone had turned her into a monster...

She managed a smile at Leo, eyes growing wide when he informed her that there was actually a wide variety of pizza.. and even apply pie pizza! "That sounds like something I mist try. Maybe.. maybe someday soon you can take me out of this place.. when I can control myself... and we can try it all..."
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Leonardo Hamato
Leonardo Hamato

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyThu Aug 11, 2016 12:04 am

Leo chuckled and pulled her in for a one arm hug. I promise. I'll take you out of here, I'll bring you around the whole city. And we'll taste all the best foods, even apple pizza. We can see a movie. share a dance.

Leo got quiet for a moment suddenly lost in though then nodded with a grin.

Give me a few days. After I take care of things with my family. I'm going to set up the perfect date for us.
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Oroku Karai
Oroku Karai

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) EmptyThu Aug 11, 2016 12:07 am

Karai was relieved that Stockman did not protest. Perhaps he was wiser than she gave him credit for. He probably realized that agreeing would save time, because she would no doubt win in an argument. Leaving orders for her Kunoichis to keep an eye on Victoria and make sure that Leonardo stayed safe during his visit, she headed out and loaded into the back of the van with Stockman and her young charge.

"I can sense that your wills are already turning, Dr. Stockman. What are your plans?" And she would support anything that proved beneficial to her clan and would aid in weaponry....
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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)   Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria) Empty

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Better Love Story Then Twilight (Leo and Victoria)
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