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 Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)

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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptySun Aug 07, 2016 12:27 pm

Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 63 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Meh meh

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb sugar tits

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty ty

[Bookmark] Mikko: *all the Mikkos come in and start making out with each other*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *only O not kept in a crate, spies through the boxes hand holds*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Peeks into box* Oo

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: O.o *hoses all the Mikko's down*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: Oo *box makes alert noise, gets ! Above it... And scurries off*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos: *are now WET and making out*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: What the hell OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: I know! Raph made it better!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: No the box had an exclaimation point over it Oo

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: *brings the popcorn!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: oh that's a game thing.don't worry about it.

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oh Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *wet box camo, new corner, continues enjoying the show! Wet girls making out!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *preparing his Ezi tranq gun -*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I don't get adults

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos: *all undress. naked wet makeout*

[Bookmark] Mikko: it really needs to stop raining. I can not go out to the nature park and try to get nice pretty sunny nature pics when it's raining! *flips off the sky*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Can someone teleport them away?

[Bookmark] Mikko: the Mikko's wish to be teleported to where the sexiest man alive is.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: nah free show! Kinda hot - *shares popcorn with the Red and Gambit - flicks some at wet box hand holes.*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos say Mike can join in

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: *makes popcorn explode everywhere cause he squeezed the box at that!!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Lovely >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: *covers... Another mess with squished popcorn box and runs off for nearest bathroom!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Is there any sane people here?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 63 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: AH! more people left!

[Bookmark] Candy: Wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: *tackles Rogue*

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o eep

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank [kiss] from inside wet box* of course!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol not sure whom he is kissing...

[Bookmark] Candy: ah what the heck

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Rogue RoHRaph: *shrugs, and picks squished popcorn off the ground. 'bings' it off the gazillion Mikko's boobs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *gets a wet cheek smooch passing the box... so shocked he stares at it*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos: there's only three of us!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Enough naked boobs to thoroughly confuse a Blaze

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *grins and lifts his box hides hole long enough to slip his black bandana on his grandsons head*

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: Oo - [big grin] *claps and squeals... Then goes chasing popcorn - fearlessly crawling among the Mikkos to do so!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Wet of not he'll eat the popcorn

[Bookmark] Candy: well it once might have been black, a lot faded and grayish but that's not important

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos: *all tackle RoH Raph and smooch*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: There's a baby take it somewhere else

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: where do you want them to take the baby?

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol he's too young to give a hoot... Lol hooters!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *eating popcorn! Sitting in puddle happily munching*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: No leave him here and they go somewhere else

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: why? everyone is having fun! Maybe not Raph? He hasn't spoken sense they started to molest him.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *throws popcorn at Gambit and Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Sighs*

[Bookmark] Rogue RoHRaph: O.O *is being..... molested...take that, Leo!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: oh I hate children so much. How much of a shock you think that brat can handle?

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You hurt him and you get set on fire

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: try it and I'll tear your ears off

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *charges in, grabs Blaze then charges out with him*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: hey! *chases* give him back bacon!

[Bookmark] Rogue O'Raph: *growwwwls and PUMMELS bebop!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Yeah wanna mess with two parents?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *almost crashed into into Red and Bebop, catches Blaze instead*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: nope! I wanna try som-*is pummeld and kid goes flying out his hands into the air*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *draws the sniper rifle back into the box hole*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Laughs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: wwwwwwhoooooo!! *totally fearless being carried off, cheers excited, has not seen Dad for a while, then going flying!! * weeeeeeee!! *and mummy!! totally cackling, likes that game!*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *winded, caught Blaze and got flattened... Just lays there stunned*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You okay?

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *winces but thumbs up.. Sort of. Damn when had Blaze got so heavy!?*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *nevermind winded mother, sits up on her belly and waves excitedly squealing*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Be glad he's not bouncing

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: * and bouncy bouncy bouncy!*

Espionata: ROH Mel: Nevermind XD

[Bookmark] Rogue O'Raph: *still beating the snot out of Bebop* Next time, pick on someone yer own size, fatass!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you think my ass is fat? That's hurtful, man.

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *catches the bouncy boy and holds*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *no matter still wriggles and waves hands about excited* daaaaaaaa! *random baby gobbledygook!!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Want me to set the pig on fire?

[Bookmark] Rogue: been up since 4 AM.. super sleepy...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwwws *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: gonna head off, but will be on tonight and do posties everywhere I'm due

[Bookmark] Rogue: ninight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 63 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Night night

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: no that's alright RohMel... Thanks dad...

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Aww okay

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: welcome *hands over Blaze and box vanish!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *would have thanked Red but he gone, pouts and heads back to crate -*

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoHMikko: now I have no one to cha cha with!

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *annnnd cries all the way back to crate*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: *pokes head out of bathroom*

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoHMikko: *grabs RoHMike and cha chas*

[Bookmark] Candy rohMikey: I don't know this dance! *but tries*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoH Mikko: so light on your feet!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol What was he doing in there? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: peaking at the naked ladies. now he's dancing with a naked Mikko because none of them got dressed

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *just shakes his head*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading off, night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 63 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Sleep time. Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 63 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi *falls asleep*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: two more days of work. hoping i can get through them. its that time of the lovely month so ive been super tired all day. took some pain medz this afternoon

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: I will be seeing the new TMNT movie on Friday ^^

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: awesome. [big grin] I'll be on Wednesday

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's too long! go now!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I would but I'd probably fall asleep watching it with how tired I am

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: plus I'd have to use the bathroom a lot. so I'd rather now not

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Not now -edit-

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: all the eggs in a woman's body is worth 3.2 billion dollars. in your life time, the avarge woman will lose 8,000 dollars every time they have a period.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: well that sucks... I've lost over that in one year. since I had mine pretty much all year last year couldn't stop it

[Bookmark] Mikko: my mom is like that

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws... *hugs* I've been fine till they said I had endorsements have another appointment in July 21st.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: even though my periods would last longer than a week before it happened all the time. thankfully i'm under control now. on birth control. but the pain is the worst part

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I wouldn't want anyone to have this. cause its hard to find and hard to maintain properly and they won't remove it cause of my age

[Bookmark] Espionata: That sucks

[Bookmark] Mikko: booooo

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yep. thus why i'm seeing another doctor who knows what they are doing.

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Howdy!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ambushed by ze kitteh...

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aw darn kitty. i was like that last night. he got a hair cut. he looks like a lion

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: **leaps on kitteh *

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I'm so lonely!

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwws *snugs the kitteh*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *waves*

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: how is everyone

[Bookmark] Candy: fine

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] Mikko: good good

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Good.

[Bookmark] Mikko: gooood

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: trying not to be hungry. [smile] eating a little something

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: hey sexy. you come here often?

[Bookmark] Mikko: that a banana in your pants or a dick?

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies, after reading in FB chat.. I may have some decisions to make since I'm annoying people. [frown] I'm sorry. Sorry that my muse is currently with RoH and trying to get ready with the move

[Bookmark] Rogue: I may have to drop some characters everywhere [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I may not be around as much. so heads up.

[Bookmark] Mikko: [frown]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws *hugs* I know your busy

[Bookmark] Mikko: yer not annoying people. just one person and I'm trying to handle it

[Bookmark] Rogue: and dealing with bs and people coming into my 'house' when I'm trying to sleep

[Bookmark] Mikko: and honestly I'm more interested in RoH myself right now

[Bookmark] Rogue: meh. it's my fault. I know it.

[Bookmark] Rogue: but I'll fix it. wil ltry to decide who and where I'm letting go tonight

[Bookmark] Rogue: and iave to work on my offday tomorrow. so yeah. sorry I don't have the time I used to

[Bookmark] Mikko: do not let go of DP, Sups or peter. I'm watching you

[Bookmark] Mikko: what!?

[Bookmark] Mikko: not fair!

[Bookmark] Mikko: bastards

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hate it when they over work you

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. I'm fucking exhausted after pulling 3 doubles. but whatever. I'm not supposed to have a life it seems

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i dont like it when mine are all different times. i'm not on a set time at all

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've already had to take valium today ad it just keeps getting 'better'. but no worries. will make cuts wherre I need to so people aen't waiting on me anymore

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *hugs* [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: to be honest I don't think you should make any cuts at all. it's YOUR forum! You make the rules. You don't need to lose charaters you like playing because others have an issue. it's your escape.

[Bookmark] Rogue: when I go on a site and I'm not up, people have to understand t hat it may take me a week to get back to that if my work week i starting. and yeah, I admit my interest is more with RoH at the moment because it's not JUST TMNT and I have other muses. So my bad

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: fuck them. there ainy nothing wrong with having other interest and I like that the TMNT and other fandoms are all interacting together.

[Bookmark] Rogue: no. as Much as I hate to, I may have to drop MM. [frown] I love playing there and love playing donnie and Rock but I admit it's not the first forum I log onto and that's my fault I suppose

[Bookmark] Mikko: but I neeeeed my Rock [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: nd I did check in on my last off day and wasn't up

[Bookmark] Rogue: and th is is the FIRST off day I've had since then

[Bookmark] Rogue: meh

[Bookmark] Rogue: maybe I should just write fanfic ans say to khell with it

[Bookmark] Mikko: no, you know that Rping is WAY more fun

[Bookmark] Espionata: You don't have to

[Bookmark] Rogue: Already depressed and do NOT need this

[Bookmark] Rogue: goodbye

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: o.os *clings to Rogue.* feel better

[Bookmark] Espionata: OO

[Bookmark] Candy: awwww

[Bookmark] Candy: but - thats not MS was saying at all!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: head off to bed guys. night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: [frown] he was just saying he was holding up to give EVERYONE whom had posts elsewhere to commit to could go do so!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: no waiting. don't hold us up. just post.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Posted in Lost

[Bookmark] Mikko: wooooooooooooooo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Was it okay?

[Bookmark] Candy: it was good - [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: maaaan bebop says he just wants a little pussah!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: And Leo won't stand for that.

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: no, no more holding - he already said he'll post tonight - on that note I have to also

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Leo's testing Mikko in FtL. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: she responded

[Bookmark] Kitteh: posted again

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm posting. Mikko is making conffessions

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: posted

[Bookmark] Kitteh: FtLLeo: .... *damn*

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL

[Bookmark] Mikko: now what he gonna say to that!?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: *goes to see*

[Bookmark] Mikko: posted

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Things calmed down. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Mikko: looking forwrd to HH Ee's reaction to Nightcrawler

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol she might just want to cuddle the blue fuzzy elf

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: and he would have noooooo issue with that.

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: k

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think I'm back

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Mikko: It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time It's Tricky, it's Tricky (Tricky) Tricky (Tricky) It's Tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time It's tricky, tricky (Tricky) tricky

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Tongue twister?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: what!? that is Run DMC yo! it's also the song played in one of the TMNT trailers

[Bookmark] Mikko: it popped up on my youtube and now it's stuck in my head

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I didn't know the lyrics. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh now ya do. kinda

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: computer decided to become slooooow

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwwws

[Bookmark] Mikko: me thinks I'ma get off here for the night. night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 62 days ago
pt 21.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Gonna head off. Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Shaya-cell joined the chat 62 days ago

[Bookmark] Shaya-cell: Poke for love.

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 61 days ago

Last edited by Erica Martins on Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 12:32 am

pt 22.

[Bookmark] Candy: bb Mikey: will so beach volley A Teams tails!

[Bookmark] Candy: bb Mikey:... um that may sound wrong

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL'

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bbMikey: *glances at rohEe - she is sniggering* yep that came out wrong... so wrong

[Bookmark] Mikko: better to have back up balls in case Gambit blows one up

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *yep totall sniggering*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: and of course nightcrawler is going to try and show off for Ee

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: Oo why!? *bluuuuushing*

[Bookmark] Mikko: because Nightcrawler doesn't understand age limits!

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Candy: hey she'll cheer em all on

[Bookmark] Rogue: and posted for Sups. turned out longer than I though it would

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh

[Bookmark] Candy: usually be eager to join in - but figures she far to human and soft and squishy for this particular beach volley ball

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawwww yeah that could get dangerous

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I'm good! all is well! *thumbs up*

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: gonna head off guys night all hugs

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Can't we make it so the ball is on fire?

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko wont join in either. she'll find a nice beach towel and umbrella, take her top off and lay out soaking up the heat.

[Bookmark] Candy: bb Mikey: *will show off too - causes there is girls*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *belated hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Ee will not be taking her dress off she says

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm sure many a boy will be upset by this

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] it's white - just throw her in the water, problem solved [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol well now you gave NC ideas

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikko is gonna make her blush [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: maybe offer to rub sunscreen on her - back

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yay! I need some on the butt cheeks too!

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 51 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*&

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: Oo *sunscreen bottle makes rude noise cause ee squished it*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm off too. being dragged shopping to morrow. night all *hug hug*

[Bookmark] Candy: kk

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 51 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think I'm gonna head off, too. Got busy day tomorrow. *hug* Night. [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 51 days ago

[Bookmark] anon joined the chat 50 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 50 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 50 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Will post soon doing a scan and repair on laptop's hard drive

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 50 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: watching deadpool

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue] \

[Bookmark] Espionata: Watching Marriage Bootcamp and one thr girl's got mad at her boyfriend when she admitted she cheated in front of everyone else claiming he betrayed her when she said it Oo

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl joined the chat 50 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh my

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: I'll be online as soon as I can. finishing up things from the party

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: busy day now I need a bath it was so freaking hot out

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: and my Mimosa though gonna have my cherry pepsi first

[Bookmark] Espionata: All he did was clarafi that the ex was a husband but who cares

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: that's not very nice of the boyfriend

[Bookmark] Espionata: She admitted it though in front of a group lol

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: i'll see you all soon

[Bookmark] Alysson: Oh, hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: well that's good

[Bookmark] Scoopgirl: be back as soon as I can

[Bookmark] Espionata: Woman is a drama queen if you don't want revealed then don't do admit it lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: bebop posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 50 days ago
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 12:38 am

pt 23.

Mikko: ok I'ma head off here, night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 48 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm off, too. G'night

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 48 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit's patents

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: This no time to fall apart! *smacks*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: It's no time to have sex either but that doesn't stop Mikko

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: O.O what? I...What? she's not having sex! Her and DP aren't even in the same van! And she's in NO condition to be getting it on right now. Where that even come from?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Come on as soon as she's able she and Deadpool will be doing it

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: well that'll be their issue then. has nothing to do with you manning up!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: I'm a girl

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: that remains to be seen.

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: *tackle hugs Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: OO

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: [angel]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: Suuuu...apparently I didn't receive an email to let me know that classes don't start til next week... so 1MORE WEEK OF FREEDOM! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Alysson: And I spent most of the day chatting with a very special internet friend, so that was great~

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: I spent the day trying to keep cool summer is here lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: We've been discussing anime cons - trying to figure out which one is in between where we and another good friend lives so that once we all can drive (which, knowing me won't be f or a little while...) we can meet each other there [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: bebop posted

[Bookmark] Alysson: Yay!

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh conventions! I'm going to one next month!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Which one? :3

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mecha con in New Orleans

[Bookmark] Alysson: Cool!

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaas!

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm really hoping to go to anime Boston next year - its the only one that doesn't fall on Easter for a while..

[Bookmark] Alysson: Which I find really dumb

[Bookmark] Mikko: I want to go to blizz con. and comic con

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 47 days ago


[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Mikko: *dances*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lip sync for your LIFE!

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mel is very interested in Mikko's sex life it seems. I think she might want to get in Gambit's pants.

[Bookmark] Espionata: No lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh so she's after DP uh?

[Bookmark] Espionata: No lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: so she likes the ladies

[Bookmark] Mikko: because we know no one is after Toad

[Bookmark] Espionata: She's not interested in that stuff lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: *looks at Mel* take your pants off I think you and Pete are about the same size and he needs some cloths.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: I'm 4'10"

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: we'll make it work. now be useful, off with the pants.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: These are girl jeans from the kid section because fuck malnutrition >​<

[Bookmark] Espionata: I could probably wear kid jeans I'm only 5'1" and thin as rail lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: that's it! yer voted off the island!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: Aww...Mel's 4 whole inches taller than me!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: If you're so worried then you give him your pants!

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: *takes pants off*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: *stands on tiptoes beside Mel*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *lifts both girls on his shoulders*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Doesn't help I'm one of the younger ones adults are so bossy >​>​ *Holds on*

[Bookmark] Mikko: well when they all get to the mall, then Mel can run off and make herself her own little place inside a store

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Not seperating from the group surviving alone sucks

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: ya think that there's still, like, a toy store there, and, technically it wouldn't be stealing, would it? If I just took a few things? :3

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: take whatever you want! It's not stealing if the mall is abandoned

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: There's bound to be lots of stuff there hopefully no walkers

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: *opens her backpack* Here that? New friends!

[Bookmark] Alysson: *hear

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: if you have a unicorn in there don't let Deadpool see it.

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: Why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: uh...he REALLY likes stuffed unicorns

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: He's weird

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: *giggles* Kay~

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: he's not weird he's...A SEXY MOTHERFUCKER!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: And never comment about Toad he goes nuts

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: meh

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: I'M NOT NUTS!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Yes you are

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: *slides up to Ee* hey. how you doing?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: not too bad

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: good good. I uh...I didn't think I would get this far. sooooo...Zombies! yeah.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: yes bloody zombies *hah punned*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: ha ha! I bet you taste yummy!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia posted~

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: oooh ok. Lydia is insane.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: I do not - gross...

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia:No I'm not! Just talkin' to Shelby! Nothing insane about that, is there?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: can I be the judge of that?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *shakes his head* nope!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmmm whom would know better than I? Very gross [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: that's a good point. *hands Ee a flower* ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: oooh thank you [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: ^_^ *is totally getting lucky*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *tucks flower in hair*

[Bookmark] Candy: If she could read his mind she say no [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: ....*TACKLE KISSES*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ahhhh ! What! *avoids kisses*

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: hey! we had a connection!

[Bookmark] Candy: Internally wondering if save to let him [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: *sits on Rogue's head*

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *may need a wash*

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah he tends to be sticky

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Rogue did you see the DP plush I posted on your FB. it's free! except shipping

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh? *rushes off to see!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *sidles off to wash*

[Bookmark] Mikko: wash with some anti bactrial soap!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *noted*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: I just need the right woman to kiss me to turn me into a handsome prince!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko is going to need mouth wash!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *sooo not right woman*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad needs a scarlet witch to run after

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol. love the spider/dp thing you posted on the forum, Mikko

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^_^

[Bookmark] Mikko: those two make the perfect roommates

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yesh!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gwen would never visit without calling first

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha, I don't blame her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Mikko: not Mikko. Mikko: *bust through the door* I HOPE SOMEONE IS NAKED!

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: YES!! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: my dog is so confused. my brother is watching a game being played on youtube, one of the characters is named Arthas. so when the guy is yelling ARTHAS!!!!! my pup goes running to my brothers desk.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *also gets naked* PARTY!

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Rogue: daryl is gonna be like, naw man. I may not make a buck off of your ass, but may eat ya [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lo

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *hides in bathroom*

[Bookmark] Mikko: l

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, poor kitty

[Bookmark] Mikko: not the bathroom!!!! there's only one!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you can start by sucking my dick!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Daryl: ......I'll eat that shit. Seriously, man. They call fried pig dick somethin' fancy in other places... willin' to try anything once.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Gross

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you are one sick, motherfucker. My man. *fist bumps*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Daryl: wait til yer starvin',, kid.

[Bookmark] Rogue: Daryl: ....*awkwardly fist-bumps..*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: Kurt: *agrees with Lydia*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *clean now - no comment*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sorry being late have friends over

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: I can easily get a rabbit

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: watching H2O on Netflix

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: then go my child. go get a rabbit.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Gonna work on posts since friends are over so wont be online long

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night 8hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: SO ROMANTIC!

[Bookmark] Rogue: what is?

[Bookmark] Rogue: daryl and bebop? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: homecoing

[Bookmark] Mikko: and yes them too

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: daws, you reading it? ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Rogue: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: don't want to alarm anyone, but there is an amphibian tongue down my throat

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Eww!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *suitably alarmed*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel better not see Mikko and Toad because she's scared of Toad lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gardening without a permit is illegal in New Zealand. that's crazy

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: well they are hanging out of the van so it wouldn't be to hard for her to see them

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wish I had some turkey

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol


[Bookmark] Espionata: Is Superman gonna die OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: spoilers!

[Bookmark] Espionata: *Flails*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, who knows

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Gambit and Mel are gonna be friends [big grin]

Mikko: not if she keeps hugging him

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hey it can't be helped that he's the closest everytime lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: *puts Raph in his place*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: working on homecoming then working on HH

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph: ......O.o

[Bookmark] Rogue: yayz!

[Bookmark] Mikko: wooo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Gambit is a jerk

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit dosn't know how to handle children

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted in homecoming

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And Mel is even more afraid of Toad lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol we're gonna let DP handle Toad. even though the poor guy is actually tying to help and isn't attacking

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel doesn't know that lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: though for as long as Toad has had Mikko, she would be dead by now

[Bookmark] Mikko: So I'm going to say that he's done applying the toxin to her throat and instead of pulling away now he's just messing with her.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Soooooo yeah! he IS attacking lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: So Mel has every reason to be afraid of him lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I bet Mikko is scared of him now lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: nah, but she ain't gonna be happy!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well Mel is a kid and being scared is a normal reaction lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: in the end, we find out this was all a fever dream of Mels

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: I didn't want it to seem Mikko was laying there taking it. I had to make a struggle post

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: Toad needs to be kept away from the girls OO

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Getting attacked by Toad is terrorfying OO

[Bookmark] Rogue: about to make one for DP. Been distracted by listening to Jasmine Thompson ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: every song she performs is soooo much better than the original

[Bookmark] Rogue: if she doesn't become a big time star, I'm gonna be shocked.. just sayin

[Bookmark] Mikko: she is good

[Bookmark] Kitteh: posted for Leo

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm gonna post soon but getting distracting with friends. so gonna post then we are heading to bed

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh my back cracked

[Bookmark] Espionata: ouch

[Bookmark] Mikko: it was kinda nice

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: My cycle is over yay [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: then it's a bad cycle. isn't a cycle something that has no ending

[Bookmark] Espionata: Good thing too now I can Nair my legs for shorts lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: The time of the month lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wear short shorts

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted for Lois in HH hope its ok

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: been distracted but read up and then reposted

[Bookmark] Espionata: That's okay lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm gonna head off but less distraction tomorrow night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: let me know if I need to edit nthing

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: anything

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *wiggles*

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for dp

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: my hero!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *sexes up DP*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Toad shouldn't stay with us he attacks girls

[Bookmark] Mikko: toad posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Liar!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: *leaps at Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Runs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Posted Mel wants Toad gone

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: heeeeey I'm not after any of you freaks.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Not from what I saw!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: you don't know what you saw

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: I saw enough that she was struggling!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: I told her to relax, she didn't. not my fault

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: So? You still don't do that!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: *licks Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad: I WIN!

[Bookmark] Espionata: My female cat is on the beams again

[Bookmark] Mikko: that whore!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Now she's down

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: lets eat some frog legs!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *dances*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think I'm gonna head off here for the night. *hugs* Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: niht *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: headingoff here, too *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: guess I too shall scoot! night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] M joined the chat 47 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: my heart rate!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Mikko: I"M UP ALL NIGHT TO GET LUCKY!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Waiting for Deadpool and Toad to post lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm waiting for the DP

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think Rogue is visiting her grandmother right now or at the gym

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *grabs Mel and dances*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: No most recent post was from Gwen lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: the Gwen! The Gwenanator!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: still watering flowers. *sighs* wish my mom wouldn't plant so many I wanted a bath tonight but it will be tomorrow

[Bookmark] Espionata: I have flowers too but they don't get watered they survive on rain lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Besides when it comes to plants me and my mom forget about them lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: thats good

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I would forget if my parents didn't leave notes

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: also need to get dinner and laundry

[Bookmark] Mikko: gambit posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: We don't forget about the cats because they won't let us forget lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: thats true. [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: kk Mikko

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: will check in a bit need dinner I'm hungry

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: got backyard done finally

[Bookmark] Mikko: rawr

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: still working on front yard but its almost dark so I may finish the last spot without trying to step on frogs while i'm out there

[Bookmark] Espionata: Toad is either gonna get killed or kicked out of the group because of how dangerous he is

[Bookmark] Mikko: in fairness. toad hasn;t hurt anyone and he did help Mikko

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't think Deadpool cares and that's not what Mel saw and experienced lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: nooooo I don't think he cares either. his nerves are already on edge.

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Espionata: As for Mikko I have no idea lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko is chill.

[Bookmark] Mikko: actually Mikko only seems chill. she's really freaking out. but not because of Toad. She's worried about Pete and sups annnnnnnnnd though I haven't mentioned it yet, she's worried about her eye

[Bookmark] Espionata: So she's not oblivious [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol not totally!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Because Mel is wondering how she survived for so long lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: well the eye thing is going to be an issue

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Espionata: But this Walking Dead, Marvel, DC, and TMNT crossover is doing great usually something like this would be dead in a week lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: making dinner now

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that is true

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: was my post okay from the other day

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: want to make sure

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yes it's fine lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cool [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: So far the heat isn't that bad but it's gonna get hot DX


[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: the hill they sang that song on is now a restaurant over looking the city

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wonders who M is

[Bookmark] Espionata: same

[Bookmark] Mikko: M is just somebody that I use to know. SOMEBOOOODY!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was thinking it was MS master Splinter

[Bookmark] Espionata: maybe

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: could be

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: though wonders where Kitteh and Rogue they normally are on by now

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!


[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: *grabs Aly and dances*

[Bookmark] Mikko: WOOOO! cotton candy sweet as gold let me see that tootsy roll!

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: this song came out in 1991

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: whats up

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Just got home from a tutoring session at school.

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: reading through posts before I do one

[Bookmark] Mikko: gambit posted

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: gonna check laundry

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: posted and HIHIHIHIHI

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi


[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: And I smashed them bitches [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Pete:.... and you make fun of my music....

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel doesn't care if DP kills Toad lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: my player is listen to 90's hip hop. -_- ice ice baby is on right now

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm back

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *gets naked and hops on a giant beach ball* ok someone push me!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: AVENGE MY HONOR!!!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: about to post for the DP

[Bookmark] Rogue: then Raph because he's like fuck, man. Man of steel feels like steel

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol awwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs8

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night Alyssson

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted for Lois

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: in HH

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: I see no post

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hold on sometimes it wont let me when another post is going on

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

ScoopGirl: now its up [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL superman is a plant! a tropical plant!

[Bookmark] Rogue: earlier today I didn't see any new posts and checked the thread anyway o refresh my memory on how I needed to respont, and there was like 4 new posts! I dunno what happened, but it was a pleasent surprise ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: *goes to see*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I don't make the rules of his healing powers [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol true

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but yah he does sound like a plant now that you put it that way [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph: sorry, Red. It's night time. [frown] I can water im for you, though

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Sup:...............funny​.

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: BUT! The turtles have that UV light back at the lair! ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: only problem is it would take too long to get back

[Bookmark] Rogue: but sure the mall has UV tanning beds

[Bookmark] Espionata: Probably lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that could wor

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: work

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta change laundry out then I shall work on posts

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sounds good i'm working on laundry to

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Rogue: m'back

[Bookmark] Rogue: now workin' on da postin' thing

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yay [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP posted. he'ssinging to toad [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww so sweet!

[Bookmark] Espionata: He's mad lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Toad can do a few things here. and I'm not sure what would be best

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Meghan Trainor - Me TooYouTube · 3:3 · 173M · 91%Purchase "Thank You" at iTunes: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon: Google Play: © 2016 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Meghan Trainor - Me TooYouTube · 3:3 · 173M · 91%Purchase "Thank You" at iTunes: Spotify: Apple Music: Amazon: Google Play: © 2016 Epic Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: huh its not letting me do that

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: weird

[Bookmark] Mikko: Rogue, can Mikko thief a sword from DP?

[Bookmark] Rogue: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: posted and WAY too much is going on in that post

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is like good riddance

[Bookmark] Mikko: he'll be back, once they are at the mall he's gonna pop up again

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for Raph. He's so gonna brag about saving Superman [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: *goes to read Mikko post*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol and so he should!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph: [cool]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *crawls in DP's lap and sleeps*

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: Dawwwww... this is like having a kitten without all the fur! *pats* And I still get pussy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think at this point more of toad has been in her then DP

[Bookmark] Rogue: Pete: .....Wade.... *facepalms* And you try to teach ME how to talk to girls....

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: ..burn

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I like the way he talks! it's kinky freaky! turns me on!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph: *tandomly* I SAVED SUPERMAN!

[Bookmark] Rogue: randomly*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: we're all very proud of you. the justice club will send you a letter

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwwww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted for Lois

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: reminder I won't be online tomorrow night

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: Superman needs cancer star, spiderman needs flys! EAT THE FLYS

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ineeds suggestions for gym music to put on my ipod! my peeps, help me out!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: alright, now we can focus!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for Raph

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *drags DP in the car, sits in him the front seat, then crawls on his lap and snuggles*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted

[Bookmark] Rogue: annnd Clark posted in homecoming

[Bookmark] Rogue: he proposed ^^ officially

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh!

[Bookmark] Mikko: with a ring pop?

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool

[Bookmark] Mikko: so romantic!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Sup: .... no. I think only Wade proposes that way....

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: you damn right!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: lol kk

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I like blue flavors!

[Bookmark] Mikko
Ludo - The Horror of Our Love [with lyrics]YouTube · 4:38 · 735K · 99%Ludo - The Horror of Our Love [with lyrics] [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta be upearly, so gotta head off [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *snugs all*

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww night *hugs8

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm gonna be heading off here myself

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: soon

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *shakes the booty*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading off. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iiiiiiiight! *hughug*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Heading off, too. Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] Master Splinter joined the chat 46 days ago

[Bookmark] H joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] H left the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: *spanks*

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: peanut butter!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: who in the heck is H

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: no idea

[Bookmark] Mikko: there is a spy among us!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's Toad. he's spying on us, trying to find our weak points

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: could be [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: working on resin tried the ten minute one but I failed so I'm not working with the 24 hour one

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooooh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: not sure why either my settings on computer are set so big on the internet

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: apparently it thinks I'm blind

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so now I've got to wait 24 hours before I can work with the three I made

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: working on making two plumbobs from the sims out of resin see how they look

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: one pendant

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: weve got storms right now so if I vanish you'll know why

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I know Kitteh and I both have them right now

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she had more than us though

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: shake the booty!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihihihi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Mikko: someone make my cold go away

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *tries to make a cold go away*

[Bookmark] Mikko: need some of that voodoo magic

[Bookmark] Espionata: My female cat is being all loving ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: I shall eat her and gain her powers

[Bookmark] Espionata: No you won't lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: om nom nom

[Bookmark] Espionata: Leave my kitty alone

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: She doesn't want to be eaten lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: did you ask her?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I did

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh ok. well as long as you asked

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she just wants to be petted

[Bookmark] Mikko: *peeeeets*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Careful she gives out love bites but gives kisses too lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: so does Mikko

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *nibbles Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Will post soon lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yay now i'm not so freaking huge apparently my font size was big

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but i'm better now

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: kitteh wont be online till after storm

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she said its pretty big in her area

[Bookmark] Mikko: booooooo evil storm

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yes it is

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: kk

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do (Official Video)YouTube · 4:10 · 1B · 96%Brand new album DELIRIUM out now, including LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO and the new single ON MY MIND. Buy now: iTunes: Amazon: Official Store: Stream now: Spotify: Apple Music: More Ellie: [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: do cough drops go bad?

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: no idea

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: heeeeeeeey sexy motherfucker!

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 45 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue] hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: heeeeeeeeeeey

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: how is you two?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It's a noisy night here.

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: doing good

[Bookmark] Mikko: here too! but not weather. more of "I'LL KILL YOU FUCKER!" and "THAT BITCH CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!" and "SHOOT HER! SHOOOOOOT HER!"

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: a sniper chick keeps taking him out

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *shakes her ass in her little panties*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Wade: *smacks it*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: ^_^ *tackle humps*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Snipers are a pain lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Not sure what to post Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: yep. I play the sniper that was taking him out! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gwen: Pete! you got in a girl's pants! and you weren't awake for it!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Pete: O.O

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for DP

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaay

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: will read over posts before I do one

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm not sure what to post right now damn it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: well.....Mel could talk to Gwen, maybe Mel has questions?

[Bookmark] Mikko: you mean Mel actually has nothing to say for once?

[Bookmark] Espionata: More like my mind is stuck in general lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: DP: Mikko is sweet... but I'm nooooo Super Hero [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: you are to her!

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Mikko: so he's just gonna have to deal with it!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Raaaaaaph! don't go back! it's suicide!!!!!!
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 12:41 am

pt 24.

Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooh, need Mikey in here with his coconuts. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and to play us a tune

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *has hidden away the ukalele*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *whistles innocently*

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *is getting weird looks* What?

[Bookmark] Mikko: All the Mikkos: *tackle Don and molest*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROHMel: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 42 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: We were just talking about Mikey. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: grrrrrrrrrr why wont this stupid Captcha work?

[Bookmark] Candy: *kicks it*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: oMikey: * pooooooooooooooouts - then whips a tuba out of nowhere and plays that instead*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol wooo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: DX

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *finds triangle and joins in oMikey's really bad playing*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikkos: *dance around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: That music is terrible >​<

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: What have I done? -_-

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Can I melt those instruments?

[Bookmark] Mikko: with what? your charming personality?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading off here. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 42 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hug*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm heading off, too.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 42 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: ho

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hi ho!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: did Mel post?

[Bookmark] Espionata: No annoying post is annoying lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ever get a post where you know what you want to do but don't know how to write it?

[Bookmark] Mikko: what do you want her to do?

[Bookmark] Mikko: help someone?

[Bookmark] Mikko: steal the turtle van?

[Bookmark] Mikko: molest Gambit?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: The hell Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm trying to help!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is just like why would I steal the turtle van or molest Gambit lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm sure with enough time, Mikko could think of reasons

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ow painful sneeze

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn the sneezes!!!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: And mine are loud lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *scoops up Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Hi ^^;

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: sup little bit?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Nothing really

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: awwwwww *hands Mel candy*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Thanks ^^ *Takes candy*

[Bookmark] Espionata: On one hand I want Mel to find Daryl and the others on the other not sure lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Medical stuff she has no idea what she's doing lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: everyone is meeting up at the mall. so Mel will meet Daryl

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah Bebop is showing the group a map of where the mall is. so soon both groups will be meeting each other, then Toad is going to come back

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why is Toad coming back?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel isn't amused by that lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: because he's an asshole. and he's not going to know they are in the mall until he sees them then he'll try to play nice.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel won't trust him and will be giving him death glares she will make good on the threat in killing him

[Bookmark] Mikko: no one is going to trust him

[Bookmark] Mikko: DP and Gambit will probably attack him

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh yeah lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And he deserves it

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: A guy like him will never change

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's why he's the bad guy

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep but he's no Negan

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: I no longer have AMC but I can story sync it lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hey all

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Which basically means an official stream

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: just got done doing garbage for Monday pick up. also eating banana's with honey since dad ate all the fruit earlier

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: what happened to AMC did your cable take it down

[Bookmark] Mikko: negan! I need to make him

[Bookmark] Espionata: I use Dish and to cut down on costs went to a smaller package unfortunately it doesn't include AMC

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that sucks

[Bookmark] Espionata: It does

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sounds like my friends almost they get all these odd ones but they don't get the cw

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my parents have joined Facebook

[Bookmark] Espionata: I still have all the local channels

[Bookmark] Espionata: Which is awesome for me because I do watch football lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: oh not me... I watch swimming, ice skating, any water sport, dancing...

[Bookmark] Espionata: Part of having a much older brother lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: He's 13 years older than me so video games and the like I got into because of him lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I have brothers but I'm the oldest

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile] yep I can give them a hard time

[Bookmark] Espionata: While I'm on the other side lol

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihihihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: *scoops Rogue up and whisk her away*

[Bookmark] Rogue: hey

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: HI!


[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: bebop bout to come in and wreck things up!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Rogue: ironically that's what I'm listening to

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol did you listen to the song I posted on FB

[Bookmark] Mikko: pro tip! dog bacon does not taste like regular bacon. 0/10 do not eat.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws we lost her

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *clings*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: *dances the night away*

[Bookmark] Mikko: actually that's not happening at all. I am so OVERWHELMINGLY ill.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: The cats are going nuts

[Bookmark] Mikko: but when mom asked how I was, I couldn't tell her I was in bed dying, because she had just got finished telling me about my grandmother and I didn't need her worrying about TWO people!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [frown] *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: My female cat is all wound up

[Bookmark] Mikko: sounds painful, unwind her!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nah she's just really in an active mood lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: man I need to glue Joker's head back on

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm back but may not be online long have a headache

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I too have the head of aches

[Bookmark] Mikko: *pounces on Kitteh*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm heading off guys

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: just took some PM for headache

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but i'll be online tomorrow

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: good luck on homework Kitteh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: *gains the power of flight and flies around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeee

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata
Inside Out - All Tripledent Gum Commercial scenesYouTube · 1:5 · 51K · 97%That song is really annoying and i hate that song!!!!!!!!! - Anger Like and subscribe, if you want more videos, like this. Smile [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: whoooo done!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: wooooo!

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ahhhh the sneezes hurt!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: *picks up Espi and flies around*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko is eating deadpool, maybe Mel has something to say about that?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Gross DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol she's about to munch on more, sense Pete and Supes can't eat anything Mikko isn't going to let Wade go to waste so she's just gonna have herself a meal

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Gross

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: it's healing me! not gross, awesome!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Still gross

[Bookmark] Espionata: The younger cats scared themselves lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Their tails went all poofy lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: But hey the younger male cat was afraid of his new food and water bowl at first lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah it was funny he quickly got over it lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko ate all the fleshy goodness!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ummmm Gambit is sleeping, Gwen is chilling. Mikko is laying down. so Mel can do whatever she likes really

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think it's just you and me, Mikko. Gonna head off here. *hugs* 'night. [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 41 days ago

[Bookmark] Ca joined the chat 41 days ago
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 12:54 am

pt 25

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *runs through chat nekkid!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: struts in* who wants to dance!?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: He's not with me.

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *skips back tosssing panties he stole around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Aren't you a turtle?

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: * more panties* like a turtle do!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: paaaaaaaaaaanites! *tosses around more*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wtf did I just walk into?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm not sure who's worse: Mikey or Metalhead. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Whaddya know, they both start with "M".

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoHMikko: oh I need panties! Spiderman is wearing mine!

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL for Marauder

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: don't blame him their so soft and smell nice - and pretty *flicks pars at big brothers*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RoHLeo: O.o No, Mikey.

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *thinks about this - might regret it - ah what the hell* [twisted] *aims and flicks bras at rohLeo*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: O.O Where have you been getting bras, Mikey?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *catches in mid-air*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: oh here and there * MetalHead for the win*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *wonders if he has any of Erica's* [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *dashes over whilst Leo catching bras to dump entire hand full of panties on his head* mwhahahahaa pantie shower!

[Bookmark] Candy: yes probably - which ever smells like passionfruit flowers [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: >​ : (

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *starts flinging them back at him*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: woooooo pantie wars! - to the forte1 *dives in pillow forte and flicks them back!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *blushes - yep some of those are hers*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *drops the responsible act for a little while and engages in the Panty War!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *winks at Ee*

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *grins hopefully can catch hers in the midst of this play

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *flings a pair of hers back at her* [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ooooh bro you will be defeated by the pantie poacher! *woooooo shooting bras at Leo -*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lool!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *catches and fires back at him*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *catches - yes! - ahhh dives behind random chair to avoid being in the playing field - waves her white panties of surrender*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Panties on a stick? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: lace of doom! fear thy lace of dooom! *is trying not to laugh hysterically - panties and bras are dangling everywhere and flying all over the place*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol in this case her finger [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RoHLeo: *flings another pair of Ee's her direction*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: thanks! - ack *belly dived to catch and got a face full of grandma undies!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *rolling!*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: scooooooooooooore! *aims to make the bright pink ones dangle off Leo's sword hilts -*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *can't...breathe! gasps!*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] laughing so hard - Mikey and LEO of all the brothers engaged in pantie wars

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: be the perfect moment for one of the heros or a brother to walk in and think WTF?

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Watching and is filming it*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *flings, flings, flings!*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ah ahahahaha missing - *flicking and balling up to toss back - trying to get as many of the pretties to dangle off Leo and his swords hilts as possible*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *starts taking them off his sword hilts and fires them back at his brother*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: nooo the flags are coming down! *and his pillow forte! - dodging and firing back*

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta head off. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 35 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *crawling along on belly to catch and collect hers*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *flings another Ee pair at her* [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: This is so gonna be blackmail material [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *uses the moment to dash out from behind last standing pillow and tackle his brother panty cloud!*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *had been checking a pair of bras that look like hers - flung panties land on her backside - quicky claims them*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *dodges Mikey* I don't think so, little brother.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *flingsflingflings!*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ah I am hit! *but still trying to take his brother dooooown! firing back - a pair of silk boxers with smileys goes flying!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm picturing this as a bow and arrow contest. Except using hands instead of a bow and panties instead of an arrow. Just that rapid fire succession. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yes and going everywhere - [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: I votes Mikey is cleaning it up

[Bookmark] Espionata: Same

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *muffled protest as the boxers engulf his head*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: He made the mess

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL1

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: yes victory is at hand - *grandma panties cover his face!*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *has her panties and bras tucked into her jeans waist line - fired the granny panties at Mikey*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *pulls the boxers off his head and laughs at Mikey, adding the silky shorts to the grandma panties* I. Win.

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: no fair - you had back up! *laughing - pokes tongue at them as he finds his way out of the undies and boxers*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *quickly adds the boxers to her collection - yep those are hers too*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *grins at Erica then picks up a few of the panties around the area to clean up a bit*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Stops filming will save the footage for later*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *grins, untucks boxers, uses them to catch Leo's wrist and drag him closer to smooch a cheek* the victorious panty protector [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: O.o *smooch!* ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *to Mel* I want a copy of that [big grin] *recollecting his collection - but thinks better of sneaking ee's from her*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading off. night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Okay [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoHMikko: *tosses the boys the her joker undies before running off*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 35 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: thanks [wink] ooooh *snatches new undies and scurries away with his prizes*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: He's weird

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *giggles - plucks stray pair of bras off Leo's swords* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: yes he is [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: Thanks. [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: no thank you - you returned all mine to me [wink] *points at belt*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe okay I have to give up computer to the cousins - off of here tonight *hugs hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm gonna head off, too. Goodnight.

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 35 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: everyhint in my stomach

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm full of stuffed shells lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh I had pizza

[Bookmark] Espionata: I hear fireworks lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: pew pew

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: pow pow

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *runs around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *leaps on Mel's back*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *pulls on Mel's hair*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Quit it >​<

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: not until you say sorry!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: For what?!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: you know what for!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: No I don't

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: for slapping me! and telling my my love is stupid! *pulls hair more*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You got the wrong girl now get off before you get set on fire

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *beats up* I have a mutant version too you know!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: And I'm the mutant version!

[Bookmark] Mikko: actually I don't have a mutant version. I don't see the point in it.

[Bookmark] Mikko: there will never be a game where I will be able to use a mutant OC

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Never know lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: if it happens then I'll whip up a profile for it. right now I'm working on the batman!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: then after batman....I MUST work on Michonne

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *leaps on HH Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Falls backwards onto Mikko*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *pulls hair* say yer sorry!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: No!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Don't want to

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *rips HH Mel's hair out*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Struggles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: SAY SORRY!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Flips her off*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *claws at Mel's eyes*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Punches Mikko hard in the face*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mikko is lucky Mel has no idea about pressure points lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: your punches only make my cock harder!
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 12:57 am

pt 26.

Espionata: HH Mel: You don't have one!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: how do you know?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: You're a girl1

[Bookmark] Espionata: *!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: so?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Girls don't have them

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: some girls do

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: And aren't they different in general?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: dude! that's sooooo transphobic

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Huh?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I'M A SWEET TRANSVESTITE! TRANSEXUAL!!!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: And that is?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: a chick with a dick

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: What Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *not part of this chatter*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: a female. with a penis

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: why what?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why does that happen?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: because dudes wanna be chicks yo.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I DON'T KNOW! why are you so short!?

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Because of lack of food

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: well there you go. guys don't eat enough and want to be girls

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: But there are really tall girls Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *smacks Mel on the head with large dildo*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Eww!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *keeps smacking*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Runs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *grabs the dildo launcher and shoots dongs at Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Jumps into cover*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I WILL FIND YOU!!!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *girl screams cause flying dildos*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: see if you can catch one in your mouth, Mike! *shoots*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: Oo no way! - *dodges - silly pirourettes to also not touch those already littering the place*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: awwwwwwwww *aims for Mike* PEW PEW PEW

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: DILDO CANNON!!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *missteps is knocked down by a dildo - covered in more* Ew ew ew ewwwwww!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *takes her chance and pew pew pews all over Mike*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: nooooooooooooo - I have be Donged!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: mwahahahahahahahaha

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Still hiding*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *holds up white dildo and waves it -* surrender! I yeild!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *stops shooting and tackles Mike laying on top of him*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ahhhh! * drops the white thing his green Monster puts to shame - stares at girl on him*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Peeks out*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: ^_^ *kisses Mike*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: I - wont turn into a prince just to let you know

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: *spanks* su'p!

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Watchin' boom-booms. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: ty

[Bookmark] Candy: oooo

[Bookmark] Mikko: the boom booms have arthas hiding

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwws, Emily did okay with them right down the street from us.

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's good

[Bookmark] Mikko: Lance did good, and Dora can't hear.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Trace is is hiding under the bed

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I am getting high with myn dew!

[Bookmark] Mikko: mtn

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I think mtn dew changed. because it is not as tasty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww

[Bookmark] Candy: daaang

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: and pizza hut doesn't offer the other dew flavores

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It's not very good for you, anyway.

[Bookmark] Mikko: 1st world problems

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww​wy'

[Bookmark] Mikko: kitg'

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: *licks*

[Bookmark] Rogue: multi tasking....buuuu... hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: this is my new fav song i swER1

[Bookmark] Rogue: and drunk

[Bookmark] Rogue: BUT!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Butts?

[Bookmark] Rogue: I had a good day for once ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: YAAAAAY!

[Bookmark] Mikko: *snugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^_^

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas! And YAY!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Candy: yay1

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wanna go out to a club and dance drunkenly! who wants to cum with!?

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello!?

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: I wanna go wit you!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think Chatz hicupped

[Bookmark] Candy: up date i

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes come with me!

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wtf, Chatzy?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wb to everyone.

[Bookmark] Candy: wbwbwb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: *nibbles everyone*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *gives Mikko a chewy bone*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *takes and chews*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile] *pets*

[Bookmark] Mikko: purrrr

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: ER'ONE GET NAKED! *does so*

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Chatzy your update sucks >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Pbbbbbbbt!!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: This time it didn't kick me off. Whoo-hoo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: am I here?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yep!

[Bookmark] Rogue: yay!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Boi-oi-oi-oi-oing!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Damn. Rogue went bye-bye, too.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think I might head out soon. Got some stuff I need to do before bed.

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 34 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Watching Pokemon it's the episode where Jessie and James release their Arbok and Weezing DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: THAT WAS SO SAD

[Bookmark] Espionata: It was they may be evil but they love their Pokemon DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: yesh

[Bookmark] Mikko: and they are sooooo not evil

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah they're not although they try to be lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: they want one damn pickachu. why? there's nothing special about Ash's pikachu! they could esily go get another one

[Bookmark] Espionata: No idea lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Back when I played Yellow I used Pikachu a lot lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: But like all kids that watched the show had Ash's team lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: not I! I had an all water team

[Bookmark] Espionata: And in Gen one the Physic type was broken lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And wrap was an a horrible attack if used on you lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I hated that you had to battle anyone you passed. like fool! I don't want to talk to you!

[Bookmark] Espionata: My favorite starter though I can't choose between Feraligator and Sceptile lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: When I first played I didn't get Flash and ended up going through the Dark Tunnel without never went in it again lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Somehow I got to the otherside lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaaay

[Bookmark] Mikko: so is Mel going to watch Superman get naked?

[Bookmark] Espionata: OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^_^

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit and Lois have to get Supes in his the healing suit and Mel is in the van already

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: you can't come into our car! No room!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: Mel CLOSE YOUR EYES CHILD!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Or let me out the van >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: no stay in the van!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Adults DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: yes! we are adults! and I will strap you to the hood of the van as soon as i am done.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: No you won't

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: maybe not. you could right with the turtles i suppose.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Maybe

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: well it's either with the alien that may or may not lose his mind again, the car with the guy who's lost half his guts and the girl who's ready to screw him anyway, or the van with the family of turtles who are just happy to be together.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Like I need to choose >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: well pick now are forever hold your peace

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: It's not a hard choice >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: ah yes. I too would want to ride with the horny woman and half dead Merc

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Not funny

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: I'm hilarious!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: No you're not

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: of course i am! it's why all the ladies love me

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: No it's because of your looks >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: well yes, and the accent. and the french.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Are you French?

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: I am french

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Mikko: *liiiicks*

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: But didn't you come from the South?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit: Cajun French

[Bookmark] Alysson: Do I need to post anywhere yet? Haven't been keeping up with the rp much lately

[Bookmark] Mikko: you can always post in HH

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Oh Oo

[Bookmark] Alysson: Has anything happened there, yet? All Lydia is doing is quietly chatting with her bunny.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop is telling the group about the mall and asking them to join him and Lydia. that's about it

[Bookmark] Alysson: I need someone else to post first....Lydia has nothing to do at the moment. My last post pretty much sums up what she's doing right now. :/

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think Daryl is about to post

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: *passes out*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o Do I smell that bad?

[Bookmark] Mikko: no it's been a rough day

Kitteh: Dawwww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs* rocks and glass and death!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: *Gives some salad*

[Bookmark] Mikko: that salad better be made from grapes. and it better be wine

[Bookmark] Espionata: no Oo

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] hiiiiiiiiiiii!

[Bookmark] Mikko: *lays on everyone*

[Bookmark] Candy: *cuddles - is cold from shower*

[Bookmark] Candy: ... but at least smell good [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaay

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Happy 4th of July

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: First Lois Lane died on July 3 at 95 years old

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: just saw it on my laptop news feed

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: I seen that

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: your lois lane needs to help Gambit get Supes pants off

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile] I'll be making a post. also need to get trash ready for tomorrow parents aren't home yet but with all the road construction and firework shows going on last night and tonight my guess they'll be coming home late

[Bookmark] Candy: I has no post to make [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: except maybe MM

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: poked yah on facebook kitteh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o I think Scoop went poofies.

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im back

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sorry still on laptop found out new harddrive had sectors on it

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so i'm returning it for a new one

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: thanks

[Bookmark] Candy: daww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wb

[Bookmark] Candy: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: thanks

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: never returned anything to Amazon so this is a first

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Figured it was a bad hard drive but it's rare that it turns out to be the new one

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: But don't worry I'll be posting

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: not sure on the outfit. normally those outfits are a one piece when they make them for the movies.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: like those similar to Spiderman one main

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Mikko: *nobbles*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted in HH

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: let me know what you think

[Bookmark] Espionata: Looks good

[Bookmark] Mikko: posted for Gambit. he kicked Mel out the van

[Bookmark] Candy: mmm hmmm its great

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cool. gotta get trash around then i'll check again

[Bookmark] Espionata: Posted why yes Mel is still ticked >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: she's always ticked

[Bookmark] Mikko: and she wouldn't have gotten punched if she didn't slap Mikko first

[Bookmark] Candy: yes always too ticked off

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: all the turtles lock the van doors

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'll be doing third shift Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. Also after vacation till they train all these new people and they're moving people around as well

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so most of my posts will be during the day once I get up

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and I'm doing third shift for a while after I'm on vacation

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: they want to move a girl off of thirds and onto days and the new girl onto the night shift

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: since the one currently doing it isn't really doing her job well

[Bookmark] Candy: ooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she slakes off a lot. I had to go find her one night in the bathroom on her phone when we were busy on a weekend you don't wonder off and leave one person over night running the floor

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: And my female cat went into heat >​>​

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws sometimes its annoying when they are cause they meow all the time

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: mine did even after they were fixed

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well her meow is a soft meow and she's not that loud lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Only time she really meows

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that's good

[Bookmark] Mikko: BAM!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to head off here. night ladies of the night!*hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aw night hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: think i'll head off here to but on facebook messager

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs* I'm off too. Night.

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 33 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's hot DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: bow chicka bow wow

[Bookmark] Espionata: Humidity hit

[Bookmark] Espionata: And it's gonna be in the high 90's for the next two days DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's up to 100 here

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh

[Bookmark] Mikko: you should come over and sweat out your toxicins

[Bookmark] Espionata: No

[Bookmark] Mikko: we have a pool!

[Bookmark] Espionata: To far

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah and the pool has no water in it

[Bookmark] Espionata: ugh

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *tackles Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Gets tackled* DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: SCORE!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Gets up* >​<

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *tackles again*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Rolls out of the way*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *goes after*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Kicks Mikko's leg*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I forgot i was on here lol oops

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *falls on Mel and nibbles*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Get off *Pushes her off*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko:nooooooooooooo I MUST FEAST!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: No you don't!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Then go raid the fridge

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: must be human!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: it's the only way to fuel my powers!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: What powers?

[Bookmark] Mikko: mikko: I don't know. gonna find out!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: You do realize mutants are discovered in their teens

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: Unless the X-gene is dormant. then something has to bring it out.

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Yeah something like what happened to Deadpool

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yeeeeeeah but I do not want to go through that! So I'm just gonna eat ya

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Yeah no you don't eat people

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: you don't eat people. I do.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: blame Deadpool! he gave me a taste! and I'm soooo hungry!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: well sending old harddrive back they are sending me a new one

[Bookmark] Mikko
Sans and Papyrus Song LYRIC VIDEO - An Undertale Rap by JT Machinima "To The Bone"YouTube · 5:21 · 522K · 99%iTunes Link: Click to Watch the Music Video: Sans and Papyrus sing a song to you after you've fallen into the Underground. Enjoy! *********************************************** iTunes page Twitch Page: Facebook page Twitter Website Subscribe to our Podcast: Follow our Podcast on Soundcloud: Want to use our music? Read this first: Sans and Papyrus Song - An Undertale Rap by JT Machinima "To The Bone" [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *crossingfingers* this one works

[Bookmark] Mikko: for the undertail peeps

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: My female cat was just yowling lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah while if my older male cat is near her he grooms her

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: gotcha

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: always good to have them groomed once in a while

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well all of them have short fur lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: short hair is nicer but they still shed like crazy at least the female cat we have does. and she's got short hair

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well the female cat has plushy fur

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted in HH

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Turn My Heart - Music Video - Nick Pitera (Original)YouTube · 3:52 · 148K · 95%Song available here: Huge thanks to Toyota for use of the all new Prius, and for helping me bring this concept to life! Had a blast filming! @toyota @toyotafanzone #Sponsored Song written by: Nick Pitera Song produced by: Double J Music: Video produced by FifGen Films: Find me on... iTunes: Loudr: Amazon: Twitter:!/NickPitera Instagram: Facebook: Spreadshirt (Merch store): [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: poked yah on facebook kitteh [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how is everyone doing

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: three days of over night starting tomorrow night... *sighs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: next week Monday on vacation [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: after 5:30

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: brb checking laundry

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh for the next couple of days I'm running the ac lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: HI!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm back

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: heeeeeeey sexy motherfucker

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: *slides behind Rogue and rubs dat booty*

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: whats up

[Bookmark] Rogue: a lot

[Bookmark] Rogue: how are ya'll?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hot

[Bookmark] Mikko: still sick

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: trying to stay awake all night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm sleepy...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But I should be good for a while yet.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Took a nap before coming on here tonight.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I slept till 2:30

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: in the afternoon

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: went to bed by six a.m.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *chews on Mel*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: *Smacks Mikko*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *chew chew chew*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Quit it!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: no

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Yes eat your boyfriend!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: So glad the male cats are neutered lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that's a good thing [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah don't need kittens lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus my female is so small she looks like a kitten stiff

[Bookmark] Espionata: *still

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wish we could spay her but it's more expensive then neutering a male

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that's odd thought they were the same

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: price

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope

[Bookmark] Espionata: You actually have the cut the female open the male you don't

[Bookmark] Mikko: cut em all open!

[Bookmark] Espionata: So everytime she's in heat have to keep an eye on her when she's near the door so she doesn't get out lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: well yah that's true

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: still think it should the same price

[Bookmark] Espionata: Same

[Bookmark] Espionata: It was one hundred fifty for her brother and I think it's double that for a female Oo

ScoopGirl: o.os

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I think my sisters cat monty needs dental work done and that will cost her about 500 dollars

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but she can't afford that with still being in nursing school right now

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah pets are expensive

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *nods* why I only own a fish. my sister has the two cats

[Bookmark] Espionata: I love cats

[Bookmark] Mikko: I love little piggies in bow ties

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: did we lose Rogue

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she came on and then left?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I think so

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: think i'll head off here then. but I'll be posting in homecoming tonight

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: we lost everyone

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit just told Raph he has to baby sit Mel. I'm sure she has something to say to that

[Bookmark] Espionata: Considering she did fine by herself while watching the vans lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Don't be surprised if she flips Gambit off lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: well they're all about to leave. so she needs to jump in someone's van, unless she wants Toad to grab her again

[Bookmark] Espionata: Good lord if he grabs her she would hunt you down lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she doesn't like him lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: But he can go after her because she hates him so much and the guy is crazy lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: he'll probably meet up with them at the mall

[Bookmark] Espionata: Kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Leo posted.

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit posted they are on the road

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Vroom, vroom!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Unless you have all wheel drive but even then you have to be careful lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: A storm that Gambit is driving through is just a baby snowstorm lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: how you know?

[Bookmark] Mikko: are you an X-Men? did you make the storm?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm from New England lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Half the year I have snow lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah but the storm they are driving in is pretty bad

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's not little

[Bookmark] Espionata: That all depends where your from Mikko in the South they shut down roads for a dusting

[Bookmark] Espionata: Not even a blizzard that dumps two feet shuts my area down and if it does not for very long

[Bookmark] Mikko: right now in the game.

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's a big storm

[Bookmark] Espionata: Light fluffy snow or heavy wet snow?

[Bookmark] Mikko: light fluffy

[Bookmark] Espionata: Okay with that kind of snow it's more of a case of seeing where you're going not so much the tires on the road. But it also means the temps are below freezing as in 20 degrees

[Bookmark] Mikko: and Mikko is mostly naked

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she better get dressed hypothermia can hit pretty quickly in that kind of cold

[Bookmark] Espionata: Especially if it's windy winchills will make it feel like below the teens

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's even worse because my area can hit below 0 with windchills in the negative teens frostbite happens within minutes

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah. I rather live where it gets to be over the 100s

[Bookmark] Espionata: My area can hit 100 but I get both extremes

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ew.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I despise 100s.

[Bookmark] Espionata: same

[Bookmark] Mikko: I bask in the heat. not the sun! I lay in the shade

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading off here. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: niht

[Bookmark] Espionata: *night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night. I'm off, too.

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Cand joined the chat 32 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: too many tacos

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's to humid DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: roommates are running down the street catching pokemon

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I would be too, but my cell phone is too old and I can't download the app

[Bookmark] Espionata: Should work on my phone lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: you have an Iphone?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Android

[Bookmark] Espionata: The only way I wouldn't know if the app wasn't in the google playstore

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was going to get an android but I'm soooooo addicted to the iphone

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata
NEW OPENING : RED GARDEN 2ND OPENING GOOD QUALITYYouTube · 1:32 · 31K · 99%I just look for a video with better quality and with english subtittles... so here we have....a NEW Red Garden Opening...PLZZZZ Watch it!!! [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Here's an anime not a lot of people know of

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooooooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: And it's set in New York City

[Bookmark] Mikko: everything happens in new york

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: *lays down*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Can the heat go away?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes in the fall

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: there are EEvees in the woods around my house

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: candy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: CANDY!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can't feel my face when I'm with you

[Bookmark] Mikko: but I love it

[Bookmark] Candy: [frown] hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: *smooooch candy*

[Bookmark] Candy: Awww as long as you love it

[Bookmark] Mikko: I dooooo

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: my boobs itch

[Bookmark] Mikko: learn from that yuoung ones. itchy boobs are nothing to mess with

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to postify in Mm

[Bookmark] Mikko: just did one for Mikko

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: wbwbwbwbwbwg

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty ty

[Bookmark] Mikko: lets sail around the world!

[Bookmark] Mikko: you know Mel. if you were nicer to people then others wouldn't pawn you off on other people.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hey before you were gonna have Gambit slap Mel before talking to her when she was crying and he's an adult Mel is a kid and did what she thought was right with Mikko lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: no not the slap

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: I mean. when talking.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo asked her who she was. her reply seemed a little snippy

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: *chains you to the ground*

[Bookmark] Mikko: and Gambit hates kids.

[Bookmark] Mikko: haaaaaaaaaaates

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko just wants to eat her

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Espionata: I think it's a combination of things like dealing with Toad alone for the most part and Mikko and the injuries Superman and Spiderman have lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: That's a lot in the span of maybe a couple of hours lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus teenage girl lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I just arm. *grabs Mel's arm and bites down hard*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Punches Mikko hard in the face*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: your punches only make my hunger grow!

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Eat your boyfriend!

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: we took a vote. you were voted to be eaten first

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh Aly! Bebop tossed a piece of dirt at Lydia and spoke to her! if you wanna post finally

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hiTyrannies hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Why me?

[Bookmark] Alysson: I saw! Trying to think up a post~

[Bookmark] Candy: ? Wtf?

[Bookmark] Candy: lol hi hi **

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *dances around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's how he keep warm in the cold winter nights. just dances!

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: hELLO

[Bookmark] Espionata: They're hoping to start filming the sequel of Deadpool early next year [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: hELLO!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: my father is not happy about it!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Friggin capslock.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww why?

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: well he didn't like the first movie and he is against DP having a boy toy

[Bookmark] Alysson: There - Lydi postied~

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Pfft...oh well.

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaay!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: No one asked for his opinion. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I like Deadpool

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I haven't seen it yet.

[Bookmark] Candy: me either

[Bookmark] Espionata: When it comes to Deadpool it mainly hinges on what kind of humor you like

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop and Kurt posted

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's the thing. they didn't like the humor

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop is gonna carry Lydia to the mall before he becomes a frozzen pork chop

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I don't like gross humor, but anything else is okay.

[Bookmark] Mikko: more sexual humor

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And his girlfriend is awesome lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: much more awesome then his wife

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well one of his girlfriends is Death lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: death isn't his girlfriend. death isn't even a girl

[Bookmark] Mikko: but he does loooooove Death

[Bookmark] Mikko: THEY CAN NEVER BE!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: thanks to Thanos

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Candy: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I CAN FLY! *flies aroud*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *watches - says nothing*

[Bookmark] Candy: But probably thinking it is an impossibility

[Bookmark] Mikko: hey hey hye Mel. hey. hye mel. you know what you should do? hey Mel....Hey.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: go snuggle with the mutant rat. he'll love it!


[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: No you can't >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yes I can

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *ah fairy dust... K... goes back to looking*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Then why are you on the ground?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I'm not I'm flyinf1js!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *their both crazy -*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​re we are! born to be kings! we're the princes of the universe!!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *starts and bumps her head* ack

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: good luck with that? *keeps a looking*

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: *pats all the booties*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *dodges pats - searchy searches*
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 1:03 am

pt 28

Kitteh: What is she searching for?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: a fuck to give

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol a fuck to give

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: portal hopper

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *grabs Ee and snugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *sighs and let's it happen* why not?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *bounces over to a table and sits Ee down in a chair and pushes her close to the table. then serves her spaghetti! and sits across from her*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *another sigh, eats slow, to appease the Bebop* Mel needs feeding

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I didn't do anything Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: mel needs feeding? Uh....I think she can handle that on her own. I have cake! Would you rather some cake?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: and eatin is not a punishment *shruggies* sure cake be nice

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I'm not hungry

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: cake it is! *shoos Mel away then gets a yummy cake out and cuts a slice for Ee making sure she has a slice with a nice frosting rose on it and hands it to her* there you go! ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: thank you *whom can be unhappy with cake? Munchies*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: oh! I also got you.....*hurries off then comes back with ROSES!* flowers! ^_^ta-da!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *almost chokes on cake bit, swallows and takes roses.* thanks... Why? *wasnt he a bad guy? Why so sweet?*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: Welcome. Why? Because, um...You see. I think pretty women should get pretty flowers is all.

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: That's nice of you Bebop

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: I shooed you away. Go shoo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I don't wanna

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *blushes, has not felt very pretty in a long time - sniffs the roses* well, that's very sweet of you *kisses a cheek*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: ^_____^ *tries to ignore Mel*I know you been down, so I wanna pick ya back up. because yer an awesome chick! I've even been practicing dancing!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: thanks, *yes been very down* ... Oh? gonna show me?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: I can try. *super nervous about the dancing. puts on some music and takes her hand, then leads her into a smooth slow dance.*

[Bookmark] Mikko: good thing Rock isn't around

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Rocky would never let him live it down

[Bookmark] Candy: then again he was doing yoga -

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *goes with - its nice to dance a little*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *glides her on the floor and twirls and dips her*

[Bookmark] Espionata: kik

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: I smell spaghett - what the fuck?

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *about to tell Bebop he's not so bad at dancing, is nervous about being dipped, and surprised by the Rocky.*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *sighs at hearing Rock and picks Ee back to a standing position then bumps her nose lightly with his* That was fun. I like you!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *blushes, nods, steps back to roses*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: pffft you go soft my maaaan, too much cake - *eats a slice in one bite*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: Ack! Cake isn't for you!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Is filming the dancing for blackmail later* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: cake is always for me!! * helps self to Bebops spaghetti* so what with the chick? Don't we normally just fuck em? No romance?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: she's different! She's nice and pretty. I like her.

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: aw, so no sharies? Though she too skinny for my tastes really

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: NO! No sharing! She is not too skinny! She is perfect! ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *backs away from this chatter, takes her cake slice with her to munch whilst looking resumes - blushes - definitely not perfect*

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: fine fine - but you has to wingman me a fine plump peoce of ass - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *tosses Angel at him* here have her.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O'Don: O.O No!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *scrambles away... Clumsily*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You two are beyond nuts

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *grabs Mel and tosses her at the Rhino* here ya go!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: dis! *holds her up* is a twiggy!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: she no pop like blueberry - snap like twig!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Mikko: loool

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: all the girls here are thin!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: yes, so keep feeding them dis food! *sits Mel in chair* eat, grow some titties!

[Bookmark] Candy: oAngel: *hiding in Dons lab*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *runs in* FOOD! *dives in and eats*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *cause Ee dragged her there - cause she was all ready to go dark angel yo!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *comes to her rescue, locking the lab door behind him* Angel?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *rolls eyes searches Eons lab for portal hopper*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: ugh! you made my pretty lady run away! *goes to look for Ee*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: yes? - I am gonna kick me some endangered rhino butt! And munch some bacon - *huffs and puffs - but smiles at Don*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I can set you two on fire >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: no you can't!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *smiles at Angel then waves to oEe* Hello. What's going on, Erica?

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *farts*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: um... Nothing, you still have your portal hopper?

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *grins and sits down in Don lab chair*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Yes. Is something wrong?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: ... no, but Blaze could use a visit to the GU's - excellent you got it?

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Wanna bet?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *glares at Mel and calls out for Ee* Ee! Princesses! My Dragon queen! Where did you go?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *grabs it from his workbench and hands it to her* Are you sure everything is alright?

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: what? Dis good food!?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *nods, takes,* thanks, no everything is fine, won't hurt Blaze to have a check up *totally could do it herself, or Don - but still a plausible lie* thanks Pretty Eyes

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *feet up!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *looks at Rock with face full of frosting and GRINS*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Look, if there is anything I can do to help, just let me know, okay?

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: ... *grabs and pins to table to lick her face*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: I will. But... There's nothing... *hugs and leaves him and Angel almost runs over Bebop.* oh [smile] hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *giggles like mad*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: ^_^ hi. *hugs her softly* you leaving?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *hugs her back then looks at Angel and shrugs, shaking his head* Something is wrong. I can feel it.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Don's spidey senses are tingling

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: just for a little while - I have to get Blaze *hugs Bebop then moves on to go fetch her son*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: yes it is, but I ain't no share her secrets - sides ain't shared with me, or the Aprils or other Ee's *wriggles toes*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: ok. I could come with. if ya want. Or not. Don't wanna be a bother....*watches her go, like a leaf in the wind*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *oh some got on boobies! Licks there too!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I did not! *but wiggles and giggles anyway*

[Bookmark] Kitteh *smiles and smooches Angel's cheek* Maybe I should follow her...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: **

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: If she wants to go somewhere by herself then let her

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *shrugs the Baby pack on, wriggling Blaze on back now.* no it's fine, we'll be back - *waves*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: ok *waves back*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: No, let her go, she needs to be away I think - *stretches in seat - oh yeah off feet is good!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Considering Angel has been pregnant for over a year [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: did so! *licks frosting off snout * I saw it!

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes she hates me, on pause all the time

[Bookmark] Candy: but that is coming to an end soon she refuses to go back in stasis

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *puts frosting alllllll over her body* oh noooooo how messy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *smiles, and leaves before she cries, always crying lately, needs to get away - does so*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwwwwwww *snugs oEe*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: challenge accepted! *pins again and liiiiiicks lick lickie*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: Eeeeeeee! So I guess skinny girls are ok as long as they have food on them?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *quick snugs, gets lost in portals - Blaze waving madly, has no idea what's going on but happy, mum is takin grim somewhere!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: no too skinny, but you taste nice yes!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: awwwwwwww then no more licking for you! No man licks me without pleasing me all the way!

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *steals Ee's spaghetti*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: I lick! *pins and licks her good!!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: -_- fiiiiine

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *reaches for Dons hand and tugs him closer* I worry too

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: maybe she would like giant six foot teddy bear.....

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *moves closer to her* I know you, too. *nuzzles* And it's not good for our babies.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: what she needs is just time to heal

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: could a six foot teddy bear help with that?

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: bah been in stasis so long a little worry for them may be good, not a lot though - I'll try not to worry... But kicking her ass when she gets back is a gonna happen

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: no

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Oh?

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: well..l I don't know

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: damn. *sits down and pouts*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: yes, but kicking... Fr worry me [tongue] *pulls the Don down for snogs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Okay then Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: my cloths are all wet! full of slobber! *takes them all off*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *happily returns them!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: crotch frosting! *goes doooooown*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: NOOO! ooooh...ok! ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep right there on the table!

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: mmmm so fat! *between snogs* I am so eager to do this birth thing *mental calls her player all the swear words she knows, more snogs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *well skinny frosting lick wanting pleasing, and is more frosting for him to clean so two birds one rock*

[Bookmark] Candy: Heh pun

[Bookmark] Candy: one Rock

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *table is all kinda X-rated*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lool!

[Bookmark] Candy: yeah it is

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Poor Angel-player. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *keeps eating anyways*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] some colorful language from Angel [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Does she curse like a sailor? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Vacated the area and is now playing video games*

[Bookmark] Candy: A rum soaked pirate more like

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Mel is out!

[Bookmark] Mikko: playing games on the highest volume

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!! Yes!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *is in Rhino heaven*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *in frosting heaven!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *Lets out a scream of praise!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: And they wonder why I don't want Romance >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: cause its all a lie? *shoves her over to join Mel in game - eaten all remaining spaghetti and cake!... So full!! For noooow*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: No because I'm afraid I'm gonna become like those sex maniacs

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: >​>​ nothing wrong with sex maniacs as long as both are eager to do it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *is all muffled cause hunting for last bits of icing!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: But they're nuts

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: O.O *explodes*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: your nuts - only problem is love, it's a lie - and get ready to be defeated at Mario Kart

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: all clean! *licking face and struts over to punch his best buds shoulder* stop pouting

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: It's a lie? And you're so on!

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: A big fat one *puts on the kart -* oh it's on!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *falls to the floor and happily sleeps*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: not pouting. thinking how to cheer up Ee.

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Why is it a lie? We're doing 200 ccs?

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol sleep it off! As opposed to walk it off

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata:

Candy: Rocky: she's a girl you'll have to go all goody goody for dude, no titties worth that - even ones still full of milk *plonks backside next to buddy* mmmm

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: need some whiskey to chase al, that icing down

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: cause its never real? And yes the fast ones!! *chooses Princess cause she pretty*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *and blond*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: riiiiiiiiight. normally I would agree! However. I really like this one. and I don't think I have to change too much. I'm sure she'll like me for me.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: and yes. we need booze

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Love is real though. *Picks Yoshi*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: isn't she with someone?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: no I think they broke up. that's why she's all sad.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: it's a lie *drives like a princess gone mad!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: oh... Well luck with that - maybe turn her bad [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *suddenly clean and dressed in foot uniform* is not!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: yes! dress her in leather!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: is not what?!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You just need to find the right person I'm just not interested. *Drives like Yoshi is on Speed*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: IS NOT! not you, Mike. sorry player thought faster then she typed. not a lie

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *hops on Mike's shoulders*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *shakes head - yelps and almost throws controller, crashing princess* what? Not me what? *alarmed! But trying to get back on the race road*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: with whips and chains?*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: love isn't a lie. it's real! in your heart! *taps on Mike's chest!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: yeah! but...we'll work our way to that. first I have to get her to like me.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: my heart hurts - I don't want it to, so tell it it's a lie please *swears cause totally losing, nudges Mel to try making her crash to!!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Nice try Mikey *Nudge made her do a jump off a ramp*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: awwwww who hurt your heart?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I will smite them!

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: nevermind, just tell me it's a lie [tongue] *snugs Mikko so she is not in his way and drives like a maniac again to catch up!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: [tongue] your a day dreamer my maaaaan *buuuuuuurps*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Nearing the finish line*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *sits in Mike's lap and snugs* ok. it's all a lie. sex without commitment is awesomeballs anyway!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: jumps in front of the tv*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: that's more like it!! Hey!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Mikey no cheating!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: and you are never going to get laid around here if you keep looking for fat chicks.

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: wrong Mikey so get out of the way!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: ooooh another Mike!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Let the craziness begin! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: yeah might have to be content with breakable twiggies for now -

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: I think so, man.

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: why am I wrong? *wearing tightie whities*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: why are you wearing undies?

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: yeah other me - dude you suck get out of the way! *throws cushion at him*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Beat it!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *starts to kiss and nibble the OMikey's neck*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I came to play video games to escape that DX

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *shakes tail in front of tv* I rock dudes - haha yous both lost to the CPUs

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: oO ahhh ! *never mind losing game , shakes Mikko off lap and dashes to hide in bathroom*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Yeah because of you! *Tackles ROH Mikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ^__________^ can't escape me

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: .....what just happen here?

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: ahhhh! Hahahahahah! *runs from the weak lil girl, laughing*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *laughing* who knows? Maybe he gay?

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: goes to stand up to close lab door, noise so irritating!! But only makes it to feet - hangs onto seat and yells*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: yeah, that's probably it. *stands and plops back down in Rocks lap*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *right by Angel's side* What's wrong?

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Chases ROH Mikey* Get back here!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: no! *running, just fast enough to keep out of reach* neeeever!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Keeps chasing* You made me lose you will pay!

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: .... *pants* well either I just pulled a muscle in my belly and wet myself or .... *pants* these twins are finally cooooohhhhhhh! *seriously wants to close the lab door now*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: keep it down in there trying to watch the entertainment!! *popcorn... Lots for him and Bebop throws some at the running about pair*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: I will never *cackles and leaps coffee table, runs on - good exercise!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I could be sucking dick right now. but nope. I'm watching people running around and listening to someone have babehs

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: O.o *hurries and closes the lab door, coming back to her side and sits her down on a chair* The babies are coming?

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Throughs the controller at his head*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *runs on headless for a few moments*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: The hell?!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: hey they closed the dooor - you still owe me for icing - *points at tented pants*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: oh yeah, oh yeah.. *grips his hand instead of chair glad now her screams all muffled to the lab*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: true that my horny friend! *goes down on him*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you have such a way with the ladies, man.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *tries to get her comfortable* ...I'm going to need some help. Are you okay with others being in here?

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: yeah I doooo - *lays back, popcorn spills everywhere*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: This place is beyond weird

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: whoooooo?! *so stuck in her pants which are soaked, is trying to pull them off*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *head pops back up with a pop!* your weird!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *rolls his eyes and figures why let a good ass go to waste! takes Mikko from behind.......all fade to black*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm heading to bed guys! night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!! They shares!

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: best of froends!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: My brothers...

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol oh man he only has two Mikeys

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] scary

[Bookmark] Candy: a rohLeo? [tongue] someone has to keep a cool head

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *any efforts to get out of pants turns into a howl, ends up panting and nodding* yeah..l that's okay, brothers okay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *helps her get her pants off* I'll be right back, okay? *smooches her forehead*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: oooo Kay.. Okay... Be quick... okay... *so will punish her player some time for dragging this moment out so dannnng long, but nods at Donnie finally free of pants, made a wet mess of them and chair... *

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *heads out of his lab, looking around for brothers*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Stretches* What's going on?

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: [big grin] you couldn't catch me, and probably broke the controller

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *exits bathroom*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *spots his brother* Mikey, I need you to do something very important for me, okay?

[Bookmark] Candy: roh&oMikey: yes Donnie?

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Not that

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *blinks at both Mikey's ...great* I need you to find the others. It's an emergency.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: there is only us bro, and I think I saw a Leo in the bathroom, but could have been hallucinating, all that cake I ate...

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: and left none for me!? *indignant, but grins at the Don* what exploded in the lab this time?

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Angel is trying to

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Find whoever you can. Angel is about ready to have our twins. We need all the help we can get.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: oooo,... OooooH!! *shoves his fellow Mike* we have to find people!! *dashes of*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *trips over the previously thrown cushion... And ran over by the oMikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: Sooo who does O Mikey find? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Mm's?

[Bookmark] Candy: roh's?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Definitely Leo's. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *races back with a naked rohEe over a shoulder nd puts her near Don - dashes off again*

[Bookmark] Candy: eohMikey: *had almost been on his feet, bowled over again* ack!!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *squeaks and - blushing so red!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Well I'm not going in there >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *went the long way into mm chat to catch the MM Leo this time! kidnaps - tells MmEe to find OEe and run back to OChat putting this Aleo next to Don too* I... Think that's all... We got Don... Oh *pulls his rohSelf to his feet*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: huh? *totally befuddled*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *goes to his Ee, covers her with a sheet* What's going on?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: Hey!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Girl giving birth

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *grumps, but with her horde of kids finds and OEe and tracks down where that OMikey took her Leo too* - oh and here I was about to say there better be a good reason to steal my Leo

[Bookmark] Candy: lol poor MmLeo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *running around getting things ready for the baby*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: babies*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: O.o *remembers what it was like delivering lil'Shen*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *had not meant to be back so soon, but this is an important reason* well, now there is a team of us

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: thanks Leo *kisses rohLeo's cheek, looks at Mel, then eyes go wide,* wait what are we doing?! *squeaks, never delivered anything ... not even pizza!!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *helps where he can*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: I'm doing nothing I would only be in the way

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *smiles then frowns* Delivering...a ba-baby? O.o *has no idea what he's doing*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *reminded herself of that time she and Leo totally winged it - grins at Mel* you got kid sitting duty *points to LilClones and puts LilShen among them. Head in to the lab to help Angel -* come on my fellow Ee's girl needs to be comfortable

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *pauses to smile at oEe* Thank you for coming. She's close now. *leads the way back into his lab* Mikeys, you're needed in here, too.

[Bookmark] Candy: lol roh Leo and Ee totally noobs

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: always for you and Angel pretty eyes, *places Blaze among the little ones too and follows*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Great I'm not Juboblee who can distract kids with fireworks DX

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: do we boil water?!

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *also a noob! But doing as OEe and OFon tell him in helping Angel get comfortables seated - in his and OMikeys arms cause no birthing seat in this room*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *winks at Don* where do you want the rest of us? - just keep them in one place Mel*

[Bookmark] Candy: OAngel: *so wants to cuss so bad!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Never having kids

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol rohEe might think the same way - she may faint lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *smiiles sheepishly at oEe* You right by my side? This is different than with Blaze. There are two of them this time.

[Bookmark] Kitteh Mikey, I need you to get ready with clean towels for the babies.

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: double the fun? [wink] *but is there - pats his shoulder* MmLeo could you get behind Angel? Support her and try to help her breath through this - rohLeo swap spots with OMikey - rohEe - towels - big thick ones for Angel and two light hair ones for OMikey and you to hold *winks at Don* over to you and Angel now pretty eyes

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *pokes*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol double trouble!

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: towels! I can do towels! - *dashes off to find towels*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Chatzy froze up on me.

[Bookmark] Candy: *tickles*

[Bookmark] Candy: Naughty chatzy

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo&RohLeo: *get into there positions*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *smiles at oEe* Thanks, Erica.

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *on ODons other side to assist - first time she and OEe are on this side*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *moves between his Angel's legs* How are you doing, Angel?

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *has a MmLeo to lean back against, a rohLeo on one side - grips a forearm, and rohMikey on other side - digs nails in him too - tries not to yell this time - unsuccessfully*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *grunts but doesn't try to stop her*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: [wink] you just get down there and tell her when to push Stretch [tongue] *moves to get RohLeo&Mikey help Angel by supporting her legs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *checks to see how far along she is* You're doing great, Angel. Get ready to push. *gets into position* Now...

Candy: rohMikey: *freaking out - watching his big bro if he loses composure he will - hardly notices the nails in his skin*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *winks at MmLeo hands him cup of ice chips to give Angel -*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *pants, rests briefly - then pushes - totally glad for a MmLeo behind her - needs the leverage! - pushes - *

[Bookmark] Candy: RohEe: *comes back and goes dooown in a pile of towels*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *takes it and offers one to Angel*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol She fainted?

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *bends to revive the blond Ee

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: t t thanks *pants - sucks ice chip - taking a breather - smiles at Don - cant see lots of blood or crowning at her angle but can feel it*

[Bookmark] Candy: RohMikey: *trying not to look!! - stare at his Leo yeah - noob he looked - makes a muffled squeaky noise*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Need hhEe she a bit more used to gore

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe&OEe: *watch - OEe keeping an eye on blood loss - MmEe Angel -*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *shakey but on her feet again gives MmEe towels little one to OMikey - keeps the other.*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *nervous but no fainting!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Keep going. You're doing great, Angel.

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *muttering to self*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol he's saying 'that's not how they usually look*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hard to believe we stretch like that lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: need sleep night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *nods at Don smiles - momentarily - if forced to tell again push with all her - pushing against roh&MmLeos and rohMikey - one twin head is free the other tucked beneath it -*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *might faint again*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *see heads!! * Duuuude

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *grins so ready gets closer with his towel -*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe&MmEe: *gringe the babes are coming close! The shoulders part gonna be hell for Angel*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ouch...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Can she do it?

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep [wink] she'll scream and bleed and tear a bit but do it [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: Keep it up, Angel. They'll be out before you know it.

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *nods - heavy breaths - nails find new RohLeo&Mikey skin - cant help her shout this time as she pushes feeling it buurn - definitely sweaty - glad for MmLeo and Ice -*

[Bookmark] Candy: RohEe&Mijey: *squeaks covered by mamma's shout*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *excited*

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *lies on belly so not in Dons way and presses towel to th bleeding rip - MmEe reaching to help him support the heads as shoulders fiollow

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *keeps going with the ice*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *encourages her, too*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *pokes*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: :Angel: *not stopping now! Pushes on no matter how it hurts!! Until she has to stop panting gasping for air feeling the queer sensation of little bodies sliding out!*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *stays where she is so Don and MmEe can handle the twins, she has blood to keep an eye on and the torn skin -*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *carches the slightly smaller twin - no shell the girl*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *catches the second twin in a towel and wraps him up in it* They're out!

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *almost passing out herself!*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: rohLeo, Mikey try to keep her concious*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *grins though wraps the first one - and winks at Don holding her out* done well dad - *needs to help oEe do fast stitching.*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *does what he can along with MmLeo*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *is feeling a bit emotional holding his son in his arms but nods to oEe*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *smooches Dons cheek gives him his daughter then leans down to help OEe stitch*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *teary eyed himself from amazement or terror not sure grins at rohLeo* need more ice Angel?

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *oh damn head swimming - blinks rubs where she hurt the roh brothers nods* yesss ice

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *takes his second child in his arms, now unable to stop the happy/relieved tears from falling* You did it. We have two beautiful children.

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *grins, still woozy, panting - shaking but pleased reaches to rub Dons cheek then the twins - both a creamy mix of his olive green and her dark skin*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *bloody fingers - MmEe has a torch to make sure OEe gets em all*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *leans into her touch and brings the twins closer to her*

[Bookmark] Candy: RohEe: *squureees - then faints as Angel passes the after birth right on OEe's hands*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo&MmLeo: *smile at the two new parents* Congratulations, you two. *from MmLeo*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *unwinds hands from RohLeo&Mikey to touch them* ooooh their beautiful *tearful and woozy! Kisses his cheek*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: She is a strang Ee

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel : thanks... All of you -

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *gives everyone a watery smile* Yes, thank you for coming on such short notice.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Leos: Don't worry about it, Donnie. We're happy to help.

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *to Don* beautiful like their father - *is bruised and battered but eager to hold one - arms out!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *was waiting for her to be ready to hold one, gladly passes the daughter to her* She's you. *smiles and smooches Angel's cheek*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *thumbs up torch in mouth as OEe checks the afterbirth the giving her own bloody thumbs up both set to cleaning to blood away as best they can.* all patching done [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *sniggering - rousing the blond Ee again*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *collects his Ee and clears out of the room to give DOn and Angel some privacy with their new little ones*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: Come on, Mikey.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: she might need water - *stays with his brother to help Don

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *reluctant - but follows* Duuuude - we just - that was... *buzzing right now* their so Cute!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: RohEe: *mumbles when lifted -* you better have condoms

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *smiles, nodding to Mikey then blushes at his Erica* Huh?

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *grinning - snogs her Leo* my ice king of the North you did very well- *hugs Don and then Angel* congratulations

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: RohMikey: *laughing* she passed out - better make sure she has no head injuries [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *still out!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *checks her over, laying her on the couch* Mikey, get her some water, please?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *grins watching ODon and Angel - and MmEe and Leo* thanks you guys [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: fine - tell me we got her going down on camera

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *in lab* we did! And every other gory detail!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *smiles* No problem. I-uh...did something like this myself a while back. *smiles at his Ee*

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *goes gets water brings back to Leo*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: and wonderfully too - the lil lines helped - weirdly *grins at her Leo and moves to his side - trying to get look at Twins*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *finally can wipe his eyes, grinning* Thank you. *to MmEe* I can't believe I'm finally a father. I never thought that day would ever come.

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: by yourselves?!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *nods* Yeah. There wasn't any time to get the others.

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: [big grin] neither did Angel - well done Mum - and Dad *kisses them both*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *awed* respect - totes respect [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: though I did not tear that badly thank goodness, don't worry though Ee got it all [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: thanks - yes MyLeo did fantastic delivered his daughter [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *eager reaches for their daughter - * oooh this is awesome finally get to hold em - *

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *grins, blushing a little*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: RohLeo: *tries to give his Erica some water, thanks his brother for fetching the glass of water*

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *wriggles her own bloody fingers in his face giggles -* you know you did well

[Bookmark] Candy: Cyan: *helps by pushing cup and making water go all over her face *

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: rohEe: *cones back spluttering and coughing*

[Bookmark] Candy: comes*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MmLeo: *grins* I know I did. *smooches her cheek*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *chuckles - looks at Don and Angel beaming -* need to weigh them and see if they suckle - had been worried cause both babes were not screaming - but checking could see their fine - wriggling* nawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: MmEe: *purrs - snogs -* mmm hmmmm

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: *laughing again*

[Bookmark] Candy: Cyan: *tail wags - he helped!*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *has half snug Don as well as their twins - happy tears - * no weighing yet - *just a moment more snuggling them and Don!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I needs to go soon. [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think we can leave them to it. [wink] The others will go home eventually.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs hugs* If you're still there, enjoy the rest of your night. [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 31 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes yes and yep [wink] *hugs hugs* night night

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Mikko: wow a lot happen after I left

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah I know alot happened when I left lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: *slides to the floor and sleeps*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm so tired

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihihihihihihihihihihihi​hihihihi

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: peeps were busy last night

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes

[Bookmark] Candy: Or ChatAngel says F**king finally!!!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: babehs!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe will have to stay close to help now - even if she wants to be gone

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: But she's keeping her distance at the moment

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *slides up to Ee on one knee and proposes to her with a red ring pop* ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *cant be rude - is very uncomfortable though ... Smiles and nods* as long as this is only friends - not ready for more.

[Bookmark] Candy: Setting boundaries

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *grins and scoops her up and spins her around with messy kisses all over her face*

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: ahhh! *but chuckles and wriggles free* thanks - [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: anytime!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *nods - backs away - back to corner with Blaze to play with*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *spots the babeh!* BABEH! *charges over*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe&Blaze: *choke on air surprised*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *sits and scoops up Blaze and tickles him*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *giggles - play fights to escape*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *sets him down and fakes pain* oooooh you got me! *nuzzles Blaze with his snout*

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *tiny growl - wrestles Bebops head*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: So strong! *picks his head up with Blaze attached, pulled him off his head and play wrestles with him*

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *watches them*

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *squeal - giggles pulling Benops ears*

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihihihihihihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii!

[Bookmark] Candy: Bebops*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *winces and lightly pokes Blaze's sides*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *cackles - hugs *

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *hugs and snugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *getting this on tphone*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] he's the Mikerazzi'!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol evil

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: whaaaaat?

[Bookmark] Mikko: what's he going to do with the pics? show Raph that his enemy is a better father then him? OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!​
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyFri Aug 12, 2016 1:07 am

pt 29.

Candy: Lol no - would never do that to his brother

[Bookmark] Candy: But show Rocky [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: For giggle

[Bookmark] Candy: And poops

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe loves her big red

[Bookmark] Mikko: sooooooooooo romantic!

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] maybe

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: Rock is just mad because I'm better with kids then he is. he's still dodging all that child support.

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey *hugs the OEe - closer to get good vid*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: Oo even though he's a mutant?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: we weren't always mutants.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: and courts don't care

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: You have the X gene?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: huh - well at least their inclusive then [smile] *snugs Mikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: no we just mutants

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: what the hell is the X- gene? *keeps snugging Blaze, now rocking him*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *being rocked - kicks happily - hand stuffed in mouth - humming*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: It's what people are born with that makes them a mutant.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: no I was shot with ooze. *hands Blaze large sucker*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: Yep - we got oooozed

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *pushes RoHMel out of chat* yer in the wrong universe. Go go.

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Not leaving

[Bookmark] Candy: rohMikey: me too!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: oh no he's giving the child sugar

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, night night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *belated hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty - just checking the forums

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'll be posting after I get off the phone.

[Bookmark] Candy: Yeah I gots to too in roh

[Bookmark] Candy: hh

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: annnnd mm [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: no O

[Bookmark] Candy: Espi if you and Alys doing no more in There Be Dragons in O I'll close and put thread in archives [smile] lemme know

[Bookmark] Espionata: I completely forgot about it lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *has been left alone with a child. panic is setting in*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: *Is watching with popcorn*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *clears throat and sings lullaby*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *is busy with his new family*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: oDon: *on very little sleep*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Nope never having kids

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Never is a long time. [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: You're also a bit young to even be thinking about kids at this point. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: what! she's 12! in 1800's without kids and no husband she would be an old maid by now.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, back then was a whole different story.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: She had to babysit them lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: lucky for you all I'm a time lord!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: lets go back to that time!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Hell no

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: it wasn't a choice! Now lets goooooooooo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Nope

[Bookmark] Mikko: rawr

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Roarrrrrr

[Bookmark] Mikko: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh​hhhhh

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Gonna head off here. *hugs* Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: meeeeeee toooooo night 8hugs8

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 30 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: my hunger level

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes! I need food. but I don't know what I want

[Bookmark] Espionata: I know the feeling lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: om nom nom

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I got mac and cheese!

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: hot

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: heeeeeeeeey

[Bookmark] Mikko: that was fast!

[Bookmark] Mikko: you must have been all fuck these chores!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mikko disappeared Oo

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol. naw, stillworking on them

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwws. she's having net issues

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I'm multi tasking but hoping to get some posting done tonight since I'm off tomorrow ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Chores suck

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Rogue: how've you been?

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Good dealing with my female cat who keeps climbing the beams lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think I'm back!

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Mikko: had to restart the computer

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwws

[Bookmark] Rogue: m' hurting. I needs someone to snuggle with [frown]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: *snuggles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *also tosses Supes at you*

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^!! <3 *snugs both*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: KITTEH LIVES!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was just asking about you and Candy

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oh?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes you two so quiet on FP

[Bookmark] Mikko: FB too

[Bookmark] Rogue: I NEED SNUGS!~

[Bookmark] Mikko: *SNUGS*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *snugs!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^ *snugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: told my BF I just need someone to hold me right now.. I rarely feel like that, so how does he respond? virtually rubbing my tits -.-

[Bookmark] Mikko: omg you need to dump him

[Bookmark] Mikko: how far does he live from you? can he not come visit you?

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: he lives like 40 minutes away. but he doesn't care

[Bookmark] Rogue: if I said I'd fuck him, I'm sure he would be right over

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh

[Bookmark] Mikko: well when your hot guys show up in the mail and you tell him haha I have hotter guys now I don't need you. then he'll be sorry

[Bookmark] Rogue: I have not slept with him. why?? Because he hasn't put forth any effort to be there for me

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: he's dead weight. drop him

[Bookmark] Mikko: want me to kill him?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Rogue: it sucks because I'm crushing on this other guy, but one of my frriends is in love with him. [frown] and the thing that makes it hard is.. he likes me. He admitted that to the one that likes him.. but I can't hurt her... :/

[Bookmark] Rogue: but, he's not into oral so... dunno if that'd work [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: tmi, I know

[Bookmark] Mikko: ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Love triangles suck lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool oh nevermind then

[Bookmark] Mikko: he don't suck you don't fuck.

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. apparently he told her he likes to receive, but not give.. so I'm like.. nu

[Bookmark] Mikko: np[e. NEXT!

[Bookmark] Rogue: haha

[Bookmark] Mikko: just hook up with a girl

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm bisexual so.. that's kind of a thing [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: yesh!

[Bookmark] Mikko: insanity is trying the samething over and expecting a diferent result. time to try something different

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: yesh

[Bookmark] Rogue: there's this extremly attractive black guy that my friend knows.. he works at walmart and I've always thought he was such a cutie. Well we went to get supplies yesterday and she intruduced us.. and I could only stare. and he's super sweet. as we walked away, she told me he had a girlfriend. My heart broke

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *sexes up Rogue*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I just feel sodamn lonely [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: gah! never introduce a friend to a hot guy that is taken. that is a rule!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I know right!! H'es toned and has dreads and I'm like omg...

[Bookmark] Espionata: No kidding

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooooh!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Did you hear what happened in Dallas?

[Bookmark] Rogue: omh. seriously?? he's wanting me to send himpics of me in my underwear -.- I fucking told him I wan an actual date first..a kiss... because I;m not just a fuck buddy or someone he can jerk off to

[Bookmark] Rogue: where's my knight!

[Bookmark] Rogue: dallas?

[Bookmark] Mikko: ya'll haven't even had a date?

[Bookmark] Espionata: 12 cops were shot by a sniper last night five of them have died and two regular people got shot but seem to be fine

[Bookmark] Rogue: no, that's the thing. He wont fucking ask me out! He just wants to claim me.

[Bookmark] Rogue: [frown] that sucks

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'msick of this virtual relationship. [frown] I need something real

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeeeeeeeah dump him. you don't even have to dump him! it don't sound like yer even together

[Bookmark] Kitteh: What happened in Dallas was unexcuseable. Well, so was the thing in Baton Rouge and St Paul(?), too.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah. *shugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: snugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I need someone that when I say "Hey, I really need to be held".. because I swear that hardly ever happens.. I need someone that will be there

[Bookmark] Espionata: It was racial the sniper was a former army man who wanted to kill white people especially white cops there's video of him behind a pillar shooting a cop

[Bookmark] Mikko: you go get you that!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Long distance relationships suck. I never wanted to do that.

[Bookmark] Rogue: so hard for me to meet guys though [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah it does suck, not sure how long my and my guy is going to last

[Bookmark] Rogue: the sad thing is he only lives less than an hour away from me

[Bookmark] Mikko: sounds like it's better to be single then to deal with him though.

[Bookmark] Mikko: he's making you more sad then you would be with out anyone

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah

[Bookmark] Rogue: all he thinks about is sex

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, I agree with Mikko. *hugs* I'm just so sorry it's like that.

[Bookmark] Rogue: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah. NOT gonna happen.

[Bookmark] Espionata: That sucks

[Bookmark] Mikko: and if he slept with you, he would dump you. because he sounds like that kinds guy

[Bookmark] Rogue: was all happy when I met him because I was like omg.. we have so much incommon!

[Bookmark] Mikko: just cut him off. cut his dick off then he can never have sex!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah.he probably would hurt me. I just have that feeling. that's all I would be to him

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, he wants to score with you and then...who knows what would happen. You don't deserve being treated that way. *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed! *snugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Mikko: you need you a Deadpool!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I need me some raman noodles

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ramen noodles are bad for you, Mikko.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Even though I loves them, too.

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes mother!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I do needs a Wade ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: mmmhmmm!

[Bookmark] Rogue: because he can have kinkeh sex AND love at the same time
Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes! and acording to the comics. once you marry him. he cooks for you and rubs your feet and sings you to sleep

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwwws ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah.I need that in my life

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: like right now

[Bookmark] Mikko: and he does all that naked!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm tired of playing games

[Bookmark] Espionata: And somehow makes 100 pancakes in five seconds lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Mikko: someone will find pancake mix in the mall

[Bookmark] Mikko: and somehow find water and heat

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Well Supes can provide the heat

[Bookmark] Rogue: once he's well enough

[Bookmark] Mikko: but YES! you need you a man! or woman! that will be your teddy bear!

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooh that's true

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. I just need a hug so bad right now its not even funny

[Bookmark] Rogue: just some kind of physical contact

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I don't understand it

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: I never feel this needy

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I have to figure out what to do with my boy toy, who never has money, no car, lives states away and now has a child that he can't see but has to pay hundres of dollars for

[Bookmark] Rogue: I guess when you've been broken so many times yourealize...

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeeeeea

[Bookmark] Rogue: my biggest problem is I was always bullied in school so I'm still so insecure and it makes me shy because I feel so ugly

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've always felt ugly

[Bookmark] Mikko: you are sooooooooooooooooo pretty!

[Bookmark] Mikko: if I thought I had a shot with you I would SO be all over you ^_^

[Bookmark] Rogue: aws *Hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nuuuuu, not ugly at all! *snugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: and your smile is sooooo beautiful!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and you are just super pretty ^_^

[Bookmark] Rogue: aw. you guys are being super nice

[Bookmark] Mikko: *smooches*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *snugsand smooches*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: now I really want some raman

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gambit says you can be his Rogue

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww

[Bookmark] Rogue: I needs a love like Lois and Clark

[Bookmark] Rogue: like DP and Vanessa

[Bookmark] Mikko: no I think DP and Vanessa ends badly

[Bookmark] Mikko: and Vanessa turns into a dude

[Bookmark] Rogue: like Gambit and Rogue.. but I sooo couldn't deal with the not being touched part [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: ew. no. then just Lois and Clark

[Bookmark] Rogue: I need a superman

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: or just you know.. someone to ask me out [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm trying to think of a comic book relationship that actailly is good with little issues.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *snugs and offers ice cubes*

[Bookmark] Mikko: you know I found dates, and even at our ages this still works. find comic shops or book stores that do events. and go to the events.

[Bookmark] Mikko: you actually meet some nice guys

[Bookmark] Mikko: and some scary ones

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: I would go to magic the gathering events and act like I didn't know how to play. met Jon! got engaged to him...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Come to my town's Comic Con. ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: turns out I'm scared of commitment

[Bookmark] Kitteh: The only way I'll go is with someone.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I would love to go to a comic con!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: we can all group cosplay!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I've never cosplayed in my life.

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'll make the costumes!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I love cosplay! ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: don't get to do it much though

[Bookmark] Mikko: Cosplay is amazing! I wish I had the funds to go to all the conventions!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I just wanna go to at least one!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: mechacon is in new orleans this month. but I'm not going to be well enough to go

[Bookmark] Rogue: and.. Lexi reallllly wants to be a part of PH.. and I'm like... I dunnop

[Bookmark] Mikko: I am going to A-Kon next year. And I'll take you with me!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: roh

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: if you can manage a long vacation next June then you can come with us to A-Kon

[Bookmark] Mikko: all my OC want to join RoH and I'm like noooooooo stay!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I am the only OC allowed! I'm special!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: I saw on tv today a lady and her boyfriend broke up and he left his pregnant chillua behind in a locked room the woman didn't do anything except slide some food under the door for two weeks the puppies were born but one died. She only broke the door down when the neighbors complained about the noise because she was to busy to do it for two weeks. That woman should never be near animals that's animal cruelity and neglect DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Seriously no one is that busy that you can't take care of a dog by doing a short walk and letting it go out and actually feeding it

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Rogue: lexi would be very different in RoH

[Bookmark] Mikko: Lexi would be cut throat pirate

[Bookmark] Rogue: no human contact for two years.. she she's probably a bit insane and won't talk

[Bookmark] Espionata: She was content to leave that dog in that room and do not even the bare minium

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: you mean she's not already a bit insane? *BIIIIG GRIN*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: love you!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mel is the only one that seems to have Mikko's insanity pegged down, even though she'll deny it. but congrats on that.

[Bookmark] Mikko: if you brought Lexi in, I wouldn't bring Laz in. I would have to drag in Spike.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is pretty perceptive but she has issues of her own lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: but it's true. Mikko can't (at times) tell reality from a video game. and gets confused.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah Mel is gonna into that more with Mikko lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I said at times! maaan she ain't totally gone. yet.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: least she ain't talking to unicorns yet

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: *smooches his very sane Lexi all over*

[Bookmark] Mikko: RoHMikko: *looks at DP* I'm sane...REALLY! SANE! *SMILES*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: ^^ *smoochsmooches&*

[Bookmark] Espionata: HH Mel: Sure you are >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: *gets Lexi lots of sugary snacks*

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwwws. seee! I need a man like that. Lexi,you lucky biotch

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: you need a ninja!

[Bookmark] Mikko: am I here?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yep!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I'll be your huckelberry

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *steals Rogue away*

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 29 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: dance time! *wiggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: I need to sell a kidney - move over there and date Mikko and Rogue - [tongue] ... maybe drag my pretty islander boy with me [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: he cooks!

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Rogue: dancing over and over and over again to the Mad Hatter song... ITS MY SONG! <3

[Bookmark] Candy: dats my jaaaam - no it's not never heard of it - myfreemp3 to the rescue!

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's an awesome song. did you listen to the song I posted under it?

[Bookmark] Candy: but whatever - all Ee's save O Ee would shake cheeks to that!

[Bookmark] Candy: no

[Bookmark] Candy: fracking net so out of the loop

[Bookmark] Mikko: Rogue posted mad hatter on FB so I posted cheshire cat song

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooh [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: now have two songs to search up [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: anyone post anyything on any forum?

[Bookmark] Candy: I havent- am I up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I coould check. but my computer yells at me when I do

[Bookmark] Candy: okay - I'll try whilst here on the wifi

[Bookmark] Candy: had to pay room price of twentydollars for it but got it !

[Bookmark] Espionata: I think you're up Candy

[Bookmark] Candy: kk

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh snap

[Bookmark] Candy: in hh ?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: ah - right on it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm about to post in FtL

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaaaaaaaaaay

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: for some reason the forums are like threat has been detected. and I'm like noooooo no threat.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: okay liked mad hatter - now the other one

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Espionata: yw

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] has ODon had any sleep yet? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ODon is secretly a robot

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha - running on coffee rather than motor oil

[Bookmark] Mikko: or both

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Very little sleep.

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *still has milk, even though Blaze no longer feeds - so glad to steal the twins and let the new parents finally get rest - nursing, and finally reclaimed Blaze - watching him play*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] poor folks

[Bookmark] Candy: poor Don - needs coffee

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: lol OEe be more like huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuges sigh of relief

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *comes in* Where's my babeh!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: Oo - shhhhh! new twins!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: O.O *whispers* New babehs!? *excited and comes over quietly*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol He's probably gonna think they're hers, isn't he? [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *maybe a little jealous is on knees hands on mums belly watching little cousins feed*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *sits and picks up Blaze* you got more babehs...without me? shame.

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: mmmm hmmm - Oo no no - Angel's and Don's - I'm just... letting them rest *and relieving her previously swollen like rockmelon breasts!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: oh. *tickles little Blaze*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *had been still grumping about the interlopers on the the milkshakes he no longer has -now giggles and wriggles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *annnnnd tosses him in the air and catches and tosses him in the air and catches*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *oh god can't watch - soo worried he's gonna drop Blaze - and can't move if he does - has twins across her and is not going anywhere!!* careful!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *not worried of course just squeals and tries to flap on the rise of each toss -*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *even tail flaps!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: I'm totally got this! *catches set him on the floor and play fights with him, gotta teach em hot to fight early*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *but all excited by tossing - grins and cackles and goes on an adventure - crawling at top speed - in random direction*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: GAH! *crawls after*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Roh Mel: *Watching with popcorn and is filming it*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *siiiigh - looks about - another siiiigh, settles back to finish with the newbies*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *really motoring along - humming - little backside wggling just going that fast!*

[Bookmark] Candy: speed demon

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop:come back here little one. I have more candy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *random baby vowels and sounds in response, keeps going!*

Mikko: Bebop: *chases quickly and reaches out to grab him*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *wll1 - unexpected hard turn to avoid it - searching! zoooooooms off in new direction*

[Bookmark] Candy: wall!*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *runs into wall* >​.< *regroups and goes back to chasing*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] warthog head shape hole in the wall [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *stops and caaaaaaaaaaalls -* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *waits abeat then keeps a motoring - right under a coffee table* Aa aaa aaa aaa! *all the way*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Roh Mel: Are all babies like that?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY!​? *stops and sit*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: Why what?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: he keeps running away from me.

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: Oo - [twisted] pffffft we faster - can charge him down!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: we do not charge down babehs!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: we don't? - why not very slow -

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Aren't you a horrible babysitter Rocksteady

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: because you might hurt him!

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *searched everywhere!!! - in his mind - sits up and pouts at his knees*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *goes over to Blaze* what's wrong buddy?

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: that was sort of the plan - *huffs* fine wont run the kid down - but only for you my man *annoying little poop factory*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *kicks little feet and huffs and pouts moorrrrrrrre*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: good! *scoops up Blaze* now lets see if we can figure out what the kid wants

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *so had a silent heart attack, still shaking - but glad the rhino won't run down Blaze - knows whom Blaze was looking for - wishes she could pout too - but will keep emotions as best she can too herself so as not to distirb the little newbies*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *just hugs - and pouts more - bottom lip out as faaaar as he can stick it*

[Bookmark] Candy: learned that from Mikey [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *hugs and snugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: he smells [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: so do you.

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *grumbling- pouting now around a fist he's sucking on*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: hey I washed!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *by rolling about in dust - but same diff!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: not well enough! *drags Rocky to the tub to bath him well*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *rocks Blaze *

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *so big there is no room for water in tub!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *pushes him in a pond*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *siiiiighs again - shifts to take the twins back to sleep with Angel and Don - leaves them all to sleep. Taps OMikey's shoulder on way past - goes hide somewhere*

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: *gives here thumbs up and stays around to keep eye on Blaze and Bebop*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: woooo1 you bring brush and do back *waggles bckside at Mikko*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *grumble grumble - but being rocked so maybe not as grumpy as he was*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *undresses and gets in pond with brush and lots of shampoo and starts to bubble him up and scrub him down*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: seeee all is better

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *makes more bubbles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *hits him with the hard end of the brush* gross!

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: oy scrub! hot air rises

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *mumbles mumbles -*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *scrub scrub scrub*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *nuzzles*

[Bookmark] Candy: Rocky: *makes pond xxx rated*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: OMikey: [big grin] dawww - my turns *sneaks his nephew and snugs* we going to bed [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh wow... he's blaming me for his night going bad....

[Bookmark] Mikko: well dump him then his night can really go bad

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.O

[Bookmark] Candy: awwwwwwwwwwww - then tell him to fuck himsef

[Bookmark] Mikko: for real. this guy is just making mt angry. bought to hulk out on him

[Bookmark] Candy: ... wait - you! Him! *points* Fuck YOU!

[Bookmark] Rogue: he was sending me pictures of his dick while I was dancing to mad hatter and I didn't respond.. so now his friend is mad at him... wtf?? Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanted to feel needed and loved

[Bookmark] Candy: If I were there I would show him bush fuck you

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: a little centipide poisioning in red beans goes undetected

[Bookmark] Kitteh: W. T. F?!?!?!?!?!

[Bookmark] Candy: dick pics - fuck me -

[Bookmark] Candy: send him back a google pic of snot

[Bookmark] Candy: or an autospy

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ... with the caption - look I can share too!

[Bookmark] Rogue: ven sent a video of him masterbating and I'm like.. okay

[Bookmark] Mikko: you should take the pics he sent you. no for real. take the pics he sent you and add those cute photo stickers they have. and be like ooooh so cute! so tiny! dawwwwwww!

[Bookmark] Candy: I'd have blocked him by now- what an idiot - after sending gay porn vid back

[Bookmark] Mikko: tell him he turned you gay

[Bookmark] Espionata: ugh

[Bookmark] Rogue: I just want a hug. nothing extreme.. just a motherfucking hug. and a date. a movie...just feel needed. but yet I ruined his night....

[Bookmark] Mikko: I do hope this is the last night you talk to this man

[Bookmark] Candy: Well I can't hug you but I need you -

[Bookmark] Candy: if I no hear from you forever I sit up no sleeping worrying

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes! I needs you too!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Meh, don't let it get to you. It's his own fault.

[Bookmark] Candy: ... last time- like... three days?

[Bookmark] Candy: and nights

[Bookmark] Rogue: *snugs* awsaws *Hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: mind yous all worry me - but you mostly - and Mikko [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Reading with this guy did to get your attention... *barfs!* That's not even romantic. It's desperation. He's not worth it.

[Bookmark] Candy: stop it I'm gonna go gay before I'm 30!

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes I worries too! like when I was going out to see...i think TMNT and I was so paranoide about leaving for the night! I was like leaving instructions like some crazy mother!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: what this guy*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: dump this dudes ass to the curb - kick it!

[Bookmark] Candy: so not worth it

[Bookmark] Candy: >​<

[Bookmark] Mikko: ask yourself what would DP do?

[Bookmark] Mikko: DP would have fucked him. DON"T ASK YOURSELF THAT!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope

[Bookmark] Mikko: but we loves you and want the best for you and he is only making you sad. and we will not stand for that!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, aw

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nope! *snugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: oh no if I had any contact for him I'd be flooding it with gay porn pics in revenge by now

[Bookmark] Candy: he wants dick pics - I can give it

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Candy: and probably really gross anatomy pics too

[Bookmark] Candy: ... well gross for fools not used to it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue] :

[Bookmark] Mikko: no no you have to find something he truly finds offencive

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: dead things?

[Bookmark] Mikko: like....tmnt porn or something

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL well I get weirded out by tcest stuff myself but would sooo shares it to annoy this Drongo

[Bookmark] Candy: tthis Dik Dak

[Bookmark] Espionata: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: dik dak?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I know what a dik dik is!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: A speedo! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That's probably not the best insult for him. lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: He's a total drongo, drop kick dik dak!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Not exactly sure what a Drongo is, but I like the sound of it. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: sounds like a jeep

[Bookmark] Mikko: the new Jepp Drongo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Durango? [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Durango is Dodge. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But...anyway... [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] we just paying this guy out - we need to be doing this too him -

[Bookmark] Candy: He hurt our Rogue - how dare he!

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn right

[Bookmark] Candy: *viking wear* lets get 'im!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *plays "Ride of the Valkeries"* [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Origins Mikko says she'll go all ninja on his ass!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That scene reminds me of the Big Bang Theory episode when they went to get Sheldon's game stuff back. lol

[Bookmark] Candy: it's waaaar!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!

[Bookmark] Candy: yes!

[Bookmark] Candy: and Penny suceeds by kicking the Mr. Zarneki in the balls [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Sheldon: We did it! - ... what I said We

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and the music lol

[Bookmark] Candy: um beethoven?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wagner. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That's Vah-gner. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooooooooh [big grin] see I no know my classics [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I only do because of my mom. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: ooooooooh [big grin] hehehe I needs to pay more attention

[Bookmark] Mikko: *dances around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't know them either lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I spelled that wrong. It's Valkyries.

[Bookmark] Candy: ooooh computer dying, OEe of somewhere crying - Blaze and Mikey hogging a couch watching sesame street and munching popcorn O Mikey stole off roh Mel. Angel and Don hopefully getting well earned sleepies. And me gonna leave them to it - and call Rogue's jerk a Dik Dak again.

[Bookmark] Candy: DIK DAK!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Dried Drongo Dingo Donga - DikDak! hehehe *hugs hugs hugs hugs* loves yous - night from here

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Love you, too! Night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOVES!

[Bookmark] Rogue: ....he jus dropped the 'L' bomb.....

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o Wtf?

[Bookmark] Mikko: WOW

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ...why?

[Bookmark] Rogue: because he knew I was about to dump him...

[Bookmark] Rogue: he's playing with me head >​.<

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ugh...that's a low blow.

[Bookmark] Rogue: my*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don't let him get to you. *HUGS*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh that's so wrong!

[Bookmark] Mikko: don't let him do that too you!

[Bookmark] Rogue: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: You deserve waaaaaaay better than this desperate loser.

[Bookmark] Mikko: *snugs* you don't need him! dump his ass! block his number

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yes

[Bookmark] Mikko: we got ya back!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yep! Always!

[Bookmark] Espionata: we do

[Bookmark] Rogue: he's telling me the reason he never asked me out was because he didn't have a car and was ashamed to admit that....I dunno what to believe

[Bookmark] Mikko: uh not him

[Bookmark] Mikko: I mean ok that's cool and all. but clearly he just wants sex from you

[Bookmark] Rogue: maybe I should be the guy in this 'repatioship' and just hit it and quit it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: all the dick picks. plus when you try to get him to have a little bit of sympathy he talks about your tits

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: hey ain't nothing wrong with that

[Bookmark] Mikko: just don't want you getting hurt

[Bookmark] Mikko: personally I think the guy is playing you

[Bookmark] Rogue: aws *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I do too [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: just sucks because I want to believe him

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs* [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs* and I think you should end it. because you can't move on to better things until you close this door

[Bookmark] Rogue: *snugs* know. [frown] I'ts just so hard for me to meet guys and I'm at a point in my life where I NEED someone to be there for me

[Bookmark] Rogue: and.. I wanna get liad [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: laid?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I know. but better to wait for someone right, then get mixed up with someone who will treat you wrong and just make you feel loneler then you are

[Bookmark] Mikko: getting laid is nice

[Bookmark] Rogue: problem is.. I've never been the type to just fuck someone without feelings.. :/

[Bookmark] Rogue: I just need a fucking taco

[Bookmark] Mikko: man tacos are almost as good as sex

[Bookmark] Mikko: we just want you happeh
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Erica Martins

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Age : 25
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Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post ROH creation - Don&Angel's twins finally!!) EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 2:17 pm

pt 30.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *dances even though she's not very good at it* [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: M just a holy fool and gbaby it's so curelbut I'mstill in lve with judas babeh!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I love to dance ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: just need someone to dance with ;0 *grabs ytou ALL8

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yay!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Zombies: *all dances*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I may need a root canal on my tooth

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: called them and told them the one they fixed isn't working

[Bookmark] Mikko: your tooth isn't working?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so I've been taking my pain medication which has been helping me

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: no they fixed it wrong

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [frown] makes me have more pain

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: from time to time

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwww

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 26 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Thanks

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Mmm

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty



[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *contemplates the dancing zombies - wonders if their hungry*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'll post in both soon reading up

[Bookmark] Candy: Do not know rest of that song

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol


[Bookmark] Kitteh: Okay, I'm done. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Celine Dion. ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I don't think the Zombies will survive the dance. Body parts flying everywhere. [tongue]


[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Zombies: *don't care dancing night away*

[Bookmark] Candy: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *damn - stupid falling apart zombies...

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *protects his lady friend from the zombie parts!*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: mmmm let them eat me *drinking bourbon*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: if they can - stoooppid zoooombies - so unreliiiiable

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: NEVER! *snugs Ee and takes her drink and downs it*

[Bookmark] Candy: Just when you want a blood thirty mob to eat ya their busy doing Gaga and falling apart.

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn them!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *takes bottle instead - determined to drink until she's numb* daaaamn them

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] yes damn them

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: how drunk are you?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: not enough everything still hurts!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you drunk enough to say....head back to my place?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: no - can still name the stupid bone some zombie just flicked this waaaay

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: oh. want me to go get you more booze?

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: siiiiides you know I wooould not sleep arounth

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: mmmmooore yes I should not be able to name this naviiiicuuulaaaar bone...

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: I wouldn't ask you to that. only sleep with me!

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: just find me something stronger -

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: forces himself NOT to pull his pants down and runs off to get more liquor*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol yeah good move

[Bookmark] Mikko: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *eyes Mel* eh your too young for this - mmm eh heck me too

[Bookmark] Rogue: you know I love ytou boy, hawt like Mexico....

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: did Rogue say she loves me? YOU HEARD HER! SHE LOVES ME! *makes out with Rogue*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: oh! and! *lets Rogue go and bounces over to Ee and hands her LOTS of booze* here's the whole liquor store!

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: awww - love its sooo niiiice .... thanks - hates the taste of vodka but finally starting to loose focus -*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *sits next to her and smoooooches Ee's cheek*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: She's gonna regret that in the morning >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *sticks straw in bottle - why bother with shots and cups?* or die of alcohol poisoooooning -HIC -

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *drinks as well and continues the smooching*

[Bookmark] Espionata: ROH Mel: Hey where's Blaze?

[Bookmark] Espionata: My female cat is sleeping on a pillow ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *makes sure no lip smoochies - sides busy seeing how tolerant she is to the hard stuff* safe with Uncle Mikey -

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *lays down, head in Ee's lap*

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: *pats -*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *guzzles down a beer*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: posted in naughtyville

[Bookmark] Candy: OEe: loooom me lil boy - the only... done right *cant even taste no more - that's good right?*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: depends wanna head back to my place yet?
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