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 I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]

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Oroku Saki
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Timothy Black
James Andreas
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Oroku Karai
Baxter Stockman
Casey Jones
Donatello Hamato
Lazarus King
Loventrice Dixon
Ezekiel Blat
Mikko McKinnon
Gabriel Juvanni
April O'Neil
Angel Bridge
Erica Martins
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Agent John Bishop
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Erica Martins

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyThu Jun 04, 2015 12:59 am

For a moment of terror she had dangled in the air - and could have sworn like in the movies everything went in slow motion - her suit covered fingers just missing the edge of the rooftop by such a small gap that snow actually shifted!

And the sight of Mel's dangling cold form just on the edge precariously -

Even her scream was cut off!

Then something hard and constricting had them - they dangled, swinging... Erica trying to make sense of it all - but unable as the ground disappeared and the rooftop meet them again.

She looked up at the large turtle man when Mel spoke, but what he was did not bother her - there was no fear or widening of eyes or screaming, eye a little watery though from having to fight violent nausea - body actually convulsing a little as she heaved and gagged. But there was nothing in her guts to throw up.

heights! she hated heights!

"s ooooo...?" She answers Mel finally struggling to her feet, which was hard as she was shaking so badly, slipping arms about Mel and pulling her close to her body. "my best friend is a nearly seventeen foot.... long from snout to tail tip mutant gator." She gasps and looks back up at the mutant, meeting his gaze to convey her gratitude as much as her words would. "Thank - you." Breaths still hard from terror and shock.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 12:46 pm

Raphael managed to get them onto the roof and instantly braced himself for the screaming and the insults that were sure to come. After all of the rejection the world had thrown at him, you would think the giant Turtle would be used to it by now, but Raph had a bit of a sensitive side, though he rarely displayed it in front of anyone. Okay, 'a bit' was probably selling himself short. The tough guy is a closet mush.

He waited for it, already tensing as he expected insults to be thrown with random objects.. possibly a shoe, there was a box of tampons once, a jar of Ragu...

...but none of that came. It seemed that neither of them were afraid of him, and he wondered if it was the shock of the Zombies coupled with their brush with death that made them so accepting. The young one didn't look so hot, and then the older one informed him that she had a mutant friend. So... there were more Mutants out there? Unfortunately he wasn't in the mind set to question about that right now. The adrenaline was still pumping and he knew they had to move soon. The little one was probably suffering from hypothermia but unfortunately he didn't have anything warm to give her...

"Yer welcome.." He replied to the older one, toothpick anxiously rolling between his teeth. "I dunno what this shit is or how long any of us have, but I'm not countin' on dyin' tonight.. and if you girls listen and follow.. then maybe you'll last, too.." Because there was no need in sugar coating everything and telling them it would be okay. From the looks of things, that would certainly be a lie. But if they could get his friends and family and make it out of the city, then maybe they had a chance. Surely this thing hadn't spread beyond New York, right?

"I'm Raphael." He finally introduced, figuring if they were stuck in this mess together, it was the polite thing to do...
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Melissa Andreas

Melissa Andreas

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 1:42 pm

" I'm Melissa Andreas and if I could move to a safer place I would but this damn cold has completely sapped me of my strength. But could we please move now I don't want to die out in the snow much less to the horror movie down below." The young said to the turtle as she tried to get up only to sway in place and fall against him.

" Fucking hell I hate this succumbing to the cold shit." Mel cursed starting to shiver to try to get warmth back but it wasn't working to well. She had no body fat to speak of and she had been out in the cold for a while now.
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Erica Martins

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 6:24 pm

For a few moments the large turtle seemed tense - and Erica would have wondered more, but her eyes fell on the rooftop they had just escaped. Where she had lived nearly every day since being brought home as an infant. "My Home..." voice almost strangled. And it was not the material things that her home harbored that caused a spike of pain, it was the memories - now being smeared and smashed and shattered by the --

His voice drew her attention away from the loss and back to him with a blink, hands brushing snow off her tight body suit, moving forward to ease Mel into a standing position and off of Raphael. "No, not dying right now, thanks to you." flashing the big turtle man a smile. It might not have been the time for smiles however he did just save their asses. Her shock and fear and heavy panted breaths were fading for the moment, she had things to get back underground.

And she didn't say it alloud but she had no intention of dying any time soon.

"Erica Martins, you lead, we'll follow Raphael, as long as it's inside." She cast a worried look at Melissa, her own body suit may look like nothing but a second skin from feet up to her chin and she could feel through it that it was 'cold' but she was not cold. But it was the only 'clothing' she had, aside from undergarments in the bottom of the back pack on her back - and those would not be helpful to Mel right now.
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Angel Bridge

Angel Bridge

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 6:45 pm

Angel always thought she had impeccable timing.

And the fact the entire city seemed to have gone to hell on the day of her return - one of the last flights let in or out of the city - confirmed this!

The tall young woman wasted no time, she headed first for the apartment of a friend of hers and her family, Casey Jones. But he had not been there when she turned up so she left a note explaining she would be at Aprils, and sent a text message encase he did not come back to his apartment hoping his number was still the same and headed for April's place.

The reunion was not per say a happy one with everything that was going on, but it was great to see April after almost eighteen months aboard, and almost all of that spent with little to no contact with the home front telling them she was okay.

Now she and April packed, only essentials, a change of warm cloths each and food. Non perishables.

April had in mind to get out of the city.
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April O'Neil
April O'Neil

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 08, 2015 6:55 pm

Looking up over at Angel, still unable to believe the scrawny teen whom had left them eighteen months previously was back, alive, taller, more developed and in one piece! - April for a moment stopped carefully lining the pack with none perishable stuff just glad for the company, worried for Casey - surely he would be on his way here to her place too?

She had sent a text to tell him Angel was here, and hoping he would bring transport to get out of the city. Or if that was no option head underground and into safety with the guys.

The guys.

The time was about right for one or more of them to be out and about on patrol...

Her heart ached, she hoped they were safe, she should call them. But first finish packing then try and contact one of them.

Though with everything in her apartment shut off - having done so some minutes previously and in the silence she could have sworn she heard screams outside and thudding on the rooftop above. "We should check that out." She whispers to Angel, keeping voice low.

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Lexi Davis
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Lexi Davis

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 12:19 am

Another frustrating night at the Cat's Meow and Lexi was wondering why she had volunteered to pick up that extra shift. Oh yeah, because of student loans and an attempt to make a little extra cash to be able to buy actual Christmas presents for her friends this year. Business was booming, much to her surprise. One would think that the usual customers would be at home, saving their money to spend on family and friends, but apparently a lot of these men were from broken homes, marriage problems.. etc.

It was another typical night. Lexi had once again fought with the manager over her contract, and how upon hiring her, he agreed that she wouldn't have to reveal all. She had something more to offer other that exposing it all. Men were always mesmerized by her talent with the flaming fans, and while they would have liked to see all of her, seemed to be content with the show that she gave them. Unfortunately sometimes it wasn't enough for the boss.

After dealing with sexual harassment after leaving the club, Gabriel had insisted on joining her whenever time permitted, and tonight he just so happened to finish his Dragon duties early. It was a comfort, but Lexi also had her concerns. The club was full of beautiful women.. and some weren't so honest about their relationship status. Gabe usually just took girls at their word, and at their offers. Gabriel was an attractive man...what horny girl wouldn't want to be with him? And that was the problem. Some of the girls got themselves worked up out on the stage and usually looked for a little gratification afterwards. Gabe was a willing outlet.

Lexi was up, all too soon. Adorned in her sexy black outfit and fans held at her side, her gaze shifted across the noisy crowd, trying to spot Gabriel. It was no surprise that he was nowhere to be seen.. just perfect. Alicia had went on before her, and it was her after performance ritual to fuck some guy in the dressing room to relieve the tension as she put it. It was obvious who had been her victim tonight...

Only seconds after the blades of her fans had been lit, a ruckus broke out in the crowd. The blinding lights made it seem like nothing more than a fight so she continued, mildly concerned but Tony, the bouncer would take care of it. Sure enough the large guy disappeared into the crowd, but blood curdling screams irrupted, as he was taken down. The screams seemed to be catching and people were scattering. Well, some of them, anyway...

Then she saw them. The reason behind the panic. What looked to be ..zombies... heading towards the stage. Tony seemed to be leading them...

Lexi would have thought this was a hoax, if not for the huge chunks of flesh missing from his chest and side, bleeding profusely and exposing bone! The man lunged forward and grabbed her ankle, causing her to fall. The monster began pulling her forward and toward the edge of the stage where a horde of those things waited to rip her to shreds! She screamed and kicked at Tony's head, then used her still burning fan to impale the top of his skull! That seemed to do the trick and he released his hold, falling back into the sea of his followers.

Struggling to her feet, Lexi sprinted off to the dressing room, closing and locking the door behind her. She leaned back against the door, struggling for breath and to collect herself, but the warm tears showed no signs of letting up. Just what the hell was going on out there?! Then something suddenly slammed against the door, the frightening moans could be heard through the thin barrier...

Shifting her gaze and hoping to spot survivors, relief washed over her as she saw Gabriel coming from the back, Alicia close behind him...

"I thought Dragons were illiterate.. but this boy knows his ABCs.." Alicia flashed a teasing wink at Lexi, knowing she would get her meaning, and also knowing the anger it would cause. It was no secret that the two used to be an item.. "You need to bring him to every show.."

Gabriel, noticing how upset Lexi appeared, completely ignored the taunting coming from the blond piece of trash he had just fucked. "I'm sorry, Lex.. but.. you know I can't help myself..." He apologized, figuring she was upset over his 'weakness'. Not that she had ever reacted in such a way before, after their separation..

" don't understand..yeah, that sucks but...I just killed Tony..." She admitted between hiccups and violent sobs, her once pretty make up streaking her cheeks. Her confession earned surprised looks from the two..

"But.. he was already dead and tried to eat me..."

Alicia, figuring that Lexi was being dramatic for attention, made a circling gesture around her temple. "Maybe you should lay off the drugs..but Tony's only been trying to 'eat you' ever since AJ hired you..."

More forceful slamming against the door caused Lexi to scurry away, hovering behind Gabriel.. "We have to get out of here.. get Eze and Isabella and get out of town..." She was already reaching for her pair of black form fitting jogging pants and a matching shirt, then pulled the pink hoodie over her shoulders. Her sexy pumps were quickly replaced with more practical sneakers. Once she was dressed to face the elements.. if they made it outside, Lexi grabbed her pistol and pulled Gabe's hoodie up to make sure that his had been returned to the waistline of his jeans.. after he had removed them to have a little fun. Luckily it was there. Good boy...

Alicia, being a nonbeliever, ventured closer to the door, sparing Lexi and Gabe an obvious look of annoyance. "You're such a dramatic bitch, Lexi.. no wonder Gabe left you. It's just customers playing a prank.. see??" And before Lexi could scream out for her to stop, the blond swung open the door and was quickly pulled into the hungry crowd...

Her pretty head was suddenly ripped from her shoulders and rolled into the room, coming to a stop at Gabriel's feet. Her blue eyes still streaked with horror and mouth gaping in a scream that would never be heard, Gabe, being thoroughly freaked out and disgusted, kicked it at the quickly approaching horde before grabbing Lexi's hand and dragging her into another section of the dressing room, locking them both inside...
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Gabriel Juvanni
Purple Dragons
Gabriel Juvanni

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 1:14 am

Now locked in the temporary safety of one of the private rooms of the dressing area, Gabriel could only stare at the door, only now realizing that some of Alicia's blood had splattered on his hand. He quickly rubbed it on his jeans, thoroughly freaked out by this whole ordeal...

...Zombies.. WTF!!

Those were only supposed to exist on horror movies and The Walking Dead, but it felt like he had been cast as an extra on one of those shows. If only that was the case.. if only this was nothing more than for someone's entertainment, but the carnage had been real! he had witnessed it with his own eyes. Alicia had been ripped to shreds, her severed head had landed at his feet...

The thug wanted to freak the fuck out, but hearing the sobs behind him reminded him that someone had to hold it together, because Lexi was in no condition. The banging at the door only added to her distress and she curled in a ball on the floor, wishing it all away, praying they would be safe.. that someone would find them.

Taking a few calming breaths, Gabe sat on the floor beside her. Yeah, they needed to move but first Lexi needed to get herself together. Seeing this side of her was new to him. She had always been so strong.. but then again, she had witnessed Tony ripped to shreds and had almost been eaten, then watched as Alicia was torn apart.

Pulling out his pistol and and having it at the ready just in case those things broke in, Gabe pulled Lexi against him and gave her a gentle squeeze. "Shhh.. we're gonna be okay, Lex. But you gotta get it together, okay? I need you to be strong.. because you are.. I know you can do it..."

Lexi was quiet for a moment save for the violent hiccups and sniffles and quiet sobs, her blank stare fixated on the door, body trembling as the monsters outside beat against the barrier. "Hey, Gabe?" Her voice finally came, quiet and fragile.. "I guess... that's one way to get 'head'.." Her weak chuckle gave into her hysteria and more tears...

Gabriel gave her a tight squeeze and quietly shushed her. "Babe, I know yer scared, but you gotta keep it down.." Because as she got louder, the banging and moans became more urgent. It was enough of a reality check to grab Lexi's attention and she gave a weak nod..

As he waited for Lexi to recover enough to move, Gabe pulled out his phone and sent a text to Ezekiel, wanting to warn him:

'Hey man, dunno if you've seen the streets, but somethin's goin' on. Zombies an' shit.. and no, I ain't high! Trapped in the 'Cat's Meow' with Lex.. dunno if we'll make it out. Take Isabella and get out of the city, bro. Love you, man.' The text was sent and then his attention was once again focused on Lexi. "You good? We gotta move.. that door won't hold forever.."

Lexi gave a nod and Gabe helped her onto her feet. Unfortunately there wasn't a door that would lead them outside, but he spotted a vent that would hopefully head them out. "Hope yer up for a climb.."
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 1:55 am

With introductions out of the way, the small one slumped against him and out of reflex he almost pulled away, afraid that contact with him would disgust her, but fortunately Erica put her back on her feet. Whew.

"Yeah, we're goin' someplace warm.. but it requires some climbin'.." He told the two. "My friend lives in this buildin'. We just need to make it to the fire escape.. but I'm guessin' you can't climb. An' I can't carry you and climb too, so yer gonna have to hold onto my shell..." And then his gaze shifted to Erica.. "So, what's up with the Underworld get-up? You slayin' these things or somethin'?"
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Melissa Andreas

Melissa Andreas

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 2:24 am

" No I can't climb right now maybe if it was fifteen minutes ago I could. Just have to hitch a ride on the shell then. But I doubt this building will be safe for long so can we hurry up?" Mel asked trying to make herself sound clear and not let her teeth chatter and shook herself to remain alert. If she started to feel sleepy and then warm while outside she would be in deep trouble then.
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Erica Martins

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 5:29 am

Erica blushed and blushed hard.

But tries to be somewhat sassy about it. "well you know - a girl must be dressed for the occasion and all... well one of us at least." she chuckles nervously adding in a joking manner, "though I don't look nearly as fine as Kate Beckinsale did - woman was really sexy," covering her sudden shyness with the jokes, or so she thought, and nods to Mel. "I can give you a hand Mel unto Raphael's carapace." She offers the both of them.

She nods at Mel's warning - this time taking it into consideration unlike before and moving forward to assist both of them.
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Raphael Hamato
Raphael Hamato

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 12:52 pm

Okay, so Mel wasn't going to be much help and he would have to give her a piggy back ride. Normally this wouldn't pose an issue, the only problem was, if she slipped, even if she survived the fall... she wouldn't survive what waited down below. This sucked, but one thing was for certain, they couldn't stay on the roof. The cold may have been bad for the girls and especially Mel because she was nothing but bones, but he was a Reptile. Cold and snow were the enemies. His cousins were all in hibernation, oblivious and uncaring to this outbreak and unaffected by the needle sharp pains of the cold...

..lucky bastards.

He knelt down to make the climb easier for the frail girl, his attention shifting to Erica as she joked in response to his question about the suit. "Well.. I think you nailed it.." Wow.. what the hell was that? Did he just pay someone a compliment? Or, was it flirting? "I mean.. it looks good on ya'..." Okay, just shut it, Raph...

Okay. So yeah. Even in the midst of a Zombie apocalypse, he could notice a pretty girl...
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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 1:19 pm

Zombies! This was finally it! The day Mikko dreamed of. Ok so it was a little more scary then she had expected, but she was still excited. Her and Laz were on the roof top looking down at the city. They had stuck to the roofs, moving about the city. Now they both came to a stop at across from the cat's meow. Noticing that a horde of undead were trying to get into the building she assumed there were servivers.

Think we should do something?

Like what?

Mikko pulled out her bow and and loaded an arrow then shot one of the zombies in the head. One down, a lot more to go.

Laz followed her lead and started to shoot at the zombies as well. One by one they were going down.

Whoever is in there better be alive.

Once there was only one or two undead left, Mikko and Laz jumped down and took them out with swords. Mikko then banged on the door as Laz collected arrows and looked out for more trouble.

If anyone is alive out there now's your chance to get out!
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Lexi Davis
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Lexi Davis

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 1:51 pm

Mikko and Laz' efforts would have been greatly appreciated, but the horde was also inside the building. They were trapped in the very back dressing room, the door threatening to rip from the hinges as the monsters outside became more desperate, knowing fresh meat and organs and blood waited for them just beyond that shabby door...

Lexi gave a nod at Gabriel's question but finally finding her feet with her ex's assistance, it was clear that her legs were unsteady and wouldn't cooperate, but she had to try. Remaining grounded would cost them their lives, and she knew Gabe wouldn't leave her. Why did he have to be so adorably sweet sometimes?

Gabe helped her into one of the plush reclining chairs, figuring she could use a few more moments of rebounding time as he worked at removing the metal cover to the ventilation shaft. Unfortunately he didn't have a screw driver, so his pocket knife would have to do. He pulled it and quickly worked at removing the screws, which seemed like slow going. Anxiety was nearly suffocating and he knew their escape depended on him...

Just as he made it to the last screw, the voice filtered in from outside. It was loud enough to get their attention and Lexi found her feet, moving over to the vent..

"Is someone out there?? Please help us!" She yelled, hot tears once again falling. Maybe.. just maybe someone could save them.."Those things are in the building!!"

Gabriel carefully tugged her away, placing a hand over her mouth as the horde just outside the door became louder, more determined. "Shhh.. if those things are out there, we can't draw them near the vent.. otherwise.." And he left it at that. Lexi was a smart girl.

The thug resumed his work and finally the cover was off and he ushered Lexi just as a decaying arm busted through the door, and then another..

"Gogogogogo!!!" He demanded, shoving her pistol into her hands. Just in case those things were already waiting outside. Lexi stalled for just a moment, wanting to demand that Gabriel go first, but she knew it would be a waste of her breath. With Gabe's help, she climbed into the ventilation shaft, glancing back at Gabriel as she saw him pull his gun, aiming at the door just as it finally gave and the horde poured inside...

"GABE!!" She cried as gunfire rang out and his urgent gaze shifted in her direction...GO!! DON'T FUCKIN' LOOK BACK!!" His shouts were barely heard over the snarls and growls and moans of the undead. Fighting back her tears, Lexi pushed forward and was soon standing outside the building, instantly doing what Gabriel had instructed her not to do.. she looked back...

A huge sigh of relief  when she saw Gabe close to making his exit, but that contentment was short lived. Just as his fingers curled around the outside frame of the vent, a look of terror took over his green eyes and he was suddenly pulled back inside, disappearing from her view...

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Mikko McKinnon
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Mikko McKinnon

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 2:01 pm

Hearing Lexi's cries for help, Laz kicked down the door and Mikko and him ran to the back room, They swung their swords, lopping heads off, blood was everywhere. They made it to the back room and seen the horde that had already made their way inside the small room.

Mikko heard Lexi call for Gabe and and seen the man under the pile of zombies. She sprung to action and pulled zombie off of the man. Laz frantically assisted, stabbing and slicing through the horde.

We got ya man, hold tight!

Laz's scream pulled Mikko away from what she was doing for a moment. He was bit. Mikko stabbed the zombie in the head with an arrow and kicked it away from her friend. What happen now? would he turn? Like in the movies? He seemed to be ok right now.

She went back to helping Gabe, she would worry about Laz later.

There's a school bus outside. If we can get to it we can get everyone to the tower.
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Melissa Andreas

Melissa Andreas

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 2:07 pm

" Thanks Raph." The young teen told the turtle as she took the rubber gloves off to get a better grip on the ridge of his shell as she struggled to climb on. Still she managed but barely as she clung to him the best she could despite what felt like her nearly frozen and shivering small body. Her sneakers tied to her belt loops smacked against his shell but she didn't want to lose them.
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Erica Martins

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 7:38 pm

True to her words as Melissa climb onto the turtles shell once he knelt down Erica came closer to the pair to help the smaller teen out -- especially as Mel seemed to struggle over the curve of his shell. She waits until Mel seemed to have the grip.

Glancing to meet Raphael's gaze her cheeks darkening all over again, "dawww, thank you, Pretty Shell." Erica could not help the chuckling both bashfully and appreciatively briefly rubbing the very top of the big turtles head, then stepping back to give him space to stand again now that Mel was on, it was really not the time for flirting (or what passed as her awkward attempts to do so) but a compliment was never a bad thing.

And on the task facing them, "I'll go down first, if Mel falls I don't know if I could catch her, but I'll try." And she would, heading towards the fire escape and forcing down a shudder at the sight of the drop below and the hordes she climbs a bit down waiting for Raphael to join her with his passenger, going down further. "Oh April please be home and okay," She mutters to herself this time fearing what might be found in the floors below.
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Ezekiel Blat
Purple Dragons
Ezekiel Blat

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 10:27 pm

Eze was having his own problems. He wasn't paying attention to the news when this out break started. He had no idea what was going on. Him and Bella were in Bella's room when they heard Mama screaming.

Ezekiel grabbed his gun and ran out to see five messed up looking guys eating the woman that he considered a mother most his life. He shot off a few rounds but that had only made things worse. The front door was wide open and the noise from the gun alerted more of those things!

He managed to grab Bella and get to the basement. He locked them in and started to look for a way out. Bella at this point was in histerics, scared to death and asking what was going on.

Then he got the text from Gabe. Seemed his brother was in trouble too.

They got in the house. They killed mama. Bella and I are in the basement, I don't think those things can find us but we can't stay here. Let me know when you get somewhere safe. He hit send then moved them to the back of the room.

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Gabriel Juvanni
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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 10:38 pm

This was it.. he knew it. The zombies had him by the legs and dragged him back down the ventilation shaft. Their nails ripped through his jeans and tugged at his oversized hoodie. Despite knowing his efforts would fall short, Gabe tried to dig his nails into the metal tunnel, only succeeding in shredding his fingers. There was limited space to maneuver but the thug attempted to shift and that's when something ripped into his left side. An agonized scream echoed through the shaft just as a horde of hands delivered him into his tomb. His fate seemed sealed, but he was a fighter and would give these fucks a run for their money!

With pocket knife still in hand, he stabbed the zombies in the head as they tried to feast on him, using his forearms to block them, kicking them away when they were in a position to do so. And then they became too many and the knife was dropped as he reached for his pistol, pressing the barrel against his temple...

..and suddenly the horde lost their heads as katanas cut through them, and then he saw her.. his savior.. looming over him. He looked a mess. Jeans and hoodie torn, a huge hole in the left side of his hoodie ripped open and exposing a nasty wound that bled profusely.

His gaze met hers as he struggled to control his breathing, feeling as if his heart would explode from the sheer terror of it all. Swallowing thickly, he managed a quiet 'thanks' as he struggled to his feet, wincing from the pain in his side...

Just then Lexi came back through the ventilation shaft, her hands covered in Gabe's blood from being forced to crawl through it. She feared the worst, to see him ripped to shreds inside of the dressing room.. but much to her relief, he was still in one piece.. but he had been injured..

"Oh, no.. Gabe..they got you..." And she knew what that meant. Certain death. In a matter of minutes, he would turn. And then she noticed the two that had been responsible for sparing Gabriel from being eaten alive. Both were wielding swords.. and the guy was certainly a sight for sore eyes, but there was no time for that. She noticed that he had also been inured... but at least there was hope for him...

"We have to take care of your hand.. now.." She told him, hoping he understood her meaning. "This virus works quickly...but if we can eliminate the infected tissue before it spreads... you should be okay.." She managed through the sobs that were already finding her once again. Tall dark and handsome should be okay... she just wish that was the same for Gabe...
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Loventrice Dixon

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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 10:43 pm

After the outbreak, Love hid in the sewers. She figured there she was safe unless one of the undead fell in a man hole.

Love wasn't a stranger to things that went bump in the night, nor a stranger to the dead. Her and her father had often converse with the dead back home, her father told her stories of zombies, that witch doctors could bring back the dead to be servents or for revenge. But this was nothing like his stories.

Love walked around the sewer tunnels not knowing where she was, or where she was going. She had to find someplace warm though, it was freezing and she couldn't stop shivering.

Sniffing the air, she smelled the faint smell of a reptile and humans. it was very faint, so much so that she thought she might be imagingin things.

Hello? She called out between her teeth chattering. Someone down here? Someone alive?
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Mikko McKinnon
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PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 10:48 pm

Things were calm, for now. She looked at Laz then at Gabe. Mikko shook her head then grabbed gabe and tugged him along.

Hurry, we need to get you to the tower.

Laz held onto his injured hand and motioned for Lexi to follow.

We can take the bus that's outside and drive to the tower, they can take care of you there, we have doctors. and...Stockman would like an...infected specimen.

She lead them back outside and saw the school bus across the street. Seeing their chance, she made a run for it, expecting the others to follow and keep up.
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Lexi Davis
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PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 11:06 pm

Lexi was busy fussing over Gabriel's injury, wiping away the blood with a skimpy shirt that Alicia had left behind, then pressed it to the wound. "Here.. hold that.." She instructed through tear-filled eyes, knowing that all of their efforts would prove futile, but as long as they could make him comfortable... until...

It was a silent understanding and Gabriel nodded, kissing the top of her head before relieving her hand of the cloth, and he watched as she made her way over to Laz, inspecting his bite. Hearing Mikko's solution didn't settle well with her. "So.. we're going to let the infection spread and hope that some doctor can fix this?" She asked, giving the woman a skeptical look as she grabbed a bra and tied it a few inches past the sickly looking tissue. It was as if you could see how far the virus had made it, killing vessels and discoloring skin....

Sighing deeply, she knew that the decision was his. It was his hand.. his life, but still, this man had given Gabriel a few more minutes of life...

"Thank you." She told him, still struggling with tears. Mikko was already heading out and expecting them to follow...

"I'm Lexi." She told him, and gestured Gabriel. "And that's Gabriel."
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Lazarus King
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I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 11:14 pm

Laz nodded to Lexi and walked out with Mikko. He was not doing good. His body felt hot and his vision was starting to go. Then hearing that Mikko wanted to use him as some lab rat! That didn't sit well for him. It was possible that Baxter could help. but he doubt it.

Laz made it to the bus and climbed in after Mikko. he fell into the front seat and looked at his arm. You could clearly see the infection moving up, if he didn't do something now he was done for.

Once Mikko wasn't paying attention, he rested his arm on a pole that ran infront of the seat he was in and with one swift motion, used his sword to cut his arm off. He didn't scream or flinch. But ended up passing out.

Mikko looked back and noticed Laz's dead arm on the floor and cursed.

Idiot! As far as Mikko knew, Gabe was still bitten. she would have to make sure he didn't kill himself. Mikko was under some stressed induced idea that Baxter could use an infected person to make some kind of cure.

She started to hot wire the bus then someone in the back made their presence known.

Bones had been hiding in the back of the bus. He stood up and seen Gabe. Also thinking he was bit, Bones pulled out a large carving knife and rushed the injured thug.
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Lexi Davis
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PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 11:40 pm

Everything was happening too fast, and in slow motion all at once. The man didn't return the introduction, but she understood why. It worried her. Sue understood that Mikko felt scattered on what to do, but it was clear that her friend wouldn't hold up until they made it to the Tower. The Tower. That meant these guys were Foot. That made sense.

She moved to help Gabriel settle into the seat behind Laz, but the commotion and then the sound of a severed arm hitting the floor caught her attention. It seemed that Laz had taken the matter into his own hand. Just as she moved towards his unconscious form, she detected movement from behind as a man rushed at Gabe, knife pulled and preparing to take him down! Lexi pulled her pistol and aimed it at the man's head, glaring at him.

"Put your knife down and exit the bus.. slowly.. " She ordered. "But first, I want your clothes.." Because if this was an apocalypse, you had to take what you would need in the future...
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Mikko McKinnon
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PostSubject: Re: I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone]   I, Zombie [Tag: Everyone] - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 09, 2015 11:48 pm

But Bones wouldn't have time to do anything. Soon the doors closed and the bus started moving. Mikko glanced behind her and seen what was going on. Great.

No one is leaving the bus! You! sissy boy man! sit the fuck down. You stripper woman! take care of your boyfriend, keep him alive until we get to the tower. No one is dying today! And you would really take a man's clothing? That's fucked up.

Bones wasn't sure what to do. one man was passed out. he had a gun to his head, and the guy he was attacking didn't seem to be turning...Slowly Bones backed up and sat down quietly.

Ok. We'll get to the tower. get the injured inside to Baxter. He's a doctor, he can take care of this.
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