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 Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)

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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptySun Aug 07, 2016 10:02 am

Candy Mikey: Gingerbread?! - I am - oy! no no ! those perfect titties stay perfect titties! *picks up Baxter and throws him away* my Ally! *picks her up and takes to kitchen*

[Bookmark] Rogue: they're on my old PC

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awww. Was this before me?

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, this was waaaay before you

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: like almost 9 years ago?

[Bookmark] Rogue: omg, Lexi and Gabe are 9!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwww they grow so fast

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mos Def if his PB [tongue] But I dunno if he'll ever be an actual char here. May do a NPC profile for him whenever time permits, just for kicks

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: dawwww *lounges*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Hi Mikey ^^ *Kitchen is a bit a of a mess cleaning it up freshly baked gingerbread on cooling racks followed recipe and has some gingerbread men and pieces of gingerbread cut to become a house*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Eze: *makes Laz stay in the car*

[Bookmark] Rogue: ...why the heck were my first ever OCs Dragons [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is nine too christ Oo

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: and Ally, and LH and Slash comin too

[Bookmark] Rogue: course, Lexi wasn't in the beginning

[Bookmark] Candy: lol in rp years Ee is... two

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and not officially a PD here, ad now.. not even friends with those assholes [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hm...I think Lydia is around four. Alyss is brand new.

[Bookmark] Rogue: but I kinda see the band of misfits forming a Rebel team to help the guys battle the Kraang invasion

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww she's a newbie [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I made Mikko when I was 16 sooooooo 18

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Kay the gingerbread men are there to eat I wanna make a gingerbread house

[Bookmark] Mikko: she's legal!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Iforget how old Ally is.. 5? 6? Same with Daisy

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And I made the gingerbread all by myself ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: DAISY!!!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: though, I think Daisy is a lil older (creation wise)

[Bookmark] Mikko: Daisy, Daisy, sour cream!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: cool - *had not cleaned up the cookie jar mess-*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to go lay doooooown. I'll be on tomorrow night because mother said that I can't die at the bowling alley so I have to stay home. so see you all tomorrow! night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Snags a cookie.*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Good night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I never baked before

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *tries some ginger bread*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Slash: Good night. c:

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Slash: *Awkward crunching.*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Finishes cleaning the kitchen*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *found some bubble wrap -* ... *Pop!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *belated hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Is it good

[Bookmark] Espionata: *?

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: well done for a first go Mel *munch munch - kitchen very crowded with him and Slash there - backs out a bit*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol any room those giants be in would be crowded [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs to Mikko* [frown]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Slash: You saying I'm fat?!

[Bookmark] Candy: add a Raph and their woud not be room to swing a bra

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey will you help me put the house together? *Uses puppy eyes*

[Bookmark] Candy: ... much to the dissappontment of MH no doubt

[Bookmark] Candy: no way - it's all muscle dude

[Bookmark] Candy: all muuuuscle

[Bookmark] Slash: *Snorts.*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *rolls eyes* you cant use that as well as you think girl - but I'll help as long as I get to lick icing [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Okay thanks Mikey ^^

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: *enters kitchen* Uh, could I help too? I mean,if you don't need my help that's okay...

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *chuckles and..... spots cheetos!!! - squishes all in kitchen as he fits himself in to reach that bag of cheetos*

[Bookmark] Candy: ... bad timing Lydia

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No it's fine we get to decorate the house

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *pop pop pop - bubble wrap ftw*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm with Erica on that one. [wink]

[Bookmark] Slash: *Eyes widen at cheetos.* You planning to share that?

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: Ack! *all is squished by the cheeto addicted gator* ahhhh!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yep - hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: oh lwad lmao another cheeto addicted mutant [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I'm lucky I'm small OO

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: of course [big grin] *opens bag o goodness and shares - never mind those they squished*

[Bookmark] Candy: He*

[Bookmark] Slash: ((I always thought the new yellow look on Slashies beak was from cheetos.))

[Bookmark] Candy: lol! in that case Ee has got to stop getting them for him and LH [tongue]

[Bookmark] Slash: *Reaches for cheetos.*

[Bookmark] Slash: Lol.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You two need to get out of the kitchen Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: hey my buddies want the cheeots - I get em the cheetos -

[Bookmark] Slash: But the cheetos.. ;;

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: ooooh sorry - [big grin] *shakes bag* come on Slash we can eat these out here *bucking out of kitchen again*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And it's overcrowded in here

[Bookmark] Slash: *Huffs and follows LH.*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *peels self off fridge where he got squished*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *tips some cheetos into Slash's hands and makes way back over to Erica*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You okay Mikey

[Bookmark] Espionata: ?*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: fine fine - [big grin] *ICK pink ice cream on his snout - licks it* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Slash: *Stuffs his face with cheetos.*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Gets icing out for the gingerbread house* Let's put this thing together ^^

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *pulls back fromt he ready to munch this!!! positing* okay

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *gives LH and Slash the bubble wrap -*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH:... *oddly soothingto pop the little bubbles*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Uses the icing and some toothpicks to put the house together* I never made a gingerbread house before but see them on tv

[Bookmark] Slash: *Stares at bubble wrap.* What do we do with this?

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: pop the little bubbles - *pop pop*

[Bookmark] Slash: Eh... *Pops.*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles-*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Thinks her giggles are cute.*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Pops more.*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wuh-oh. Raphie might have some competition. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Slash: What do you mean?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: With Erica. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *mesmerized by popping the lil bubbles*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Raph and Erica are in wuv~

[Bookmark] Slash: Hmph. >​///>​

[Bookmark] Candy: here in the chat

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *tried that with Erica too* :/

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *blushing three types of red and pink right now*

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *Growwwwwwwwls*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *nearly has a heart attack and falls of fthe foot stool she was sitting on*

[Bookmark] Candy: ninja stealth [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: ... she's so graceful

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol There's that familiar growl. [wink]

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed now, good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *somewhat amused - snout bumps Slash shoulder*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So what do you think Mikey? *Has house put together just needs the decorations*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: mmmm? *mouth stuffed with decorations he's eating*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Turns to LH.* Hmm?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey! You're supposed to be decorating not eating!

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: there is a nice gal that always brings cheetos into the chat [big grin]

[Bookmark] Slash: *Lids eyes.* You don't say.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *bubble wrapping popping as she gets back to her feet - where's her big red wearing turtle got to now?*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: Yeah! everytime without fail so far - nice lady... sorry dude - probably should've mentioned our lil human friend *points at the Ee* is a claimed gal in the chatty life -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Covering the house in all sorts of yummy candies*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *helps... but is eating some bits too*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: How does it look Mikey?

[Bookmark] Slash: Wha - she's just a friend!!

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: Exactly! - cheetos? *shakes baggie offering it to him*

[Bookmark] Slash: You know I love my cheetos, Brother. *Grabs a hand full.*

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha oh man - gunna have to keep this place stocked with cheetos!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] D joined the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Slash: Let's raid a Mini Mart.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Erica needs to buy stock in cheetos lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: yummy - gonna eat it!

[Bookmark] D: hey

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No! Not until pictures are done!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: no I need to find my BigRed first - then think about cheeto stocks

[Bookmark] Candy: hey hey hey D

[Bookmark] D: hey [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas ^^

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *shifts so his is blocking door to Spot and the Blaze within from the D - shares more cheeots* Oo this bag seems endless... *tips it upside down and a pile of cheetos comes out*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Besides you're not supposed to eat it right away

[Bookmark] Slash: I ain't complaining. *Snout and hands covered in cheeto dust.*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: Oo nah this is cool - *shakes bag and mooooore pile out - cheeto heaven right now*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *pouts and heads to kitchen*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Hey Erica look at the gingerbread house ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: dawwww it looks good - Oo *sees the D... the D!!!! - turns and scurries back to LH and Slash - mopiness forgotten for the moment -*

[Bookmark] Candy: the DDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!! [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Slash: These are so much better than leaves.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *shifts to let their lil human friend scramble through the cheeto pile and into Spot - pulls the door shut and aain hides it from view* and tastier than that stray mutt I caught earlier. *yep casual talk like nothing happened*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Looks at Erica.* Whats with you, Squirt?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Takes pictures of it* Mikey if you eat any of it I will hurt you

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *from inside room* the D!!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] D: lol [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: she's gone to stand over Blaze - frying pan at the ready... not that any one can get past Leatherhead and Slash at the door [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: -sends in BnR- [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol in MM Elena calls Rocky Mr. FatGreyUnicorn [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: always makes me laugh

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *as long as all stay on this side of the door it's fine -*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Blinks.* Eh, what?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: it's a long story - *picking at cheeto pile about them*

[Bookmark] Slash: *Is confused.*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *munches more decorations*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: eat cheetos - *eating em*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol dis all good as long as cheetos are munched

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Good Mikey *Gives him the rest of the icing*

[Bookmark] Candy: heheheh

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee&Blaze: *ninja vanish*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol like house elves - vanish wid a Pop!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: wooooooooot! get you pictures and then we eat it!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I took the pictures but Mikey you're not supposed to eat right away

Candy Mikey: *over dramatic - why face* whyyyyyyyy?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Because that's what you're supposed to do it's a Christmas decoration not just food

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *sniffs it* smells like food -

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *put a fake spider in new cookie jar*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Because it is you can have some later

[Bookmark] Slash: *Curls up in a ball next to LH.* Nn, night.

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: night night [big grin]

[Bookmark] Slash: ((Goodnight Guys. <3

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well no one is going in or out of Spot then for a while

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night Slashie *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Besides I worked really hard making the gingerbread

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: mmm

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *pop!* safe yet?

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I think so

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... good good

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: How I managed now burn this place down is beyond me >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey:... beginnings luck?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Probably

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... huh... maybe I imagined hearing the growl earlier *sad face* ... and probably

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: There's still gingerbread men to eat

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: hehhee but glad you didn't [big grin] *eyeing gingerbread house - munching on a gingerbread man* yes

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: no thanks, looks great - but I don't feel hungry no more

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Okay Erica. Mikey I will hurt you if you touch that house

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee she gonna go mope about in bed [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: at least it's comfy

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *touch stops a millimeter from it*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey *Growls at him*

[Bookmark] Candy: tongue*

[Bookmark] Espionata: You're supposed to leave the house up for awhile lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *tongue tip wriggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *does exactly that - mopes big time*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Smacks him hard* No licking!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *girl over estimates her hits - doesn't bother him - tongue getting closer..... licks the very coner of the roof and then runs away cackling*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Chases him* Mikey!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *skipping just ahead of her - throws water balloons - hits D with one* mwhahahahahahaaaa

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Keeps chasing*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel worked hard on that thing damn it lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] his tongue barely touched - just looked like it

[Bookmark] Espionata: She doesn't care lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *joins mopey gf in bed- snuuugs*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *cackling - ninja vanish water balloons getting everyone!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Growls*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Ally make Mikey behave!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *cheers* couldn't find you! - *and their wet.... no folks not that way!*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *undisclosed location* mwhahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: O.o How'd you get wet?

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: Mikey's always an Angel.. why would I have to make him behave? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... *picks piece of water balloon off her* ummmm stray water balloons?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Because he won't stop trying to mess with my gingerbread house

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Ally is as deviant as he is [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, that she is [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] he loves it - added his apology song to his thread [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Ah.. I see.. *snuuuug, nuzzly-churss anyway*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *snugg - nuzzley smoochies - happy now*

[Bookmark] Candy: um his artzy fartzy thread - lol man Mikey so many threads [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: told em all earlier - the first time I signed in to Origins this morning Rogue I was completely befuddled - Seeing Ee's name everywhere... I had a paniced moment where I thought I must have slept posted everywhere early early early this morn when we finally got to bed [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: but just turned out to be listing it as moderator lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee Ee no mopey no more - he found... ed [tongue] give the guy a big head

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool, yep. [wink] You should have full mod powers now ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe was all like - what did I do!!!! *gaaasssssssssssssssssp*​

[Bookmark] Candy: and then like... oh wait a minute

[Bookmark] Candy: yesth *rubs hands laughing evilly* I used said powers to move some mini rpg threads to archives - the finished and or kinda limp noodly ones [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: will dos the main ones laters

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: I needs to make an archive section for free forum games so when I go to do the timeline it doesn't get confusing

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe I thought Ee escaped the over night crate - she and Blaze go in there when no Red in the Spot - thought she got loose and had a wild time all over the forum - hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: I will try to help with that

[Bookmark] Espionata: Have fun Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: maybe... um... I don't know... uh... ummm... if I come up with anythign I'll pm - although I no like pming unless asked to - feel like annoying kid [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe me pm boxes were all fulls - had to empty em all up

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwwws

[Bookmark] Rogue: feel free to PM anytime ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: I know I suck at returning them sometimes.. especially if I check while at work and can't respond right away

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] tara and i filled up my pm box -

[Bookmark] Candy: all here questions

[Bookmark] Candy: her*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe I ... try not to forget any

[Bookmark] Candy: but if I has lemme know

[Bookmark] Candy: especially as I have emptied the boxes

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe keep expecting it to be like my hotmail inbox - you clean it and there is a message that says 'Wow you got a nice clean inbox!

[Bookmark] Candy: like... yay!!

[Bookmark] Candy: achievement unlock [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: but I think... I have answered all pms... ummmmm... Yes.. For all [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: So tadaaaaaa! [big grin] *fanfare*

[Bookmark] Candy: But still feel like that annoying kid on the play ground that's always yelping 'look at me!' lol so nows I just ask before I pm... Or tell em.. Especially new players, to pm me first [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: hey rogue, sending a pm [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies ^^

[Bookmark] D: sent [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: Likedat! d! Whatch been up too?

[Bookmark] D: not too much

[Bookmark] D: listening to beastie boys [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ooooo

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Wait... Beastie boys? Never heard of it

[Bookmark] Espionata: Old Rock band I think

[Bookmark] D: yup, older 80s american hiphop [smile]

[Bookmark] D: some rock yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yay I was sort of right lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Oooooooooh will has to myfreemp3 em and listen

[Bookmark] D: i suggest sabotage and fight for your right [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Unless it's music I like I don't know the name of the group

[Bookmark] D joined the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe Mikey will have to break out the ukulele for his song

[Bookmark] Candy: wb?

[Bookmark] Candy: The apology, not the boobie song

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: responded

[Bookmark] Rogue: baah. stupid allergies

[Bookmark] Rogue: I had every intention of getting the Raph/ Bonesteel showdown typed up tonight... but house hunting and all, time gots away from me

[Bookmark] Rogue: will try to work on it bit by bit after work until I can get it done

[Bookmark] Rogue: and MMDonnie swears he's gonna make things up to a sulky red clone [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: D and company are about to be in hot water in LOST... dun dun duuuuuuuuun

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Nawww

[Bookmark] Candy: yes they are

[Bookmark] Rogue: MMDonnie: -.- Because a concussion wasn't bad enough...

[Bookmark] Espionata: I bet Raph won't be happy to see that Stockman experiments on humans when he's caged up unable to do anything

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph... won't be happy about many things [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee yeah trying to

[Bookmark] Candy: get the Sismance thread tried up

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Tied*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope and Mel isn't happy she wants to belong somewhere and in her mind she can't belong anywhere now because of Stockman

[Bookmark] Rogue: I still need to read up in that thread

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehhee Ee found a way to sort of defy the Bax for the moment... She may do MIT mire openly soon

[Bookmark] Rogue: I have no idea what's going on, but I take it that people are being cut up and shit

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep Mel lost one leg already and you can see that it was changed she has mutatgen in her blood now

[Bookmark] Rogue: Vic would be happy about that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: more foooooduh

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep, Ee nearly lost her cookies upon arriving

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I'm awake for this shit too Stockman is a sadist

[Bookmark] Candy: And Bax tells her at once to go cut off an arm all casual like

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: in a game on MO, Bishop sawed Raph open while he was awake.. not a pretty scene

[Bookmark] Candy: yeah he is

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta love the baddies [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Urg and the scenes the dark clones grown up selves where in

[Bookmark] Rogue: and yes, an actual buzz saw

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I'm cursing him out can't do anything else

[Bookmark] Candy: my versions were actually very tame in comparison

[Bookmark] Candy: Dawww poor poor Raphie

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: so far Ee has avoided cutting the children herself [tongue] - patching up that's what she doin

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mikey got the rough treatment there, too. Bish took tissue samples.. more than needed for testing

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww no my Mikey

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aly seems to like the change in order to get revenge Mel doesn't

[Bookmark] Espionata: Which is a huge change from another rp where she became a cyborg because she had no choice or die and she loved the change

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: looks lke Hun is gonna become a borg, too. Lexi will just have to shove a bomb up his ass next time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: But hey she willingly joined the Decepticons and in that rp they won the war and rule Earth [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: well that's depressing [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: oO well there's night mare images... no cyborging me until I get to ukulele for my Ally!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah but fun had a board but it barely lasted two months >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe like in the private site, the clones won and ruled the world

[Bookmark] Espionata: But that story is still alive with my rp partner it hasn't ended and it's been going for the past six years

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: What can I say I'm insane in that story [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehehe MM Don better - lil guy and bros but lil guy starved of affection [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

[Bookmark] Candy: Oh man yeah on LOST they in trouble with a big T

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta forgive him, tho. Got April on the brainz [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: mmhmm

[Bookmark] Rogue: you would think Rocky would find something productive to do with his time, but nope [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: he sees Turtles and just wants to *SMASHSMASHSMASH!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Ee knows

[Bookmark] Candy: Crimson not so much [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha well there is a little gold turtle sitting in the sand

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooooh, ruh row

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehhee having left a trail because he was dragging his tail through the sand and leaving a little trench

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikko unfortunately pointed him out lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: that was kind of her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rock with his one poor eye and all .. he may have missed him

[Bookmark] Rogue: ocky: *sniffs Gold and SNORTS* Smells like de baby poops... *trots off*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rocky*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol especial in the sand around him, perfect camo

[Bookmark] Candy: Gold: *had farted*

Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehhee if the crab had not gone away Cyan would have taken his little charging and hissing at it to biting :ap

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe but at least with trouble coming their way we'll get to have the clones doing their loud defensive yowling [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: ;p;

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe bit harsh on anyone whom has sensitive hearing...

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yup

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehhe little howls that will become ground shaking roars when their adults [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: I never did find out what else was used in their creation - I know their originals are the base but something very predatory makes up the rest ... Bah I may have make that up myself [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: .... hehehe I'd go raptors

[Bookmark] Candy: or maybe wolves

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Hehehe lions?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Real veloclorapters are the size of a chicken lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes and these boys grow big

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah but I still prefer the ones in Jurassic Park

[Bookmark] Espionata: That they do

[Bookmark] Candy: Mmmm

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: mah.. figure instead of doing one big combined post for Bonesteel and Raph, will do deparate posts for each so I don't have to shell out one massive post

[Bookmark] Rogue: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: ty

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee yeah thats what appened to mine in Beginnings - was going to simply post under Ee

[Bookmark] Candy: but then... nope

[Bookmark] Candy: will do same for Sismance - though will post for April and Shaya together fleeing for their lives - and Hankie poo chasing them

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee still reckon the lil cones will sound pretty close to tazzy devils when yowling in defense

[Bookmark] Candy:

[Bookmark] Candy: ... unholy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aren't those animals vicious?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe and the noises they make !

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hey Fisher Cats have screams that sound like human woman

[Bookmark] Candy: Oo alarming [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: It is and I have them around here

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus they're a type of weasel

[Bookmark] Candy: shares! - lol did you click the devils? quiet the noise huh?

[Bookmark] Espionata
Fisher Cat SoundsYouTube · 2:1 · 0M · 83%crazy fisher cat sounds in daylight [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee BRaph like his good luck smooch [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah when you hear them it's a sign to keep the pets in because they go after pets

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, he did.. and I'm sure he turned a new shade of red [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol that is a odd call -

[Bookmark] Candy: lol dawww - [wink] hey he's getting into the theme of christmas - gree and red yo

[Bookmark] Candy: lol dawww - [wink] hey he's getting into the theme of christmas - gree and red yo

[Bookmark] Candy: doubled!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah sounds like someone is being murdered

[Bookmark] Espionata: Don't see them very often though

[Bookmark] Espionata: You have better odds seeing porcipines which fishers eat

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe might have to remember the noise for a description of a nother of the lil clones various sounds

[Bookmark] Espionata: And they can kill a Lynx which is one of the large wildcats in North America

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe their early 'carers' the scientists did not put a hug emphasis on teaching the little guys to talk, though the basics where shared [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: So yeah don't wanna mess with a fisher

[Bookmark] Candy: huge

[Bookmark] Candy: sounds like a Tazzy Devil ....

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah lol

[Bookmark] Candy: they only weigh as much as a large house cat or small dog and yet capable of hunting roos

[Bookmark] Espionata: Fishers are the size of a cat lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: So they're scrappers

[Bookmark] Candy: the lil clones there for often prefer their own range of noises to eachother - or as will soon be happening in LOSt to deter trouble [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: But don't wanna mess with skunks either unless you wanna smell bad like some poor guy on youtube who was rescueing baby skunks from being trapped the last one sprayed him in the mouth lol

[Bookmark] Candy: OO oh man -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah but where they were they couldn't climb out lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee so for like what two blocks Raphie was floating over rooftops not jumping them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: By the way you can have a skunk as a pet lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: They can be descented

[Bookmark] Candy: oh

[Bookmark] Espionata: But they can dig through dry wall and you can't leave them outside they have no homing instinct so they're indoor pets

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: In the States it depends on the State if you can own one mine it's legal to have one but you need a liscence

[Bookmark] Espionata: And they're so cute ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata
PETS 101 - Skunks - Puzzola [ENG]YouTube · 6:46 · 12K · 90% [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Candy: hey like those shows - whenever I gets to watch em [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Skunks are a lot of work to take care of lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bah hehehe all my beasties here are [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't think the cats would be amused to see a skunk because skunks spray lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehehe sooo keeping those two animals sounds in mind [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: The dog got sprayed once and oh my god she stunk

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww poor puppy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she got to curious but it never happened again the way you get rid of the smell is to use tomatos

[Bookmark] Espionata: Not sure what's in tomatos that gets rid of the smell

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm probably a chemical

[Bookmark] Espionata: Probably

[Bookmark] Espionata: I know tomatos are acidic

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta go, guys. gotta do the work thing today [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: see ya'll tonight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: I like tomatos as a sauce but not raw

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hus*

[Bookmark] Candy: hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol - hehehe may as well sign it off toos

[Bookmark] Candy: lol - hehehe may as well sign it off toos

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 235 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Not much, you?

[Bookmark] Espionata: same

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *Sighs* is the week over yet .... [frown]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you guys

[Bookmark] Espionata: Alright

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: awesome... [smile] i did however take a nap today and took a bath to relax myself.

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: You guys are all ready for Christmas

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Alysson: CHRISTMAS!!!! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: brb need to move my car in the driveway

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Mikko: helloo

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm hooked up to a machine!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Alysson: ?

[Bookmark] Mikko: went to the hospital and they put me on a heart monitor

[Bookmark] Alysson: Feeling any better?

[Bookmark] Mikko: nope

[Bookmark] Alysson: Aww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: and not having any sleep in three days is not helping

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: IT'S SO SAD!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wont be on long. of course every time I say that, I'm on for like, ever

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im back

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *pats* I've done the same thing don't feel bad

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i won't be online late myself. this week has been so long... because i've worked every single day

[Bookmark] Mikko: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i will be online tomorrow after I do shopping.. since i'm not done shopping i'm hoping to be done

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: this weekend. since i'm not sure yet if they will allow me christmas eve off but i'm hoping and praying they will

[Bookmark] Mikko: *throws cheese around*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *adds some wine with the cheese.*

[Bookmark] D joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] D: hey [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: DDDDDDDDDD

[Bookmark] Mikko: I hope no one minds that I just lay here and die. *does that*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: no dying allowed

[Bookmark] Mikko: you can't tell me what to do! yer not my real dad!

[Bookmark] Espionata: No don't die

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: No dying allowed

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwwww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: we love yahs and thats why we dont want you to die my friend

[Bookmark] Mikko: well....ok

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I tried to get some sleep today, but then mom called and was all, we're going to the hospital. and I was like. omg who's in the hospital. and she said, you are! and we went and they hooked me to this 24 hour moniter

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: o.os that doesn't sound like fun. why did they have to do that

[Bookmark] Mikko: because my heart keeps racing and they want to catch it. the fucked up thing, is since this has been on, my heart hasn't raced once -_-

[Bookmark] Rogue: Aww. Better safe than sorry

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [frown] yah racing heart isn't fun. or comfortable. i hope they make you feel better

[Bookmark] Espionata: Things usually do that like not using the coal stove last winter get tons of freezing cold and snow but want to use the coal stove there's no cold and snow lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: they took away my dew!!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Awww. *gives you Propel*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I don't want snow... no snow we've been getting rain

[Bookmark] Mikko: *takes* it's not the same

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that wasn't very nice of them to get rid of your dew

[Bookmark] Mikko: we got rain too

[Bookmark] Mikko: they said i can't have caffine

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws that sucks. i need my caffeine...

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: do you have to be on a diet now

[Bookmark] Mikko: annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd my liver isn't looking good. so there's that

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Which means less alchohol

[Bookmark] Mikko: NEVER

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yes because that stuff goes through the liver

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: o.os... yah my brother can't have any alcohol because of when he was ill five years ago.

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: kitteh!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Kitteh I need your email for Skype since I lost your contact on it

[Bookmark] Rogue: urm.. legit?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: In a bit. Very busy right now.
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Erica Martins

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Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 8:09 pm

Espionata: *Pokes Stockman* Post [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: pfft. it didn't include the caption. Says TMNT2 Kraang

[Bookmark] Mikko: that is the scariest thing I have ever seen

[Bookmark] Rogue: but I think I've seen that someplace before...

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: freaky brain

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: k

[Bookmark] Mikko: how ever. that brain is from Doom 3. it's called a spider master mind

[Bookmark] D: lol, i remember that pic. it works for krang

[Bookmark] D: i pm'd you back rogue. got a great baddie to be >​3

[Bookmark] Mikko: people swear that Krang is in the movie, but the movie peeps are doing a damn fine job at hiding what krang looks like

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph squished him. He's on the bottom of his foot. no one will ever see [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and goes to check PM*

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] D: he crawled up splinty's robe

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax will post in good time!

[Bookmark] Mikko: now is not that time

[Bookmark] Espionata: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was wrong! the brain is from a movie called Invaders From Mars

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: they wanted all the pennies in the town to power their ships i think

[Bookmark] D: indeed

[Bookmark] D joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] D: chatzy froze on me

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] D: gonna be bloodsucker, the mutant leech! get your vomit bags ready

[Bookmark] Mikko: a family bought a christmas tree, only to find out a week later there was 1000s of spiders living in it O.O

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh DX

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: leeches die in salt don't they?

[Bookmark] D: no clue

[Bookmark] D: i would assume so

[Bookmark] Mikko
BlastoffYouTube · · 88K · 93%Nathan for You [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] D: that kid hears nothing

[Bookmark] Mikko: D has made the one mutant that Love does not want to be around lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Let's Play - Part 1 - Get Together - DanceYouTube · 29:52 · 18 · NaN%Betty Tate has become the leader of the group and wants her team to become the best dancers ever with also causing a little drama. [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *flails and runs from friggin' leech!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It is creepy OO

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *is flattened by fleeing brother*

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey pancake

[Bookmark] D:

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *waves away the mini Raph's running about his head - and peels self off the floor*

[Bookmark] Mikko: but why is the turtle meowing?

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Aw, hell naw!! *clears the State*

[Bookmark] D: cause bloodsucker drained raph of all his mutagen and reverted him to a baby turtle

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] D: he cant form words [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: blood sucker missed [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: missed who o.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I don't think Raphie is coming back

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: um something....

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi is fangirling over Laz' new siggy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So Mikey were you good today?

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: and well fudge - Leo can tell dad and Ee the news [tongue] .... and of course I was good

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You didn't do anything I told you not to do

[Bookmark] Espionata: ?*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol I have never seen someone so stressed out

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: as if you could tell me to do or not do anything >​>​

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: What do you mean by that?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I must be off. the bed calls to me and I must answer!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: [tongue] everything!

[Bookmark] Mikko: see you all tomorrow, night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Why can't I tell you what to do?

[Bookmark] Candy: nigh tnight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: cause you can't

[Bookmark] Rogue: *belated hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not even if I ask?

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: noooope

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Why not?

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *ignores*

[Bookmark] Candy: cause ya annoying? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah sure when Mikey wouldn't leave my gingerbread house alone when I wanted to leave it up

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm think I still have a couple of Avi's Sigs to up date

[Bookmark] Candy: oh shut up girl the gingerbread house barely got a tongue flick and is fine [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: If the gingerbread house got graced by Mikey's tongue, it is a lucky little whore cake

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Still is it to much to ask?

[Bookmark] Candy: *rolls eyes*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: hehhee not in the way this tongue graces you Ally [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe hopefully gets some more piccies finished tonight

[Bookmark] Candy: if I can find em all - [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [lovestruck]

[Bookmark] Rogue: yay piccies!

[Bookmark] Rogue: can't wait to see ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm trying to get the Bonesteel/ Raph scene started.. dun dun duuuuuuuun

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee well finished one - as promised he found his way to Raph thread [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: Bloodsucker: -graces ally with rows of teeth- >​D

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe yeah I am doing a log - may not get to finishing the Sismance thread just yet - will do though

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: oy! bad! Leech! *smacks with news paper* bad!

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] D: -bites Mikey-

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: O.O *baps it with her purse!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] D: Bloodsucker: oO

[Bookmark] D: -feeds off phin- >​D

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: Baaaad Rorschach... shew!! *bap-bap-baps*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Phin: O.o *looks rather annoyed, but gives the thing a good ol brain bleed* [cool]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: ow! - damn it! *adds some news paper baps(

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *blinks - should a stayed in bed by the looks of it*

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: Bloodsucker: -in bed with Ee- [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo *... sliding from the bed*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: What is that thing?

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *scoops Blaze from his crib and exits - fasssst!* I don't know... and not sure how it ended up there....

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im off to bed guys. but i'll be online tomorrow after shopping

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs* also need contacts emails for skype

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: I don't has the Skype

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Rogue: I don't has that, either. It sounds like an STD [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: lol [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: it is. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *peeps back in..*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: The monster thing is still here Raphie

[Bookmark] Candy: in fact Leechie Lue stole your spot on Spot Bed Raph

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe .... reminded me of Sheldon then... 'that's my spot'

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: O.o What?!? *sprays sprays the bed with bug spray!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahahaha

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol see? Sheldon like - My Spot!!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee think Ee will have to burn those bed coverings [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: careful red - try not to breath any of the bug spray in yourself yeah? *from some corner several feet away from Spot door - snugging ze Blaze*

[Bookmark] Candy: cause he cute - hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: wish I had a working scanner - dang phone piccies always look fuzzy - must be in need of a new phone [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph [kiss] snuuuuugs the lil one, forgetting about the leech creep for now*

[Bookmark] Rogue: and no smoochy face, lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee hey Ee likes the smoochie face [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *snugs em both -*

[Bookmark] Candy: no she looooooooooves the smoochies face - specifically HotRed smoochie face [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *smooches Ee* [wink] Like that?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmm hmmmm *more smoochies*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: yep just like that [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: -leech feeds on phin- >​D

[Bookmark] Candy: ... neeed more bug spray

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That thing is still alive OO

[Bookmark] Candy: chatty Ape should drag chatty Casey over to meets ze chatty Blaze [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: -slithers after all of you-

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: I already know what Hogwarts House the leech be in... Slitherin *bada cha!*

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *grabs Casey and drags him over to the sucky face Ee&Raph* come you has to meet the lil guy

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That thing is creepy

[Bookmark] Candy: yep - see called it [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] D: April needs her loser boyfriend ;D

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe well he may be a bit of a jerk and somewhat a course, rough, loser to most but she loves the pants off him [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, kinkeh

[Bookmark] Candy: and yes - yes she does - sides chat Casey must meet his chat best buds son [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol hehhee watch out for flying pants [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *draagging him over* come oooon Casey!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol I has a twisted imagination - I typed best buds and was reminded of that episode of Scrubs... My Musical when Turk and JD sing 'Guy Love' lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] D: lol scrubs. dr. cox ftw

[Bookmark] D: hey kit

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: definitely [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: thankfully for Case and Red did not imagine them taking Turk and JD's spots [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: Casey come on! *big green puppy eyed pout*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee if you can't move him by dragging - try the eyes.... the EYES!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe I haz the 'Guy Love' on the Itunes

[Bookmark] Candy: so cute when all the ickle cousins sing it

[Bookmark] Rogue: whew. Bonesteel post done

[Bookmark] Rogue: he baited Raph. Tisk

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooooh - if it were Donnie it's be baited with Coffee

[Bookmark] Espionata: uhoh

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- Baitin' ain't legal

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey = Pizza

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph= bimbo in trouble [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Leatherhead = Cheetos

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bimbo - lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: will od a post for Raph tonight after my loooong 12 hours. There will be blood... mwhaahahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... hehhee what I am thinking of now is so good it should be illegal *waggles brows - gives Blaze to Aunty April - drags Raph off too bathroom*

Candy: - well thats just naughty [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *squuuueeeeees and snuggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *Goes with, hanging a 'do not disturb' sign along with his bandana* [twisted]

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta head off. have the holiday rush to look forward to tomorrow.

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: see ya'll tomorrow night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: April: mummy and daddy - so naughty [tongue] *snugglies lil turtle*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: D! can you knock out a post for Casey in izombie? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] D: i'll try

[Bookmark] D: that thread really isn't my style. i'll see what i can do tho

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hitting head against the wall* >​.<

[Bookmark] D: o.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: well Casey is already in the thread - you can possibly have him get separated in the sewers and let him fade out from the thread there if you don't wish to continue him there right now - but leave it open encase he comes back *puts pillow between wall and Kitteh head*

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] D: -replaces wall with marshmallows-

[Bookmark] Kitteh: In the last three days, I have probably spent 30+ hours on this schoolwork. -_-

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] D: whew

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: nawww thats less lol and more grrrrr

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Monday and Wednesday, it has been about 24 hours total. Bleh!

[Bookmark] Candy: bleh blhe bleh !!!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee night night off this chattzy

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs belated* I'm off, too.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 234 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Not much. You?

[Bookmark] Espionata: sae

[Bookmark] Espionata: same*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hey all. trying to get some updates done on my computer so i may need to restart

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hope all is well

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: took my medication for tomorrow. need to take it again in the morning... oh i hate this medication....

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i just wanna get this appointment over with tomorrow and know what's going on with me

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cause then i'm seeing Star Wars after wards [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my nieces dancing:

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl:

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: not sure if you both are on my facebook but i'll add you if you'd like

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im on facebook messager, and will turn on skype here in a bit.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Tara joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I passed all my classes! [big grin] One B and two Cs, but at least I don't have to take them over again.

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yay

[Bookmark] Alysson: Yaaaaaay! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Tara: *is squealing for joy*

[Bookmark] Espionata: I bet you're gonna crash later [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Awesome *dances*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello Tara

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Oh Kitteh sent you a PM

[Bookmark] Tara: *plays the star wars theme song*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm excited seeing it tomorrow. sadly not at midnight though or at seven p.m. i think there was a seven p.m. show time tonight

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Which account, Scoop?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I...will not be seeing that movie. At least not in theaters.

[Bookmark] Espionata: In Mass people saw it already they got a lucky advanced showing and saw all the other movies

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on Forum... Origins

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: if i didn't have to work a crap load of hours that I don't think I had to work I would have gone to an early showing and bought my ticket the night they went onsale

[Bookmark] Tara: Scoop

[Bookmark] Tara: Scoop

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im working like 50 hours this week

[Bookmark] Tara: I already saw it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: No, I mean my KittyGrl account?

[Bookmark] Tara: i just came home from seeing it

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: its been crazy but not crazy busy every day like today they could have had the day off

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: awesome

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: don't tell me about it. no spoilers

[Bookmark] Tara: No no was AWESOME SAUCE

[Bookmark] Tara: Let me say this.....

[Bookmark] Tara: well worth the wait of seeing it

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Tara: and i got the ticket's free

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm glad

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm working on my 35th hour of no official sleep. >​.< I pulled an all-nighter last night to work on two speeches. The good news -- awesome news about the one I wrote just this morning, is that I aced it. ^^

[Bookmark] Tara: congrads kitteh

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Thanks. [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hopefully you had coffee Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm just glad it's over. It's ALL over.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I did.

[Bookmark] Espionata: And get lots of sleep

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But It doesn't last.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sweet Kitteh

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't think I would be awake

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm glad your doing well in school

[Bookmark] Kitteh: After the semester I had, I'm just grateful I passed my classes. Definitely not what I was hoping for, but I

[Bookmark] Kitteh: 'll take this small victory anyway. [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I spent hundreds of hours on homework this semester.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Several hundreds.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ugh how is your brain not fried?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That's a very good question.

[Bookmark] Tara: ~huggles kitteh~

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: now you can enjoy the holiday

[Bookmark] Espionata: So you done with school?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: For three weeks.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yay [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: After next semester, I'll be halfway through getting my degree. ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: No more math?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: No more strictly math classes, but I'll have to take physics at some point. That one scares me...

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah that one is scary has a lot of Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Next semester, I'm taking psychology (as an elective) and a networking class. ^^ I get to see how internet connection stuff works. ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sweet

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: at least you got most of the math stuff out of the way

[Bookmark] Candy: Back!?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehe

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *yaaaaaaaaaawns and falls over* Zzzzzzzz...

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *hugs Kitteh*

[Bookmark] Candy: Dawwww *puts pillow under Kitteh's head and pony cover travel throw over top* ^,^ poor Kitteh

[Bookmark] Candy: tyty

[Bookmark] Tara: hi candy

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Tara: candyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy​yyyyyyyyyyyyyy

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

[Bookmark] Tara: guess what?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: whats up

[Bookmark] Tara: ~hugs candy~

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs hugs* [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] Tara: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty

[Bookmark] Candy: ty

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: ty

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe working on more loggies

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehehe really powering throu them right nows

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: Still in June?

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes but near the laters dayes of june

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Let me know if you got my PM Kitteh

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: I pmed!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: ze Roguelicious! [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Refreshed mm rules

[Bookmark] Candy: corrected archives

[Bookmark] Candy: next on my list of forums to do is more logs and archiving and Shredders Profile [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Ooh, you changed it to 16+! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: yes discussed it with MS and he agreed to lower it as long as we keep all naughty stuff in their right spots

[Bookmark] Alysson: Thanks~

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] no worries hehe

[Bookmark] Rogue: replied

[Bookmark] Candy: Wooot ie woot woo [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Okay will update poke thread hehehe

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o wb

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: ty - iPad today, chatzy takes offense when I open extra tabs on my iPad that are not Chatzy tabs and refreshes these ones lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Jealous iPad Chatzy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy: hehe trying to do this log number 44 and iPad keeps eating my Chatzy tabs lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: sooo many logs, sooo little time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raphael is NOT happy with me ATM

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] I will defeat the log pile!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: he said this Bonesteel shit ain't in his contract [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: lol was just about to say that...

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Actually it's under the fine print

[Bookmark] Espionata: The kind you need a microscope to read lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *grumbles* I ain't Donnie. I don't read that shit. -.-

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *puts on a monocle and reads his contract* oh look it says here random whackos and nut jobs... I initialed that?!

[Bookmark] Candy: ...

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: we both should have had Don read em bro...

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You didn't read them? Don't you watch South Park Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Yeah, shoulda. -.- And South Porn? What?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: course not that's what Dons for... Hehe South Porn?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It's a show on Comedy Central

[Bookmark] Espionata: And it's South Park not South Porn

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel [kiss]

[Bookmark] Espionata: : *

Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Well that's no fun.

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: Oo wait we signed contracts?!

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: pretty sure I never seen mine - I'd remember that

[Bookmark] Candy: *whistles innocently*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Don't you know they drug you so you sign them Oo

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: This is all Leo's fault.

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: ... Agreed... Wait the Bonesteel thing or these mysterious contracts?... Both?

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: all of it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yeah blame the dude in blue hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Both

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Both. All. It's ALL Leo's fault.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Somehow it's always Leo's fault

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: yep [big grin] *gives MH his contract*

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: *giggles* [wink] okay blame the blue clad turtle.

[Bookmark] Rogue: MH: *eats it!*

[Bookmark] Candy: okay wooo another log bites the dust mwahahhaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Uh Mikey you do realize our players have copies right?

[Bookmark] Candy: and now a pokie thread to up date and tag ball to try stealing back from the oc to throw at people...

[Bookmark] Candy: Mwhahaha poke thread dodge ball [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: good boy MetalHead *rubs head-* D'OH! Damn players

[Bookmark] Candy: onto portal hopping 45

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *ducks away from the ball, cuz it seems to love him* -.- Promise I'll do the postin' thing soon...

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah they control us

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe I gotta get it off her first to throw it. She hoggin

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: oh and gotta pm Slash to and say yes! Advertise!! Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: and then creat and ad and add in MM for her site... Man this list of to dos keeps getting longer [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: i need house elves

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehe should try throwing TAG ball at Red whenever she gives it too me, hehehe been a while since tagged... may have to tackle her for it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] ooooh log 45 is started!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed...good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night Alyss

[Bookmark] Rogue: is it old school, 2k2, 2k7, 2k12, or 2k14 based?

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: night Alys *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: I has no idea, will ask Slash player in pm

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im heading off for the night. see you all tomorrow. *sighs* one day off this week... waiting for things to be back to normal

[Bookmark] Rogue: night scoop *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Night night Scooop *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on messager still

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Rogue: I don't have much longer, either. another double tomorrow and we're dealing with holiday rush already

[Bookmark] Candy: The Archives in MM are not time lines, but hopefully given chapters make em easier to re read in some order

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: ubber tired.. otherwise would post for Raph.. itching to post for him

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: yepyep

[Bookmark] Rogue: I need to get to work on a timeline for the man game whenever I get time

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe be fun to see his one in the verses Bonesteel

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- Baitin' ain't fair.

[Bookmark] Candy: mmm I'd do it

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: He should be banned from this match.

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: nope... *bounces TAG ball at him* not fair at all

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *catches and brow wiggles*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Wait until you see Stockman\

[Bookmark] Rogue: ad Raph will post in the Slash thread soon, too.. so if you talk to the player, let 'em know. Don't want them to think I'm snubbin' them

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: *raises brow* show me whatcha got BigRed *sassy hip wriggle*

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *tags her with a smooch instead*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol I said in pm we all crazy busy, will let her know to tag us occasionally in the poke thread if we forgets

[Bookmark] Candy: i LHed a post out [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol! It was the hip wriggle huh?

[Bookmark] Candy: made the boobies jiggle and all

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica: *snoggies*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *finds Ally and hugs snugs and smoochie smoochie smoochie over cheeks, and nuzzly boobies and over belly* tell me we don't look like we're trying to eat each other when doing the sucky face thing *might get smacked for that sometime*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: maybe by the player, sometimes I wanna smack my inner Mikey [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *returns it 10 fold* Naw, we look smexy! ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: and yep, it's the boobies and the hips [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: I gotta head off now, guys. having a hard time staying awake

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: kneeee eeeeew it!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Night

[Bookmark] Candy: Nawww night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: see you all tomorrow night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No you look like you're eating eachother

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey will pamper the Ally [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph and Ally: *both smexes up their mates!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahahhaa

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee few sex educational demonstrations

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwwws *belated hugs to departures.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] welllllp got logs to do closing some windows for the night ... Uh Arvo for me though Angel wants me to say she pampering the snot outta Don too [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe almost spelt that as jugs lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Okay, time for me to crash...first sleep in 37 hours. Night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 233 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Tara joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hey *waves*

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'll be online as soon as I can. Also will need to add you back onto my skype to. I deleted all of you guys which pissed me off with the update

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: My skype deleted all you guys i mean

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: And I don't use Skype lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: k. i also have aim but not sure i have everyone on that either

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't use that either lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: well man.... [frown]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i also use facebook messager and What'sup or What's on app or something title like that ive got that on my phone

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'll be online in a few still getting things done.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I hope your doing well Mikko

[Bookmark] Mikko: I hope I am too

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: your mother didn't make you stay over night at he hospital did she

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: no. thankfully

[Bookmark] Mikko: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: last night I just went a little over board with the sleeping pills

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: o.os not good

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: though i've done that before myself without thinking. or just wanted sleep away the pain

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and took three at once

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: I took a bit more then three

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my biopsy didn't happen my cervix is just too small

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so they've started me on different birth control pills and my second test results came back fine. so not sure why they would once and not the next is beyond me

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'll be back in a few... see you in a bit

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: *rolls back in*

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Espionata: yw

[Bookmark] Mikko: guess who finally posted!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: If you wanna create cyborgs and crap than become one you're self Stockman

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I will! but first I must perfect the method

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And I'm the guinea pig fuck you >​<

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: yes! fuck me! everyone fuck me!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hi hi hi hi

[Bookmark] Candy: lol [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: poop well my friends!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: oooo looks comfy

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Candy: ... I'd probably go to sleep

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol it would make playing my DS on the toilet more comfty

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: they sell a toy, that comes with a cute little robot dog, and a gun. and the point is to shoot the dog for target practice O.O

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Espionata: My mom made cookies

[Bookmark] Mikko: what kinda cookies?

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sugar and Chocolate chip

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy: ?

[Bookmark] Candy: doubled! lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: She got the M&M baking bits and has a ton of leftover so I get to eat that [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: if anyone has seen the new SW movie, please NO SPOILERS!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: so I had this odd little string under my boob. and I was like WTF? so I pulled it off and blood was just everywhere!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've been trying to avoid them all day :/

[Bookmark] Candy: No seen yet [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: brother is going to see it tonight at midnight

[Bookmark] Espionata: Haven't seen it yet

[Bookmark] Candy: we probably wont - work here is too busy

[Bookmark] Rogue: going to see it tomorrow so then I can breathe easy. I hear a main char dies,, and everyone that's seen it apparently are chomping at the bit to tell me who it is and I just wanna scream at them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwwwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: and just a heads up.. yeah. going to movies, so I may not be on.. depends on what time we go

[Bookmark] Candy: we barely have the time to go into to go once a week to get food shopping, needed farm stuffs, animals stuffs and back home - no movies for us until picking is over

[Bookmark] Mikko: all I know about the movie, is that tiny robot that spins around, was orignally going to be in the 70's movie, but it's spinning bottom was too hard to create at the time

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: wow

[Bookmark] Candy: which will be early to late feb - unless a bad storm front comes through and we have no work [tongue]
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 8:16 pm

Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: bb-8 [wink]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: BB-8 sounds like a drug

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue] maybe in a Galaxy far, far away..

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm trying to stay off FB until tomorrow night

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi Alysson

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: the place you want to avoid is tumblr

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Rogue: I hardly ever go on tumblr

[Bookmark] Mikko: O. M. G

[Bookmark] Mikko: of course this was in Russia

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.O wow

[Bookmark] Rogue: I think those parents fail ....

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Mikko: little billy does that all the time....Billy..what's a good Russian name?

[Bookmark] Candy: log 47! * gets to it *

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: Viktor

[Bookmark] Mikko: Little Viktor!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: when I was young, It use to be cold in the winter. now these youngsters with their heat! come and ruin everything

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's supposed to be in the 60's for Christmas OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: global warming! this is why the polar bears are dying! that and starbucks keeps cutting their throats!

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: so you haven't heard about the throat cutting?

[Bookmark] Rogue: I have

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] where in the 'wet' season for Northern Territory Australia - been hot and dry though up until this week, been having light rain on and off, lots of thunder and lightning... but sadly not enough of any to make us all break work [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and nope did not hear that part

[Bookmark] Rogue: I don't go to Starbucks.. can't see paying $10 for a coffee

[Bookmark] Mikko: starbucks was selling polar bear cookies! and the cookies had the bears wearing a red scarf, but crazy people said it looked like the bears throats were cut and how dare starbucks promote killing polar bears

[Bookmark] Rogue: >​.<

[Bookmark] Alysson: What...?

[Bookmark] Rogue: people just need something to complain about

[Bookmark] Candy: oh ... *chokes on grap she was munching - ten bucks for a coffee?!

[Bookmark] Mikko: first they ruin christmas with their red cups! and now they kill bears!

[Bookmark] Candy: grape*

[Bookmark] Rogue: pretty much. They're crazy high

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah I paid 17 for a milk shake from there once

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: never again, milk shake was good though

[Bookmark] Rogue: you can get the same shit at MickyD's for way cheaper [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol don't take this dog to the skate park

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Macca's!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and a big Maccas to you too

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: cute dog

[Bookmark] Mikko: HAHAHA

[Bookmark] Mikko: the dog's like wtf?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe yes! Aussie Slang for MacDonalds - Macca's! lets all haz the Macca's!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted in Street Life

[Bookmark] Mikko: I thought Macca was just your planets way of saying hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Mikko: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Apparently the C-word isn't an insult in Austrailia like it is here in the States not sure why Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: nope - neither is bastard [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol. Us Americans are too sensitive [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: because there they ain't a bunch of pussys that's offended by everything

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wow my mom still won't say the c-word and she has a foul mouth lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: they wrestle crocs!

[Bookmark] Mikko: so I've been tolf

[Bookmark] Mikko: tolf!

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lo, Crikey [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: I still won't use the c-word because I don't want to lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello. I'm FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: bout tine

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: time

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha - what can I say? Australians non indigneous populations are derived from either convicts and or later settlers [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Did you see my post on Facebook? I wrote a novel. lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: also people who they deemed insane were sent there. so convicts and crazy people

[Bookmark] Mikko: I did read taht

[Bookmark] Rogue: I did read it ^^ before I banned myself from facebook

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hug Mikko* Have you not been sleeping again? [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can't stop watching this

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: I will reads it!

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah I slept. three hand fulls of sleeping pills put me right out, that's why I wasn't on last night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Why did you ban yourself from Facebook, Rogue?

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yes indeed - so convicts, crazy people and later settlers [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww *hugs* At least you got some sleep. [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe I'll see if I can explain how Aussies use the C- word [tongue] but first Bastard cause it comes first alphabetically [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm trying to avoid SW spoilers

[Bookmark] Mikko: that right, bastard cunt pushed me in the loo he did!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im back

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I can't listen to the radio, either. My friend had it spoiled for her that way

[Bookmark] Candy: Bastard - can be used as a generic term of abuse and low regard, without the connotations of illegitimate parenthood, or as an affectionate term of address to one's friends. An Australian can get away with calling his friends bastards, but if you're not Australian, do not try it. You have to work out from context whether it's being used to mean "slightly more vulgar version of 'bloke' " or "unpleasant person". Note that tone of voice regarding modifying adjectives in the case of bastard - whether you're a lucky bastard, a miserable bastard, a fucking bastard, or any other bastard, you'll be relying on the speaker's tone of voice to know whether that's a good thing or not.

[Bookmark] Candy: there [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I went to see it today but won't tell you anything

[Bookmark] Mikko: this dog wants all the mitts

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've been kinda on FB, and just posted a Yoda thing stating how I feel. spoil it, get unfriended, lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: anyone up for chitty chat tonight?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I want non of your chitty

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I liked the one that said the force will awaken, I just need five more minutes

[Bookmark] Candy: and now the C-Word - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Laz needs to get Lexi a puppy. Puppies make everything better

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wanna hear about Wednesday and Thursday for me?

[Bookmark] Espionata: sure

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: it!

[Bookmark] Candy: Cunt - Sometimes this means the same as it does in the rest of the world. For Aussies it's a general (if crude) way of addressing someone, the same as you'd use "mate". If someone is a "sick cunt" it's a compliment, usually because they've done something well. If they're a "mad cunt" they did something really awesome.

[Bookmark] Candy: there - [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sure is it something super kitteh?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol How about something super INSANE? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Mikko: you built a time machine!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: super INsane works [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sent you pm kitteh

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: oh also for those that are getting christmas cards. If you want one please PM me on forum. I won't be able to get them out till before New Years so I hope that's ok

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Okay, so going into Wednesday I had two speeches to work on with one of them to completely write, a Trig assignment, an Algebra online test, a Trig test (which was moved to Thursday night -- thank God) annnnnnd studying for finals. ALL this had to be done in two days. So, I got the Algebra test out of the way Tuesday night, but everything else was still not even touched. Soooooo, Wednesday morning, got up at 11:30 in the morning, worked on homework until it was almost time to leave for Starbucks, got ready to leave, went to Starbucks where the work continued, came home, worked on homework again ALL night, got ready for school at 8:30 Thursday morning, left for school at 9 am, did two finals and two speeches in school, came home from school, grabbed my laptop and headed to Starbucks again, worked on some last stuff for school, stayed until a little after 9 pm, came home, work continued between dozing off at the computer. >​.< Officially finished homework last night around 1:30. I did homework for nearly 21 hours straight until school yesterday morning and I didn't officially get any sleep for 39 hours. >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's fine ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: my stuff will be going out late, too [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Mine, too.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok...but why do to starbucks?

[Bookmark] Mikko: go

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I honestly work better there because there is much more room to spread my stuff out.

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: but it's all over now right? no mas!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: They have a couple big tables.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yes! I'm done. ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: woooo!

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm sure you crashed

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] yay!!!1 [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yay... I'd be burned out of doing homework

[Bookmark] Kitteh: People say they cram for finals. I never got to that point. I was still doing regular assignments. >​.< I failed both finals but I wasn't really surprised with no time to study.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: in warcraft today, they had all the guards of the main cities caring lightsabers instead of the usual swords

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that sucks can they let you redo them

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But...despite that, I still passed all my classes! ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaay

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmmm I think there is like only two chain coffee shops in the Alices - non out here [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: oh course! wooooooooooooot!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im glad you still passed them

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I had my first guilt-free nap in a couple months today. ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yay [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: I napped today barely got any sleep which is rare lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus my cycle is here >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: here? like in this chat room?

[Bookmark] Espionata: No lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: this shirt is awesome! too bad it's sold out [frown]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted in Street Life! :3

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooh i like that shirt

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so i hope you all don't mind if you get the cards before new years

[Bookmark] Mikko: wouldn't that be a good thing?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I need chocolate

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: *lays on Rogue* so comfty

[Bookmark] Candy
chocolate!! Cadbury - Wouldn't It Be Nice (surfing)YouTube · · 511K · 95%This ad recently started showing in Canada, and has to be one of the oddest commercials I've seen in recent years. Some sort of odd vore fetish involved or something...also (update: OK ALREADY here's the damn XviD I uploaded in its original form: pgddsa get it before they delete it.) [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: so where'd Leo go after leaving the hospital?

[Bookmark] Candy: to polish his S.... swords!

[Bookmark] Mikko: that is a good question.

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't know

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: the video is blocked in my country!!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: sorry [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: I hate when that happens

[Bookmark] Espionata: Erica is up in Street Life

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

Alysson: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I hope she is up! I don't want her sleeping on the job!

[Bookmark] Rogue: If only I had Jake's profile finished.. could thro him at Leo [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- Sure. Leo gets off easy...

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *sniggers* That's what SHE said.. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *sniggers*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No kidding >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: .........

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *almost chokes on his own spit at that - snorting with laughter*

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Seriously TMI.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Huh?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: *beats everyone up*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ow! hey - whadda I do?

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *growwwwls and tackles Leo!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: you know what you AHHHHH!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *rolls Ally out of the way*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Growls at Leo* I didn't do anything!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: I only hit my brothers geez!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: ... [big grin] nope it was everyone bro - you gotta work on your aim

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *Leaves him hangin' by his toes*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: seriously - it gets everywhere

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: -_-

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: hehehe - all the blood rushin to your head?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Serves you right Leo

[Bookmark] Candy: poor dude [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to go to bed. get my sleep on. night all *hugs8

[Bookmark] Rogue: Karai: *steals him*

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *smoochies for the Raph - tastes like cookie dough - made loads o' cookies.. ate some too*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I leave you with this cat

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Good night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwwwwwwwwwww night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: lol kitty wid the ear muffs [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *smooches like whoa*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *hangs mistletoe over Mikey's head* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: .... *eats Mistletoes - snogs Ally*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey You can't eat mistletoe that's poisenness OO

[Bookmark] Candy: lol he eats a lot of things that would kill most [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, true that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *tuuuuugs him away for naughties* [twisted]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *scoops her up bridle style - no breaky the snoogies and heads towards room - more sexins and pampering ahoy!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Raphie Mikey is crazy

[Bookmark] Candy: foot massaging, back rubbing... whatever ice cream she wants - no matter what time hehehe lots o sexin hehhee [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *at door to troom which he kicks open - breakin the kisses kissys for a moment confirm this* crazy in de loves! *and resumes smoochies*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: ^^ *one lucky lady!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles muffled by whoa snoggies! sucks that turtle tongue!*

[Bookmark] Candy: she is [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *won't be outdone! Scoops Erica up and -ninja vanishes-!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: geeze, boys. It's not even Spring [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: Oo their all eager beavers

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *waved vaguely to all - is vanished*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: You're telling me.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah they are

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: ... [big grin] mmmm should drag you back to the lab - gotta be a surface we have not tried out yet [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol unlikely

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee testing the strength of structures [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not you too

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *huuuuuuuuge grin*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol! so it went from -_- exasperation at his brothers to ^_______________________​_________^ hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And they say teens my age are sex crazy >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: [wink] *shakes ass* oh for sure us too - *takes his hand to lead him away to find a so far unused surface*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: April: hehehe

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *happily goes with her*

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *giggles*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: The rate they're going we're gonna end up with an army of hybrids >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: April: ... I don't think the girls will be walking right for a while *now sniggering*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: there may be a few limping about [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No they won't

[Bookmark] Candy: April: [big grin] thats how ya can tell the sex was turtly fantastic yeah? *sniggering at own joke*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I guess Oo

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: I need to head off, too. gotta be up early >​.<

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel called Erica hot but in her mind all mad scientist get a hot assistent lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: I may see ya'll tonight *hugs* night

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night hugs

[Bookmark] Candy: night night Alyss *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm heading off to. need to check laundry

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night Rogue *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: and night night Scoop [wink] *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Candy: might as well be an early one all round [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs to everyone* Need more sleep. Zzzzzzzz see ya.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 232 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Not much. Fighting a headache. [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: You?

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww nothing

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *waves*

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: fixing a necklace for someone that I'm making for them. how are you guys

[Bookmark] Espionata: alright

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: this is the necklace:

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm gluing the end parts so they don't come off when kids pull on them

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Pretty [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im going to make another one if i have time to do so. for another person for a gift

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: this one i'm doing for money

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: well they will pay me for it

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: oh cards i'll be able to get out before new years. I couldn't do them this weekend cause I had to finish my shopping for my family

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so i hope that's okay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and with all the hours i'm working i'm gonna have a big fat paycheck again this week

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That's fine. [smile] Whenever you have time, go for it.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cool. [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I haven't done any shopping at all yet.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm on skype as well

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *hugs* you've been just as busy. i had to spread mine out a couple of weekends after Thanksgiving. i can't do it all on one weekend like some can

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: can't wait to get the holiday over with

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cause of all this working i want it back to normal

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: as in working hours

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Candy: Not much... You all

[Bookmark] Espionata: same

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: just relaxing

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] relaxing is good

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yep. *nods*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's so cold DX

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol wish I could claim that for here [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm sure we would happily give you some, Candy. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Thanks [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Chatzy keep eating me! Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: bad Chatzy

[Bookmark] Candy: Chewy chewy yumyum it reckons

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] D joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] D: hey

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: what's up

[Bookmark] D: not too much, resting [smile]

[Bookmark] D: you gals?

[Bookmark] Candy: Phi D [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nothing playing Mother 3

[Bookmark] Candy: ....Hi *

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: chilling

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: seeing this new anime on netflix. but it so reminds me of sailor moon

[Bookmark] D: lol, hey candy [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's it called?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Glitter Force a Netflix orginial

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: original

[Bookmark] D: lol, sailor moon

[Bookmark] Espionata: That's Smile Pretty Cure one of the Pretty Cure series

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sailor Moon is awesome [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yah read that is similar to that to.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but never watched that one

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but i've watched sailor moon

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah but there's a lot of Pretty Cure out there the one that was dubbed isn't even the most recent one lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Back!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: gotcha

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Frick

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *clings*

[Bookmark] Candy
First All Blacks Haka of Rugby World Cup 2015YouTube · · 3M · 96%As defending World Champions New Zealand face Argentina in the Rugby World Cup, the famous haka was seen for the first time. Follow World Rugby on social media: TWITTER.COM/RUGBYWORLDCUP FACEBOOK.COM/RUGBYWORLDCUP WWW.TWITTER.COM/WORLDRUGBY FACEBOOK.COM/WORLDUGBY INSTAGRAM.COM/WORLDRUGBY [Click to hide video thumbnail] thought I'd share this hear too

Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: Enjoy

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I wonder where Rogue and Mikko are.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mikko won't be on tonight and Rogue is seeing Star Wars

[Bookmark] Espionata: Which has already earned alot of money

[Bookmark] D: not at all interested in star wars

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: I wanna see it lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I grew up on the films

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] watching YouTube lol

[Bookmark] D: oh i did too. but every sw fan knows nothing will be better than the originals in their eyes. aaaaand it's jj abrams as director... lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Apparently it's really good

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hey it's not Michael Bay making the film [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: I ... Enjoy star wars and that's enough for me

[Bookmark] Espionata: He ruined the Transformers films

[Bookmark] Candy: ... That too

[Bookmark] Espionata: And almost ruined TMNT with the alien rumor >​>​

[Bookmark] D: haha. true, it's not bay

[Bookmark] D: whats sad is bay has a couple good movies. like the rock w/cage and connery

[Bookmark] D: thats the one i like the most from him

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im heading off for the night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: another work day ... *sigh*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so ready for a day off

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: again

[Bookmark] Espionata: Still Star Wars was made by people that love and know the series Clone Wars was in a way made by fans same with Rebels and now this film and the rolling droid is real

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] D: eh, i just didn't see the need for another movie. it's like beating a dead horse

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well Disney bought the series and they're gonna do stuff with it lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I know my dad would've wanted to see it

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty Ty [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I MIGHT see this new SW movie at some point because it sounds like you don't need to watch the other ones first to understand this one.

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] I will see it when it comes out lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: It will be in the theaters for awhile

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes, goo got at least three months of work around the clock before I can see it lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Good*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] D: oh yeah, for sure. disney's gonna do stuff and cram it down our throats like superhero movies. i've heard ppl are getting tired of marvel movies coming out 2-3 a year lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol to that I say shut up folks just enjoy the shows or not and move on

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: hard to enjoy it when you don't have $12 for a ticket every time one comes out [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Seriously, so what for example tmnt 2014 was not perfect?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ugh...yeah.

[Bookmark] Candy: Hey I $15 aud for mine

[Bookmark] D: yeah, and a lot of people felt they wasted their $12 on tmnt 2014 [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Theater prices are absolutely insane.

[Bookmark] Candy: and usually I pay for three or four cousins too so add an extra $30 aud

[Bookmark] D: they are, esp if you get food too

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I usually don't.

[Bookmark] D: 3-4 times a year, candy?

[Bookmark] Candy: Pand that's not including the cafe snack prices ...

[Bookmark] Candy: Phehehe we went every week the tmnt was out

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I might smuggle a bottle of water in. [tongue] Almost 4 freaking dollars for a bottle from there. >​.< Nooooooo thank you.

[Bookmark] D: yeah, i smuggle too sometimes

[Bookmark] Candy: But generall yes we try to at least see a movie at the cinema every two to three months [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: usually kids movies

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] D: boooo [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: -demands gratuitous nudity and action-

[Bookmark] Candy: so yes I do understand the cost and charge and stuff, but as stated above, enjoy or not and move on... Hehehehe we went every week tmnt was out, so... Five times in total? Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: two 3d viewings and three 2d ... Funnily enough lol

[Bookmark] D: again, can't enjoy what you dont have the money to see

[Bookmark] D: apparently disney/marvel dont get that yet [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: no! Or the time

[Bookmark] Candy: literally no time here to drive the two hours into town, and go movies and two hours back lol

[Bookmark] D: yeah, time is another issue. if i could i would see all these movies but tbh people are getting burnt out on seeing them cause they constantly put them out. it's like a cell phone, by the time you buy your own they come out with another

[Bookmark] D: [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: but with the new star wars i'm just not interested at all in seeing it. everyone said jurassic world was amazing too and it was just alright at best.

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehehe a ticket for myself as an 'adult' under Australian law with no concession is $15 aud and that translats to at least... Eight ten kilo boxes of grapes picked

[Bookmark] D: o.o

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Or an hours tractor driving

[Bookmark] D: ooo

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Or when it prunning... Um

[Bookmark] Candy: maths not my strong suit bare with me

[Bookmark] D: xD

[Bookmark] Candy: or fifteen vines cutt, pulled and rolled on

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Cause it depends on the market prices too, sometimes a food season ten kilo boxes be worth $3.50 each

[Bookmark] Candy: good*

[Bookmark] Candy: Or as low as a $1.50

[Bookmark] Candy: I can pick about... On a day I am not also helping pick up full boxes and place out empty ones... About sixty to seventy

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] hehe it's 2:47 pm inthe Arvo and I have about fifty out on the ground all up, some workers can do hundreds a day [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: will get another ten to fifteen done by knock off time... And at the moment the ten kilos are two fifty a box... Soooo

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: probably make $120 to $140 aud today in picking

[Bookmark] Candy: not bad

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Not counting hours of driving, or the box making that happens later tonight

[Bookmark] Candy: one is hourly rate the other is per box lol just to make it harder yo

[Bookmark] Espionata: I bet

[Bookmark] Candy: ... You all wanna come work wid me now? [big grin] can promise before the dawn rising, all day thirty to forty degree heat - drinks and food though provided for mornin and Arvo smoke and lunch, and a communal BBQ followed by after dark box making [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Live music provided by our workers, the Fijians and Tongans and Maoris and Koreans or other groups always singing as they work

[Bookmark] Candy: seven days a week, once a fortnight workers have the afternoons off to go shopping in town two hours away [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: accomodation ...

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: .. Not very often we get American backpackers... Had a few Europeans ... Or Poms as we call em lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: No

[Bookmark] D: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] D: i dont mind manual labor but thats like amish hours [tongue]

[Bookmark] D: build this house by noon!... nah [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] it is ... though workers officially knock off at nine pm

[Bookmark] Candy: its us the family that remains to finish boxes, pack away fruit, preparing loads for the trucks next morning and any cleaning, maintenance that needs doing

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] but yes the labor is long, hard and ... At the risk of this sentence sounding like a list of innuendos - hot

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Just noticed it was taking that direction hahahah

[Bookmark] D: sounds sexy

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!!

[Bookmark] Candy: well... There is often lots of sweating, panting and for some an 'after' cigarette [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: ... Sounds familiar

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: aside from the smoke part, don't do that nastiness

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles hysterically - cheeks going pink* agreeeed

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Snickers*

[Bookmark] Candy: Pooh and it's noisey too

[Bookmark] Candy: oooh... Not pooh

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Though only Mikwy does any singing I am sure ...

[Bookmark] Candy: Wait no MmErica did some singing [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I bet Mikey was lazy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol I have you know he is a eager exuberant enthusiastic turtle in the sack... Or when pampering his princess Ally... Laziness comes when she is satisfied and resting [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Or when wants food >​>​

[Bookmark] Espionata: *he

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes! Or for food! [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Is he still growing?

[Bookmark] Candy: Well... the mutant turtle variety seem to have followed a human like growth rate and development... So yes

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: How big will he get Oo

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 231 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Humans grow fastest (other than in the womb) as infants and toddlers, rapidly declining from a maximum at birth to roughly age 2, tapering to a slowly declining rate, and then during the pubertal growth spurt, a rapid rise to a second maximum (at around 11–12 years for female, and 13–14 years for male), followed by a steady decline to zero. On average, female growth speed trails off to zero at about 15 or 16 years, whereas the male curve continues for approximately 3 more years, going to zero at about 18–20.

[Bookmark] Candy: dont know, he could have already reached his height... Or not lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: He's already a giant so >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Well 2014 version of him is a big boy yes

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's putting it mildly >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: But some women are still reaching their full growth well into 21 years and some men 25 years... Think that all comes down to genetics and environmental factors

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Which means I will be short >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: This sucks >​<

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee Blaze is a big baby but he may not get to his fathers height, after all Erica is only five foot lol... But being Raphs genetic traits are strongest in him he probably will... Or grow taller [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: genetics are fun, I have to do a certificate four in equine studies to learn more about genetics on the breeding side as I intend to register Bolt and probably Patches too as mini studs

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And he's heavy >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: so I can ... Or close to reasonably predict good breeding and in those looking too, color breeding

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Candy: yes he is, see his piccie on Origins in Raphs thread? He may only have a months growth but already almost as long as as his mothers torso if you unfold him lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: At the rate he's growing Erica won't be able to carry him >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: yes will be an awesome certificate I think, if Shaddow is producing any sperm .. As he only has one tesicle maybe I can breed a founding mare or stallion from him? raise my own standards needs and minis?

[Bookmark] Candy: Shaddow has fantastic confirmation aside from his hip injury, but that is not genetic

[Bookmark] Candy: Standardbreds not standard needs

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee says that's what uncles and his father is for lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol and granddaddies too

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah you have to becareful don't wanna breed something that will be bad for the offspring the dog got skin infections really easily when she wasn't dried off properly probably caused by overbreeding but she didn't have have the hip issues that her breed had

[Bookmark] Candy: heheh have my own Red Centre Stud farm, minis and Standards

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah but if he's attatched to Mama good luck [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: well Shaddow is perfectly healthy aside from his hip injury... And Bolt and Patches are too

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yay

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Blaze is happy to be held by anyone, totally fearless...

[Bookmark] Espionata: She never got bred because puppies are alot of work

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's good

[Bookmark] Candy: its the other way around, Erica is the one whom gets antsy and anxious if any one is holding Blaze aside from his father.. his Uncles, grandfathers and Great Gran Gran also do not raise her anxiety levels, Angel, April, Alyss, Mel and Tara after that...

[Bookmark] Candy: Any one else she'll freak out before he does lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well she is a mom >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: unless it's milkshake time, then their both about equal lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Wait until he tastes different food [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes and foals are a lot of work too [wink] hence why I will do the cert before purposefully breeding my own

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well he is based upon my cousin Havanh, whom did not wean until two and a half years old

[Bookmark] Candy: he liked his food, but nothing beat the mummy milk in his eyes

[Bookmark] Candy: until one day, he just didn't want it no more

[Bookmark] Candy: self weaned, never had a bottle or a sippy cup
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 9:23 pm

pt 24.

Espionata: posted lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Seriously Erica would you believe Stockman if he said that stuff to you?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't think Mel understood the "failed experiment" "terminated" conversation

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: They have TV! Of course they're trustworthy, Mel~

[Bookmark] Espionata: She knows either way they will die if they stay there or not lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Aly tv means nothing if we don't have our freedom

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Have fun being terminated, then! -Whatever that means...-

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That means getting killed Aly if Stockman doesn't kill us first with his experiments

[Bookmark] Mikko: CHRISTMAS SONG TIME!!!!!


[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: You are aware hardly any of that rhymes, right? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: close enough

[Bookmark] Mikko: soooooooooooooooooo?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: once upon a time I used to fan girl over Stockman - don't tell him that -

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: it's ok Erica..we all have

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And now you hate him

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: He's not thaaaat bad. :3

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: hate is a strong term - I don't really hate anyone ... more of - just more aware now

[Bookmark] Mikko
Ghetto Christmas Carols by Tre MelvinYouTube · 1:21 · 97K · 98%I love Tre Melvin, one of my favorite YouTubers! Subscribe to his channel 'ThisIsACommentary' to watch the full video & more funny videos! [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Aly don't fall for it

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I am cute as fuck, bitch!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: just wait till I get the ass implants

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's like saying cockroaches are cute >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... oO

[Bookmark] Mikko: Don's roaches are cute ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [smile] I will agree with that. [wink] Unfortunately, my brother will not.

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well no he runs from them and didn't you mutate from turtles that eat bugs?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I've eaten bugs! it was a horrible survival course shredder put us through

[Bookmark] Espionata:

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Poor Raph

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: well insects have great protein

[Bookmark] Espionata: Funny how in the 2003 show instead of being afraid of bugs Raph went Hulk smash on them lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: started a new thread to post pics of out pets! go look! NOW

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooo

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Puppy

[Bookmark] Mikko: yesh!

[Bookmark] Espionata: At least you don't have a Beagle they're highstrung

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: so is Arthas!

[Bookmark] Mikko: but he does like eating the bugs in my room

[Bookmark] Mikko: I want to try and get some christmas themed pics of Arthas

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: I will share some piccies [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: Today is Christmas Adam, he always comes before eve and is very unsatisfing

[Bookmark] Rogue: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay!

[Bookmark] Candy: finishing and approving MS's Oroku Saki profile! yay!

[Bookmark] Mikko: *shoves Vodka bottle in Rogue's arms* DRINK!

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o Yayz! *takes*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee I want some - but cant has cause I am driving the tractor a lot [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: So right now. in my VERY drunken state. I'm thinking...after crimass. I'll start body building!

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: jo

[Bookmark] Espionata: *hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: jojo

[Bookmark] Mikko: he was a clown

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aly needs to post lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo *heard the word clown - looks about*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Aly will post once she's had her drink!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Relax there isn't a clown here *IT is playing on the tv*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: when filming IT, some crew members had to leave the set when Tim was in costume because he was too scary

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wow lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Ee would have been one of them people had she been there [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ALSO! he was the voice of the joker for the animated series, but after three episodes they replaced him, because he was too scary for kids

[Bookmark] Mikko: speaking of Joker.....the joker in suicide squad almost made the rating of the movie change because he was too scary and twisted. he had to tone down his joker

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm full of trivia

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wow lol

[Bookmark] Alysson:​?v=Old-J05bdS0

[Bookmark] Espionata: And I thought Heath Ledger's Joker was scary yeah that Joker scared me lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: didn't work properly. X3

[Bookmark] Mikko: that is not a link

[Bookmark] Alysson: My bad.

[Bookmark] Alysson: Using a kindle fire rather than a laptop, so things are trickier.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Ledger was good. but Jered is playing more of the comic book joker. I'm eager to see what he's going to do with the character. I think they runed Harley so I'm bummed about that

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeeeah. I'm a little put off by that Harley.. but maybe she'll surprise us

[Bookmark] Mikko: I hope so

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: it looks like the couple's back ground story will make more sense though, rather then Quinn just go crazy for no reason, Joker is actually physically fucking up her brain

[Bookmark] Mikko: A producer of TMNT 2 did an interview and when asked a question he let slip that the Krang was interesting. he then covered his mouth and let out a giggle. lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: is Cabin in the woods finished? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: and flirting with the enemy?

[Bookmark] Mikko: uh....there are still people there soooo no?

[Bookmark] Mikko: someone is eager to AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH any bit me!!!!!!! they are attacking now!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol no no I mean are the threads getting more posts?

[Bookmark] Mikko: any*

[Bookmark] Mikko: any*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ant*

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes

[Bookmark] Mikko: no idea

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I thought there ws ants crawling up the wall. it was just blood.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: I must have missed that spot when I was cleaning

[Bookmark] Alysson: ?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: had a nose bleed the other day. blood everywhere. then I grabbed the door frame and left a hand print. I thought I cleaned it all but I guess not

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh

[Bookmark] Mikko: least that's what I tell people

[Bookmark] Mikko: too much pizza!

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed...Good night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: noooooooooooooo

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb. then Ill try to get a post or two done before I go. I friggin hate doubles -.- -.- -.-

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww ok

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs Rogue*

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe MO Ee is officially blonde [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko
Set It Off - This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground)YouTube · 3:38 · 809K · 98%ITUNES: The holidays come early with Punk Goes Christmas, available now on Fearless Records! Set It Off's video for "This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground)" Track Listing: 1. New Found Glory - "Nothing For Christmas" 2. All Time Low - "Fool's Holiday" 3. Real Friends - "I Had A Heart" 4. Man Overboard - "Father Christmas" 5. The Summer Set - "This Christmas" 6. Crown The Empire - "There Will Be No Christmas" 7. Yellowcard - "Christmas Lights" 8. Issues - "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" 9. Jason Lancaster - "All I Can Give You" 10. The Ready Set - "I Don't Wanna Spend Another Christmas Without You" 11. Set It Off - "This Christmas (I'll Burn It To The Ground)" 12. William Beckett - "Do You Hear What I Hear?" Stay connected: Video by TyJens Media. [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: came back to my room and there was a man standing there

[Bookmark] Mikko: no worries he wasn't real

[Bookmark] Espionata: OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol I see shadow people. it's no biggie

[Bookmark] Mikko: been that way since i was a wee lad

[Bookmark] Espionata: oh

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah. hear voices too. lately they have been getting louder though

[Bookmark] Candy: OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: and it's not helping the depression

[Bookmark] Mikko: and the meds they put me on don't help

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: O.O Boobies!! *honk-honks!* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: the meds DO help with the night terrors though

[Bookmark] Rogue: I gotta revive that site

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs Mikko* [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: At least they help with something, though.

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can not stop listening to this anti- christmas song

[Bookmark] Mikko: there is a snake in the video, and I was like, hey I would love that snake for christmas

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was lied to! I thought someone posted on MO

[Bookmark] Candy: MOEe: ... Tail! *tugs tail*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't think Mike's girl would like that very much

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: *Happy tail wags and rooooolls over for 'belly rubs'*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, prolly not [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww he's like a puppy

[Bookmark] Candy: MOEe: *giggles and rubs that plastron*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: sometimes i have regrets that they all have girls...I don't know why. I think it's because the new comers don't have a chance, like Erica would be adorable with any of the guys

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Are we sure he's not part dog?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well Mel is 14

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: i checked the blood work, he's not

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: *chuuuuurrrs, sniffsniffs when Bax speaks up and growwwwwwwwls*

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, he's part dog [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb. they maybe, just maybe I can get a post up -.-

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee is happy either way -

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww ok

[Bookmark] Candy: MOEe: dawwwwwwwwwwww so cute! *under chin scratchies*

[Bookmark] Mikko: for Erica

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] she up for dibs

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: AllEe's: OO *vanish*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: thnk most my OEes been dibbed

[Bookmark] Rogue: Well there could always be new games added to MO [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: YES! i volunteer as tribute

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: will see what I can do whenever I get an off day again. I need to post in the main game over there, too. and figure out where t he hell I left Mikey [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: save in Slashies thread - as said to Kitteh in that its first in first served [tongue] - LOL yes always new games [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: .... never a good thing to leave a Mikey unsupervised

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope he gets into trouble

[Bookmark] Mikko: *gives Mike an energy drink and kazoo*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I didn't do it >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: for real O.o I'm surprised the thread hasn't gone BOOM! By now [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO MIKEY: Hey, that's always Donnie! [tongue] ....Oooooh, drinky stuffz! *guzzles!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko
Best of Star Wars Music Light Show - Home featured on ABC's Great Christmas Light Fight!YouTube · 5:2 · 5M · 97%This is my old display - here's the new: If you’re in Tracy, CA, come see it in person: Feel free to bring some cash for the donation box (I am using the light show to raise money for our local homeless shelter, the McHenry House). As always, please like, share, and subscribe! Click "SHOW MORE" for more information! I find it funny that people say things like, “what does this have to do with Christmas?” In all reality, what do any of our traditions have to really do with Christmas? There were no lights or even a tree to decorate when Jesus was born. I do this because it brings families together to enjoy something for free while raising thousands of dollars for those who are need. Jesus said, “if you love me, obey my commands.” He told us to help those in need - and that’s why I do it and that’s what I think Christmas is really about. Since 99% of the lights are LEDs, the electricity to run the show for the entire month is about $100. I sequenced the show using LOR, mixed the music/sound effects with Digital Performer, and filmed it using a 35' lift Smile This is now my second year decorating. I built all the props using wood, metal, acrylic and corrugated plastic. I am a music/teacher director for a living (COVA Conservatory in Oakland and Centerville Presbyterian Church in Fremont), hence the massive instruments! If you look closely (especially during the Cantina song) the instruments are playing the real notes! Although the beams are powerful up close, they are a small percentage of real searchlights and are so widely dispersed that by the time they are up in the sky, they don't interfere with aircraft etc. The guitar is 17', the piano is 19' and the drums are standard. About 12,500 channels running around 100,000 lights. Merry Christmas everyone! For licensing, please email: List of tracks in order of mix: “Star Wars Main Title and the Arrival at Naboo” – Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace “Duel of the Fates” – Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace “Across the Stars (Love Theme)” – Star Wars Episode II – The Phantom Menace “Battle of the Heroes” – Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (Light Saber Fight) “The Hologram; Binary Sunset” – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope “Cantina Band” – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope “Ben Kenobi’s Death/TIE Fighter Attack” – Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (TIE Fighter Crash) “The Imperial March (Darth Vader’s Theme)” – Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back “Victory Celebration, End Title” – Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi Singing tree information can be found at [Click to hide video thumbnail] for you star wars peeps

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Uhoh Oo

[Bookmark] Rogue: OMG!! Love that it does 'Duel of the Fates' ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MO Don: I beg your pardon? O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: Now Donnie, you know what Master Splinter says... it's not nice to beg [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: *bouncing everywhere, cuz yeah! He had that nummmy energy drink!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: sometimes it is

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MO Don: ....Can it, little brother. -_-

Espionata: Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MO Don: *puts Mikey in a shatterproof container*

[Bookmark] Candy: MOEe: *giggling*

[Bookmark] Candy: mwhahaha hopefully cause some drama as Toothless somwhere [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey; *BOUNCHBOUNCBOUNCES!!* Heeeeey, let me out!! *presses face against 'glass' and makes farting noises*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Okay then Oo

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *bounces over and makes fart face on other side*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol they take window licking to a whole new level

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Seriously? You two better not touch eachother otherwise the universe will implode [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Both MO Don and O'Don: O.o *facepalms!* >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: ... [twisted] *put big finger through a air hole to touch other his snout* looook touching! I touched him!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: lots of touching going on!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *runs around nude but with santa hat on*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You know I thought that would scare you

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: MO Mikey: O.O OMG, what have they been feeding you?! *but shrugs and goes back to blowing, giggles and touches other self's snout hrough the holes.* My, whay big nose holes you have

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You should see this world's Donnie he's even bigger [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: pizza what else? [big grin] - and all the better to pick nose nuggets out of!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Gross Mikey

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: It's tough to be a god, but if you get the people's nod, count your blessings, keep 'em sweet, thats our advice. Be a symbol of perfection. Be a legend! Be a cult! *sings and dances*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *backs away!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: This god will die

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I will die! and from the ashes come back stronger! *ruffles Mel's hair* Yer playing with the big boys now!

[Bookmark] Mikko: clearly player is listening to Disney songs

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Growls at him* And you're insane!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe clearly

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: clearly I'm the god here. Cats have been worshiped for years! and I got friends on the other side.

[Bookmark] Mikko: was road to El Dorado Disney?

[Bookmark] Espionata: No it wasn

[Bookmark] Rogue: Gabe: *covers mouth and nose and ruuuns away from Love*

[Bookmark] Espionata: not it wasn't

[Bookmark] Candy: *shrug* ummmm

[Bookmark] Espionata: I think it was Dreamworks

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: see that. I can kill a man by just standing near him. POWER!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep it was Dreamworks

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: He's allergic to you Love

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *burst into song* ER'EVY BODY WANTS TO BE A CAAAAT!

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Rogue: why do I want sushi all of a sudden....

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees​ssssssssssssssssssssssss​ssssssssssss

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ooooh update Mikey avatar later [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oooh, yayz ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: Rocky pocky has been real quiet. Does he want me to jump on his back too? Is he getting Jelly of the attention Bebe is getting?

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: updated all - even Ee [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rocky: -.- No.

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: *smooches Rock's nose*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rocky: *snorts*

[Bookmark] Candy: Gold:.... *makes smoochie faces*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: *picks up Gold and smooches his cheek*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Gold: yay! *cheers - then big sloopy smoochies to cheek back - hey not very good at it yet!*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: I was really wanting to do a raph post before I go.. but it's gonna have to wait. [frown] meds kicking in and have to be up at 5 AM

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'll do my best to get at least on MM post up tomorrow night

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww it's ok

[Bookmark] Mikko: you get sleep!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs* will hopefully see ya'll tonight if I'm not stuck at work for 15 hours :/

[Bookmark] Mikko: we'll come kidnap you

[Bookmark] Rogue: if not, hope ya'll have a Murrrry Chrusmas [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: you toooo

[Bookmark] Candy: awwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: better not - [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww *belated hugs* Night.

[Bookmark] Candy: doing my equine cuties for the fur babehs first [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: almost got em all [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: You must have a lot lol


[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ten

[Bookmark] Candy: yes

[Bookmark] Candy: that are mine [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wow

[Bookmark] Espionata: At one point my family had two cats, a dog, five guinea pigs, two budgies, and lots of fish, and hamsters lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: wow

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I had at one point. 42 snakes, 10 lizards, fish, 3 dogs, a frog, and hedgehog

[Bookmark] Espionata: I got a pregnant guinea pig by accident lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I had more than that at one pint. lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oh. Mikko beat me. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: well I was in a reptile busniess of sorts.

[Bookmark] Espionata: While the other one was already there lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nine birds, three cats, two turtles, and a hamster. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: we rescued unwatned reptiles

[Bookmark] Mikko: birds scare me!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: And got a pregnant hamster couldn't sex them ended up with inbreeding

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Even doves, MIkko?

[Bookmark] Mikko: all birds

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Doves don't bite. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: and my brother wants one of those giant white ones

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Cockatoo?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: They is noizeh!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and ebil

[Bookmark] Kitteh: So are African Greys.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nah, I wouldn't say "evil".

[Bookmark] Espionata: Budgies are loud

[Bookmark] Kitteh: So are cockatiels.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: We had one that screamed at shoes. lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I like crows and ravens...but from a distince

[Bookmark] Mikko: lool

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I have no idea why.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: okay almost done [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I like really big lizards! big big cuddly lizards

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Lizards are cuddly?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: and posted [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes! I had one that every night he escaped his cage and would climb on my bed and curl up by my head

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I demand that you hand bolt over to me!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee [big grin] he's a handful [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww cute

[Bookmark] Candy: I call shaddow black but technically his color is chocolate bay - see if I can find a good pic that shows it - and his size - he is a big fellow

[Bookmark] Mikko: horses scare me too. lol they are so big and it didn't help that I was in the middle of a stamped once. it was a small one. was at a farm with 11 horses and one baby, and one male horse got to close to the baby and mamma horse freaked and all of them ran at me! I just closed me eyes and stood still.

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That would be pretty traumatizing, though. *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: ehehe well Shaddow is huge

[Bookmark] Mikko: but it's mostly their size that freaks me out

[Bookmark] Candy: not as big as the neighbours Clydie but big

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooooh.

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh and as a kid I had a pony that always tried to eat me! it only let the goat ride him

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gusty and bandet

[Bookmark] Mikko: gusty was the horse

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: well pony

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bandet would jump on the feed box and Gusty would walk up to him and let him jump on his back

[Bookmark] Mikko: then Gusty jumped his fence to try and mate with a huge female horse

[Bookmark] Candy:

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: there Shaddow and Rocky for size comparison

[Bookmark] Candy:

[Bookmark] Candy: annnnd Shaddow in the light that shows up his color properly [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: and posted more fur babehs

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: yes! ickle babehs! - my belly rumbling [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: So many puppies ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: all the pups!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee will get to mah dogs later [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and goats [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: I only have three cats lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And man if one is sleeping with you forget moving lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww those aren't all my dogs. Axel and Bridgette live with my parents (though Axel is mine) Rocky is my aunt's dog, Sammy was a roommate's dog but she moved.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have more pics of pets! but I will post them another time. for now I must head off. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: should prob sign out too [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs* out for the night [smile] back tomorrows - christmas day! woooo [big grin] have a merry one peoples!!

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs* I should go, too. Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] - joined the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] - joined the chat 227 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH​HHHH why is the chat full of cheer! fuck you cheer!

[Bookmark] Mikko: why is it like this? BAH! *hisses*

[Bookmark] Mikko: why is no one on! amd I in the right room? has the world ended and i don't know about it? Have i been abandoned?

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU do you see it? do you see the cheer?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I do

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's everywhere! I can't escape it!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm still wrapping gifts

[Bookmark] Espionata: My boyfriend lost a kitty [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: noooooooooo poor kitty

[Bookmark] Mikko: we must find the kitty

[Bookmark] Espionata: Her health was failing so she was put down

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooooh that kinda lost. that's so sad. poor kitty and boyfriend. *hugs the boy toy*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she looked like a fat version of my Tortie kitten no relation though

[Bookmark] Espionata: And she was doublepawed

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sweet cat too

[Bookmark] Mikko: but now kitty is in cat heaven eating the angel birds ^^om nom nom

[Bookmark] Espionata: She was afraid of the outside

Mikko: no one is scared in kitty heaven! well maybe the angel birds

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: I must make post!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yes

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: it looks very festive Chatzy does

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: @.@

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: merry christmas to all of you

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm currently wrapping gifts

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm wrapping gifts too!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Arthas keeps stealing the tape!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: all I want for for it to end!

[Bookmark] Candy: Christmas! Lol got a new camel [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: I seen! she's pretty

[Bookmark] Candy: hiding from Nerf attacks lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: she is a sweet gal

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: she and Raff met over the fence [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: so romantic!

[Bookmark] Candy: he's now prancing about showing off and she's ignoring him [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: she don't need no man!

[Bookmark] Espionata: She might not be in heat lol

[Bookmark] Candy: All beasties got sweets for their presents... Mostly frozen blocks with nom noma in them [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol I woun't mind a frozen block right about now

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Probably not - he's just excited [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: no one is home. I don't know where they went. I took an hour nap and the world ended!

[Bookmark] Candy: Dawww - [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: then I wrapped presents until the christmas cheer was beaten out of me. then came on here and THERE WAS MORE CHEER!

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehehe yeah plenty of cheer here too, no work food spread over massive picnic tables in the shed to keep good, kids racing about firing Nerf and water guns and balloons

[Bookmark] Espionata: Fun lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wanna go to your place. sounds more fun

[Bookmark] Candy: Dad and I got the presents this morning - ALL of them and out them on the tractor trailer, hehehe so Aussie Santa (dad in red singlet shorts work boots and his work hate with a bauble stuck on it) drove it to the grassy patch under the decorate fig tree and handed out presents there

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: OMG! you have a fig tree! I NEED FIGS! mail me all the figs!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nice

[Bookmark] Candy: Hhehe try to [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: we mostly got summer toys, water guns, Nerf guns, a new bike each [big grin] except me cause I got the female Camel

[Bookmark] Mikko: well I mean...I think you won as far as the presents go

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can't ride a bike. have no balance.

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] me too, she such a sweetie getting along with Mate and Chase just fine

[Bookmark] Espionata: Haven't ridden on a bike in years

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I bought a bike two years ago. got on it and fell over. couldn't blance it for the life of me lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: still wrapping

[Bookmark] Mikko: I stopped wrapping, not because I'm done. but because fuck it all! I'll get to it later

[Bookmark] Mikko: pfffft I know where the roommates went duh! brother and sister law had to go to her family for a christmas party

[Bookmark] Espionata: lo

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] my bike is called Peddles and it is mostly used to take its ickle trailer loaded with horsey poop filled baggies out to the little 'shop' on the neighbors farm to sell [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.o you sell shit? I'm guessing it's for growing more shit?

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes two dollars a bag load!

[Bookmark] Candy: and yep it is spread all over the farms here to fertilize [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn. I need a horse

[Bookmark] Mikko: sister in law's sister got a pony. she doesn't know how she got a pony. it just showed up.

[Bookmark] Candy: Very little here is wasted, we reuse juice and milk cartons for example as protectors for newly planted crops or the new trees and shrubs planted where we are trying to regrow natural flora

[Bookmark] Candy: Plol!!

[Bookmark] Candy: yay!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Bilbo Dildos [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ty ty

[Bookmark] Espionata: yw

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *dressed as sexy santa, goes to Mike and smooches him*

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was so tempted to wrap everyone's gift in duct tape

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [angry] back off, pussy.

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol.. that's a good idea [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hinhi

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Hi hi!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *smooches Ally too*

[Bookmark] Candy: Bwhaha watch them try to open that!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: back home in the lousiana swamps we would decorate with broken lights and alligator heads!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Christmas now that's something I don't remember much about

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *hands out gifts of voodoo dolls* may all your enemies die horrifically!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: ... *shakes head - stunned for several seconds* Ally! [smile] *beams brings her a little box*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol this poor cat

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [big grin] Yay, a box!!

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *sniggers* that's always fun, though the inside is better *well he certainly thinks a sheel necklace like is, made it himself*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Interesting background, Chatzy.

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: It is huh? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's driving me crazy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww why? I think it's perty. [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *squees when she sees what it is!!* ^^ *snogs him like whoa* And I have something for you, too.. [wink] *smexes him up*

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Back

[Bookmark] Rogue: also brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: Kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *Best Present EVER!! *

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: still wrapping gifts but i'll be on skype soon

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Is Christmas fun?

[Bookmark] Mikko: no its not fun!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: it's not?

[Bookmark] Mikko: no

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: how come?

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: *holds mistletoe over MM Don's head and smoochy smooches*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: she's lying it's fun. you get presents and food! *hands Mel a new bike*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: dawwww it's fun [wink] - quick Blaze ! *lifts him up* secret ninja cuddle attack! * giggling passes him to Raph for a cuddle - before giving him his gift*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: made a bayou feast for all! we got turtle soup, deep fried gator, crawfish stuffing, and a stuffed hog! woo!

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] certainly not too bad here

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: thanks but the food is to weird for me Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol Mikey's would eat all, save the turtle soup

[Bookmark] Candy: and possibly the gator [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on skype

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol I have family members that live in the bayou and eat that stuff for real. it's not bad. couldn't eat the turtle soup though, poor turtles. but deep fried gator is like...the best thing ever

[Bookmark] Espionata: Lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: the only issue really. is they speak cajun french with a thick accent. it's hard to keep up with conversations

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *holds up the pig* Boucherie!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: if something bad happens to you they say, Lache pas la patate. which means don't give up the potato. which is basically saying don't give u[

[Bookmark] Mikko: p

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: If you want to say Fuck but not let anyone know, say aborder!

[Bookmark] Mikko: there was one phrase I was always called growing up, by everyone. and never knew what it meant. yeah they were calling me a little shit

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: someone did one better then duct tape!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i hope everyone has a merry christmas

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on skype. slow replies as well. almost done wrapping

[Bookmark] Mikko: I will have a christmas, but I will not be merry!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that is fine [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Skpye is being an ass tonight. >​.<

[Bookmark] Mikko: there is a website where you can control the christmas lights of someone's house in real rime

[Bookmark] Mikko: time

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: rebooting computure

[Bookmark] Espionata: Kay

[Bookmark] Rogue: back... I think

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 226 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hops on Rogue's back*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im back

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *snogs the Don*

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o

[Bookmark] Rogue: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol WB!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: Wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: i think my hair is falling out

[Bookmark] Mikko: good thing I have a large collection of wigs!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: o.os *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: *ties holiday bow on Rock's horn* ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *snogs the Angel*

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rock: -.- *jumps in mud puddle and roooolls*

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb again, then maybe I can get a post done

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: MUD BATH!!!!!!! *strips and joins in*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles, vanishes wid the Blaze before they get muddy too!*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: XD

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *disappears with Erica*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Rock: *grumbles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol Rock does not like dirty girls

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: tsk on Raph's bros for not making effort sooner [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: except Mikey. he can live guilt free [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: I was busy, trying to save the world!

[Bookmark] Candy: He will not, he swore never to ignore them again! And just let Raph out without waking and following [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: poor poor bros

[Bookmark] Espionata: Lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *takes her special guys away for the day - out to farm for sun basking, food and swimming - more 'rated' activities when Blaze is asleep*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *drags Don away from lab - back to her place - likewise to pamper the snot outta him - among other things*

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: still brb sorry

[Bookmark] Espionata: Ksy

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh fuck! that shit is gooooooood!

[Bookmark] Mikko: back

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: sister in law got some bath salts. I suggested her snort them, no one wanted to join me in that

[Bookmark] Candy: Naww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Uhhhh...

[Bookmark] Espionata: Lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: then brother asked me, "When do the parents want us over there?" I said. "around 11." he goes, "wait wait wait! i was told there would be breakfast!" lol no one told me about breakfast. so I told him then 9. he says that's too early
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Erica Martins

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Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 9:58 pm

pt 25.

Mikko: thankies

[Bookmark] Espionata: yw

[Bookmark] Mikko: dogs are being taught to drive cars. the future is now!

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn MO isn't working either. *pout*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm soooo hungry. Haven't been ablee to keep anything down. May have to go raid the kitchen here in a sec

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. forumotion is down. [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: nor have I. I just ate a piece of ham. XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: had deviled eggs but brother ate them all. the fat ass lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: I tried tuna salad earlier.. that didn't go well

[Bookmark] Rogue: awwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: that wasn't nice of him

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: nooooo being sick and eating fish is not good, I learned that with sushi

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. hangover+migraine =no fun times

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oh, since everyone is in here, I'll share some good news for those that like the new TMNT show. [wink]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Ooh, what?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ooooo

[Bookmark] Espionata: What?

[Bookmark] Mikko: do tell

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Candy already knows, but the rest of you don't. New episode on January 10th. [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I knew that! FB told me ^^

[Bookmark] Alysson: Oh, I saw that on Twitter! [big grin] Suuuuuu excited!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and today is the day TMNT first came on TV in 1987

[Bookmark] Espionata: nice

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was six years old

[Bookmark] Candy: Wooot

[Bookmark] Espionata: I wasn't born yet [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawwwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: yay ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: my little brother had just been born

[Bookmark] Mikko: and my mom said. "look tiffany, turtles, you like turtes, sit down and watch them" and thus started it all for me

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb... needs food..

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Alysson: Eeek, is it really midnight? No wonder I'm so sleepy...

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: So your mom started it lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yep it was all my mom

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Cool mom.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I just started watching them on my own. lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I rented a tape when I was little it was the episode where Mikey became a hamster lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Though I wasn't nearly as attached to them as I am now. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: It wasn't until the 2003 cartoon that I got into it

[Bookmark] Shy: ... I watched re-runs of the 198-'s series on VHS with my older cousins.

[Bookmark] Shy: then 2003 came out...

[Bookmark] Rogue: there's nothing to eat *pouts* except Ramen noodles.. not sure I can keep that down

[Bookmark] Alysson: My dad introduced tmnt to my brothers and I when we were little! I loved the original, but the 2003 one was scary to me for some reason. Especially FF. X3

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hands Rogue ham*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawwws. dunn if HAM WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA OR NOT.. BUT.. *HUNGRY ENOUGH TO TRY IT!!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o excuse the caps

[Bookmark] Rogue: my keyboard got really excited

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol Ham is exciting

[Bookmark] Rogue: sooo.. venus or.... an OC female that looks like dis....

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Mikko: i wuld go tieh venus

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dammit, Chatzy!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I clicked the link and chatzy spazed

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww

[Bookmark] Alysson: It's pretty late...and I'm too tired to write coherently...good night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: No, Chatzy just spazzed in general. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. I was thinking that, too. because my version of Venus is gonna be sweet and doe eyed .. kinda hard to pull that off with that OC [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: All I was doing was writing a post for the other room.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: belated night to alys

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Soooooo do we want to change threads since Alyss has gone to bed?

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm cool with whatever you guys wanna do.. but I hay have to try me some of those unhealthy noodles first. [tongue] tummy is not happy with it's lack of foods

[Bookmark] Mikko: noodley

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: What did you guys think of Don's clumsy moment. lol He doesn't get along well with recliners, apparently. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Shy: noodles, oodles of noodles~

[Bookmark] Mikko: weeeeee

[Bookmark] Espionata: The thread Mel is in has Aly in it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: If you guys want me to send a few of the posts from the forum on here, let me know. Because I can see everything.

[Bookmark] Mikko: look at Kitteh bragging about her powers of sight

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Forummotion must like me. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko
Twinkle TushYouTube · · 1M · 61%The best gag gift for cat lovers...the Twinkle Tush! Check it out at [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Kitteh: The ONLY thing that doesn't show up for me are the images of the new posts stuff off to the far left of the forum.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Basically the same stuff Alyss could see.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That is so weird. O.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww

[Bookmark] Shy: The cat found my bed.

[Bookmark] Mikko: blasted cat!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I dropped a sandwich on my cat's head today. lol It was an accident.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But she quickly forgave me. ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Shy: He had taken over my sleeping spot. Darn cat is so cute.

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I was eating on the couch and she was lounging in my lap. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I told her it would be best if she moved, but she wouldn't budge...until I dropped the sandwich on her head. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: The old calico if I had food she would try to steal it lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: My old Torti would, too.

[Bookmark] Espionata: She stole an entire slice of pork roast once and ate it lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Emily, on the other hand, hasn't been exposed to people food at all, so she doesn't know what to do with it. lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o Dang!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh well she was 16 she deserved to be spoiled

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah she loved food

[Bookmark] Espionata: And she became more affectionate as she got older

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Except to my black she didn't like him not enough to fight but enough he would get whacked and hissed at lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: *cat

[Bookmark] Shy: Mine are 14, and 16. The 14 year old cat at 20 lbs has taken my bed as his napping spot from 11pm-4am.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: We got our cats in a bad habit before Emily came around. We decided not to do that anymore because our cats would be RIGHT in our faces when we ate.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well he didn't help things he would try to get her to play and she didn't want that lol

[Bookmark] Candy: right back on and chat post in these rooms lol

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Shy: wow that was not what i was expecting

[Bookmark] Candy: we could probably change thread

[Bookmark] Candy: um threads lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: so I'm just charging into a horde of like 50 zombies, some of them moving pretty fast. I hope my group remembers me when I'm a zombie. Do not kill me! simply tie me to a bed and feed me hands

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] which thread you lot want to continue a bit then? - the mob at Angels?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That gives a whole new meaning to the word: "handout" [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm fine with that. ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol hehhee

[Bookmark] Candy: okay gotta prod MS for Angel thread mob

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: *dances nude on the beach*

[Bookmark] Master Splinter: Yes sorry [big grin] I'm here - lets do it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Shy: Hey MS

[Bookmark] Master Splinter: Hello hello

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] want me to do the log for iZombie? the forum seems to be working for me [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Go for it. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: okie dokie [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: yesh ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: and slow responses... having my death noodles ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Enjoy! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mmmmmm death noodles, those are the best

[Bookmark] Rogue: I am. [big grin] they're so yummy. funny how people harp they can kill you, but there's no reported deaths so...this poor girl will continue eating them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: I mean, everything 'could' killl you, really

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's what I say about my loads of mountan dew that I drink

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Back

[Bookmark] Mikko: front! side to side!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: we all want to be this dog

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: nope

[Bookmark] Mikko: the internet ask the important questions

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: annnnd thats iZ thread updated [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: urgh if the page load LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *pets the site* Please work for these nice people.

[Bookmark] Candy: *stroookes site* yeeees pleaaaase [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Kinky. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww. I really wish it would. i NEEDs to make a BS post while he's willing [tongue] the guy can be difficult

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: How about writing it down and then c/p it to the site when it decides to cooperate?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: If you need any leads, I can send them to you on FB or something.

[Bookmark] Mikko
T8 3D Printed Octoped Robot - Spider Salsa Rumba! Halloween 2013YouTube · 1:18 · 1M · 99%Powered by Robugtix's Bigfoot Engine, the T8 bio-inspired 3D printed spider robot is showing off some Spider Salsa dance moves. And there's a lot to celebrate... the spider robot you've been craving for has gone mainstream! Order your very own Wi-Fi enabled T8X spider robot now! For more information, visit Click here to see the first video of the T8 Bio-Inspired Spider Robot: Facebook: Twitter: Google+: [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: Oo omg *must get some and put them in Raph's room!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey I wouldn't

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: ginally it posted!!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yay!

[Bookmark] Candy: finally*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: it took forever but the dang thing posted - will switch over to Angel thread to log this part too [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: WB

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *pets Rogue's computer* Please behave for our friend.

[Bookmark] Candy: I'll lick it!

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: wb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Stay! *chains down!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to head off guys. so tired. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww night *hugs*))

[Bookmark] Candy: night then *hugs* night night

[Bookmark] Mikko: *smooches all *

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I iz drinkin'...

[Bookmark] Candy: lol izombie drinking? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hard cider! ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: My one alcoholic beverage of choice. [tongue]

Candy: [big grin] ooooooh I am a - cruiser gal [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh, no more alcohol for awhile for this gal... my tummy says nu. but enjoy, kitteh ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've never had t hat, but it sounds more friendly than straight up vodka

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: yes not for a bit -

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oh, it is. It's only 5 percent alcohol and I only have one bottle. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: it is - it's sweet though- and yesth next time you fb or pm or find one of us and unloads! - *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: And you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, Rogue. *hugs* I think you definitely had enough last night to last you at least a month.

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, I did. Seriously thought I was ing there for awhile. wAS SOOOO SICK

[Bookmark] Rogue: *HUGS*

[Bookmark] Rogue: gah, stupid keyboard

[Bookmark] Rogue: keeps capping and uncapping and being stupid >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: dying**

[Bookmark] Candy: nawww *squishes* well remember you can reach out to any of us any time - and I meeean anytime [big grin] I am always near a device cause they got alarms and things I need remembering [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hangovers usually teaches you to not overdo it but it looks like they suck

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I have never experienced one. And I hope I never do.

[Bookmark] Rogue: the problem was, it wasn't only a hangover

[Bookmark] Rogue: had a migraine too

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah. Talk about "double whammy". *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: yes it was indeed [frown] not good

[Bookmark] Rogue: the migraine was in beginning stages when I started drinking and I guess all that alcohol, getting overly emotional triggered it into full swing

[Bookmark] Rogue: still have it, but nothing compared to what it was

[Bookmark] Kitteh: That's good.

[Bookmark] Rogue: I felt bad because I couldn'r breathe, went outside to try and get some air and it worried my grandfather. We have a frien in ICU now that suffered migraines, and he ended up with a near fatal brain bleed

[Bookmark] Rogue: so he didn't sleep all night [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: he kept trying to get me to go to the ER

[Bookmark] Candy: yes migrains need to be watch

[Bookmark] Candy: watched

[Bookmark] Candy: and if they get to the point your other functions are in trouble next time go straight to the er -

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. I was scared enough last tnight that I had considered.. but I did NOT want them to find out my alcohol level.. he doesn

[Bookmark] Rogue: he doesn't need that disappointment

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: *snugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *snugs and huuugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: many!! *huggles*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *returns them alllllllll*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think I'm gonna sign off this chat for the night *hugs* [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: me too. will be on the other for a lil while thoug

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 222 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Mikko: everything!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I got snow ugh

[Bookmark] Mikko: I got drunk!

[Bookmark] Espionata: My black cat hates snow and doesn't wanna go outside

[Bookmark] Espionata: So instead he used the litter box

[Bookmark] Mikko: I agree with the cat

[Bookmark] Espionata: His first winter he climbed on a shoulder so he wouldn't touch the snow

[Bookmark] Mikko: I did that in my first snow too

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah but he's now housebound until spring he gets really playful thank god the kittens like to play they will play with him

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus he's getting fat >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's like me and this cat are the same person!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm just lucky he gets along with the kittens

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm watching the read or die anime [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's alot of fun

[Bookmark] Espionata: Plus it avoids the tropes that invade a ton of modern anime like the emotionalless girl and the tsundere which needs to be cut back on

[Bookmark] Espionata: Fuck Evagelion for making that popular I don't even like Evagelion

[Bookmark] Mikko: I like anime demons!

[Bookmark] Espionata: The last two episodes were mindfucks the film made no sense and Shinji was just argh >​<

[Bookmark] Mikko: never watched it

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: It came out in the 90's but it isn't hard to find but it's one of those animes that should be seen at least once

[Bookmark] Espionata: There's a new film series but apparently those take a completely different direction than the anime

[Bookmark] Espionata
- Neon Genesis Evangelion - Opening HD BluRay "A Cruel Angel's Thesis"YouTube · 1:30 · 1M · 99%Enjoy the video Wink Opening of the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン, Shin Seiki Evangerion), extracted from the BD release. All credit goes to Gainax and the creators of the theme song "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" ("Zankoku na Tenshi no These" in Japan): Yoko Takahashi (performer), Neko Oikawa (lyrics), Hidetoshi Satō (composition), Toshiyuki Ōmori (arrangement). "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use" [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Mikko: my roommate has the series it's one of his favs

[Bookmark] Alysson: Never seen Evangelion, but I looooove that song! :3

[Bookmark] Espionata: I got it for my birthday my parents got it for me never heard or saw it so I watched it never again [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata
Somewhere for LaylaYouTube · 3:46 · 321 · 100%an Avenger AMV with Linkin Park "Somewhere I Belong" [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Espionata: If you ever find this anime watch it it's short

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: its cold... *tries to get warm.*

[Bookmark] Alysson:

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I don't like it when its cold. I wish I was going to florida with my parents but they didn't take me along [frown]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Did the link go through properly?

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: It did

[Bookmark] Alysson: I hand type links on here, since I don't know how to copy/paste on a kindle fire. :3

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Looking for a new purse online.

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm trying to find FBI pop funko character for one of my friends. but so far its sold out in two stores I went to and online they want like thirty bucks for it

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so I'm still looking or she's gonna go with a different pop figure

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl

aw they have a Funko Snoopy & Woodstock
Funko Snoopy & Woodstock pop figure... I want one

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: at target

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Alysson: Meep~

[Bookmark] Mikko: *spanks*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Stockman needs to post along with Aly in SL [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: I don't know what to post for Alyss...she's asleep. :/

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Maaaaaan, I can't find ANY like what I have.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how is everyone?

[Bookmark] Espionata: cold hate the snow had freezing rain ugh

[Bookmark] Mikko: Stockman did post

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy might have woke up her up

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep a minute ago [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: getting on skype

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted~

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: HI HI

[Bookmark] Candy: ... hi hi [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Candy: [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted Mel flipped Sammy off lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: how be ith you

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I found the mini key chains today but I can't for the life of me find a FBI Dean Winchester. They want like a butt load of money for him online.

[Bookmark] Candy: mmm should prob update Ee's status in street life - although she aint doing much but studying some samples of mutagen

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: even the She-ra one I found amazon wants 134 for her

[Bookmark] Espionata: yikes Oo

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Seems Mel wants to be term-uh...terminated!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax is on the phone with bonehead. so she'll be needed soon

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah Mel has a death wish

[Bookmark] Espionata: She has no idea about the poison and once she's in the vents good luck getting her out lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: he just told her about the poison

[Bookmark] Mikko: kinda

[Bookmark] Candy: indeed - so best update her current where abouts [tongue] is there a security cam in her 'office' or makeshift broom closet as it where lol?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm sure there could be!

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm vents may be a no go - in some buildings they grow narrower through out the infrastucture of the building to force the 'breeze' through faster and widen on approach to the duct openings

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: She still has to try lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: don't die in the vents. the last person to do that made the whole building smell for weeks

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im seeing what other pop figures my friend wants cause these are too high in price

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmmmm

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe yep Ee in a good spot for the security cam in her ickle space - and totally working hard [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Now Mel is pissed lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sammy is getting her wrath lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: sammy is offended you think animals have no thoughts or feelings

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel does know that animals think and feel but is trying to get Sammy to see that's how Stockman is treating her and Aly lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: the more angry Mel gets the more sammy enjoys himself

[Bookmark] Mikko: least he's not elbow deep in Hun

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee is workin very hard - at not workin

[Bookmark] Espionata: ugh

[Bookmark] Candy: and is thankful she is also not elbow deep in Hun [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: but she will be elbow deep in Raph soon

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aly needs to post then I will [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Kay~

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe so enjoy the tetris whilst you can girl [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] and for those on security a good cleavage view [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehhee enjoy boys [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: though she wants to slap me for it [big grin] and muttered something baut dange players

[Bookmark] Candy: dang*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Don't blame her >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: woooooooooooooooooooo take it all off! *accidently has the girl's button pressed and not Ericas*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Sicko pervert!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted~

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss too sleepy to listen to Mel! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: well she took her jacket and boots off - stripey purple toes sock covered feet are on the desk, purple dress bunched about thighs providing a good lap table for the notebook [tongue] so she's down to only a couple of layers - thats close enough [tongue]

Mikko: lol why is Aly on the floor? she has a bed

[Bookmark] Alysson: She fell off and deemed the floor comfortable also. Plus she couldn't climb back up. X3

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: Being treated like an experiment is driving Mel crazy lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'ma wait for Daryl to post before going again

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Leo is up in the Angel thread if you want to throw out a post for him whilst waiting - suppose that group can discuss things more and maybe decide heading to Aprils would be best

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: I gots a huge ass santa Mikey for half price!!! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo: I'm up? I DON'T WANT TO BE UP! *goes back to sleep*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm pretty excited about that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: I have to go to bed...good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mmmmm Mikey ass

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: and a chia Mikey, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I got a chia it Mike? I was thinking of painting it but I didn't know what turtle it was

[Bookmark] Espionata: Did you know you can eat those seeds?

[Bookmark] Candy: *pokes the Leo*

[Bookmark] Rogue: sadly they had no Raph stuff [frown]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: O.o I choose not to eat them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: if it's the same one I have, it's definitely mikey [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: and that's what I'm gonna do. I got a spidey too that will look awesome painted

[Bookmark] Candy: nooo

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmmmmm *reading plot bunniness*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I had a chia seed drink. it was so bad. the seeds were like...mushy and slimy

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's Mike ^^ I do believe there is only one kind

[Bookmark] Rogue: bout to catch up reading in street life. I waited allll day to do a post, then had to go away and came back.. now I gotta catch up [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: awesome.. Oh I found the keychains today. they will hopefully all be in the mail by Thursday

[Bookmark] Mikko: leo posted

[Bookmark] Mikko:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> someone invented this so that dogs wouldn't get their ears dirty

[Bookmark] Candy: yep will poke ms - prob to post and come in if he can - [big grin] and go to Angel's account [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol I posted in Street Life just to sort of update what Ee was up too [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: oh crud got to go approve his Shredder [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is yelling at Sammy because she has to yell at someone lol

[Bookmark] Candy: how annoying - this is why you must keep duct tape on ya at all times [tongue] unless you can just mute the audio for that room [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: it can be muted. but that's no fun

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well she just learned that she Stockman poisoned them so yeah lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: "You know what would be great right there? An apparatus to inflict repetitive blows to my buttocks." <----that's an actual quote I just read

[Bookmark] Mikko: thought I would share

[Bookmark] Candy: okay that lil chore done [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Rogue: will catch up in a sec.. toying with Mei's siggy . I founds it before I had to leave and hate putting off things that I've already started [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: k

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: When I see Mei I keep thing I see Mel lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: There is a thing called the alcohol diet! that sounds like a diet I can stick with

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, awesome. though I'm still staying away from that stuff for awhile [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: was a diet back in 1087. a king tried it and failed

[Bookmark] Espionata: Not surprised lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I just took some pills...I think they are for headaches...we'll see what happens

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] hehehe alright finished my oroku saki related chores [tongue] onto a post for.... um *goes to look*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: he was allegedly too large to fit into his coffin at burial time and his body was said to have bloated in the afternoon heat and exploded from all the prodding, leaving a reportedly unbearable stench in the church.

[Bookmark] Candy: OO

[Bookmark] Espionata: OO

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: Shredder seems hotter now....must be the plastic surgery

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: He's still an asshole.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: oh yes *nod nod* he must die.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No Stockman is the bigger asshole

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: no...I have to disagree. Stockman is fixing people. Shredder is tearing them apart

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: ......-.- I don't need fixin'.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: you will when I'm done.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: agreed -_-

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: see Erica agrees with me.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I didn't need to be fixed!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: your leg was shot, your knee! that needed to be fixed

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: about needing fixing when your through? yes

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I didn't need to become a mutant cyborg!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: IT'S THE WAY OF THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies, now to work up a daryl.. I mean BS post [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe Angel is suc fun to post for sometimes [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: she thinks Leo is nuts

[Bookmark] Candy: with a side of fruits

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: he might be

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: well - I'd not trust Karai further than I can throw her... and I'd probably manage a good toss too [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: how long you got, Mikko? we could possibly do some BS Bax and possibly Erica in chat to move things past the comvo point if ya'll are up to it

[Bookmark] Rogue: convo**

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have ten minets ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol cool ten minutes of trouble!

[Bookmark] Candy: lets cause it!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: did you just call me bull shit?

[Bookmark] Rogue: 10 minutes... nuuu! but that's better than nothing [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: heading over to RP roooooom

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] and Leo you are also up in iZombie whenever you get a chance [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Leo IS the zombie

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: and here I thought I smelled

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: night peeps *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: *pokies chat*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: 'Tis quiet.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *Clings*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: got caught up on netflix

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Whoa. Did I freeze up?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: also trying to stay warm. getting sleepy

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I know I did

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's cold DX

[Bookmark] Espionata: And my cat even though he's neutered tried to hump my arm >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: lol *here!

[Bookmark] Rogue: working on post. Bonesteel is not a happy hunter, lol

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey *shakes his tail!*

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: go complain tothe boss -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So Raphie you gonna go crazy?

[Bookmark] Candy: she is totally going to put the other scientists int heir place - and steal Raph's dew rag before some one else does and loses it on him

[Bookmark] Espionata: slMel: Some help would be nice >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: their

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- Do I even have to answer that?

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: slMel: Well I am and you're not poisoned

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: and make mooooore injuries for me to patch up?!

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *hannd on hip and as much a stern expression as she can manage* I give you to the count of three mister before I tickle that spot!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol I bet her stern expression totally is not very stern at all

[Bookmark] Candy: no wonder Blaze in here keeps giggling and cackling when she tells him off for talking with his mouth full

[Bookmark] Candy: and playing with his food

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, aww

[Bookmark] Candy: and hosing poor unsuspecting whomevers whenever they change his tail [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *slumps* ...fine.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol - its adorable how he gives in to her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: slMel: Well then >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: BS probalby won't pust Donnie up as bad. He wants a perfect shell since Baxter promised him one [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bust**

[Bookmark] Candy: oh good [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: im heading off to bed guys. night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: though be amazed to see what Erica comes up with to prevent him taking Don's shell

[Bookmark] Candy: if things dont go ka plewy by then and the brothers mount a rescue and Ee takes off witht he goods - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy
Ee's best stern face

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She's not scary in the slightest

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: nope - I want to bop the end of her nose

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She's gonna have a hard time with Blaze

[Bookmark] Candy: .... and it makes it even funnier to think she'd pull that on big rowdy rude rough Raph - and it works [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: oh for certain, the moment he is old enough to know his puppy eyes will make mummy melt - she's in trouble

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Which will be before the age of two [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] no fear thats what dad is for - to lay down the law!

[Bookmark] Candy: .... unless like Mikey's puppy eyes these also work on him - then their both screwed

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *secretly been giving his newphews lessons on the puppy eyes*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Dad's usually do that except for mine he murders >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: lol not here it's mum whom is the LAW

[Bookmark] Rogue: whew.. posted

[Bookmark] Rogue: and Bonesteel asked Erica for jizz [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: you do not cross mum

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and he has his own plan if bax chooses to be a dumbass

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww, not a stern face at all, lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: kinda like Ally's [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well Bax might still refuse - though Erica thinks he's not serious so if talks go to hell in that regard he may have to seek her out - lol those two in a conversation

[Bookmark] Candy: .... she'll do the stern face

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: hehehe well it works on Raph *or is it the threat of spot tickling? - pussles*

[Bookmark] Candy: puzzles*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol most likely he gets the urge to bop that nose - I know I do [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Candy: wait - this could mean the girl is working for both these crazy ass hats

[Bookmark] Candy: talk about jumpin in the deep end ...

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yep [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... *shrugs annnnnnnd tickles BigRed's spot with best stern expression*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Giggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee still giggle about her wardrobe malfunction

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wardrobe malfunction?

[Bookmark] Candy: up her dress skirt got caught in her panties waistband whilst diving under the desk for her apple [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: ^^ *flops*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: wooot Ally you must do this to Mikey some time... uh *dithers for a moment cause arm load of Blaze... shrugs and places him sleeping nears his dad's right shoulder then straddles and rubs that plastron!*
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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 10:13 pm

pt 26

Candy: Ee: *all over it!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *purrrrrrrrs~!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *little sleeping bundle - churrs back*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Raphie you've become a cat

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *nope not letting up - turn himinto mush! rubs rubs rubs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: Oh?? *does the same to Mikey... but knows his is in a different location. gentle scratchies near his 'ear hole'* ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: I think even if BS speared Donnie the way he did Raph, boy would be okay with all that tech gear on [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: hahaha Raph the big puuuurdy ca ACK! *beams and flooooops over*

[Bookmark] Candy: yep [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.O

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: [twisted]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: now rub! *is rubbing - not an inch gets unattended*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol not sure she'll do that to him in captivity - though maybe

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So is Mikey. Donnie does it work on you?

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: oh he loves it - just does not flop over... or has not yet [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *smug grin*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Wanna try to make him flop over Angel?

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: no thanks *winks at Don*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *waves to Angel*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *stops rubbing to check the status of her big turtle* [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: puddle o mush yet? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Aww

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *melted beyond repair* [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *waves back*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *chuckling - squeeeeeee - shifts Blaze onto plastron so she can snug the crap outta them both*... *or try to*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol big boys the both of them

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Raphie you're happy

[Bookmark] Candy: okay an Ee post

[Bookmark] Rogue: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: working on de V pro

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta change up her origins tho. unlike cheesy show counterpart, she did not get mutated with the guys

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah that origin made no sense

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: yep it did not

[Bookmark] Rogue: I will thrive to make sense, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: and Ee here says Raphie better be danged happy - [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: and not make her ubber 'ohmygoddiealready!' annoying [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, of course he is [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: or she'll attack his spot some more and plastron [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: if he melts anymore, the'll have to scrape him off the floor [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: or she'll attack his spot some more and plastron [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I don't think he minds >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: and point out all the while she did not get the neat collection of stretch marks that look like a fire over her right hip baring his son to see him unhappy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: by the way those marks are especially ticklish

[Bookmark] Espionata
WILD WEST COWBOYS OF MOO MESA - INTROYouTube · 1:1 · 77K · 98% [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Recognize this?

[Bookmark] Candy: like super - fall on the ground in helpless laughter and squeals sort of ticklish

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: [twisted] *tickles her stretch marks*

[Bookmark] Candy: nope don't know it

[Bookmark] Rogue: nor do I, lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's a show created by a TMNT comic book artist even appeared in Tales of TMNT as crossovers and a cameo in Fast Forward

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's a good show at that

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *had been enoying her 'queen of the mountain moment - now twitches away from those fingers a peal of laughter escaping, wriggling*

[Bookmark] Espionata: It was on Toon Disney and I watched it a lto

[Bookmark] Espionata: *lot

[Bookmark] Candy: man okay Ee post up - mostly just getting Raph inside [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: he can be fighting and scaring the crap outta the others all he likes ont he way [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: will fix up colors later on that [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: not Scaring Ee though - he doesn't scare her in the least

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, awww *goes to see*

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: But heights frighten her

[Bookmark] Candy: And clowns? Leave her horrified [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: What's the name of the show, Espi?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Cowboys of Moo Mesa

[Bookmark] Espionata: Let me tell ya when they cameoed in Fast Forward I was excited lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: And they were in Tales of TMNT a few times

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nope, never heard of it.

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's on youtube lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and oh yeah, Raph's gonna scare the crap out of the staff... especially since they're wheeling him in in that barred cage and not the glass cell Bax cent. He can reach out and 'touch' someone [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooooh

[Bookmark] Rogue: sent*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Has he started the rude stuff yet?

[Bookmark] Rogue: not yet [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: One of the TMNT artists created the show and you can see that in the characters

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bax is gonna have a HUGE turnover rate [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Can he kill Sammy please?

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee says good for you Raph - [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Though she'll intervene pretty soon to patch him up

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: And accidentally ruin Bonesteels equipment in the extraction - she don't care if he is angry at her for that

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Now if he had on clown get up she might be more scared lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, he will be. But he won't do much. He may be a brute, but she's a lady [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ...that did not stop him from being rude to me.

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Can't wait till I meet Raphie in the game >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: Lady, critter.. two different things.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *hmmm ponders if she can use this against him*

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *grins* I know that look, definitely your mothers girl

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta work today.. so have to go soon *pouts*

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: Naww

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: He he should Fic

[Bookmark] Candy: About where Ee's clown phobia started [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She saw the movie It

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, that would be awesme ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: No clown attacks

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: yeah had to deal with the first after wards >​<

[Bookmark] Rogue: looks like I'm gonna have to nudge for a Bish post in the main game. :/ If one isn't up by my next off day, will write one under my rogue account. I know he claims it's lack of muse because he didn't sign bish up for that story, but he knew Bishop was already involved before he hasked for him back :/

[Bookmark] Rogue: asked*

[Bookmark] Rogue: D's an awesome gamer.. but we've gone through this 'lack of muse' sooo many times >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes!

[Bookmark] Rogue: guess I should kept Bishop

[Bookmark] Candy: I did not get that

[Bookmark] Candy: He knew Bishop was involved with aliens

[Bookmark] Candy: Plot

[Bookmark] Candy: And still is...

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. and we had only been talking about that plot forever. It wasn't a sudden thing

[Bookmark] Candy: He can't claim to not have been somewhat in on the plotting

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yeah and along with IZombie

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes claiming I z is not his style and wanting to drop Casey

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm posting it in the poke thread. he needs to check that thread if he's gonna be an active member here. I don't think we should have to PM a million times and hope he responds

[Bookmark] Rogue: I finally got a response to t hat PM 3 months later

[Bookmark] Rogue: so he does want to drop casey?

[Bookmark] Candy: And paying no attention to your bishops posts so its hard to post for Hank

[Bookmark] Rogue: I had to leave the other night and didn't catch everything

[Bookmark] Candy: Out of iZombie yes

[Bookmark] Rogue: :/

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's frustrating

[Bookmark] Candy: Claims its not his style but as far as I know he was originally behind the idea

[Bookmark] Rogue: don't ask to take back characters if you have no muse for them

[Bookmark] Candy: Indeed!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: >​< and he officially left Mm. Which Don and Rock are due in lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's it. one poke, and then if no response, chars will be adopted out come saturday

[Bookmark] Rogue: do you agree this is fair, Erica

[Bookmark] Rogue: you're my right hand woman [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: I do, we been more than patient

[Bookmark] Rogue: k. then it's settled

[Bookmark] Candy: Thanks [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: I am a good right hand

[Bookmark] Rogue: he's apparently too busy with his forum that will be shut down again without warning in two months

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe, yes you are

[Bookmark] Candy: *waggles brows* know where to stroke and pinch [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: like I said, like D.. but this is.. ugh

[Bookmark] Candy: What? He shutting it down again?

[Bookmark] Rogue: and speaking of D.. my D will post sooooon [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, c'mon.. you know he will [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: He best - lol he and Leo will be tot free shortly

[Bookmark] Rogue: daws

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, I think I can only post in Island right now anyways

[Bookmark] Rogue: until Leo is childless [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: In FtL - though Crimson might be very withdrawn a bit ...

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I'm in no rush since work week is about to hit

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: D will give him extra snuggles

[Bookmark] Candy: Lil Raph, most distrusting of his lil pack

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm about to post in FtL

[Bookmark] Candy: Yay [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: he still feels bad that he was zoned out and missed his chance to return snugs

[Bookmark] Rogue: his poor brain is all fuzzy

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe the towel won

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe [wink] cute alert

[Bookmark] Candy: Shots about to hit the fan in Lost [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: At least Mikey got Gold out of the way

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: pokes in a passive aggressive sort of way [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oooh

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Nice [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I'm going to add to the rules not to expect a PM as a poke to post. if you can't check the forum and see the poke thread, then obviously you're not interested

[Bookmark] Candy: I am blunt

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe.. blunt is good [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Pretty much

[Bookmark] Candy: I don't like pm month unless I have asked first or the Omer says I got a pm for you!

[Bookmark] Rogue: *nodnods*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I will add in to the rules and do an announcement for it later, but for now I gots to go [frown] stayed on waaaay later than I should have [frown] at least I don't have aterribly early shift today

[Bookmark] Candy: Daww

[Bookmark] Rogue: ninight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Night night [wink] *higs hugs hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs* My browser is not being very cooperative right now. :/

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm gonna get off this chat, though. The fewer tabs I have to deal with, the better. *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 221 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy left the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Melissa joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Melissa: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

Melissa: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Sick-ish...been going through maaaany tissues today. Hoping to be much better tomorrow! I've been wanting to film a new youtube video for days...

[Bookmark] Melissa: aww

[Bookmark] Alysson: How are you? :3

[Bookmark] Melissa: good

[Bookmark] Alysson: O.o I was on youtube and accidentally reported someone's comment...

[Bookmark] Melissa: oops

[Bookmark] Melissa changed name to Espionata

[Bookmark] Alysson: Now I feel was a compliment on a nice person's channel... Hopefully they'll understand that it probably was a mistake. :/

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: *shares mushmallows

[Bookmark] Alysson: [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hey all. Just letting you know I may not be online much today or tomorrow. wishing everyone a Happy New Years

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: kk Scoop *hugs* Happy New Years Eve ffrom Aus [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Happy New Years from Michigan [big grin] I'm between my pointer finger and lower thumb area. I live on that part of the hand

[Bookmark] Candy: oooh lol! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Happy New Years from Northern Indiana. [wink]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: kalamzoo... [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: brb

[Bookmark] Alysson: Good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: back

[Bookmark] Alysson: *glomps*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: Meep~ Chatzy's rather quiet.

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It's Wednesday. I usually is...until later.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It*

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Alysson: Yup

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hopefully people will come before I get too sleepy

[Bookmark] Candy: be glad it's quiet on my front - totally gutter brained right now [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don could fix that. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Well, here's ONE part of the dynamic duo. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: got caught up in a dungeon in WoW. [tongue] or I would have been on earlier

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww now partying?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: no*

[Bookmark] Mikko: well...warcraft partying

[Bookmark] Espionata: It's not New Years Eve [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol it starts tonight in WoW

[Bookmark] Mikko: so later tonight I'll be parting...

[Bookmark] Mikko: no sleep for me

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe thanks Don!

[Bookmark] Mikko: what's Don doing?

[Bookmark] Mikko: not me I know that

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Post Stockman needs to post along with Sammy he gives Mel something to do and I wanna try something [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Oooh, what?

[Bookmark] Mikko: drunk

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: You will see [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I smell like fast food

[Bookmark] Candy: scooping me out of the gutter!

[Bookmark] Candy: .... or joining me down here .... [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: *jumps in gutter with*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: A question - a while back weapons were mentioned. Does Aly have anything?

[Bookmark] Candy: Yay!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: *splashes Mikko* comes get dirrrrrrrrrty with me [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm there, too. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Thaaaaaanks, Candy. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Woooot it's a gutter groove!

[Bookmark] Candy: *splashes Kitteh*

[Bookmark] Espionata: No idea

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *splashes back!* [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: weapons? you have weapons?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe *gets gutter slush everywhere!!!*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: [twisted]

[Bookmark] Mikko: OH! those weapons. no none were added. but, if she wants some weapons she can talk to sammy about it

[Bookmark] Alysson: Kay

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Might haz an idea now... just need to wait for Sammy to come back.

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *wriggle boogey in hazard suit... and nothing else*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: urm, bax.. bonesteel found you on his own and is talking to you while you have your arms in guts [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: *looks up at steel and screams*

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok I shall fix

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *hazard suit makes funny paper like rustling noises as she gets her groovy on*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: You scream like a bitch.

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted in sl Mel trying the sweet routene lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: you look like a bitch. A homeless bitch.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol That was a weak comeback. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: I could gut you a million ways from Sunday and make it look like a sewing accident. Mind yer tongue, grasshooker.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: Either way yous both prob need flea baths

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Woooow, real convincing Mel! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: in a hazard suit and all [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Hun: do not kill the man while he's in me!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: Pffft. If yer gay, be tasteful.. don't flaunt it.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I am FABULOUS!!!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol this is me right now

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm drunk and just got paid. guess who's about to already be broke!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Worth a shot [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *shakes her ass*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: all my Ee's are naughty right now - will make her behave for a post - some how [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I never behave [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: and that is why yer never coming out that room!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I have poison in my body what am I gonna do?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Tiph: sooooo Mikko just ran into a large horde of zombies...should we help?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Whadda bout me? I'm cuter than Mel aaaand I behave! [eyelashes]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: yes that is why you are going to get ice cream

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Yaaaay~

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: [eyelashes] but I has to cuuuum out - *hips don't lie*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: but how can we trust those hips?

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *wriggles them*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol prob can't [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh. I think Baxter just lost the deal

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Aly isn't cuter than me

[Bookmark] Mikko: dun dun duuuuuuuuun

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: she kinda is

[Bookmark] Candy: well going to hell in a hand basket and alll

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Pervert!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sammy walked into that one lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: he'll be giving bax back the payment and deal with the other scientists himself

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Mel's just jealous~

[Bookmark] Mikko: shit about to go doooooooooooooooown

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Aly he's much older than us

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooooooh

[Bookmark] Rogue: not the direction the plot was supposed to go.. but will make it work

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: i don't know what the big deal is. I get a turtle he gets money. end of it

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Didn't mean it like that!!! O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] go with the wind

[Bookmark] Mikko: gone with the wind

[Bookmark] Mikko: when I die, I will be always known as the one who fucked up plots

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: remember Mikko? who? the girl that couldn't keep a plot to save her's how she died

[Bookmark] Candy: well there still are three turtles and a gator running about - [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ....OO

[Bookmark] Candy: four.... a Slash!

[Bookmark] Mikko: it it suddenly becomes a race between Bax and bonesteel, who can get the mutants first

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: five - the Phin!

[Bookmark] Mikko: and Love!

[Bookmark] Candy: no no mutant turtles

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *steals Mike's shell and puts it on* I'ma turtle!

[Bookmark] Candy: if the jap scientist really want big and bad - Slash

[Bookmark] Candy: .... though have not heard anything from that player for a bit - should probably check in on her

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Hun: YOU PUT ASHES IN ME!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Serves you right

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhhaha Sammy and the security guard got a look at Erica's panty problem before she had to hurry off huh? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: of course

[Bookmark] Candy: well... at least two guys never have to ask what colour she likes or whether she wears a thong [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: MH would jump on them....or her to get to them. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] she's a red bikini brief girl - thongs give her the wedgie urge to pick all the time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: ...I can't imagine thongs ever being very comfortable. O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok I might have put the plot back on track?

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: oh their not! seriously got one once and I spent the entire time wearing it picking it out of my butt crack!

[Bookmark] Candy: thans for that Mikko [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Mikko: I think Rogue is mad at me O.O she's so quiet [frown]

[Bookmark] Alysson: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Either that or trying to figure out a post.

[Bookmark] Candy: izEe: I hear dat! - and trying to sit in them - a night mare!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't derserve hugs!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Aww

[Bookmark] Alysson: I give you hugs anyway! *more hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Thongs are made to torture girls >​>​

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Have you ever worn one, Mel?

[Bookmark] Candy: I'll wait to post for slEe

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yep, she was posting. Raph just posted.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Nope had foster sisters

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: she's posting angerily!!!!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: pfft, I ain't mad.. I woulda made it work somehow, cuz that's what I do [tongue] just would LIKE very much to stick to the plot we've been discussing [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o No kidding. Poor guy that is being pulled through the bars.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I know! O.O I is sowwy! I hope I fixed it!

[Bookmark] Rogue: and yes. Raph is about to kill someone [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: he's not in his right mind

[Bookmark] Alysson: Yaaay

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Sammy needs to answer me >​>​

Rogue: and scared shitless and drugged

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I wish I could do that

[Bookmark] Mikko: poor Raph

[Bookmark] Mikko: sammy will...i was trying to do damage control with Bax

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: People need to stahp disrupting my sleep...

[Bookmark] Mikko: I need to stop drinking before I get in chat

[Bookmark] Rogue: not to mention each jar of that cage is sending that spear deeper inside of him

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ouch. >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: just don't overdo it like I did. limits!

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was suppose to be at the bowling alley. but mom called me and said she didn't want me there [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: aww [frown]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Aww [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: [frown]

[Bookmark] Rogue: why?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee will do what she can to calm him

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: she said that she didn't want me there while I was 'unwell' that when I feel better and happier then I can go

[Bookmark] Rogue: :/

[Bookmark] Rogue: doesn't she know that getting you out would help??

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: what the hell is wrong with parents these days

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ....And here I thought she was the most understanding one of your parents. >​.<

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah she knows. she just doesn't want me to be depressed around her bowling friends

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs* Damn.

[Bookmark] Mikko: she came over to my to tell me so I threw a box at her head and told her to leave me alone then

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Well, at least you

[Bookmark] Mikko: and now I'm drinking

[Bookmark] Mikko: and fucking up plots lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: 're finding an fun alternative. Hanging with us. [smile] And WoWing?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I wow later ^^ it's hard to chat and wow.

[Bookmark] Mikko: if I had another screen I could do that

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Daww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, I know how that is.

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee the plot is fine - [big grin] derailed abit but fine

[Bookmark] Kitteh: My ability to multitask like I had been seems to have diminished some since my brain was severely overworked the last half of the semester in school. >​.<

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I don't want babies in my lab! so the bitch will have her eggs, then the eggs go, I keeps the bitch.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: for....personal reasons...>​.>​

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Though, gotta admit, even though that post derailed the plot a little, I definitely think it was still in character for him. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, definitely

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can't wait for the Karai r shredder to be..where is our money? oh Bax stole it all

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I need to post for MM too

[Bookmark] Mikko: might do that tomorrow

[Bookmark] Rogue: and Bonesteel is gonna let the Japs and Bax hash out rights to Mei

[Bookmark] Mikko: mwahahahahahahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: he doesn't care as long as he gets money from both... and a shell [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: he could turn Raph's shell into a hot tub

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- *middle finger salute*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: aint getting either

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: isn't the just pointing for you?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: well the money - but the shell oh hell no

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: well...Raph tried to save my I guess I gotta try save Raph.

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- *makes 'kiss my ass!' gesture at Mikko*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *puckers up*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Could combine hands I guess >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *shoves Mikko* oy pucker somewhere else

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: bah. gotta take my sleepy meds so I can do 13 hours tomorrow.. woohoo -.-

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night, Alyss *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: k

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: My mom has do overtime she doesn't have second shift during the week nor first shift on the weekends DX

[Bookmark] Candy: alright prepare for spot stroking!

[Bookmark] Mikko: kinky

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawwws, lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: mutant worm!

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] no not that spot!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee well she found his snout [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's the spot that the girl turtle will be touching. LOL does it have to be like when they try to get pandas to mate and they have to show them panda porn? omg! I just spit up drink that made laugh so hard.

[Bookmark] Candy: she needs him to try biting or otherwise to reach the 'spot' [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: she's lived a pretty sheltered life, so it should be interesting. though, she'll have instinct on her side I suppose

[Bookmark] Mikko: bow chikca bow wow

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: but definitely not with Raph. He's gonna scare the bejesus out of her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: he is pretty scary

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Rogue: and she'll be wearing a shock collar, anytime she tries anything Obi Wan Shinobi-ish.. she'll get zapped

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww so sad

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: that's what Mel needs!

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] whatever goes on just be sure to have an Ee on hand to bring the situation under control [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: or lots of tranqs

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No I don't!

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok raph. stick your dick in this and lets see how you do

[Bookmark] Rogue: pffft. Raph won't fit that shit [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: hahahah even I would break the container [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and yeah.. hopefully E will be on hand. Otherwise he'll get tranqued before he rips Mei's face off

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Didn't need to hear that

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee promises to not let it get to out of hand -

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: well...I need another turtle to take apart. Bonehead! get me another turtle!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *wags tail* hehhee and I'mmmm the baby in size

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Gross >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: though he'd put human maes to shame

[Bookmark] Candy: males*

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: and hands free! I don't gotta hold that python to point it in the right direction [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol!

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: -_-

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok I have to head off. tomorrow I'll post here and there and everywhere...maybe start a little game in MO dun dun duuuuun

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Gross

[Bookmark] Mikko: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: and just FYI Ally loves it fanned out [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *ugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: *smooches and poofies*

[Bookmark] Candy: no ug boots!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: TMI

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 220 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehehe Raph will make Ee super glad she's had all the LH experiences [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *so does Angel* [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *griiiiiiiiiiiiins and licks a little yoghurt off her spoon suggestively to Don* [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: yes she does [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *grins back at her*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *deliberately lets a little of her treat drip onto her cleavage - to tease Don with the visual of her liiiiiiiiiiicking it off*

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: O.o .... *stares!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles* mmmm hmmmm the fan out - fucking hwat that is

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *offers him some on her spoon* like that Streetch? [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You like teasing him [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: of course - it usually results in sex so good its literally sinful

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not surprised [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [big grin] and teasing itself is.... deliciously exciting in its own way -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It is?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmmm hmmmmmmmm

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel; I wouldn't know

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *waggles brows tongue slooooooowly cleaning her spoon*

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: o.o *trying to stay where he is*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *runs tongue around her lips in the same sort of manner she would after giving him a blow job*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *swallows thickly -- staaaaares*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: You're torturing the poor boy. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe shes intending to [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It's taking everything in him to not just take her right then and there. lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *tilts head back to pour the rest of the treat from the small tub giving great view of neck all the way down to cleavage and the swallowing action*

[Bookmark] Candy: oh that poor feelow

[Bookmark] Candy: fellow*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *stands there and chuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *lets the little tub fall - reaches a hand to slip around his neck, stroooooking his spot - drawing him close to snog and share the very last of the sweetness*

[Bookmark] Candy: flavor share [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *churrs even more, having a hard time staying steady on his feet due to the stroke-age*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *adds to the stroking by strooooooking her tongue along his*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] moooore stroking [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: um we should um... *giggling drags Mel away*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Follows*

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: O.o *damn! flops!*

[Bookmark] Candy: oh! he flopped!

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *and as she has been taught to - straddles and rubs that plastron!!!*

[Bookmark] Candy: see Ee gives good demonstrations in turtle mate care [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: he did

[Bookmark] Candy: must give him a good rubbing down -

[Bookmark] Candy: and don't forget under the edges of plastron and carapace particularly [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *churrs and rolls from side to side with the strokings*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *does the mikerazzi thing! since this rarely ever happens to Don -*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *straddling good! makes sure to not miss an inch!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Tries to drag Mikey away*

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrs* F-feels...gooooooood...

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: ^_________________________________________^

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *reluctantly goes - got a good recording!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: it does huh? - thats good - must do it more! *fingers focus on the softer skin under carapace and plastron edges*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Seriously Mikey you're gonna get pounded one of these days >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: poosted

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: by Ally yes!

[Bookmark] Candy: and he will find her some time and sing the song for her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not what I meant

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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 10:22 pm

pt 27

Kitteh: Oh?

[Bookmark] Candy: if I were there so be all over that like white on rice [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Where?

[Bookmark] Mikko: don't know!

[Bookmark] Candy: damn it!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes yes it is sad

[Bookmark] Rogue: it is currently Nov. 6th in the game, correct?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I do know that they want to have the first con in 2018

[Bookmark] Mikko: that sounds right

[Bookmark] Mikko: rightish

[Bookmark] Candy: yep

[Bookmark] Espionata: I think so

[Bookmark] Candy: when Ee directs the two scientist and Raph away should I move them to another thread?

[Bookmark] Candy: after she gets a chance to tell Bonesteel she wants to see those japs the moment they get to us soil and give him her number to give them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: frick! got to make a thread for Slash - Erica arrrgh!

[Bookmark] Candy: ouch and just snipped my finger again

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, you can make a separate thread ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: will post as soon as this profile is finished... almost done!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I know Japan is ahead, so time dating the sample post to match up

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] Candy: okay cool [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: probably won't be online super late. pretty tired. just relaxing with a Mimosa

[Bookmark] Mikko: *steals your mimosa*

[Bookmark] Candy: put ya big gal panties on Ee - if MH has not eaten them all - more facing off with the great white hunter, japs and .... later facing Red's brothers with the bad news... gonna go down like a lead balloon

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well Mel hates mousers lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: also chilling on skype breaking out my new coloring book

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Woman drives her car into her neighbors home; gets out and walks home like nothing happened.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Nice [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: yep like a boss

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Mikko
Blesst Chest- Def Gary (OFFICIAL!!!)YouTube · 3:17 · 5K · 87%OFFICIAL music video for Blesst Chest. Song 3 off of the forthcoming album Wish We Were There available July 29th, 2016 on Xray Records. Directed by Jay Winebrenner [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Candy: .... okay lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: *crawls into Kitteh's bed*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o *throws a blanket over her*

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: purrrrrr

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: back

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: ty\

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: release the rancor!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bonesteel is not happy with his new diet

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: CONGA LINE!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: yeah! *conga conga conga!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: woooo!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sent PM Kitteh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oh?

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei's pro is posted ^^ feedback welcomed!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I just gotta resize the pic I posted in it >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy: alright hang on [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: lol want me to do it?

[Bookmark] Candy: whilst I read up

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaay

[Bookmark] Mikko: eat your worms!!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: twas good!

[Bookmark] Candy: yes very good [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love already feels threaten by not being the sexyest mutant anymore

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwwwwwwww - alright approving [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: phew.. image fixed.. stupid computer kept freezing >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, thanks ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: righto she is good to go [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm sure Don will love her. ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee will - in a friend way

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Candy: though she'd here going she's taller than me! why is everyone taller than me!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: Don better do no such thing! I will eat Mei!

[Bookmark] Candy: I ate my greens

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ... and that could be taken in a kinkeh way

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] Ee would probably treat her like a lil sister... and get protective of her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawws

[Bookmark] Rogue: nows to work on posts, woot

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.o You still have THOSE kind of feelings for me, Love? ...what about my brother?

[Bookmark] Candy: April: >​< how wait until you hear what she did to your brother

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: what about him? I want yooooooooooooooou *leaps into Don's arms and smooches him* lets have kittens!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.o

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *growwwwwls at Love* Leave my brother alone.

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: These robots suck!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: hey! just cuz you blew it don't mean Don can't have my lovings

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *smug* ooh doubt he'd want it once he knows

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: well....I didn't do anything wrong...soooooo not sure what you think you have over me

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: heading off for the night guys. see you all tomorrow [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: April: oh it was wrong alright -

[Bookmark] Rogue: ger 'er, big sis

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I did nothing! NOTHING! it was HIM! he used me! slept with me then pushed me away!

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: What tha... I told you NO. [angry]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *fuming* he said NO!!! NO!!! and you disregarded it, pushing until you got what you wanted from the beast side - he said NO!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: maybe at first. but then you were all for it. and then you left me! *sobs* left me alone! like I was some toy!

[Bookmark] Candy: April: !!!!>​
[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: OO *lays on both Love and April before furr flys*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: ^^ it's so warm under his butt.

[Bookmark] Candy: April: Ge'off you great hulking lizard before I make you into several purses!! *trying to still get at Love*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *rumbles*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I know you are jealous, April. I'm sure you have wished to have Raph a few times. but know! it's best you weren't with him, for you too would be used.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: .... you know I rather taken on the Gator than the fuming April...

[Bookmark] Mikko: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *scoops handful of muck and throws it at Love splattering her face* you raped him! you used the instincts against him and raped him - and you don't care!!! *throws more* hurt my brother! - my brothers!!1 *never mind the gator she is trying to reach Love to strangle her with muddied hands*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: I agree with my oc...

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: love:​no that didn't happen. you weren't there.

[Bookmark] Mikko: *also agrees with April*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *roars! wriggling - green eyes blazing*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol another of my characters whom spends too much time with Mutants

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: O.O April...I don't mean to alarm you. But I think you may be possessed by some demon.

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for raph

[Bookmark] Candy: April: and you will regret the day you raped her lilbig green brother!! *more mud - looks slightly feral now*

[Bookmark] Candy: ooohh

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaay

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *sighs* I don't know what Raph told you. But clearly he lied to you about something

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She's mad OO

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaaaay headless Bonesteel!

[Bookmark] Mikko: poor Raph.

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: Why the fuck would I lie?? You think I wanna hurt my brother?

[Bookmark] Candy: April: he - unlike you never lies to me!!!!! *does not care her finger tips are bleeding as she tries to free herself from LH

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: I WILL RESCUE YOU!!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *is calm* you need to calm down. I'm sorry it didn't work out between Raph and I. Now I would like to try and see if things will work out with Don and myself

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: at least he knows I didn't mean to call him a beast

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww true that is good

[Bookmark] Candy: April: You will have no shoot with Donnie - he will hear what you did! *more mud* get off Leatherhead!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I think that will be up to Don. LH! I can't feel my toes!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Cat is crazy

[Bookmark] Candy: April: Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! *enraged - does a pretty good Raph impersonation kicks free of LH charging for the stuck Love*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, oh snap

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Raph! your raphness is rubbed off on my gals [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: you know what they say about red heads

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe you do not want to see Ee's 'defending Blaze' version

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I don't know I have a temper too >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: Oo *looks at the others - should he stop this?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I am pretty sure even Mikko would be pissed at Love. Though things didn't work out with her and Raph. Mikko still respects and cares for the guy.

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: wooooooooo get her!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Love is insane

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah she is

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *fuming herself now - clearly the cat lady don't care a damn for wither of them and hurting Red -* grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

[Bookmark] Mikko: mostly she just REALLY REALLY wants a mate. like...her clock is ticking and she's like raaaaawr need man!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's not an excuse Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: nope

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: but love is crazy

[Bookmark] Mikko: and she does truely believe that she has done nothing wrong. and it's hard to reason with someone like that

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yep

[Bookmark] Candy: yep and now two of my gals want to turn her into a rug

[Bookmark] Espionata: That usually points to a sociopath

[Bookmark] Candy: heheh the main game will will become just as territorial

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Eze is going to be heading back to the cabin soon.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Hun isn't going to be around for a while. he needs to heal and all

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel is cornered by mousers lol

[Bookmark] Candy: I'll post for Ee taking Raph away after Bonesteel

[Bookmark] Mikko: but when he does come back all hell with break loose for Lexi

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: Don't leave me, Eze! Or.. okay.. that means I can snuggle my man ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh, ruh row

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz: *slips in the bed with Lexi*

[Bookmark] Rogue: gonna do a Lexi post here in a sec

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: ^^ <3

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaaaay

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb. gotta get foodz, then I'll post for Lex and BS

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica promises Chocolate for Raph too -

[Bookmark] Mikko: I too will brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: back

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Kitteh: wb

[Bookmark] Mikko: ty

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, Raph says anything is better than worms and ... he still says NO BUGS!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Japs: *feeds him cockroaches*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Eww why would you eat bugs?

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *goes through the bars!*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *locks japs out of immediate area* pffft you can have my food *gives him her lunch*

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yeah they may not like her too much - but she has the bigger male and undeniably knows more about mutants than they so she'll use that against them

Mikko: Love: worms arn't that bad! I like to roast the meal worms, they get crunchy! and taste like popcorn!

[Bookmark] Candy: to ... make things somewhat more comfortable for the poor captives [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: *player often ate worms as snacks*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: Poor meal worms.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I like seeing them alive on the ground. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: scorpions taste more like burnt popcorn

[Bookmark] Mikko: and crickets have no taste

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, eww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Good to know. lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: the cricket was covered in chocolate, and the scorpion was in a sucker

[Bookmark] Espionata: I saw the sucker one before and a girl took it as a challenge to get to the scorpion lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I had them both when I went to new mexico for the first time

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: it's really nice there. though my two fav places was Arazona and cali

[Bookmark] Mikko: nice dry heat

[Bookmark] Mikko: and cool nights

[Bookmark] Mikko: perfect

[Bookmark] Mikko: this poor little girl got a drone from christmas and this is the first thing that happens

[Bookmark] Candy: lol! what awaits Don's offspring [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: ... if not being half swallowed by MH

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, awww

[Bookmark] Rogue: totally Donnie's future widdle ones [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Don's kid: DADDY!!!!!! it happen again! *pouts*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: speaking of kids. MM mikko is going to be bringing the little ones at the farm, food, medicine, cloths, warm things, and TOYS!

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha

[Bookmark] Candy: yay!

[Bookmark] Candy: Leo found them - and FV3MmMikko has a stalker

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko is sad she's missing out on the fun at the cabin right now. though I'm thinking Mikko knows Leo. Kinda. Maybe Leo had a sword pointed at her at some point. so she's going to be like. fuck it's you...

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: woooo a stalker!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: and hot stalker - hehhee

[Bookmark] Mikko: even better!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol every time I do that my Ee's be all like : meh

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: *puts little turtle on this cat* ride it into battle young one!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy I'm like yum yum would not mind him as a stalker [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April's like... mmm hmmmmm

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel whistled

[Bookmark] Candy: ... and Ee still saying Meh

[Bookmark] Mikko: little girl was turning 3 and told her mom she wanted to eat cake with a robot for breakfast. mom delivered

[Bookmark] Mikko: MM Mikko: that's my stalker! Erica...I might be home late. ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: have him -

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: not green enough for that girl [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: April: pretty much

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *glares at the two older women*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: *raises eyebrow -*

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *griiiiiiiiiins*

[Bookmark] Mikko: you guys remember these! portable record players

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: posted for Lex

[Bookmark] Rogue: now for BS

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: BS... hehhe Bull Shi-

[Bookmark] Rogue: I can't say that I rmemeber those [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Nope never heard of them Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit *looks at BS challengingly*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: well they were all the rage in 1982!

[Bookmark] Mikko: they lasted for like a whole two months!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I never saw one of those in my life.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Yay rp night is gonna be here in around 16 hours [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol counting down?

[Bookmark] Espionata: I wasn't born yet lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Maybe [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Neither was I, Espi.

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was one!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It was the year before I was born.

[Bookmark] Mikko: ah the 80's. when hair was big and music was insane

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And cartoons were at the cheesiest lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok all I must head to bed! the hell you say! cartoons where amazing!

[Bookmark] Mikko: were

[Bookmark] Mikko: night! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Just because I wasn't born in the 80's doesn't mean I didn't see them lol

[Bookmark] Candy: night night [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 216 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata
Swat kats intro (season 1)YouTube · · 2M · 98%The intro for Swat kats (season 1). [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Now that was a cartoon and the guy who voiced Donnie in the 80's show does a voice in it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: BS posted

[Bookmark] Candy: yay!

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *waits til BS and Bax not looking - pokes tongue at them*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: slEe: *turns and shakes her butt at them in a 'nanananaa na' sort of dance*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Man all I was doing was looking for a way out and got attack robots instead Stockass is insane >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: though uh oh - just how much of the interaction between her and Raph did he notice?

[Bookmark] Rogue: He noticed that whole .2 seconds that raph seemed to be calm around her.. dun dun duuuun [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: uhoh

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: well it might make him sus about the Slash play acting -

[Bookmark] Candy: or that she just has a way with them

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: oh she does [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: even Tiger Claw [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Wow

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe yep that Ee will so get territorial over the Red [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: sorry dude

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaa be fun topics for the gals to bond over though

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, dawww. something tells me he won't mind too much [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: nope

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Oh boy Oo

[Bookmark] Rogue: and gonna try to make Donnie's cature as gentle as possible [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: capture*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: ....*nu such luck*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Poor Donnie

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe good cause she so wont be sharing by that time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: psssssh bet I could catch him without even harming him

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Don't give them ideas Erica

[Bookmark] Candy: oh she is sooooooo gonna rub in BS's face her 'prize' Slash [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: posted

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe mostly cause he hurt Raph so much [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and she'll be indignant when he gets a hold of Donnie -

[Bookmark] Candy: so any small one up will be like a little revenge for her [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe and now to break Bonesteels equipment fixing Raph up [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: -.-

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *returns ruined things to him* I am soooo sorry but extraction was just too difficult

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [angel]

[Bookmark] Candy: man so many threads to start [big grin] one for patching Raph - sorry red she can't give you drugs having lost so much blood [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and one for the Slash

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: I'm on to you girly.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *innocent look, flicks her hair into his face as she turns away* I have no idea what your talking about - tooodles *cutsey skipping away*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: at least he has her number

[Bookmark] Candy: ... for the japs

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol. and he's like 'wtf'.. who put her in charge [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: She did [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: well he could always ask her - but she'd probably tell him to fuck off out of her face cause she has work to do

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: While I try to escape from this hell

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] usually she would not be so ... loud ... but Red... and soon Mei, Don and Slash wont have time for her to be polite and let the big boys take charge

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, indeed

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: mmmm hmmm *sassiness* you tell em girl

[Bookmark] Candy: April: uh huh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue: wonder if Splinty is ready to be a graddaddy so soon [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: as long as Mei consents - I will so be sabotaging if she says no *

[Bookmark] Candy: extending the quarantine by making her sick.... making the boys sick

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawws

[Bookmark] Candy: ... lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: and the guys consent too -

[Bookmark] Rogue: It.. depends on if there's any feelings. I mean, I pretty much know how it's going to go with Raph, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yeah

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *wonders what the HELL his player just signed him up for* -_-

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Candy: very badly

[Bookmark] Rogue: doooom [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Getting laid. lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: By force. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy: though Ee still says she will stop things before Raph hurts Mei or himself - for both their sakes and cause by then she will be territorial - sorry Mei

[Bookmark] Candy: and Raph

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: getting... what?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: So this means not candle light dinner before I...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: no*

[Bookmark] Candy: nope

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: Laid? *has nooo idea what 'that' means. Nicholas Sparks never referred to it as such*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... we'll discuss it another time

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Speed dating. [tongue] Then speed f**king. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's one way to look at it

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *screams in Raph's face as he charges her* Next!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yeah Ee wont let it go that far between them

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: and tell the fucking japs off cause their all stupid and should allow her to handle the programe

[Bookmark] Candy: ... mostly so she can position them to where Leo and Mikey can stage a rescue and Slash a jail break

[Bookmark] Candy: and allow the poor captives some choices as to whether they want to breed or not

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Candy: maybe even use Mel and Alyss too [big grin] somehow -

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Already trying to escape >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: now I thank GranGran for all those games of chess we used to play

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm new thread titles

[Bookmark] Rogue: aw

[Bookmark] Rogue: those are always fuuun

[Bookmark] Kitteh: The Mating Game. [tongue] O

[Bookmark] Kitteh: J/k

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahaha

[Bookmark] Candy: oh man the conversations between Mei and Ee are going to be fun

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: though some things Mei just wont be able to read from her

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yes!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Turtle Roulette?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe everything aside from her 'secrets'

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh man I can't wait for rp night [tongue]

Rogue: she's pretty innocent about a lot of things so it'll definitely be interesting

[Bookmark] Candy: mostly consisting of 'spots'

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well if Ee and Raph fool around in the pretense of getting jizz - which Ee wont share - sorry red

[Bookmark] Candy: the talks will certainly be interesting

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooh, so that means a handjob for Red? [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee oh and for Mei's sake the secret pat of ee's thoughts are hidden in what looks like a little box - trying to get in will make a mini Ee fairy pop up and shake it's wand at you and say 'uh uh uh you didn't say the magic word - uh uh uh'

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: whatever [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool

[Bookmark] Rogue: and Raph says he's cool with that process [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I'm sure he is. [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: She's the one he wanked off to the first time he saw her, after all. It'll be like a dream. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well ee will let Red dictat however he wants to jizz it up

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee Mei might see some... interesting things inher thoughts

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hahahahaha!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: Stockass only wants baby mutants to experiment on them which is sick

[Bookmark] Rogue: and if Don has any sort of feelings for Mei, Raph's gonna be double reluctant to have his baby gravy impregenate her

[Bookmark] Rogue: he feels like he's hurt Donnie enough for one lifetime with the whole Love thing

[Bookmark] Candy: well Mei could reject his

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: before that even happens

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don:'re going to WHAT? O.o Then what is the point of having her and it? >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: well the scientist are hoping for a natural breeding [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ut they're selfish and want an offspring from both males

[Bookmark] Candy: lol don't worry Don

[Bookmark] Candy: oh they can still get Red offspring just not from that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: especially as Ee plans to introduce a even bigger male

[Bookmark] Candy: .... [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: O.O *hides behind Donnie*

[Bookmark] Espionata: SlMel: I don't know what's the point of getting mutated and turned into a cyborg? Wanna know how weird it is not to feel a leg that's there Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: If they're wanting a natural breeding, then they'll get a natural breeding. I don't want them just planting something in her. -_-

[Bookmark] Candy: with a perfectly un marked shell [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: Showoff.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: not bad for a tree hugger? *oh yeah stuff that in ya sushi japs*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: sorry japs Ee says only no mini reds unless their hers - [tongue] ... see territorial [tongue] -

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee my sides hurt from laughing - ebil

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, Don doesn't want Mei to just be a tool to be used and thrown away. He wants to make sure she's taken care of...and if an offspring happens, then he wants to be the one to do it. And he'll take care of both of them. [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawws

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: she's gonna think he's sweeter than chocolate [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol and thats saying something [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: So if he does know the details of this...arrangement, he might go through with it after all.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *hugs Mei*

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm sure he'll know. They're not going to be too quiet about it

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *snugs* ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: yes sorry Mei .... but Red aint being you baby daddies says Ee [tongue] - though Mei might know before ee does that she's jealous and territorial

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oh, she'll definitely pick up on it, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol of course not!

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] good

[Bookmark] Kitteh: At first he was like: "No. No way! Not going to happen!" But...maybe he would...

[Bookmark] Rogue: and she'll know she does NOT want to be in the cage with Raph- at all

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: don't blame her

[Bookmark] Candy: lol well then Ee says just curl into a ball closest to the end Slash will be near and she'll get in and stop it - and tell the japs he's too violent for her - apologize profusely to Red later [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: be proud Red gal gonna be jealous over you ... and jizz - but you mostly

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: They'll attempt the pairing with Raph first because they'll assume he's Alpha.. but then he's gonna go all caraaaazy [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, he's flattered [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: though her main motive by then will be to get them out

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] good

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee is still over here saying only red mini's be hers [tongue] hehhee ....m mmmm could be a reason why she would choose to go into hiding on her own during the invasion with the surviving eggs

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 216 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Or why Mei would trust her with them

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: poor Mei is going to have a veeeeery hard time giving up those eggs, but she knows Erica is good and if it giver her baby(s) a chance, she'll eventually do it

[Bookmark] Rogue: but not without lots of sadness and tears

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] and sharing a common bond

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe though Ee says if Bonesteels is sent after her she warns him now she'll be his hardest catch [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: oooh

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep

[Bookmark] Candy: Mei will def know -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Cool

[Bookmark] Candy: A lot lol - prob more than she wishes too ... if the fact Red and Ee in here can get pretty freaky [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Especially with a Hank looking for her

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe others may sadly think she's dead -

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww

[Bookmark] Candy: Sorry Red

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: Maybe spirit Mei can tell him otherwise?

[Bookmark] Candy: Or is she lives thanks to Slash be alive [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww. still not sure what's gonna happen to her

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: the sap in me wants her to be able to hold her baby(s) at least once

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Well that's what Slash there for [smile] to try helping her out when shit goes down,

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: I won't let anything happen to her...or our babies.

[Bookmark] Candy: And my Ee just piped up and said non are mini reds! *duct tapes her mouth* lol sorry she's an only child [tongue] not used to sharing either

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

[Bookmark] Candy: Dawww

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Neither will Ee Don

[Bookmark] Candy: She swears

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [smile] Thank you.

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *shyly pecks Donnie's cheek* My hero.

[Bookmark] Candy: Though Mei can live and be the one to tell em Ee is not dead

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [blushing] ​ No problem.

[Bookmark] Candy: Or the Eggs she took

[Bookmark] Candy: Which thanks to Ee meddling be a collection of Don, Slash? Leatherhead? Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Man it's like a bad day time soap - Splinter be loving that

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So Erica is beyond spoiled too [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: yes I am [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Well once the eggs from the natural breeding disappear, the scientist will probably try artificial means with tampered samples.. and that could cause problems, especially if they are LH or Slash's

[Bookmark] Candy: Uh Mei would know again before she does

[Bookmark] Rogue: she wo't be able to carry those eggs without complications

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol yes

[Bookmark] Candy: But Don could save her [wink] he's de Doc [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: I'll do my best.

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: And Ee says still no mim reds! ... Okay is mining it as I taped up her mouth

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But she can't reproduce with Raph, right?

[Bookmark] Candy: She's nodding lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Told you territorial

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Erica you really don't get a choice

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: well, she could. They's all the same mutated species.. but I don't think it's gonna happen, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ee: *mimes 'no mini Raphs for you'*

[Bookmark] Candy: *sits on oc*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: unless they got ahold of untampered sperm and went artificial, but a natural thing is so not gonna happen between Raph and Mei

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: the scientist are thiking she can produce at least five at a time.. but she's small

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: -_-

[Bookmark] Rogue: so two at a time at most, and that's pushing it

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol nah japs will just have to hunt Ee for that and the eggs lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Sheesh you're a couple in here Erica and now you're possive in the game >​>​

[Bookmark] Espionata: *possesve

[Bookmark] Rogue: so Donnie could end up with double trouble [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Oh?

[Bookmark] Rogue: mhmm. Two mini-me's

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: At least they're not Mikey's....or Raph's.

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] she's possessive

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: That's why LH has remained such a secret

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Plus telling people would put him in danger

[Bookmark] Candy: And yes Don you poor bastard gonna be a Dad - so is Red

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes she jealously guarded his existence

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: O.o I didn't fuck 'er.. they're not mine.

[Bookmark] Candy: Though that's all going to hell soon

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That jealously can end up biting her in the ass

[Bookmark] Candy: It will - she won't be aware when she goes into hiding - but it will [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe but will make the hunt exciting for a hunter [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: indeed

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe would Bonesteels like that?

[Bookmark] Candy: Hehe

[Bookmark] Candy: Get back at the mouthy lil tree higher

[Bookmark] Candy: Hugger*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Oh, definitely. [wink] He's never hunted human before

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: A human mother/aunt/godmother? Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee says Mei better live so she can be reunited with hers [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: BS in for the hunt of his life [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww. Mei says she really, really, really hopes that happens, too. she wants to hold a babeh

[Bookmark] Candy: Seriously... His life [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: pssst. can't be that hard to find 'er. *dangles big red in a cage*

[Bookmark] Candy: Daww then perhaps Slash and Don and whom ever is on rescue can save her [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Hank: *disables cage* [twisted]

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That will end badly >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes live Mei !!

[Bookmark] Candy: Some time the Ee will unintentionally 'reach' out to her [tongue] having bonded over chocolates and mags and things

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] probably not ph imagery either - sorry Mei lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Pg*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: So Mei better live

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Will that make her want Don any easier as a mate if it...affects her that way?

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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 10:31 pm

pt 28.

Alysson: On it~

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi [smile]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted~

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Candeh, you on Facebook? [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: Not yet, can be in about an hour and half, using phone lol - iPad - laptop charging.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Posted Aly lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Okay. [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: staying at a friends house but this friend has wifi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *waves to all*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: also on skype

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: its like 18 degrees tonight brrr

[Bookmark] Espionata: brr

[Bookmark] Candy: Yay! Huh I

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi *

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: wb

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: its very quite

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hows your dog sitting kitteh

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep yep yep

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi!!! *hugs!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi *hugs back* shouldn't get too close! I have the plague!

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Candy: Pfffft infect me! *snugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: my fever that's what's up

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihi

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well Mel was recaptured last night and not happy about it lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh man you all posted so much! i don't know what's going on!

[Bookmark] Mikko: i try to read it then my eyes start to water

[Bookmark] Mikko: but from that i can see, who ever took over Bax plays him better then me

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] I do not!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww it was Candy. And you both play him very well. ^^

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes you do!

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok I can't read it befause my eyes hate me right now, sooooooo gimmie some cliff notes

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I hope I did Leo justice. lol Getting that log up momentarily. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: did aly get her ice cream? DID SHE!!!!!?

[Bookmark] Candy: Listen to the all wise Kitteh - she knows!! *flails*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: did Bax and bonesteel make out yet?

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: he was undressed it was only a matter of time

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I like how you play Leo [smile]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: No ice cream yet... *pouts* Buuuut, I'm moving my arm! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel was recaptured and told Sammy what was what and got gagged for it and now knows Sammy is as bad as Stockman. Stockman and Bonesteel did the transaction and he's on the hunt for Donnie and Erica took Raph to heal his wounds

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Thanks. ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Ees undressed [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok! I think I read it. lets see if the brain computes. Aly didn't get her ice cream..but she will! Sammy shouldn't be as bad as stockman...who made sammy as bad as stockman!?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on massager

[Bookmark] Candy: Me!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O Erica is undressed...seems strange...and I see Bax is letting Erica call the shots?

[Bookmark] Espionata: And Mel just thinks that because to her no one sees that she and Aly are human with feelings

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy suppose to be a good guy...ish

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes - so he can use it against her later [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: O.O I duct taped her mouth!? I wouldn't have done that. her bitching amuses me ^^

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: But you did asshole

[Bookmark] Mikko: Sammy: no not me. that was my evil twin

[Bookmark] Mikko: I also need to put Love somewheere

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: You did when I told you that you're like Stockman only seeing as us a things and not humans

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't know what to post

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't want to post something that goes against what's been posted.

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol it'll make my characters look bipoler

[Bookmark] Candy: D

[Bookmark] Espionata: So it makes them interesting [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] it won't

[Bookmark] Mikko: should I post for Baxter in the thread erica is in?

[Bookmark] Candy: He could - she's patching Raph up [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok!

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] Candy: Hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Candy: Currently two other people are with Ee and Raph, but more acting as assistants passing Erica what she needs - she climbed in the cage to get her hands dirty [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: H [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: Sammy needs to make it up with Mel hard I know [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I'm working on posting the log from the gang currently at April's apartment. Should have it up in a few minutes.

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: sammy posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko: sammy is becomging too much of a character....I really have no interested in making a profile for him XD

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello the rogue

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: hellos da Mikko. you feeling better? *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I is not *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I blame my mother!

[Bookmark] Mikko: she took me out the house, then tells me she's sick! then I got sick

[Bookmark] Mikko: this is what happens when you leave the house

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: awws

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Posted

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aly needs to post then I will

[Bookmark] Rogue: wootwoot

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: wb

[Bookmark] Alysson: Workin on it nau~

[Bookmark] Rogue: wbs

[Bookmark] Candy: ty [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: bax posted

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ...I'm wondering if I should change Ally's color in the log. Too close to Leo's but Angel stole the violet. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: How does green sound?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I don't know. I never heard green talk! O.O

[Bookmark] Candy: excellent [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sounds good to me [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: ... Mikey says it sounds like a surfer

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted~

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey hears colors OO

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: It'd be cool to actually be able to hear colors~ X3

[Bookmark] Mikko: why you all so active when I'm not on? O.O

[Bookmark] Mikko: I bring you dooooooooooown!

[Bookmark] Mikko: my dogs about to be brought down -_-

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I bit my finger. lol I must be real hungry!

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol annnnnd time for Ee to play the dutiful intern again [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: fixed ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: No green. [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on skype, tomorrow I won't be online. I wish my friend walter had wifi again but they don't have it [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww

[Bookmark] Mikko: NO WIFI!!!!! that's what hell is you know

[Bookmark] Mikko: Walter is the devil

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mike is soooooooo romantic!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I know they want to get it again but unsure who to get it from.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but i'll let him know

[Bookmark] Candy [smug] ​ yeah I am

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: *

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Giggles*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: *snuuuuuuuuuugs him*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Did I handle Leo well, Mikko?

[Bookmark] Mikko: was going to post for Love, no idea where to post though.

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes Leo was well done

[Bookmark] Mikko: all of you play my peeps better then I!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *bows then hugs* Thanks. [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile] yay

[Bookmark] Espionata: posted [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Wtf, Skype??

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: You feed me that shit, I'm gonna ram it down your throat!

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: ...the food.. that is... get yer damn minds outta the gutter!

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LMAO!

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I gives Leo back to you now, though. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: how'd he know?! *mind went ka slash [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: splash*

[Bookmark] Rogue: haha.. he knows how all the minds around here works [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: the aquarium will have a little heating platform, and a little pond with a tiny palmtree.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: brb

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- *middle finger salute!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmmmm what a mouthful

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *meanign the bugs - missed the innuendos*

[Bookmark] Rogue: could do a bit of that scene in chat if you're feeling up to it, Mikko.. Candy

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Rogue: gotta work tomorrow, so can't be on as later. but don't have to be up at 4 AM [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: sure - Ee has to smoooooooosh a bit to Bax to sooth a rufled ego [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I shouldn't be eating chips with a sore throat

[Bookmark] Candy: yay!

[Bookmark] Candy: ... I gotta be up that early - spraying weeds.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awwwws

[Bookmark] Mikko: let them grow free!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Lemme know if you guys are going in there this time. lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: this chat or other chat?

[Bookmark] Rogue: other one

[Bookmark] Candy: ... no smooching - only Red gets smoochies [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm there

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I looked at my list of chats and saw a WHOLE bunch of text that I didn't know about in that room last time when you were in there on a 'non-RP' night. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: it happens

[Bookmark] Mikko: we're in that chat now, kitteh.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: So am I. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: ... it was nargles!

[Bookmark] Mikko: it was?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Yes!

[Bookmark] Candy: yay Slashie player been about - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: I need to catch up reading her game and try to post in it.. feel bad that I haven't yet

[Bookmark] Rogue: was gonna post for Raph in IZombie earlier, but think we need an Aly post first

[Bookmark] Mikko: there be a game?

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I need to find where gabe and Mikko are

[Bookmark] Rogue: I forget the name, but she tagged anyone

[Bookmark] Rogue: and there's a christmas thread she started, too

[Bookmark] Mikko: I need to post for Leo in that. Gabe and Mikko are in the street with Ally and Spike and gang, Mikko just ran into a horde of zombies telling the others to hide in a near by building

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh I'll have to post in thoiuse

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, I was wondering that, too.

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm sleepy...good night~ *hugs*

Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: night ngiht *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs8

[Bookmark] Candy: hugs times *

[Bookmark] Candy: *

[Bookmark] Candy: ...8

[Bookmark] Candy: freaking buttons!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: love made a post in the new mutant thread

[Bookmark] Mikko: she's behind you, Erica! RUN

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: .... no usually when you run in horror movies you trip

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: and then die horribly [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: This is true

[Bookmark] Mikko:

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahahaha.. that is awesome!!

[Bookmark] Rogue: I wanted one of those yodas, but $150 O.o ...

[Bookmark] Mikko: wow that's a bit much

[Bookmark] Rogue: yep

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax has no choice! he must sex up the intern it is pretty much the law

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: what?!

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: it's the way she said Doctor Stockman right?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well then Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee Bax is Up!

[Bookmark] Candy: *sniggering at punny*

[Bookmark] Mikko: well after seeing Erica I'm sure he is

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: uh oh whom is she playing bus boy for? whose visiting [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: THE PEOPLE!!!

[Bookmark] Mikko: the people with raph's new girlfriend

[Bookmark] Candy: ah yes the poeple [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: to make the bow chika bow wow

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: and he will like it!

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee well Don's [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Tiph: Don's...but....I CHANGED MY AGE TO BE WITH DON! *sobs*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *feels bad but it wasn't his idea this time, hugs Tiph*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'll probably end up killing Tiph off. she seems to have no real point to the story, she's just...there.

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooh and she's gonna have a nasty death!


[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] messy deaths? ooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Espionata: yikes

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was going to off her some time ago, but then the Don/tiph thing was talked about, but if that's not gonna happen, which is totally fine! I'll just have some morbid fun with her ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhehe morbid fun is fun [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *hugs Tiph and glares at her player*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Tiph: *hugs*!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: We still have each other in at least another game. Even though it's not a blessed union with my father. :/

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw. well that's the beauty of forums. There are other games for Tiph to hook up if that's what you were going for with her

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's why I'm all like.. please don't create OCs just to hook up [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: yep [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: because when it doesn't happen.. they usually get offed

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahhaa which is fine - ressurrection anyone? "P

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel was never created to get to be a couple with someone lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Tiph wasn't an OC to just hook up. She was made to be part of the little dragon gang

[Bookmark] Mikko: buuuuut...then I just never did anything with her

[Bookmark] Mikko: she was going to be offed long before anything with Don

[Bookmark] Mikko: you know how I love killing off people! I could of written the game of thrones

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee still could - don't off her - just have her slip out of sight to keep her head down [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: well I mean sometimes character death is good for the stories.. to remind you that the world ain't no wish granting factory [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: it's up to you, though

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think you have plenty of characters, anyway. [wink] Maybe one less would be good.

[Bookmark] Rogue: if you want to do more with her.. now that eze and gang are no longer dragons, was thinking they would start a rebel group and help the guys during the invasion

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes! that's why I like when a character dies or gets really injured. because it's like look, a gang war and someone actually died

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooh

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: that could work

[Bookmark] Mikko: a rebel group! Eze should come up with a new name for them

[Bookmark] Rogue: that's why Aeris had to go on MO. She was an okay character, but I just couldn't grow her any further

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and her death was a good reminder that Shredder sucks ass

[Bookmark] Mikko: be fair, not really interested in Tiph anymore lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: still feel bad that Raph was the reason, though

[Bookmark] Rogue: ah, okay

[Bookmark] Mikko: that was sad

[Bookmark] Rogue: if it's a lack of interest, that's totally different that just feeling you have nothing for her to do

[Bookmark] Rogue: and brb

[Bookmark] Kitteh: k

[Bookmark] Mikko: even if she HAD hooked up with anyone, it probably wouldn't have made me any more interested in her charater

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have a tab open....I forget why

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: I am like wincing for Raph right now - poor bugger [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee what color dress shall the Ee wear Bax for this meet and greet [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: purple?... white?

[Bookmark] Mikko: something sciency

[Bookmark] Espionata: So Stockman will see that yeah the kids survived and using their limbs lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: How about green? [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: ooooh green - alright... and dammit Mikko nows I wanna go play a maker game just for the heck of it to find the dress [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Green is good [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Kitteh has become addicted to green!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol It's always been one of my favorite colors. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *giggles* already am addicted to green ... environmentally friendly and all that

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: So I get to see Stockass again great >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: and I'm just serving drinks yes?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: as far as you know

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: do the meet and greet?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: just sit on their laps or something.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo I'm sure there will be plenty of chairs *mighta missed the point*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: no chair for you.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: He means give them a lap dance >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: no I said sit not dance

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Whatever now enter mine and Aly's cell asshole

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: OO no no thats alright I'll stand *was this in her contract?!*

[Bookmark] Mikko: everything is in yout contract

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: crap! really should have read that fine print

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm here rewatching some supergirl episodes.

[Bookmark] Mikko: super girls

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have to get going now. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: hello hello

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs to Mikko*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm heading off for the night but will be on massager or a bit.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi Shy! *tackle glomps*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Shy: hey

[Bookmark] Shy: I just finished 7 pieces of mail. All hand made or handwritten

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooooooooooooooo OO

[Bookmark] Candy: *massages that hand*

[Bookmark] Shy: Most handmade envies and postcards!

[Bookmark] Shy: thanks.

[Bookmark] Candy: *boths hands*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: trying to post for the fourth time ... hopefully not an issue this time

[Bookmark] Shy: nope.

[Bookmark] Shy: *sigh*

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww whats the issue ?

[Bookmark] Candy: damn it! come back Shy!

[Bookmark] Rogue: aw. I wonder if she's having issues here or MM?

[Bookmark] Candy: me too! I'll try to pm and see and find out

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I can post fine on MM.

[Bookmark] Rogue: I have a trouble on MM but found a way around it. takes longer and have to edit post to color text, but it's doable.

[Bookmark] Candy: it is yes

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Um...have you tried right-clicking on the "add reply" button?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: It brings up a whole new page where you can color as you go.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Though for a touch-screen, that may not work.

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] works on my ipad - not my busted old iphone though [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I just write the whole thing then go back and color by highlighting. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: MS would like to say he is sorry for prolonged distance he is getting a new tablet for the sole purpse of rp [wink] so be back soon and more often [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooh, yay!

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw, yay!

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, I tried that. It used to work, but for some reason no longer works for me O.o not sure what changed.

[Bookmark] Rogue: but it's all good. I manage. Just do quick reply, then go back and edit to color text

[Bookmark] Rogue: and I have learned if you 'edit' before the one minute mark, it doesn't place that horrible "Edited 1 time or 500 times total" at the bottom of your posts [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I know. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe I don't mind it if it tells me I edited like four hundred times [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think the top number for any post on any site has been 7 times. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee most likely [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: just once makes me cringe for some reason, lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: like you got caught doing something baaaaad

[Bookmark] Candy: lol! yes like a hand in the cookie jar moment

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol should be finishing this sketch but did a quick on of how Blaze sleeps in bed with Ee - beside her all perfect - with Raph? half on his fac and the pair of them sprawled all over the bed [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: these are cuuuuute ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh, can't wait to see!! ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: lol [tongue] hehhee and I though ee slept in weird spots apparently she's rubbing off on Raph and Blaze inheritated it [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol.. wtf. And Mikey learns where belly buttons come from [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!! dawwwww - hehhee Blaze has a slight dimpling where his was - but its all plastron now [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: ... mmmmmaybe he'll be a twin in the game ? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: twins?! O.O *faints*

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze/Blade? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: haven't decided how deep Donnie's gonna be yet .. dun dun duuuuun

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, cuuute

[Bookmark] Candy: lol ee be like why he fainting she's the one on the run with neices/ nephews

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Deep as in how many?

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: yep [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.o

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​ [big grin] It is a clutch!!!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *will be happy with however many they are supposed to have* ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe.. promise not over 3 [tongue] or new parents will go crazy..

[Bookmark] Rogue: daww

Kitteh: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: though probably not over two. Don't wanna overwhelm them cuz it's gonna be new for both of them, and given the circumstances

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah.

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Ee by the time some one finds here will agree

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha.. poor Erica

[Bookmark] Rogue: I'm kinda hoping they'll be found before the lil one(s) hatch

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee they could - having bonded supposed Mei could sense or feel Erica is still alive - and running for her life

[Bookmark] Rogue: and of course Mei will be hoping for live birth.. she's gonna be sad

[Bookmark] Candy: ... their lives

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe snug BigRed snug!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol gotta make those patches all shiny

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: but yes Blade/ Blaze hehhee the Fred and George of the turtles... ya all doomed

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee in here has a rough enough time with Blaze alone - he's taken to pinching the breast he's not sucking at meal times and squirting milk everywhere

[Bookmark] Candy: and then laughing about it

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei has never been around babies, so she thinks theirs will be perfect lil angels [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee well he is - when asleep...

[Bookmark] Candy: rest the time he's a cheeky lil so and so - his dad grumps at him? he just gurgles cutely and giggles

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooh. Love could have complicated things for Donnie.

[Bookmark] Candy: Oh she definitely will

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol.. in the dude above ya thread?

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: I think Angel could take her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: wb

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Huh? I meant in "JLOT"

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel is an ass kicker

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: >​.< Don't go near her, Donnie.. she's a rapist

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's scary

[Bookmark] Rogue: and April's in that Apartment.. I'm sue it's gonna end wel lwhen shefinds out Love is out there [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: *grabs popcorn*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I think it would be after they leave to go find Raph. [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: I'd come tell ya's but have a party to go too

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: poor Mei's gonna have it rough thefirst couple of days

[Bookmark] Rogue: well, none of it's gonna be easy..

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: I'll make it as good as I can for her. *snugs Mei*

[Bookmark] Candy: Yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *snuuugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: those first few days of isolation and being poked and trying to figure out where she is

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: ...and I don't mean like THAT! >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Rogue: ahahaha

[Bookmark] Candy: Daww Ee will see her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [blushing] ​ *mind totally did not go there!*

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: Gotta first dazzle the japs wit LH her mutant know all and make sure Bax does not corner her

[Bookmark] Candy: With not wit LH*

[Bookmark] Rogue: she'll be a sad mess of balled up sobbing turtleness

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: dun dun duun

[Bookmark] Candy: Oh man Mei I think you gona get a flood of Ees feelings

[Bookmark] Candy: Thy girls better bond

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww, I'm sure they will

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei hasn't met a nice person in a reeeeally long time. she'll be drawn to her for sure

[Bookmark] Candy: He he bet Red will note the addition of his dew rag to her attire lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yep

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: Yay! Ee says days nice

[Bookmark] Candy: Says she's

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Candy: And drown Mei with warm fuzzies lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: after meeting Erica and Donnie, she'll like this place much better than Japan.. even though she'll have to work on her english and learn their culture and what things are [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: but Raphael does not make her happy about the US [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] lol yes! That's what Ally/Mikey for

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol dawww Ee will not let him hurt her too bad - or share jizz

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: What is this 'jizz'? It soulds very fruity.

[Bookmark] Rogue: sounds*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: baby gravey -

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmm more salty than fruity

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: O.O They will NOT make gravy out of my babies! *growwwwls*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: -_- Oh, boy. Uhhh, that's not what she meant.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... *snugs red* fuck the Iaps he mine!

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol sorry Red

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: Oh, okay. It is gravy for babies, then? ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *facepalms at Mei and snuuugs Erica*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: Well...sort of.

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: It's cum!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ...cum? Where are we going? I would rather stick with Donatello, if it is all the same to you...

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: WTF. Good luck, Donnie.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Okay some one needs dictionary >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: I don't believe THAT is in the dictionary, Mel.

[Bookmark] Candy: Japs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: she is gonna hide forever when she finds out, lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: It would be more likely to be under "semen" or "ejaculate".

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Urban dictionary [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: O.O ...oh my. [blushing] ​ *buries face against Donnie to hide massive blushing.* I must find books.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [wink] which a single sperm holds up to about 3.4 Kbs of data... I think might be the wrong number

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *is snugged* annnnd may only specify human sperm...

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Damn. Forgot "sperm". lol I KNEW I was forgetting something. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *nuzzles her* It's okay. I can help you.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I know to much about this stuff >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: she's never played a video game.. so Mikey will have someone he can beat every time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: no radio... spirits trapped in boxes?

[Bookmark] Rogue: no tv

[Bookmark] Rogue: yep. sheltered to the extreme

[Bookmark] Candy: Lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: it took a few times for her to learn that the scratch and sniff in the cosmo magazines weren't actually scratch and taste [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Wow she needs to learn fast Oo

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: Um, if you really want to know what that is, it' you make babies.

[Bookmark] Candy: Dawwwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: It can only come from a male turtle.

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: I am certainly fortunate to have you here to teach me. [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: O.O About what these sayings mean.... [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *chuckles* I knew that.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Ugh the birds and the bees DX

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *covers Mel's ears -- just in case*

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: don't wanna get her started on that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *oblivious. Nuzzles and snugs* ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *snugs her*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: we'll discuss it in girl talk [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I do know what it is sheesh >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^ That sounds lovely!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: should have seen my teachers face in school when I knew more than he did and flat out said penis in class [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies, I have to go now. must work in a few hours *pouts*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: see ya'll tonight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: and vagina!

[Bookmark] Candy: Night night [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Heading off here, too. Night.

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 214 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] hows you?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Good~ You?

[Bookmark] Candy: very good [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: ^_______________^ tossing Lydia into a Masked Mayhem game? - she could be in the group of civilians with Saki and Bradford [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi - hows you? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Thats 'the Island', nee? Sure, sure! [smile]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Oh, hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] Candy: yes it is - everyone is currently in the Island yep [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Reading through it now~

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Candy: woooooooot! hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] my April is pissed

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oh I bet lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: And I think Mel's sarcasm is gonna bite her in the ass and I want it too [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: *to

[Bookmark] Alysson: Posted in MM~ hope it's good :3

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: It's perfect - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe just posted for April - Love better make herself scarce... red hair woman on war path [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe April gonna make a rug [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi Shy!

[Bookmark] Shy: hey

[Bookmark] Shy: ...oh

[Bookmark] Shy: I finially had my computer work to post it

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: wooooooot

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] you up to a post from April in MM Shy?

[Bookmark] Shy: just did~

[Bookmark] Candy: woooooooooooooooooooooot​!

[Bookmark] Shy: ...didn't see todays new posts, until after I posted. Attempt 5 or 6 now?

[Bookmark] Shy: Dang computer!

[Bookmark] Candy: she and Elena in a bit of trouble - Donnie trying to defend em [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Shy: hey hey

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe and now she too - very good Shy [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: pardon?

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi Kitteh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: that was a good - very Aprilish post Shy [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: ahh.

[Bookmark] Candy: My April is not behaving very April right now - she is more like....

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I've been giggling at Leo's signature. wtf?

[Bookmark] Candy: um I'm a lioness and you just tried to eat my cob - your gonna die... horribly

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL!! I know - cute huh? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: cub*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooh, crap is hitting the fan, eh?

[Bookmark] Candy: yep [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April says Donatello better not show himself -

[Bookmark] Espionata: uhoh lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe My mikey was actually a little unnerved by April [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: April is scaring Don right now. lol

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Erica Martins

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Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyTue Aug 09, 2016 10:35 pm

pt 29.

Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: April: [twisted] [twisted] [twisted]

[Bookmark] Shy: oh geez

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well to be expected

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yikes OO

[Bookmark] Candy: yep

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: I'm impressed.... and scared

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: Me, too. O.o

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: torn between... should we stop this or just keep our tails tucked and heads down?

[Bookmark] Shy Shaya: What did you guys do?

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: I think...the second one is the better option, Mikey.

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *to Shaya* I was trying to help someone improve their life backfired.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: dawww thats what Mum's are like - you mess with their babies - grrrr! *nibbles Blaze's fingers lightly* their gonna bite back

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: - good thinking [big grin] *will follow older brothers lead on this matter*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She scares me *Hides behind Mikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: April: Shaya that cat... that ... that *literally spitting in fury* she raped Raphael - and nows she's at my apartment thinking she can get her claws on Donatello!? I'm going to murder her!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *hides*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: OO *Clings to Mikey*

[Bookmark] Candy: LH: *the water is a safer place to be right now*

[Bookmark] Shy Shaya: April, take a few breaths. ... Donnie I think you should leave. Faster the better.

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *twirls frying pan* mwhahahhaa ready to be road kill kitty kitty?

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *ninja vanish*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Hey don't leave me behind! *Follows*

[Bookmark] Candy: lmao! everyone is scattering

[Bookmark] Candy: quick bomb! evacuate!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: Oo *drags Donnie to his lab*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *is dragged to his lab* Am I in trouble? O.o

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *doesn't even know what he did*

[Bookmark] Candy: Angel: nope - that cat is in trouble - but probably best we all keep out of Ape's way too [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: April is scary OO

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *hiding in cupboard in lab - voice floats out* well we going to feel bad enough in the game -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oh yeah >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Mikey himself I don't think knows what happened - he's going to be furious - and extra guilty himself ... especially seeing as Raph comforted him just hours before

[Bookmark] RaphaHELL joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] RaphaHELL changed name to Rogue

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Hi, Raph. Excellent timing! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee RaphaHELL made a brief appearance!! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] hows you?

[Bookmark] Rogue: m'good. how are ya'll?

[Bookmark] Candy: thoroughly enjoying a raging April [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha! Love it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: she's scaring Don and Mikey

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawww

[Bookmark] Rogue: about to go catch up reading. read most of them before work and I was like.. GO APRIL!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raphael has taught you well [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: it's a red thing [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] he did - even Mikey thinks so - [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: their about to see how well if Love does not leave -

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha oh man Ee is gonna have a slightly numb ass and serious pins and needles when she can wriggle out of that cage [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: Love doesn't seem to remember April, lol

[Bookmark] Candy: I know - picked up on that - April just thinks she's trying to play innocent - is going to piss her off more

[Bookmark] Rogue: dun dun duuuuuuun

[Bookmark] Rogue: Love just wants her some Donnie tail

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: yep lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and Raph still has visions of riping her hide from her body, Silent Hill style

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *explodes* SHE'S GOING TO HAVE A FLAT TAIL!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: OO

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: *from closet he is hiding in* told you we need to limit her Raph time!

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: That a girl. [smug] ​

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: She's scary Raphie OO

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe yeah most here evacuated the immediate area -

[Bookmark] Rogue: *goes to read up*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: A-are you sure this is the right way to go about this? O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: April: it's the only way! she messed with the wrong cubs! MINE! *frying pan being spun like a battle axe in her hands*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Hides behind Raph* Yeah she's gone nuts OO

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] Rogue: I gotta do an Ally post in that, lol. She's gonna be loving April already [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don's just standing there like: o.o

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe Mikey is... slightly shielding Ally and also doing the O.O

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: and now everyone is gonna know that something went down between Raph and Love

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: >​.< I'm sorry, D. [frown]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah. I don't think Don knows yet.

[Bookmark] Candy: not something - exactly -

[Bookmark] Candy: ... well might give the bros something to talk about in the 'joint' lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It wasn't your fault Raphie

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe oh April is going not going to put it nicely - Don's going to get the full 'woman he tried to help and liked raped his brother'

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Hugs Raph*

[Bookmark] Candy: and considering the Don had a run in with the uncontrollable beast that was Mikey...

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *had to place Blaze down in a bean bag - he is such an arm load! - pokes Mel out of the way - snugs Red*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Hey I was helping Raphie

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: She's right, Raph.

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dang it.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Mannnn, this is freaking disturbing. >​.<

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello *waves*

[Bookmark] Candy: yeah it is OO

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: So i didnt stay at my friends house but I found out what was wrong with my car. not the ball joints but the tier rod ends gonna cost me 90 dollars

[Bookmark] Candy: damn

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so my car was left there

[Bookmark] Candy: hello hello [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: till tomorrow or friday

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi! [smile]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but Kitteh, Rogue want to make sure i have your address. so send them to my facebook

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: going to the post office early tomorrow

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Okay.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *grumbles about the link she shared* Who the hell votes for this stuff? >​.< 3rd worst small city in the US? REALLY?!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww I has no idea

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: whos has the smallest city

[Bookmark] Kitteh: As an Elkhartan, I'm extremely insulted!

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze: *has perfect commentary for that shared link -* *FARTS!*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws your town is cute... they can't say that about your town. my friend in LA thought our town was small

[Bookmark] Rogue: brb.. gotta take sleepy pills so I can do an amazing double tomorrow! X.x

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol The video backed up some of the beauty of the city, though. [wink] It's the reason WHY they had to make this video in the first place is what pisses me off. >​ : (

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: yep me too

[Bookmark] Candy: Blaze just had a windy belly and thought it the perfect moment to do somethin about it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] his own fault his mother tells him not to play with his food - still does it

[Bookmark] Kitteh: And Elkhart isn't really all that small either. *spits in the direction of whoever the f**k votes for this stuff*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: what video of your town?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: you need like Tim Allen to advertise you city or town. he does a good job for ours.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *points to the link she shared above*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl
Traverse City - Pure Michigan National Television CommercialYouTube · · 363K · 100%"Inside all of us there's a compass, and it always points True North -- toward mountains of sand, toward new sights and sensations, toward the true bounty of Nature. So let's set our compass for Traverse City and find ourselves..." Tim Allen narrates a video so beautiful it makes you cry. [Click to hide video thumbnail]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Mmm, no more video-watching for me tonight. Computer no like-y them.

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws... they did a good job. And your city has a lot to offer. I don't understand why people would think it doesn't

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed...good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Something tells me they don't even live here. -_-

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Rogue: trying to get a post or two up before I go. man, where does time go >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy: out the window!

[Bookmark] Rogue: yesh

[Bookmark] Rogue: drags when I'm at work, and flies when I'm hanging with you guys [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm yes sounds familiar

[Bookmark] Candy: ... oh I think I know how Ee can find some party wear without leaving the lab - she prob wont have time to go home and Raph has her purple dress -

[Bookmark] Candy: Lost and Found box to the rescue

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yeah I don't see her being able to pull that out from under him -

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: gonna head off guys. gotta get things done see you tomorrow

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: *hugs* night all

[Bookmark] Candy: ... could be comical to see her try it...

[Bookmark] Rogue: night scoop *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, lost and found.. that works [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: when a girl has to make do

[Bookmark] Candy: hazard suits and whatever is in the L&F [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol be funneh if she turned up to the do in a hazard suit

[Bookmark] Candy: but the white ones are faintly see through and she figures enough folks have seen her no longer red lacey victorias secrets

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe at least Red has soft purple dress to snug [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *dives into lost and found box - emerges in kilt and poncho* ... nope! *dives back in*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Kitteh don't forget to send address to facebook... cause i can't find my address book at the moment. night everyone

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph went to sleepy land... and if anyone tries to take that dress, aside from Erica, he'll latch onto them and won't let go til it thunders [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs* night night

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *really wishes she could go sleepy too - loooong day for a girl.......emerges from L&F in clown out fit* AHHHH! *cannon balls back in*

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhe dawwww she will let him keep it [wink]

[Bookmark] Shy: oh geez

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *climbs out dress in mankini -* iiiick! *hops back in*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: obvious Chris Bradford has been to the lab

[Bookmark] Kitteh: LOL

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *comes out again - dressed in red long johns the back flap of which flaps open* [blushing] ​ *and unintentionally mooning all in this manner returns to box*

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: <3

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hahahahaha!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol ready to jump in box with her?

[Bookmark] Kitteh Don: *staaaaaares!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Giggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: uh oh [tongue]

[Bookmark] Shy Shaya: Is that box her warerobe?

Candy: hehehe magic boxes

[Bookmark] Candy: nope just Lost and Found - whom knows whats in there?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Mystery box. [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: well, D gave up his characters

[Bookmark] Rogue: he posted on the forum

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Rogue: so we need to find a casey

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awww

[Bookmark] Candy: Figured - meh will poke about [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: But...kinda saw it coming.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs both Admins*

[Bookmark] Candy: *snugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah. saw it coming too. just woulda been nice if he would have said something sooner. but, better late than never

[Bookmark] Candy
hehehe long john mooning [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: At least he said something PERIOD.

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha.. cuuute

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: actually ... ssad to see him go but I am in a sense relieved too

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, I hate to see him go, too. But he never really was into Origins, or MM from what I understand

[Bookmark] Rogue: gah.. I have 15 minutes to squeeze out an Ally post!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: pretty much - makes it easier to move these characters on finally

[Bookmark] Candy: lol just read Cellular - and my gals all went to mush

[Bookmark] Candy: ... even furious April

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Rogue, have you seem Leo's signature? lol

[Bookmark] Candy: LOL!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Candy: yeah! thats freaking adorable [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: seen*

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahaha..I have

[Bookmark] Rogue: Leo's a strange one [tongue] but it's funny

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol I was like wtf?

[Bookmark] Candy: hehheehe I keep seeing it and going - NAWWWWWWWW

[Bookmark] Candy: Leo! ya supposed to be a big bad alpha turtle....

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: O.o Leo! When did we get a dog??? >​.<

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: it peed on my bed!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: It better not put one paw print in my lab, or so help me...! >​ : (

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: what you'll stare at it and go to mush?

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: ....No. -_-

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: [big grin] you so would [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: Enough, Mikey! >​.<

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Giggles*

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: oooor what? *pokes his brother in the side*

[Bookmark] Rogue: phew.. posted for Ally

[Bookmark] Candy: wooooooot

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: .... *slaps his hand away* Just...keep it away from me, Mikey! >​.<

[Bookmark] Rogue: and my inner Raph is chomping at the bit... if Love puts one claw on April, he will find her.. and he will skin her [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yikes

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: bbbut buuut it's so cute [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol oh man April is gonna loooose it..

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ooooh

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yes skin her Red [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: is sooooo SLOW! >​.<

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not so cute when it chews on your comics >​>​

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *storms off to his lab and slams the door shut without another word*

[Bookmark] Candy: oooooh

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol He's not having any of it. [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: He needs to protect his precious machines. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: ...and the wires.

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Cats chew on wires too

[Bookmark] Candy: and puppies

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yep.

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Cats are especially bad about it.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ooooh man *had shifted Blaze onto his plastron on floor*

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies, I have to head off. [frown] see you guys tonight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: yep

[Bookmark] Candy: nightnight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: there no Donnie knows what happened to his brother

[Bookmark] Candy: now*

[Bookmark] Shy: night

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile] Stupid browser keeps freezing up every time I try to change tabs. >​.<

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Posting may or may not happen tonight. [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: naw -

[Bookmark] Candy: but at least the poor fellow knows now

[Bookmark] Candy: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: it happens

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: *snuggles*

[Bookmark] Candy
hmmm green dress? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: *sigh*

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: you alright Shy? *hugs*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *also hugs Shy*

[Bookmark] Shy: I just realized I zoned out for an hour from a caffine drop. I should head to bed for my 10am appointment.

[Bookmark] Shy: I'm not sure what to do on my free day off

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Shy: any rps i am needed in since im back?

[Bookmark] Candy: nope I think you posted up for the moment [big grin] tis good huh? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: I am more 'organized' lately. I just have more time in the evening lately.

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] and thats freaking awsome! - been hesitating with moving Sismance on too much until you were back to post and had time to - but will get on it now [big grin]

[Bookmark] Shy: kk

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ugh...think I might get off here. Slooooooow computer. [frown]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww night

[Bookmark] Kitteh left the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 213 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Candy: not much [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: you?

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Not much, you~?

[Bookmark] Espionata: same

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Aww, no Mikko tonight.

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Candy: no - but maybe she may feel okay enough to pop in an say hi some time with any luck - if not catch her tomorrow

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] Alysson: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] we'll cross our fingers and hope for a speedy feel better in any case [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yeah

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hey all *waves* car is done but can't get until tomorrow so I may have to call into work tomorrow if I can't have a ride to work

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: darn

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: whats up

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Espionata: nothing

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cleaning and picking up things

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on laptop right now

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: car repair cost 80 dollars

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cheaper than I thought

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: yay

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Helo

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: Hello

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so i'll be taking fmla off tomorrow I don't want to feel bad about using them since I haven't used any since I got them and I can use two a month.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but I won't have a car tomorrow

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you all

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: downloading an app not sure if i'll have to restart *waves* hello

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: how are you

[Bookmark] Rogue: sooooo tired. but good. how are ya'll?

[Bookmark] Candy: busybusy [wink] but good

[Bookmark] Espionata: good

[Bookmark] Rogue: omg... lovelovelove the posts in Just like Ol Times ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: you guys were busybusybusy this morning

[Bookmark] Rogue: but gave me lots of goodness to read on break ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: it was fun

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: kitty was an Donnie away from being pan paste

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol. she deserved it

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] still gives me the giggles that Don had to throw her over a shoulder and carry her back inside [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha.. yes!

[Bookmark] Candy: ... wait til she hears what Bonesteel did [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: maybe she'll try a bigger pan [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, oh snap

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Candy: dont worry about revenge on BS Raph, ladies all over it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Erica will do the drink serving go backto her office and hack saw those tools up [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: BS: -.-

[Bookmark] Candy: and take great pleasure doing it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *hack saw buzz* all girls must know how to use tools [twisted]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph will probably be out of it for a bit, and wake up in that damn glass prison.. and go ape shit

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Don't blame him

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhhahahaha! oh great - if she's sleeping on the floor nice alarm [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Me either considering I almost escaped mine

[Bookmark] Candy: on the plus side by the time he does come around prob have most of the LH blood coursing in him

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello. Finally! Stupid browser. It froze up on me.

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee Angry Red with gator strength enhancements - his fish bowl better be fucking hurricane proof

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I need some of that blood >​>​

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on skype

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Oooh, Rogue likes our work from this morning? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: yep [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: Yesh! Loves it! ^^

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: also mail was sent

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee BS might be in for a Raph like fight with Don - Don is not in a happy mood

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooooh

[Bookmark] Rogue: and yay for mail! ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeah, he's gonna try extreeeeeemely hard to break that glass

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] well with a touch of LH in him ... like said the glass better be bomb proof

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] Candy: frighten the crap outta whom evers working in the immediate area - startle an Ee awak - probably with a shout of spork weilding or theiving gnomes [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: whenever Bax is ready for seeing these japos - should I start it in a new thread? maybe call it Cultural Exchange [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee found a dress for the occassion

[Bookmark] Candy: and stole someones shoes from their locker [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: doing dishes on massager

[Bookmark] Rogue: oooh, I like thename ^^ and yep, new thread works [smile]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahaha.. lil thief

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, I like the name, too

Candy: hehehe hey she left a note of IOU - but yep totally stole em [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei says this jet needs to go a lil faster. getting cramped in that darn crate

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] then there shall be some Cultural Exchange - ing

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee would like to register she will be awful at serving drinks and the dress is too long [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Can I please kill Stockass?

[Bookmark] Candy: and heels suck [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: and she promises a stack of mags for Mei

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: added her dressy find to plotty thread [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Why is there a slit in it?

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: ooh, Raph will liiiiike [wink]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: *thinks it's very pretty* [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: dis green [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *poses - showing it off*

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Doesn't look practical to me Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] well hopefully one way or another it helps impress the japs [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: gah their not! - if I stand infront of a light at the right angle the damned skit goes see through!

[Bookmark] Candy: skirt*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: .... but the siiiiiiilk is soft and feels liiiiiked water against me skin... almost want to go nude under it just for all the softness

[Bookmark] Candy: like*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And so every one can see your ass [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: .... could be a ice breaker

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well I'm sure Stockass will like that if I don't hurt him first >​>​

[Bookmark] Alysson: Oops, accidentally forgot bout Chatzy! Was watching pewdiepie's Silent Hill lets play, which probably isn't the wisest of ideas this time of night...X3

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: pffft it's just a butt - *waggles it*

[Bookmark] Rogue: dawws

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: O.O ..<3

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Sure >​>​

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... [wink] *wags it Red's way*

[Bookmark] Candy: *sniggers* cheeky sod [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *Just staaaaaaares*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Erica you need to talk some sense into Aly power is going to her head

[Bookmark] Candy: cheeky - hah punned [tongue]

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: oooh! *wedgie! - slight flash of butt cheek whilst dealing with issue*

[Bookmark] Candy: that poor Turtle

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi Shy!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Hi

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: .......*dealing with 'issue'.. too..*

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Shy: hey

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *shimmies closer* need a hand Red? [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahhaa hand [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: naughty

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oh brother >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: ....*smexes her up right then and there*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: I've got more sense than you~ I don't whine and complain and swear for hours on end. I'm on their good side. They like me. They're lookin forward to getting rid of you.

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha! well those that work there can't say nothing ever happens at the office -

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: they dont even have to naughtily use the labs wifi to have free porn [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *little minx - giving the smexins as fucking good as she's gettin it*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] fucking hehehe punned

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yet you want weapon upgrades Aly that isn't sane

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: I have personal reasons.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: No you're letting power go to your head and that will end really badly

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: We'll see~

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yeah we will

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: But I think things'll end worse for you.

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: I want to be caught - be the perfect caged turtle! I got jokes and dance routines and will annoy the pants of people

[Bookmark] Candy: window licking and faces against the glass -

[Bookmark] Candy: probably naughtily pissing people passing [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Knowing my player it will she wants to do mind control >​<

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Maybe you'll be less rude that way? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: and Mike would be an awesome captive, lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: on skype still

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: he would indeed [big grin] - if poor BS has to catch him - be super glad just to give him away [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: While you're going to the dark side and for someone that was so scared and untrusting you sure do trust Sammy and Stockass

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Who says I like them? Time biding. I wanna get out just as much as you, but different reasons~

[Bookmark] Candy: like Donkey in shrek - asking are we there yet?

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: then told to shut up... makes those mouth noises [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well you were really happy to get tv and ice cream

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Course I was! Never had those things before.

[Bookmark] Shy: Shaya: What would you like to see if you hada a TV?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I thought orphanges had that stuff Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey: mmm hmmm I am de turtle [tongue] - ooooooo X Files!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Sometimes, but I never was allowed to. Time outs n stuff.

[Bookmark] Shy: Shaya: the new series or the classic?

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey:... start with the classic [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: In other words you were a troublemaker

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Technically speaking.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: pokes to make sure I'm still online

[Bookmark] Candy: *pokes back*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Why?

[Bookmark] Candy: *turns on 'porn star dancing' for the smexings action*

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Personal reasons.

[Bookmark] Candy: ... which that song is not that bad...

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Was that place that bad?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: MIKKO! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Alyss: Don't feel like talkin bout it.

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikko! hi hi *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I mean really. people kept waking me up! and then when I was asleep I kept dreaming that I was dating Bebop! Why would I date Bebop!? clearly Rocky is the more attractive one.

[Bookmark] Rogue: *snugs Mikko*

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: *snug snug*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: yes, Rock would be the better choice [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hi!

[Bookmark] Mikko: speaking of bee. MM Mikko and Bebop did post on the island thread.buuuuut no one seemed to notice. MM Mikko is talking to April and Bee is attacking Mike

[Bookmark] Espionata: *Pokes Stockman* He can mind control Mel because idea came into my head a couple nights ago and won't leave lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah, I noticed.

[Bookmark] Mikko: hihihi

[Bookmark] Mikko: yaaay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: kitteh you still on messager

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Yeah.

[Bookmark] Candy: lol oh Ee noticed - just have not posted for her yet - She may just try to throw him off his path some how

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: *stops for pretty girl. then kidnaps pretty girl and runs back in the jungle*

[Bookmark] Shy: Sorry. I was trying to post ebfore Mikko did. I sent it after you thanks to computer issues

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahahahhaa!

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: So Mel's sarcasm is gonna bite her lol

[Bookmark] Candy: well there we go - she just has to flash her boobs

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe Elena is calling Rocky Mr. FatGreyUnicorn [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I saw! she is so cute

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bee: How come I don't get a nick name?

[Bookmark] Candy: Elena: Mr. PurpleBacon? you do!

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: or Mr. Pumba

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bee: ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: probably Mr. PurplePumba [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: oh whenever Bax is ready will have Ee open a new thread to go smooosh the Japs

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bee: I'm gonna Hakuna yer sister's tatas little girl.

[Bookmark] Candy: 'Cultural Exchange'

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Elena: ... are they like bongos?

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax is ready. player is not.

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] okay - is he collecting the crazy intern from the aquarium room or is she to join him somewhere?

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw

[Bookmark] Mikko: uh...join him somewhere?

[Bookmark] Rogue: guys..spread the word... Casey needs lovins [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: or just a player really

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: isn't that April's job?

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe, yesh

[Bookmark] Candy: okay - his office - or on the way back from dealing with Mel and Aly?

[Bookmark] Candy: April: mmmm and I give it to him good [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: @.@ so many questions

[Bookmark] Mikko: office?

[Bookmark] Rogue: if I didn't already have one hot head that's a lot alike him, would try to puppet him until someone comes along..

[Bookmark] Rogue: but I has too many canons now

[Bookmark] Candy: SexedUpEe: pfffft not as good as I just did [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: wanna give noobs a chance

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh my

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Candy: lol with her knowledge she probably could give it good too

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: okay office [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: and no desk top shenanigans!

[Bookmark] Rogue: hahaha

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: but my desk is made for that!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... for what?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: you will soon see

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: .... planning an experiement?

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed, good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I don't wanna be mindcontrolled DX

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: yes! on you!

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL who's mind controling you?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Well she said scarcastically that Stockman should do just that if he didn't want her to have a mind of her own and Stockman is crazy enough to do that lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Oo whats the experiement? .... if you wish to know how many lima beans I can fit in my mouth -

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: No many CAN you fit?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: fifty six [blushing] ​

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Swat Kats is coming back [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: nice....WHAT! SWAT KATS! *pushes Erica away to get to the TV*

[Bookmark] Espionata: A studio contacted the creators interested in reviving it

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: don't sit so close you'll get square eyes *sneaks out*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: that is a myth!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *calls back* do you want to risk it?!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: yes

[Bookmark] Espionata: Now if only Gargoyles was brought back I would be happy that was a serious show

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ... Okay then - have fun

[Bookmark] Mikko: Gargoyles are getting one better! A live action movie

[Bookmark] Espionata: What?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah. I think they are shooting for a 2018 realise date

[Bookmark] Espionata: wow

[Bookmark] Candy: okay let me Hank out this post and then Ee it up to take Bax to this party [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: not a party, business meeting

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: yes that

[Bookmark] Candy: she asks whether the dress is good enough [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: yes you! little turtle woman! go in there with the scary male turtle and make some babies! now!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: O.o Excuse me?

[Bookmark] Candy: lol thats one way to intruct them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: This won't end well >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: it will end wonderfully!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: unless Raph is gay. which is likely

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Erica Martins

Posts : 885
Join date : 2014-10-18
Age : 25
Location : solitary confinemnet

Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation)   Random Chatty Pt. 21 - 30 (post O Rp Chat-RP Night Creation) EmptyMon Aug 22, 2016 2:00 pm

pt 30.

Rogue Raph: ...I've screwed more girls than you.

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I doubt that. and even so. I never cried after it was over.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: pfffft dont lie you did so

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: And the cat is insane >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I am not! April is the crazy one!

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *grins darkly at the cat woman - then at BS* your next spear boy

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: *brow wiggle*

[Bookmark] Mikko: LOL

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: no no me first I have to return his toys to him -

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: I've got a spear for you my dear. [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I bet hunter man would want me! not for anything good...not the point!

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yup he would [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: April: ooooooh that wont go well for you

[Bookmark] Rogue: He's sell her to the Chinese

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [twisted] I'd hurt ya

[Bookmark] Mikko: I can not get my head around posting

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha dimsims!

[Bookmark] Mikko: dimsims

[Bookmark] Rogue: Bonesteel: Why don't we find out?

[Bookmark] Mikko: and the palm of my hand itches!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: *itches ya palm*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *leaps on Bs's back and covers his eyes* you can't see me!

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha!

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] well tickle ya characters it may help [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee will be in the office shortly

[Bookmark] Mikko: this is a real fashion show

[Bookmark] Mikko: enjoy

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol... wtf did I just watch?

[Bookmark] Rogue: BS: No, but I can smell you! *throw her in a cage*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: oooh a cage! cage dancing! *dances all sexy like*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: I shall have post up soon. tomorrow...maybe late late late tonight if I can't sleep

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe BS like all the footprints left for him from LH's visit [big grin] ?

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww kay kay

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, he's gonna have a field day with that [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] excellent [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: working on laundry but here

[Bookmark] Mikko: LH is in for a bit o surprise soonish.

[Bookmark] Candy: really? oh good dude just swam back to his den

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love will also be returning to the den...WITH A GIFT!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: okay working on Cultural Exchange

[Bookmark] Candy: oh?

[Bookmark] Mikko: a gift of the alien brain kind

[Bookmark] Candy: cool [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Rogue: I've been meaning to do a sort of profile for the kraang, and leaving the password for anyone that wishes to use them ^^

[Bookmark] Rogue: Will get to it soon

[Bookmark] Candy: lol Ee left boot prints too with LH's prints - but she says smugly good luck working out their hers [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: password: kraaaang

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, indeed. well, BS is pretty good at tracking.. dundunduuuuun

[Bookmark] Rogue: ool

[Bookmark] Rogue: lool*

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha - well she wiped off some of the mud but might be tracks through the building to where red was patched up

[Bookmark] Candy: and his blood everywhere

[Bookmark] Mikko: I live with a bunch of nerds! says the girl who lives on world of warcraft

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee says she prefers samples of his dna inside unless its saliva or jizz

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] Nerds rule!

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: and we often roam in packs

[Bookmark] Mikko: walk out to the kitchen and brother and roommate are talking about the politics of star wars

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Nerd Herds

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: lol I love star wars but I hate plititcs

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: politics -edit-

[Bookmark] Mikko: *Bonehead shows up at LH's den. ALIEN BRAIN ATTACK!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: Bonehead - hehhee

[Bookmark] Candy: okay cultural exchange is... pooooooooooosting slow

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: this went from cute to dark real fast

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm here just messed up my tabs still on massager as well

[Bookmark] Candy: *skillet 'Sick of it' playing*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: oooo like this song *dances*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww done that before

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: hehe

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: pokes all

[Bookmark] Mikko: *bites*

[Bookmark] Candy: *pokes back*

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *dodges pokies - getting her groove on!*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: [smile]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Everyone enjoying Leo's new puppy?

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha yes!

[Bookmark] Rogue: bahahha.. I died when I saw that

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Puppy Oo

[Bookmark] Mikko: ^^

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol When I first saw it I was like: wtf, man??? [tongue]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: And Don doesn't want a puppy around. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I was going to use it on Laz. but Laz already has a nice sig

[Bookmark] Rogue: yeeeah. Lexi would be sad to see Laz' sig go [tongue]

[Bookmark] Rogue: she swoons every time [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies guys, I have to go. gotta do the 12 hour thing again tomorrow [frown]

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: see ya'll tomorrow night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'm off too. I will be on tomorrow! night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: okay when this thread posts Bax you meeting escort has arrived [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: yay

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] Ee would like to thank Don for his think the dress is pretty btw [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Awww night *hugs both*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: ^_^

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: normally she prefers purple dresses [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Don: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy purple [tongue]

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: WB

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy
star wars dress up? purple [tongue]

[Bookmark] Shy: all the pretty purple dresses?

[Bookmark] Candy

[Bookmark] Candy: ... if I could find a pair of boots like those [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe April and Shaya have Hank after them in Sismance [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Shy: sweet

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night to all who have left for the night *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: i'm gonna head off but still will be on messager for a bit longer. checking laundry

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: nihgt night [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night [big grin] should probably head off this one too [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Shy: posted and night

[Bookmark] Kitteh was timed out 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Kitteh was timed out 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 212 days ago

[Bookmark] Tara joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Shy joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hi!

[Bookmark] Espionata: What's up?

[Bookmark] Alysson: Today was blah...buuut, tomorrow is the robotics build-season kickoff so I'm really excited!! [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: cool

[Bookmark] Alysson: But that means I gotta get up early, cuz the meeting starts at 9:45

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hey all be with you shortly

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: getting things together for tomorrow I called in cause I had no car today

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: hiiiiiiii

[Bookmark] Mikko: robotics build..I think we have a mini stockman here

[Bookmark] Alysson: I don't actually build anything on the team, I'm on the business sub-team! [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: I would probably kill myself with some of those power tools...X3

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol awwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: just had a call from my parents my grandma had a mini stroke and was sent to the hospital tonight for over night they said she is ok but want to make sure

[Bookmark] Espionata: Went to a Gamestop at mall I've never been to before to try to find Tales of Xilla they didn't have it they had the sequel and Symphonia, and the new one though >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh nooo

[Bookmark] Mikko: I hope she's ok

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so far from what I heard she is ok

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: but they are keeping her over night

[Bookmark] Mikko: that's good.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yah

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cause she was fine for me two nights ago at dinner time

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she was moving around great and eating fine

[Bookmark] Mikko: the brain is a fickle thing

[Bookmark] Espionata: it is

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: it is.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she'll be 93 in june

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and her memory is still pretty good but her eye site is going

[Bookmark] Candy joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooh. my grandmother is around that age, her mind is goooooone

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello the candy

[Bookmark] Espionata: ho

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi8

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: she remembers a lot of the past but not of the current events happening

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi!

[Bookmark] Mikko: star dust. falls to earth makes us forget things

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: that's probably it

[Bookmark] Alysson:

[Bookmark] Alysson: Gah! Links hate meh...

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww

[Bookmark] Mikko: nooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooooooooooooooooooooo​ooooooooooooooo

[Bookmark] Alysson: Does it work for you guys? Can you see the video, or no?

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: it not showing up for me

[Bookmark] Alysson: Was 'fraid so.

[Bookmark] Candy: nope

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Alysson: Eh, it was just something funny I saw. If you're curious, the video was called 'ABM Adventure: Shadow the Chocolate Salesman'. I used to be obsessed with that channel's vids a few years ago. :3

[Bookmark] Candy: lol! thanks [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: omg, April! Just make me sound all evil. I can't help it if Raph got a little emotional after he was with me.

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cool

[Bookmark] Candy: *shoves April in a padded room as woman looks about to explode once more*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Cat is crazy and Aly says I'm nuts [tongue]

Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmmm he told me too - poor poor guy

[Bookmark] Candy: *locks door to room*

[Bookmark] Rogue joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi

[Bookmark] Rogue: hiyas

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Mikko: *crashes on Rogue*

[Bookmark] Candy: *trips over pile of Mikko and Rogue*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: should I make a new thread for the Love finding an alien and playing football with it with LH?

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I'll get to Bax soonish. migraine is kicking in and Bax makes my head hurt more Lol

[Bookmark] Candy: go for it [big grin] hehehe he'll be getting home from his short expedition as she is in any case... thankfully having swam most of the way he did not lead a hunter back to his hidden den [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sure [smile]

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: or so he thinks

[Bookmark] Mikko: bebe is after Erica in MM

[Bookmark] Mikko: she's a good distraction

[Bookmark] Candy: Good... uh not good he makes your head hurt... but good yes they need to go meet these people.

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha MMEe definitely is hurting from running into him [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey has come to her rescue [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes, playing one super smart person is hard, playing BAx and smart Japanese people is going to kill me

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: pssssh thats what we Mikey's do [big grin]

[Bookmark] Alysson: Any ideas for getting the Lydibug into the main story yet? :3

[Bookmark] Mikko: damn you Mike!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love kidnaps her and makes her wear the kraang as a hat

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *put the alien ontop of Lydia's head* beautiful!

[Bookmark] Alysson: Lydia: Wear what as a hat?! [confused]

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmmm will probably temp a jap myself - how many of them would come?

[Bookmark] Candy: .... I just giggled at that harder than I should have

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: probably 3

[Bookmark] Candy: Okay I can tempt a jap than [big grin]

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, yay!

[Bookmark] Mikko: all of them! all the japanese!

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] whose got the other two [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Rogue! I have to give you props. I know you suffer from crazy ass headaches but you seem to handle it sooooo much better then I

[Bookmark] Mikko: my headaches are like, nope, can't fuction

[Bookmark] Kitteh joined the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Alysson: Hiiiii~

[Bookmark] Mikko: I just got some pain killers from the roommate so maybe that will help

[Bookmark] Mikko: hello

[Bookmark] Espionata: hi

[Bookmark] Candy: hi hi!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Hello

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Ugh. My dad is completely hopeless when it comes to technology. -_-

[Bookmark] Rogue: daw. yeah, they suck.. but when you get them one to two times a week, you have to learn how to cope with it unfortunately

[Bookmark] Rogue: and hiyas

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: So is my mom she hits the keyboard buttons several times to get her computer out of sleep mode when you only need to tap the button once lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I tell him to just minimize the window when he wants to use a different browser. Nope! That damn "x" keeps calling him, apparently. >​.< I've told him FIVE times today: "DO NOT CLICK ON THE 'X'!!!"

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: the X of doooom

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: So then he wonders why the whole browser disappears. *facepalms*

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] hehheeehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwwwww

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: hello

[Bookmark] Mikko: We're still trying to get my parents to use a smart phone. they still have old flip phones that can only call! CAN ONLY CALL! it's a phone! that can only call! how do they live!?

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my parents still have tech issues

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: even with my dvd player and tv

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: My dad types with two fingers [big grin] sooo slow [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: sounds like my dad he can type but not without looking at the keyboard

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I had to memorize it like the piano

[Bookmark] Espionata: I don't type correctly lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: we'd have a block over our hands during computer class in the early 90s with a black screen and green font

[Bookmark] Espionata: I had typing games >​>​

[Bookmark] Mikko: UGH! just read an article on some woman, that put her husbands perfectly healthy YOUNG dog down because she was tired of looking and picking up after it. she said the dog was too stupid to live. the husband wasn't even all that mad about it! THEN! THEN!!!!! once that dog was put down, SHE GOT A NEW PUPPY! WTF??

[Bookmark] Candy: WTF?

[Bookmark] Espionata: My mom used my typing game to learn how to type and it was Timon and Pumba Learns Typing lol

[Bookmark] Alysson: O.o

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: what is wrong with people

[Bookmark] Rogue: she needs to be put down

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm on messager

[Bookmark] Mikko: a lot. a lot is wrong with people

[Bookmark] Espionata: What Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Elena: Mr. PurplePumba?!

[Bookmark] Candy: yes!

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: animals are like kids you can't put them down

[Bookmark] Candy: thats the fate that awaited Shaddow when I adopted him - because at that point he was violent with men, dogs and could not be ridden thanks to the hip injury

[Bookmark] Espionata: It would be like putting a cat down because they hunt and climb things

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebe: *looks at the child then cheerfully grabs her and tosses her in the air...might catch her*

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwwww

[Bookmark] Candy: Elena: - hey1 - weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *trys to flap her arms!*

[Bookmark] Espionata: The female kitten got onto the beam work in the living room which is high up last night first cat to ever do it

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mikko: *ruuuuuuns and catches the girl* baaaaad purple pumba!

[Bookmark] Candy: yes Shaddow was a week out from being shot - then I took him home

[Bookmark] Mikko: my hero!

[Bookmark] Candy: Elena: *hugs Mikko - giggling* that was fun! *has no idea the pig might not have been caught her*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink] I have got him to the point he allows my dad, male cousins and the family dogs to work near or close without charging

[Bookmark] Espionata: That's good

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: that's good. maybe next you work on Rock's charging issue.

[Bookmark] Candy: but legally I have to put signs on his paddock that tell folks no unsupervised approaching him - he has grabbed a feral dog once by the scruff of the neck and shook it....

[Bookmark] Espionata: And if a horse grabs you you're dead

[Bookmark] Candy: and only I can ride him - he wont let any one else do it

[Bookmark] Candy: you can be - I managed to get the dog out though -

[Bookmark] Mikko: that don't sound like a typical guy. he's very loyal. you keep that man. and you ride him! you ride him like the wind!

[Bookmark] Candy: lol I could try - Rocky the rhino is only a few hundred pounds heavier than Shaddoe [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: I do! - also it's not safe for any one but I to ride him, his back leg injury still affects him, he trips occassionally and only an experienced rider would be able to stay on as he rights himself

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooh

[Bookmark] Espionata: yikes

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my friend was going to bring my car back tonight but something was wrong while driving it so he has to fix what it is and I hope to get before we get the snow sunday

[Bookmark] Candy: yep he could one day kill himself and I - but whats the ride without risk?

[Bookmark] Mikko: I have a very old picture of me riding my pony. I was like...4 or 5. and my dad is on side of me guiding the pony. and I am clinging to my dad for dear life. mom said i kept yelling to get off, but they were trying to get me use to him. so the pic is of my with this look of horror

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yah it was the tie rod ends that help with the turning

[Bookmark] Mikko: ever since then....horses have scared me

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwwwww - they should have not forced you

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: so I think the tire had a mind of their own

[Bookmark] Mikko: and the geese! I was attacked by a goose horde once! animals don't like me lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws I love horse back riding even after my accented

[Bookmark] Candy: dawww

[Bookmark] Candy: yes well Shaddow would not be a horse I would let you near

[Bookmark] Candy: he'd scare you even more

[Bookmark] Candy: He's not too bad with females

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my family believes I'm afraid of riding one but i'm not

[Bookmark] Candy: but he tends to treat them like his mares and it can be alarming to have a half a tonne horse stamping and circling you and nudging, nipping or butting with his head

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I road a new horse when I got thrown off

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: and it was after I stopped her

[Bookmark] Candy: ... he don't try that with me no more - I am lead mare - I boss him around

[Bookmark] Candy: and mummy - as I bring food [big grin]

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: bossing is good

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I tried to boss her around she didn't like it

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: yeah Mares are like that

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: I'll stick to just riding horses in games

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: my cousin sold them a few years after cause no one in her family wanted to ride them any more and they couldn't afford them. but I miss riding. may need some riding lessons to refers my mind

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: darn horse sent me to the ER on thanksgiving that year

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: eight stitches on my eye and on my head

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: ♫ Save a horse - ride a mutant turtle!♪ *has ipod again*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: cant see the scar on my head anymore but you can on my eye lid

[Bookmark] Candy: OH... sorry to hear that - yeah I had my collar bone broken coming off Shaddow ... wow that was last year now [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Rogue and the kitteh are being very quiet and sneaky

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: aws *hug* glad your better

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: yah they are. on massager to

[Bookmark] Kitteh: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: like ninja

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: darn connection don't disconnect me

[Bookmark] Mikko: oooooooooooooooooooooooo​ooooh baby baby!

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] Candy: lol baby baby? [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *puts alien brain on April's head* I thought you could use a brain. since you don't seem to have one.

[Bookmark] Alysson: XD

[Bookmark] Candy: Oo what are you doing in there?!

[Bookmark] Candy: April: *grabs Kraang and drop kicks it to wall - lunges at Love - hands for throat to strangle her!*

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: poor little Kraang

[Bookmark] Mikko: all he wanted was a hug!

[Bookmark] Candy: yep [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: or she..could be a girl. how do you tell?

[Bookmark] Mikko: is it like having to sex a snake or gator?

[Bookmark] Espionata: voice

[Bookmark] Mikko: some girls have manly voices

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: no like a octopus - the male Kraang has an extra tentacle

[Bookmark] Mikko: ooooooooh

[Bookmark] Mikko: that makes sense

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *starts counting tentacles*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *geek mode activated* this tentacle, known as a hectocotylus, is used to transfer sperm to the female. The arm stores up the sperm, and when the male finds a female he wants to mate with, he will detach the arm during the mating process. Specifically, once the “arm” finds the pallial cavity of the female, it gets inserted. A “Funnel-mantle locking apparatus,” acts like a Chinese finger torture device for the octopus, then keeps the arm from escaping.

[Bookmark] Mikko: O.O

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: cooooooool. but...can we eat them?

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: OO

[Bookmark] Alysson: I'm going to bed now, good night~ *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Alysson left the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night alysson

[Bookmark] Kitteh: NIght *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: *bites into a kraang* squishy

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: probably like octopus too - mmmm might make some mean calamari rings

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Eww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I will take pizza with bacon

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: yeeeeeeah girls love the bacon! *hip thrust*

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Not you sicko

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bebop: you kow you want it. you know you love it!

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I'm 14!

Candy: mmEe left Bebe to Mikey and took those clones away [big grin] she's coming back to you Mikko and her sister [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: she sincerely hopes neither Rocky or Bebe would be strong enough to reach the totts amongst the rocks [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mm Mikko: I got a kid!

[Bookmark] Candy: and too busy to try it [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: tots among the rocks

[Bookmark] Mikko: sounds like the title of a book

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: necro is tempting Baxter there - he might stumble upon the scene and try snatching a tot - good luck those little guys were told not to come out unless Elena or Erica came for them [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: did Rogue leave us to walk in the woods. Alone. At night. there are serial killing bears out there!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: What about cereal-crunching bears out there? [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: noooooo they kill! with their spider partners

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Mm Mikko: nooooo my kid now!

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Candy: come on Bax - lets go turn japanese - Ee did not shower in the cold radiation shower for nothing - lucky that dress top a little ruffle like - no seeing cold hard nipples

[Bookmark] Candy: lol!

[Bookmark] Candy: mmEe: dont make me drag you off too lady

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: m'here. just dunno how long I'm gonna last tonight... extremely tired

[Bookmark] Candy: dawwww [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Can I hurt Stockass please?

[Bookmark] Espionata: aww

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: I'm heading off for the night guys ill be online tomorrow still on massager as well

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Candy: night night *hugs*

[Bookmark] ScoopGirl: night all *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: there's rogue! see she comes in when I go away. I see how it is

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: *sticks Kraang on Mel's head* I think you also need a brain.

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: *Growls and tackles Stockman*

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: if I was going to meet up with important people I would want at least a two days notice. So that I can have things ready.

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: there are too many things happening at one time!

[Bookmark] Candy: well it would be almost next day before the Japs get there - so there is that - so what date would that make it? I didn't add one incase I had to edit

[Bookmark] Mikko: I dooooo not know

[Bookmark] Candy: mmmm hang on

[Bookmark] Candy: japan to new york is like twelve and a half hours of flying - then there is the getting out of the air port, and through new york so ... yes probably lunch time before they get there - okay gotta do some editing of last Cellular post and first Cultrual Exchange post - one moment

[Bookmark] Mikko: *plops a kraang on Rogue's head*

[Bookmark] Candy: so Nov 6th?

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: november 6th! I have to cook a turkey!

[Bookmark] Candy: ... maybe 1 pm? - I'd imagine for the meet up they would leave Mei in a secured armored van in the labs yards - prob where BS's humvee had been hours earlier so they can see Baxter - and the intern

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It's not Thanksgiving

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: not with that attitude

[Bookmark] Mikko: unless we skip the meeting and the japanese just give Bax the turtle

[Bookmark] Candy: [tongue] could do

[Bookmark] Rogue: you can't skip an important meeting [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe probably not wise to no

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: I am BAxter STOCKMAN! I do as I please!

[Bookmark] Rogue: Mei: *just wants out of this darn dog crate* [frown]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: and now I wish to do Erica. *grabs erica and runs off*

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww poor Mei

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *hangs onto doorframe*

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: *eats baxter's face*

[Bookmark] Mikko: I shall make post! I posted for the Leo

[Bookmark] Rogue: yayz

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: *builds himself a better face!*

[Bookmark] Candy: I has to edit first! [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: and post for my jap

[Bookmark] Mikko: still waiting on peeps in the zombie thread

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: *slips into the aquarium and hides*

[Bookmark] Mikko: and I also posted in the the christmas game and that new mutant game

[Bookmark] Rogue: Raph's held up by aly

[Bookmark] Mikko: wow she's strong

[Bookmark] Candy: lol yep

[Bookmark] Rogue: but will see what I can do for gabe later.. and don't know if I can post for Lex.. thinking I'm waiting on the peeps in that group.. could be wrong

[Bookmark] Rogue: [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Laz posted and Eze posted

[Bookmark] Rogue: it's been over a week so.. may just move around her

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: pfffft Raph's a big softy a lil girl wont need to be strong to hold him -

[Bookmark] Mikko: oh you mean in the zombie game

[Bookmark] Rogue: lol, daw

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: yeah i need to post something for the ones in the sewer

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: should have seen him with the Ee - you'd think he was half way domesticated - *asking for a bruising*

[Bookmark] Mikko: maybe have Hun hit on Lexi or something

[Bookmark] Candy: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue Raph: -.- Mikey

[Bookmark] Rogue: Lexi: O.o

[Bookmark] Candy: Mikey is showing evidence of this to Ally [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy Mikey: yeah? *innocent grin*

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Rogue: Ally: [big grin]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Mikey you're asking for it again >​>​

[Bookmark] Rogue: okies.. I can't take it any longer. can't keep my eyes open

[Bookmark] Candy: [wink]

[Bookmark] Rogue: see you guys tomorrow night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko: awwww night puddin

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Mikko: *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: go sleepies! *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue: hope to see new posts ^^

[Bookmark] Candy: night night

[Bookmark] Mikko: mwahahahaha

[Bookmark] Rogue: ninight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Rogue left the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: now hold on Bax editing my posts so they can do the meeting thing

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: you can't tell me what to do! yer not my mom!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: *belated hugs to Rogue*

[Bookmark] Candy: I am forum step mummy buddy *sits on Bax*

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: brb

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: kay

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: He's awful

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe

[Bookmark] Mikko: k

[Bookmark] Mikko: Bax: oooh sexy girl is sitting on me

[Bookmark] Candy: okay the last post in Cellular edited so some time has been past - now for Cultural Exchange - at least this way Ee's had a few hours sleep [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love made a new thread for LH and the kraang

[Bookmark] Candy: okay Cultural Exchange also edited and now Bax is good to go [big grin] *hops off the Bax*

[Bookmark] Candy: wooot

[Bookmark] Mikko: this is how cats are born

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha what the fuck?

[Bookmark] Candy: hows the threads looking? do I need to change em any more?

[Bookmark] Mikko: looks good

[Bookmark] Candy: hehhee almost didn't know what to do for Cellular - but figured it was plausible Ee fell asleep - been a long day for her up until that point [tongue]

[Bookmark] Mikko: dawwww

[Bookmark] Mikko: now LH needs to come home to his cat and an alien

[Bookmark] Candy: he's working on it [smile]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Alien?

[Bookmark] Mikko: ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!

[Bookmark] Candy: a Kraang [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: man arrested after driving truck full of weapons to D.C. to kidnap Obamas’ dog

[Bookmark] Mikko: lol

[Bookmark] Mikko: told U.S. Secret Service agents he was Jesus Christ

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o wtf?

[Bookmark] Mikko: yes!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I think this guy is a few sandwiches sort of a picnic...

[Bookmark] Mikko: indeed

[Bookmark] Candy: lol french fries short of a happy meal [big grin]

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Few bunnies short of a hutch. [wink]

[Bookmark] Candy: okay LH is home and now intriqued lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahaha! has a few too many roos in the top paddock

[Bookmark] Kitteh: lol Haven't heard that one before. [tongue]

[Bookmark] Candy: [big grin] aussie saying for a crazy person [big grin]

[Bookmark] Mikko: I love how calm LH is. yes yes tried to eat your face. interesting.

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Candy: bwhahhaa - its a habit - if he lets himself get excited it increases his chances of having a 'gator' moment

[Bookmark] Candy: which could range from dragging love off to water to try fucking her whilst drowning her - or as both she and the brain blob are prey sized... trying to eat them

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I want none of those things!

[Bookmark] Kitteh: O.o Damn, what a way to go. lol

[Bookmark] Candy: hehehe well he almost drowned Erica in such a manner four years ago

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Well then Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: since then their both learned and he practiced ways to keep himself... tame for a lack of a better term

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: but whhhhy he has to drown his partners. don't he know he can have more fun if they are alive?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: it's natural for gators to mate in water - .... if he goes into gator mode thats where he will drag you off to do it... *shivers* been there

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's scary

[Bookmark] Mikko: Love: I see.....

[Bookmark] Mikko: ok all I'm heading off. see you tommrow. night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Candy: nightnight *hugs*

[Bookmark] Mikko left the chat 211 days ago

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: it was... but luckily I got away - by sheer luck - and nothing happened between us like that - it was a close thing though

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Night *hugs*

[Bookmark] Espionata: night

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Yikes

[Bookmark] Espionata: I'm checking out Making a Murderer on Netflix and from what I'm reading there's reasonable doubt all over the place Oo

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: yep I was twelve at the time - I don't blame him though - and we've had almost repeats of the incident and other gator moments - but have learned how to get around it

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I would've been scared

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: I was ... terrified... I mean when your arm and some shoulder is trapped in a gators mouth and he's dragging you into the water it is a primally terrifying moment - when he's then trying to get between your legs as you struggle for air it's beyond terrifying - I wish I could forget it... but every second of that moment I can recall

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I bet he felt guilty

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmm hmmm - still does to this day - partly why he does his utmost to remain calm

[Bookmark] Kitteh: Dawww

[Bookmark] Espionata: Aww plus LH always had issues with staying calm except in the 80's cartoon he was evil

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: That's sad

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: it is - but he is tryng - and I forgive him completely - sides he's taught me so much about mutants in the years since then about this 'zone' it has come in handy for dealing with BigRed [wink]

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: I bet

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: mmmm hmmmm [big grin]

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: also helped save the life of a council worker once whom wondered into his turf

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: But did you have to save Stockass?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: that time yes.... if he gets close enough for Raphael to get a hand on him again I wont intervene

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Good he deserves it

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: [wink] and stop reminding me about you and Aly [big grin] when I set this place to blow yous will be ... as will everyone be out of all locked areas and heading for exits -

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: It's just that you haven't come back

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: can't too busy - sides unless there is medical issues most of yours and Aly's probs are more engineering than anything - but I will probably come by to say hi - though will probably be with Raph most of the time

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Fine

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: well Don, Mei and Raph... but probably the Raph most of the time

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Erica that's not being a good doctor what if Donnie was hurt as bad as Raphie?

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: if he is he will get as much undivided attention as Red of course [smile]

[Bookmark] Candy: lol and if heads off in the mood he is in currently that could happen

[Bookmark] Espionata: lol

[Bookmark] Espionata: Mel: Okay

[Bookmark] Kitteh: I keep forgetting to ask if it would be okay if he did that.

[Bookmark] Candy: Ee: I may be - in that game - drawn to Raph but I will not neglect my duty of care to Mei or Donnie when the time comes

[Bookmark] Candy: yes - I am editing April's post - because she'll understand if he needs to rush off
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