pt 11.
Spike joined the chat 14 minutes ago
Espionata joined the chat 2 minutes ago
Mel: No not Spike DX
Spike *gropes*
Mel: *Hits him with a crutch* Stop!
Spike: *grope grope*
Donatello joined the chat
Mel: Leave me alone!
Spike changed name to THE LAW
Mel: What Oo
THE LAW *grabs Mel and spins her around*
Mel: Hey! Stop it!
THE LAW the law stops for no one!
Mel: Big brother help!
Angel joined the chat
Angel OO
Mel: No you're not Donnie is!
Donatello I'm what?
THE LAW don't make me drop you!
Angel staying in bed? sounds crazy out there...
guRaidon: just try it >,< *grrrrrrrrrrr
Mel: You're big brother Donnie. Leo don't you dare drop me!
THE LAW *drops*
guRaidon: *catches and hugs*
Mel: *Hits the ground* Leo! Thanks Raidon
guRaidon: *groooooooowls*
THE LAW I was testing out the wee one s reflexes. good work wee one
Mel: Leo do you wanna harm my knee even more?!
THE LAW I am toughing you up
guRaidon: weeee one?! I'm only inches shorter than you! *stays between her and The Law*
THE LAW helloooooooo I am the law!
Erica: *had come out of Spot yawn - blinks..... turns around to go back in she can hold the bladder*
Mel: Well you need to knock it off!
THE LAW I'll knock you off
Mel: Don't you dare!
guRaidon: *groooowls* just try it *is a trained warrior but pretty sure he's ass would be kicked if he seriously tries to go up against this crazy Leo*
THE LAW oh I dare! *sips his drink*
Mel: Leo you know better than to cause harm!
THE LAW I am not a boyscout
Angel: (( lol unless you mean to do harm - then cause lots of harm according to MS ))
guRaidon: *tense - stays between them*
Mel: So? I'm not a scout either but I don't try to hurt people!
THE LAW maybe that is your problem! *is sooooooo wasted*
Erica: *cant hold it no longer!!! - sneakies past*
Mel: You're drunk a dangerous drunk at that!
THE LAW I'm also fabulous
Erica: *yay! made it to loo!! -*
Angel hehehehe fabulous?
THE LAW we need to redecorate
Mel: See what I mean Raidon?
THE LAW we need sprinkles of glitter!
Erica: redecorate?... nah not at that nesting stage yet
hello BlueBeau - Angel, Raidon, PrettyEyes
Angel *giggle* hi
guRaidon: Oo - my uncle Leo was crazy..... but not like this
THE LAW *puts ribbon in Mel's hair*
Mel: Leo I'm not a little kid >< *Takes ribbon out of hair*
Angel: (( lol ))
THE LAW no one is too old for RIBBONS! *tosses ribbons everywere*
Erica: *catches* I could braid ribbons into your bandana Leo
THE LAW yes! *sits for Erica to braid*
Erica: *giggles and proceeds to braid ribbons into the bandana tails, bright pink and sparkly yellow - rubs his head*
Mel: Now all we need is a dark turtle attack ><
Angel: (( lol!!! ))
Mel: *Groans*
Erica: yeah you are *kisses forehead .... want a coffee? *maybe start sobering him up?*
guRaidon: O.o *sloooooooooowly raising his shell cell - centering LEo in frame.... CLICK!.... hehhee photo for wall of
Mel: How do you put up with it Erica?
THE LAW no coffee I have no time for that. I need rum!
Erica: awwwwwwws I was hoping you would enjoy one - seeing as I cannot Leo *pouts but recovers* I think I saw a pirate running away with the rum *points - random familiar pirate indeed running off with entire stash of rum*
Mel: Oo
Jack Sparrow: O.o not a friendly sea turtle! - back you demon! *runs - bottles of rum dropping here and there smashing*
guRaidon: *yep more picies*
Erica: *nearly jumped out of the red cami and boxer shorts she is wearing! rubs bump watching chase*
Mel: Jack Sparrow Oo
Jack Sparrow: *pose as with last surviving rum bottle* this has been fun - today is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught... Captain Jack Sparr- *trips over LH*
Angel: (( lol the crazy in here went up a notch
Mel: Okay then Oo
THE LAW *eats Jack and takes the rum*
Mel: Leo!
THE LAW *mouth full* mmmmmphift?
Mel: You can't eat people!
Jack Sparrow: Oo.... I taste better with paprika! *shoves away 'biting turtle' leaving him with a mouth full of shirt and snatches rum bottle* hahahhaa! *runs again*
THE LAW Love does it.
LH: O.o ....... -.- *back to snoooozing*
Mel: Love is crazy
THE LAW we're all a little crazy
Mel: I'm not
THE LAW no you are just high
Jack Sparrow: mwhahahhaa it mine - my own .... my precioUUUUch! *slips in other puddles of rum - slips intot he portal he came from - last bottle of rum smashes and splatters Angel*
Mel: I'm not high
Angel >,<
THE LAW hey, did you just fall from heaven? because so did satan you horrable bitch!
guRaidon: you know it's pointless arguing with him? *to Mel - still between her and this crazy/ drunk Leo*
Mel: What?
THE LAW what?
Mel: I know but he's driving me crazy*Glares at Leo*
THE LAW CRAZY! CRAZY! crazy for you baaaaaaby! I'm losing my mind! something something
Mel: Oo
Espionata: kay
Donatello ....*doesn't know what to make of the situation*
Mel: Raidon something has to be done
Angel *smiles at Donnie half soaked in rum*
Mel: Erica what can we do?
THE LAW we can do me!
Mel: No
Donatello What is going on? O.o
THE LAW I don't know Don. Mel is high and flipping out. I'm worried about her
Mel: *Growls in anger*
THE LAW see? she can't even form words
Erica: *probably safer to stay out of his way*
guRAdion: >,> and you keep allowing it by continuing to engage - we should head back to the base - get the photos hung up
Mel: I can't help it he drives me nuts
THE LAW better then pissing on you
guRaidon: again because your allowing it to - come on
lets do these - Oo come on - before he does so
Donatello Ugh! *facepalms, shaking his head* Leo...
Mel: Okay Raidon
Angel um..... we had a other universe vistion - Jack Sparrow.... there was a chase for the rum, Leo tried to eat him, LH slept, Erica braided ribbons into Leo's bandana.... and I got splashed with rum *to Donnie, sidles up close beside him*
*scoops her up and runs for it - before the bigger turtle decides to pee on them!*
Angel: (( lol )))
Donatello *blinks* Okay.
Mel: *Holds on*
Erica: *probably best to try slipping back into the Spot now - *
Angel yeah.... I would suggest tranqing Leo but him being drunk probably not a good idea
Donatello *sighs* No.
Mel: Something needs to be done can't your dad do something Raidon?
guRaidon: maybe - but I think he may prefer that Leo's brothers to handle it - unless they specifically ask him to step in. *through the potral to home base to find a mh to print out the photos*
Angel Yeah.... *sighs too reeeeeally worried for the turtle*
Mel: We might be getting to that point
THE LAW i'm a pretty princress
Erica: *also concerned ....* yeah you are, such pretty blue eyes
um.... BlueBeau do you know what you have
been drinking?
Erica: *nods -* want to tell me what it is? *arranges pretty bandana tails on his shoulders* yellow goes well with your blue
guRaidon: yeah maybe - well it will be up to his brothers to talk to my dad and Don about possible treatments
THE LAW moonshine
Mel: I know
Erica: Oo ooooh I see.... you had a lot of it? *trying to gently coax him into a bean bag to sit*
THE LAW two jugs *sits*
Erica: *nods soooothing thumb touch to snout* Oh.... celebrating?
oh? what were you celebrating? *checks his vitals and eyes*
Mel: *Snuggles close* But he's been targeting me lately
Angel: (( lol doctor mode activated
THE LAW i'm having a baby! a vampire baby
guRaidon: because you react to it - kinda reminds me of a hyper child, the more you react the more he does it -
you know?
Mel: I know but when someone grabs you you kinda react
well that is congratualations indeed - *kneels carefully to check pulse last* looking forward to Dadhood?
THE LAW yes! what are you doing?
Angel *nudges Don* maybe we could risk a low grade tranq of some type?
Erica: just ensuring a father to be is okay
want some water?
THE LAW no. would like more liquor
Donatello *rubs chin in thought* Maybe...
have you not had enough?
THE LAW nope
Angel *puzzles watching Don think*
Erica: buuuut you want to be a good father ... yes? *sits in other bean bag -*
THE LAW and i will be
Erica: normally I would agree with that - but not if you are drinking
THE LAW oh I wont drink when the vampire baby comes
guRaidon: maybe - but once free you get away and ignore the behavior
aha! *found a MH bot, puts Mel down and bends to plug int the shell cell *
Erica: ... not very helpful - there is a pregnancy first you know and vampire of not I'm sure a sober you will be more helpful to your preggo mate than a drunk you *wondering if he is sobering up a little - seems to be having a somewhat normal discussion with her*
Mel: It's hard to
Angel: (( somewhat normal
THE LAW nod nod* yes yes. so what you are saying is, I should get high instead of drunk, for the good of the family.
Donatello *glances at Angel, smiling*
Erica: not at all - you should get clean for the good of your family - neither high or drunk
guRaidon: of course - but can be done *printing piccies* hehehe lets go put them on the wall hehehe get some cratch practice for you
so cute when you think so hard
Mel: Okay Raidon
THE LAW mmmmmm...but first! a drink!
Donatello :"> *smooches her cheek*
Erica: .... no you should go cold turkey BlueBeau....
THE LAW no! *pouts*
Angel *hugs and smooooch*
Erica: awwwwwws don't do the cute pout Blue you need to stop - best to just do it - like ripping off a bandaid
what? *rubs bump*
THE LAW yer the devil!
Erica: *rolls eyes - and back to the crazy talk - hops up out of bean bag*
Donatello *hugs her with his good arm*
Angel *snugs careful of other arm - kisses*
THE LAW now watch me whip! now watch me nae nae
Erica: *hurriedly backs away*
Mel; *Goes to laughing wall*
Angel: (( oh lol she's a watching ))
Angel: (( and ick that song hehhee so annoying ))
THE LAW I'm a snake! I'm a sneaky snake!!!! *wiggles on the ground*
Donatello: O.o A turtle doing the snake just seems...wrong. lol
Erica: Oo thats nice - go bask under the solar lamps - all snakes need sun
THE LAW *slithers to Mel*
Angel: (( dude she aint there ))
Donatello: Oops. I think I'm thinking of "The Worm".
Angel: (( lol! ))
THE LAW where the fuck she go. bitch owes me money!
guRaidon: hehhee alrght now to find a bare patch for the new piccies
Erica: it's stashed under the solar lamps - go slither that way*
Mel: *Looks for an empty spot*
Erica: *stops by Angel and Don* I'll get rid of the remaining alcohol that is here
Donatello Thank you.
THE LAW changed name to Love
Angel: (( Mikey says pphhhhhht to that Mel she too small to hurt them
Love Leo died. now I'm here!
Angel yeah girl - thanks
Love oh yer pink! hang on
Donatello: lol
Love now I'm a boy color! GENDER ROLLS
Erica: he's not dead - LH dragged him under the solar lamps to sleep and bask it off with him *points at giant gator dragging away Leo under the lamps*
Angel meh gender fluidity is better
Love *pounces on Angel* lets play!
Erica: your welcome... ooooh man dizzy - *sways a little*
Angel: ACK! *goes down with kitty* play what?!
Love play fight!
Angel: oO as long as you keep your claws in!
Love *bites*
Angel: ouch! hey! *pulls tail hard shoving Love off*
Mel: *Finds a spot* Here's one ^^
Love *takes that as an invite to play more and jumps on her*
Angel ack! *grabs cushion to bap her with*
Love *bites cushion*
guRaidon: alright
*sticks piccie into place* hehhee perfect editions
Mel: Yep maybe everything has calmed down now
Angel *scrables to her feet away from the mutant kitty*
Love awwwwwww
Erica: *disposed of all alcohol - including the vanilla essence.... taking out the trash now* oh hi Love
Angel: (( yep anything that is alcohol
Love hi hi *tackles LH*
LH: *happy rumble, hugs*
Love *hugs and gives belly rubs*
LH: *biiiiiiiiiig puddle of happy belly rubbed mush!*
Mel: Think it's safe to go back?
Love *tickle attack*
LH: *lazy laughing - grins and pins, belly rub return!!!*
Love *purrrrrrrr*
LH: *rummmmmmmmmble - belly rubbies rubbies rubbies*
Angel *having a shower - cat dander everywhere*
Love *playfully bites*
Mel: Raidon?
LH: *thick scaled so all good - would playfully bite back but...... not with thses jaws ! snout bumpies instead!*
guRaidon: maaaaaaaaybe - we could go see
Mel: OKay
Love *head bumps*
Donatello *slips into the shower with Angel*
Angel mmmmm *naked, wet and soapy - grins kissing him*
LH: *nuzzles nuzzles*
Love *liiiiiiiiicks*
guRaidon: *leads the way - carefull to have a good loooook about before stepping back through portal slooowly
with Mel*
Mel: *Goes through* Looks safe
guRaidon: yep
*closes portal and looks around some more
Donatello *kisses back* Hi.
Mel: Leo is asleep Oo
guRaidon: well one less for you to worry about
Mel: Yep where's Mikey?
Angel *is warm from hot water - turns it up a little - knows its good on aches and pains -* hello you
*snogs deeeeper*
Angel: (( lol he's moping cause Ally aint here
Player: *points to moping orange clad turtle - whom does said moping by being still and quiet and sad facey ))
Angel: (( see? moping
Mel: Mikey
Mikey: *pouts*
LH: *chuckles and tickles her*
Raphael joined the chat
Mel: Hi Raphie ^^
Love *licks Raph*
Erica: >,< down kitty *just got back from putting rubbish out*
Love meow
Raphael Hey.. O.o *is suddenly licked* -.- ..*spots Erica and smiiiiiiiiles*
Ally *looooks allllll around for her Mikekins*
Mikey: O,O *literally happy music and rainbows and fan fare* ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY!
Donatello *returns all snoggies, slips his arms around her*
Donatello: lol
Mikey: *happy skips to her* My precious! *careful tackle snoooging glompies*
Mel: Okay then Oo
Love *walks up to Raidon* who's the cuttie with the booty?
Erica: *grins at Raph herself - can't exactly tackle glomps - but does excitedly hurry over to snug - and kiss*
guRaidon: O,o hi *hugs Mel*
Love *flirts* hiiiiiiiiiii
Mel: Love he's my boyfriend Raidon ^^
Angel glaaaaad you decided to join me
*gets hands all soapy so she can tease and caress the hell out of him under the guise of a good massaging cleansing*
guRaidon: *bows head*
Donatello I wouldn't miss it. *nuzzles and kisses*
Love boyfriend? you into threesomes?
Mel: No
Raphael *slips arms around Erica and gently snugs*
Ally *rushes-meets Mikey halfway and jumps into his arms, covering him with kisses*
guRaidon: *blushing up a storm over here!*
Mikey: mmmmmm missed you! *happy tears and snooogies and totally coping a feel! yeah perfect backside!*
Erica: *meeeeeeelts into the familiar snugs - so good - bump grown a little more* mmmmmm missed you *playing nibble to spot*
Love oh....does he have a brother?
Angel: (( lol yes Mikey missed her
- ))
Ally *totally sees those happy tears, smooches them all away and giggles at his not so stealthy groping* Daw, I missed you too! ^^
Ally: daws
Love: that green is hard on the eyes XXD
Angel: (( as E did Raph - though her fault she had to leave Spot snugs and bed to pee and stuff
Ally: Ally is gonna be sooooo excited to introduce her lovely boyfriend to her bro
Love: but it could just be my screen
Angel: ((it's all good Mikey can read it
Love: lool
Mikey: *happppppy looooooooooud obnoxiously loud churring - nuzzle nuzzle and licks*
Ally dawws.. this better?))
Love: yes!
guRaidon: I do but he is only eleven
Love anyone older that's not seeing anyone?
Raphael *happy churrs* Missed you too, babe. *gives her tummy a light rub* How's R2?
Mel: His cousins
Love perfect! are they as hot as yoooou
guRaidon: well my Uncle Don is single
Love i'll take him!
Donatello: Awwwww, don't do that. Poor guy is a mute now.
Mel: Oh boy Oo
Erica: growing
... I ate some meat *kisses - hand caresses his over their bump* mmmm wanna sneak over to the gu world and use their sonography machine?
Donatello: I hope Love won't hold that against him.
Love: nah
Angel: (( yeah shredded chicken meat mixed up with sliced pickles in honey buzz yogurt - but hey meat
Donatello: lol!
Raphael: daws
guRaidon:... well okay ... how old are you ? *to Love*
Love 29
Love but in cat years I'm like....IMMORTAL!!!!
Raphael Good. Lil Squirt needs some protein.
*totally hates portal hopping and time travel, but gives a nod.. anxious to know what the lil one is gonna be* Sure.
guRaidon: ooooh so too old for my cousins - but within UncleD's age range *gestures*
Love great lets meet him!
Erica: *slightly cheeky look* you give me plenty of protein
but yes *giggles and snogs again* come on
*light tug towards guRaidon and company*
Angel: (( bwhahahaha
turtle soup protein ))
Mel: Hi Erica hi Raphie
Ally *giggles madly at those adorable churrs and snuggysnoglickies!* ^^
Love: ewwwwwww
Angel: (( lol oErica says nahhhhh - yuuuuuuuuum
Angel: (( don't diss the turtle protein shake
Raphael: lool
Mikey: what *snoooggles* have you been *kiss kiss... nipple nippy* up toooo AngelCake? *boobie nuzzle = more churring*
Raphael *gives her a sly smile and wiggles his eyeridges playfully.. yeah.. knows what she means. Follows her over to the GU peeps, knowing he's about to be treated to a wild ride. gah.. why do portals have to suck!*
Erica: (giggles, blushing a bit but still cheeky waves at Mel and Raidon* hello *pecks a cheek*
Mel: You two up to something?
Ally Ooooh, lala.. *squeals at boobie attention ^^* Well, I've been dealing with the sickies.. and got curious so...I got one of these! ^^ *pulls out pee stick and hands it to him* ..don't put it in your mouth...
hey hey.... oooooh nice baby bump - going to the infirmary? *grins at this worlds version of his dad* mum says I was a big boy - eight pounds
Mikey: oh no you were sick?.... *concerned face becomes a blinkie blink blink* OO ........ does that mean what I think it does?! *squeaky voice of shock*
Mel: I don't know how big I was
Mikey: *sniffs at the stick cause its covered in Allyness - gooood looooord his tail so hard to wag!*
Ally: lol
Ally ^^ *snugs* daw, the sickies os worth it because of these two lil lines... and yes! We spawned!
Raphael O.o Eight pounds.. good god... *worried, because he's big.. figures Erica will pop out Turtlezilla*
Erica: *chuckles and - hears this - cheeeeeers!* wooooooo ! congrats! yes infirmary Raidon.... *winces* oh your poor mother... eight pounds... thats like three kilos wirth of new born Oo .... *sees Red's worried face and smiles kissing him* hey bump might be small like I was I was a tiny six pounder
Angel: (( lol turtlezilla - the horrorr! ))
Espionata: lol
Mel: Raphie is huge but to me everyone is huge
Mikey: *careful to shift Ally off him with a snog... snoggies all over her still flat belly - then procedes to bounce all over the place cheering and flipping and whooooping*.... *breaks bathroom door-*
Angel O,o ahhh! Mikey!
Mikey: *yanks back curtain to snug Don and Angel - getting wet* ha! I spawned! *and bounces out again to happy hippos of fantasia dance over to Raph and snug him* I spawned!!!
Ally: bwhahahaha!!
Angel Oo lord help us all
Mel: Oh no Oo
Mikey: *hugs Mel and Raidon next* I spppppaaaaaaaaaaawned! *snugs Erica*
Erica: *gasps for breath*
Mikey: *lets go and bounces back to Ally for snogies!*
Mel: *Falls over* Woah!
guRaidon: Oo *helps Mel up*
Ally *and that reaction right there will make the approaching nine months of torture worth it! giggles and lil tears of happiness rolls down her cheeks* ^^ *snooogs* Yer gonna be the coolest daddy ever!
guRaidon: ummmmm...
congrats! hehhee come on portal hoppers - *leads them through*
Mel: Thanks >> *Follows*
Angel: (( oErica says oAlly not nine months - about six to seven
Raphael *is about to tell Mike to lay off Erica, but hears the news...dunno what to think, but his lil bro is excited... but...can he take parenthood seriously??* ..*still, seeing his bro's excitement earns a grin and a congrats as he follows the lot towards the dreaded portal*
Ally: annd I say.. yaaay! nine months would totally suck!
Angel: (( it would OO been listenign to aunt and mum exchange their horror stories - ))
Ally: lol, aw
Erica: *chuckles - stumbles a bit on portal exit cause still a bit light headed - but grins at Raph* heh yes bump buddies! he like you will be a good father
Raphael *smooches and scoops her up and carries her through*
Ally: I seriously think Mikey would be an amazing dad ^^
guRaidon: hehehe *hugs Mel*
Ally: what kid wouldn't want a daddy that can play video games and read them bed time comics ^^
Angel: (( and of course my Mikey would smugly say of course
Ally: hehe
Mel: *Hugs him back* Think you would be a good dad?
Mikey: *his deepest most darkest hidden dream totally happening! snooooggggies - then bursts into happy tears
and hugs her* my precious you sooo made me the luckiest turtle ever!!!
guRaidon: maybe - my dads pretty cool
Mel: True ^^
Erica: whoa! *scooping up takes her a little by surprise - sniggers at her own shock and slips arm about shoulders, kiss kiss kiss all over cheeks*
guKim: *hurrying away to a surgery waves at them all and gestures a 'go ahead' gesture to Raph and Erica towards the little private room and machine hurrying off to her work*
Mel: Your mom is busy
Ally: dawwws, mikey ^^
guRaidon: she's the Chief of medicine here, always busy
Angel: (( the Mikey feels! - the Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels of the Mikey! ))
Angel: (( feel em! ))
Mel: I guess so XD
Ally *snuggly smoochs and kisses all the tears* Naw, I'm the lucky one! ^^ Never thought I would have a stable boyfriend.. much less get pregnant, and be happy about it ^^
guRaidon: yeah its easier now she had trained help but used to be a struggle when it was mostly just her
Raphael *tries to rebound from the 'transport' >.< blinks at the business.. heads where they're supposed to go, but not sure how to use the thing O.o*
Mel: Yeah that stuff isn't for me
Erica: *totally knows that face* it's alright HotRed - I'll show you *smoooches and closes door behind them - this first scan only theirs
Mikey: *sniff snogg sniff smoooooooochies - hands squeeze that ass again* mmm we make each other lucky
Angel *still somewhat shocked by sudden Mikey whirlwind -*
Donatello O.O
Mel: Raidon think I would be a good mom?
Angel: (( bwhahaha looks like Don too
but then again Mikey did break down the bathroom door just to rip the curtain away and hug them! ))
Don: At least I was decent!
yeah - *shuffles feet* buuuuut lets not worry too much about that huh?
come on lets find something to do
Mel: Like what?
Angel *trying to straighten curtain -* sooooo your an Uncle to be twice over
Donatello It looks like it.
guRaidon: hehhee dont know ummmmmmmmm could go see dad and give him a heads up about the crazy Leo
Angel *forgets the curtain - snogs with a squeee* ooooh exciting for you guys ;D
Mel: Good idea
Raphael *returns smooches and carefully puts her on her feet so she can do this... damn machines, that's donnie's dept.. ut glad she knows what she's doing*
Donatello Yeah. *nuzzles and snogs* And who knows. Maybe one of these days I'll be a father, too.
Angel mmmmm oh you will be *snogs* and the making is .... funnnn *smooochies*
guRaidon: yeah now where to find him - come on *leads off slooowly*
Donatello *chuckles* It is. *smooch smooch!*
Mel: *Follows*
Ally ^^ Yes we did! *snugs* Now, I need to introduce you to my brother. ^^
*has indeed learned how to turn these damn things on - gives Raph the gel and the wand piece so she can get onto the bed -* alright we put some of that gel on the belly - pulling off shirt*
Angel: (( bwhahaha forget scruching just take the damn thing off
Raphael: lol
Espionata: lol
Raphael *takes the lube..naughty look.. and wand but places them down long enough to help her out of that shirt*
Angel *giggling - forgets they aint exactly private right now - smoooochies* mmmmmm yes... a lot of goooood fun
Angel: (( snorts and sniggers - wooooooo private room, lube.... hehhee ))
Erica: *chuckling wriggles out of shirt* Kim wont mind if we use a bit for play I sure
*teasing - yeah totally getting good at reading those looks* woooo boobs have gone up a cup size *jiggles*
Donatello: lol
guKim: *if she heard that would inform them she soooooo would mind -*
Donatello *nuzzles her, tries his hand at fixing the curtain so they can have more privacy*
Mikey: alright
oooooooooh man he better be excited - you are goign to be sooooooo beautiful! - cause you already are!!! *nuzzles snoggs licks*
Mel: Where is your dad?
guRaidon: probably training new recruits *heads that way*
Mel: *Follows* Hope so
Angel mmmmm Mr Fix it ....
may have to tell one of my game selves to get you around my place to do a little fixing
Raphael *seriously getting turned on right now >.< needs to be 'good', but gives her boobs a good squeeze and smooches before taking the items, knowing they're here for a reason* Mmm.. playtime after, huh? >
Donatello *smiles* I wouldn't mind. *smooch smooch smoochies*
He's gonna love you!! But if he tries to kill you, that's him saying 'hello'.. O.o but I won't let him hurt you ^^
Mel: Are we almost there?
Erica: *whiiimpers - oh christ not only are they a bit bigger but soooooo sensitive-* yes please! *tickles spot gently hoping up on the 'bed'* alright gel me up *probably not best choice of words-*
Angel then I will poke them Angels - *resumes the teaaaasing caressing washing of all glorious Donnie - especially tail*
Angel: (( hehhee puns
guRaidon: *can hear his dad shouting - random crashing noises*
Donatello *chuuuuuuuuuurrs*
Mel: *Giggles and goes to the training room*
Mikey: ^^ I am a ninja baby *snuggies and proudly lifts her up - no one here but LH but still strutts about with her proudly*
Angel feeeeeeeeeel good Stretch? *stroking stroking - cleannning*
hehehe sounds like new recruits getting a hard session
*leads on to training room*
Mel: No kidding *Enters the training room*
(( naughty bits continued here: ))
Mel: Raph?
guRaph: *meanwhile looks serious and grave faced glaring as he makes the newest recruits do their laps with all sorts of kitchen wear hanging off them.... but inside is amused by all the noise* ... oh hey Mel -
LH: *sniggers watching Mikey* congratulations
Mel: Some training you got here XD *Gets closer to him*
guRaph: they have to be accustomed to all sorts of strange noises and objects
*and its funneh*
guRaidon: *sniggers - he did this training himself once*
Mel: Well me and Raidon gotta tell you someting
Soooo, this means we have to pick out names and get toys and a dog and white picket fence
Mikey: whatever you want babe - names.... uh .... do you have any in mind you like? *snuggglies*
Donatello: lol!
Espionata: lol
guRaph: oh what is it? *looks worriedly at the teens*
Mel: The Leo in my world is a major drug addict and alchoholic and he's gonna be a dad. While drunk of high he likes to target me by saying I'm high or dropping me on the ground to teach me a lesson and it's getting worse
Espionata: lol
guRaph: well thats all very troubling.... maybe we should alert my Don?
Angel: (( tonsil hockey!! ))
Mel: Yeah we should I have a hard time not reacting to Leo because of how my biological dad was
LH: O.o *scurries away before his junk goes all hulk smash!*
Espionata: lol
Espionata: Kim won't be happy lol
Raphael: lol
guKim: *almost went in - but.... dew rag went flying out the little crack she made -* oO.... *quickly hangs it on door knob and flips wooden sign on door that says 'in use' and scurries away*
Espionata: lol
Angel: (( nah she is a Raph wife she gets it
Espionata: lol
Mel: What can we do Raph?
guRaph: well we do have a rehab in the infirmary - but its a slow process and the patient has to want to kick the habit for any sort of treatment to work
Mel: He has no choice he's gonna be a dad
Mel: *Almost loses her balance* Oops
Angel: (( hehe tech change over!))
Espionata: lol
guRaidon: *catches*
guRaph: mmmm I will have to talk to your Raph, Don and Mikey about it
Mel: Yeah but they're probably busy having sex. Thanks Raidon had a head rush
guRaidon: whaaaat their young people's
Mel: Yeah they are *Snuggles close*
Angel: (( and in looooovings))
guRaph: well those expecting better enjoy it now, bubs makes it hard to be intimate a lot when soooo new
and after birth I know Kim was in no mood to let me near her down there... Unless I had ice
guRaidon: *chuckles*
Mel: *Giggles* I wouldn't know
me either... Sorry mum
guRaph: yeah and there's hardly any sleep unless bug is like you Raidon and sooo lazy he just sleeps all the time except when feeding
Mel: I wouldn't know I don't have a mom to ask about that stuff I barely remember her
guRaph: I distinctly recall *hugs Mel* that Kim threatened to cut of my tail whilst she was pushing.... and alllll sorts of other colorful language I didn't even know she knew...
Donatello: lol
Mel: Wow *Snuggles close to guRaph* she must've been in a lot of pain
Angel mmmm better than okay! Ooooh! *still squueezing him, still shuddering* mmmmm! You?
guRaph: yeah indeed.... Had my tail tucked up in terror the whole time! *huggles leading them away*
Mel: Yet you didn't lose your tail *Follows*
guRaph: *wags it* nope still here two more kids later
Mel: Ouch and they were twins *Is getting tired*
guRaidon: *follows*
guRaph: yeah exactly
Mel: So how would you feel about being a grand pa?
guRaidon: o,O so not going there for years!!
Mel: We don't even know if I can get pregnant
yeah true...
Mel: *Giggles then yawns tired*
Mel; Tired
Espionata: lol