pt 74.
Espionata: Mel: *Has been sleeping on and off all day*
Leo *has been taking care of Neo*
Espionata: Mel: Hey Leo
Leo hello.
Espionata: Mel: *Yawns* How is it going?
Leo it's going. just playing with Neo.
Espionata: Mel: Oh okay
Leo I am going to need a sitter today though
Espionata: Mel: Why?
Leo I'm heading out to check out these aliens for myself
Espionata: Mel: But Leo *Feels like crap and looks it too still*
Leo hum?
Espionata: Mel: I don't think I can
Leo can? you mean baby sit? no you can't. not now anyway. you need to build up your strenth again. I'll have
splinter look after Neo
Espionata: Mel: Thanks Leo
Leo *kisses the top of her head*
Espionata: Mel: Been a long time since I felt like this
Leo you take all the time you need to get better
Espionata: Mel: Yeah if I was there much longer I would've died from thirst long before I starved to death *Shudders*
Leo good thing for Mikko then.
Leo: Mikko: I'm the best!
Espionata: Mel: Yeah a real good thing
Leo *gives her a one arm hug* do you need me to get you anything?
Espionata: Mel: Some food I don't wanna move
Leo food coming up. *give Neo to Mikko and goes to the kitchen to make waffles*
Leo: Mikko: *smiles and bounces the baby*
Espionata: Mel: Thanks Leo *Watches Mikko*
Leo: Mikko: *looks at Mel and smiles* one day I'll have my own baby.
Espionata: Mel: Can't have a baby while on drugs otherwise the baby is born addicted
Leo: Mikko: I woldn't be on drugs. I would be clean and have a healthy baby. *kisses Neo's cheeks as he tries to
bite her*
Espionata: Mel: Good luck looks like Neo wants to bite you
Leo: Mikko: he's just hungry.
Leo *comes in with a plate of waffles and a glass of milk hands it to Mel on a little table*
Espionata: Mel: He is? Thanks Leo *Eats her food*
Leo *sits with the girls and watches Mikko with Neo* Vic is sleeping. and I'm not sure when he'll be eating solid
Espionata: Mel: From what I remember in the foster homes six months is when babies start on food
Leo *nods* the next question is what to feed him. I'm sure Vic will know.
Espionata: Mel: Something like peaches I think
Leo: Mikko: bloody peaches
Espionata: Mel: Thanks for the image Mikko ><
Leo she does have a point.
Espionata: Mel: Eww *Shudders and finishes eating*
Leo *after Mel's done, picks up everything for her*
Espionata: Mel: Thanks
Leo *puts everything away then sits back with the girls* anyone need anything else?
Espionata: Mel: No I'm good
Leo: Mikko: I just wanna play with this little cutie
Leo ok. well I'm going to head out then
Espionata: Mel: Okay Leo *Is really not herself right not arguing*
Leo *smooches everyone's head and run out*
Leo: Mikko: *grins* I got smooched!
Espionata: Mel: So did I but I'm his little sister
Leo: Mikko: well I'm....I guess I'm just the annoying neighbor that shows up every once and a while
Espionata: Mel: *Giggles* Like those characters on sitcoms?
Leo: Mikko: yeah. I need a catchphrase
Espionata: Mel: You do?
Leo: Mikko: yeah. something I say when I bust through the front door
Espionata: Mel: Like what?
Leo: Mikko: no idea. I'll think of something *gets bit* ow! bad baby. baaaaad
Espionata: Mel: He can't help it Mikko
Leo: Mikko: I know. and even with his freaky sharp teeth he's still super cute
Espionata: Mel: You're bleeding
Leo: Mikko: damn. *hands Neo to Mel* let me take care of this real quick *runs off*
Espionata: Mel: *Holds Neo*
Leo: Neo: *giggles at Mel and reaches for her*
Espionata: Mel: Hi Neo *Smiles*
Leo: Neo: *waves his arms around*
Espionata: Mel: Where is Mikko it doesn't take that long to put on a bandaid
Leo: Mikko: *comes back and takes Neo back, slowly starts to rock him to sleep* You know, we really only ever
see Leo. Don is stuck in his lab, Mike and Raph are never around. and the girls never show up. wonder what they are all doing...
Espionata: Mel: The usual
Leo: Mikko: *chuckles* they trying to make more babies already?
Espionata: Mel: No
Leo: Mikko: I hope not. *watches Neo fall asleep*
Espionata: Mel: Why?
Leo: Mikko: with all this alien stuff happening this is not the time to be making children
Espionata: Mel: True hopefully Leo will be back soon
Leo: Mikko: I'm sure he will be. I wish he would have taken someone with him though, there is safety in numbers
Espionata: Mel: He doesn't want me watching Neo
Leo: Mikko: hey angel softness
Leo: Mikko: no? why not?
Angel *eyes Mikko holding Neo, waves at Mel* hi gals
Leo: Mikko: Leo went to go check out the aliens
Espionata: Mel: I feel like crap that's why the Krang decided to starve and dehydrate me
Espionata: Mel: Hey Angel
Leo: Mikko: well we'll get you feeling better
Angel: lol and Erica would say no! she is still not quiet over Blaze's birth, no siblings making yet!
Leo: lol)
Espionata: Mel: Yeah being held captive sucked
Espionata: Mel: I don't wanna move
Angel: sides boy is a hungry lil dude, though he goes longer at night time now between feeds and sleeps good
Leo: Mikko: you don't have to move, you need anything just let me know
Espionata: Mel: Thanks Mikko
Leo: Mikko: anytime. you know yer like a sister to me.
Espionata: Mel: I am?
Leo: Mikko: yes you are.
Espionata: Mel: Thanks
Leo: Mikko: anytime. so you want a beer or something?
Espionata: Mel: Mikko I'm 18
Angel *sits beside them lightly tickles Neo's toes.*
Leo: Mikko: oh ok. want a root beer then? *neo wiggles his toes in his sleep*
Espionata: Mel: No thanks
Leo: Mikko: ok. *leans back in her seat* So angel, when are you having a little one?
Angel *rubs bumps* twins, and soon
Angel boy and girl
Espionata: Mel: They're gonna be cute *Tries to get up to stretch but body says no* DX
Leo: Mikko: awwww well Don is hot stuff and you are sexy as hell, so your kids will be amazing
Leo: Mikko: take things slow, Mel
Espionata: Mel: Don't have a choice
Angel thanks, I happen to agree... They better have their fathers lovely eyes and brains
Leo: Mikko: I'm sure they will. and they will have your street smarts.
Leo: Mikko: If you would like to move around, Mel. maybe Splinter has a cane you can use
Angel thanks
Angel: Erica: *shuffles out of spot, to Angel, gives her Blaze, shuffles off to Loo
Espionata: Mel: I'm not gonna take his cane. Hey Erica
Leo: Mikko: I meant maybe he had extras
Donatello: lol
Espionata: Mel: I don't think he does
Angel yeah he should have extras - dawwwww Blaze *hugs* whose a big boy? *random baby cooing and
smoochies* ... You are definitely Raph in mini
Espionata: Mel: He is cute
Angel Stretch?! *calls out, must be in his lab again..*
Leo: Mikko: Don is in the lab, no idea what he does in there all day
Espionata: Mel: Works on stuff
Donatello *working on the lab*
Angel: See lol
Espionata: lol
Angel: Erica: *exits loo drying hands on leggings, smiles in thanks to Angel and collects her heavy little infant*
Leo: Mikko: *stands and rocks Neo*
Espionata: Mel: Hi Erica
Leo: Mikko: how are you feeling, Erica?
Angel Master Splinter has spare canes, encase he or the boys break them
*rubs Neo's head, then Blaze's and hurries off to Lab* Stretch!
Donatello Yes?
Angel: Erica: better, not so swollen and crampy and aching and uncomfortable. You? *leans over to nuzzle Neo and
kiss his forehead... Catching Blazes fist so it does not bump his cousin*
Angel .. Am I interrupting?
*stays in door way*
Donatello *smiles at her* No, not at all. Please come in.
Espionata: Mel: I feel like shit >>
Angel: Erica: dawww no good
Angel *sidles over* got caught up again in projects? Got LH to help with some?
Espionata: Mel: Well the Krang thought it was a good idea to starve and dehydrate while I was there the entire time
Espionata: &me
Leo: Mikko: we're going to get Mel back in shape though
Espionata: Mel: Yeah no doubt I lost weight which I don't need to lose. Where is Leo?
Leo: Mikko: he went out, you could call his phone if you want to check up on him
Espionata: Mel: Not if he's scouting
Angel: Erica: guess they... forgot they needed to feed and water a human hu? Or didn't care too - yes... I know
Angel making me get back into shape
Leo *walks back in the lair*
Espionata: Mel: And that used to be part of my old life before foster homes. Hey Leo
Angel: Blaze: *quiet, blinking at faces above him...*
Leo well I didn't get much info other then they talk strangely
Angel: Erica: hello Leo
Leo hey Erica. how are you feeling?
Espionata: Mel: Yeah they do
Donatello *smiles* Yeah. *smooches her cheek* How are you?
Angel: Erica: much better, thanks - *smiles at Leo, then at Blaze*
Leo good. good. ok so here is my plan. I have reason to believe that they may be working with someone on eirth
maybe even shredder.
Leo we need someone on the inside to get more info. *looks at Mikko*
Espionata: Mel: Because I can't do it
Angel cranky with myself for not dragging you out more - been ensuring I getting exercise for coming b day to be
strong and flexible and hopefully it will be a smooth birth, and making sure Ee gets her strength back and her shape - but have not dragged you out enough
*kisses him and smiles*
Angel: Erica: ...maybe.. dad? *hates suggesting it really*
Donatello *kisses her back, returning her smile* I'm fine.
Leo well Mikko is or was a foot. she may be able to get info
Leo: Mikko: aw man...
Angel: Lol!
Espionata: lol
Angel: your up kiddo!
Espionata: Mel: I would do it Leo but my body says no
Angel I guess, but you are coming out with me and Ee more
Leo it's ok Mel. I know you would. You have done lots already.
Raphael joined the chat
Espionata: Mel: Yeah hey Raphie *Looks horrible*
Donatello: Hello
Leo hey Raph, we're talking about what to do with the aliens
Donatello And what exactly are you two doing?
Leo: Mikko: *still rocking Neo in her arms*
Donatello *smooches back*
Angel: Hello
Angel mmmm *pauses* and no take backs
Donatello *snogs* Take-backs?
Angel no back outs or nos you coming for walkies with Ee and I
Angel: lol
Angel: Erica: Reeeed *grins, pleased to see him, she herself feeling and looking better, offers him Blaze*
Donatello *chuckles* You still haven't answered my first question.
Espionata: Mel: *Tries to get up needs the bathroom*
Raphael ....what. The brain things? ...or the dino? *takes Blaze and one arm snugs Erica*
Leo the brain things
Espionata: Mel: The Krang that are taking over Earth and held me captive *Can barely stand*
Leo I really think you should get Don to put an IV in you and give you some vitemins and such
Angel oooh! Sorry, no no I am Great!
*chuckles sheepishly*
Espionata: Mel: Why?
Leo because it would be a good way to get your strenth back
Leo: Mikko: and check if you have trackers in you!
Donatello *smiles, smooching her* Actually I meant the question after that. What exactly do you and Erica do while you're out together?
Angel: Erica: cause you, Mel need to recover - hey Handsome *smoooches cheek - blinks, Blaze gives his dad his first gummy smile* oooh camera! *tphone out!!*
Angel just walk - power walk to get exercise
Espionata: Mel: They didn't put trackers on me and yeah I need to recover
Leo: Mikko: *looks down at a now awake and crying Neo* oooooh man. how do I turn him off?
Donatello I see.
Espionata: Mel: You don't *Sits back down*
Leo *takes Neo back* I think he might need to eat. Have to find Vic...
Espionata: Mel: Yeah he bit Mikko earlier
Angel and girl talk of course
Leo: Mikko: just a little, nothing bad
Leo *nods* ok I'll be back. *goes off to find Vic*
Espionata: Mel: Yep
Raphael: Vic: *slips up and huuugs Leo* ^^
Leo *smiles and smooches her* I think the little one is hungry.
Espionata: Mel: Probably should see Donnie
Leo: Mikko: yeah i think you should
Angel: Erica: yes
Espionata: Mel: Kay *Tries to get up*
Leo: Mikko: *helps Mel*
Raphael: Zog: *runs through and kidnaps Mel*
Espionata: Mel: Hey let go! *Struggles weakly*
Leo: Mikko: *runs after*
Angel: Hank: *throws flour in Zogs eyes*
Espionata joined the chat 5 seconds ago
Espionata: Mel: *Keeps struggling weakly*
Raphael: Zog: *no matter! Has poor eyesight anyway.. .through the portal he goes!*
Espionata: Mel: *Is taken* Let go!
Angel: Hank: *throws pepper at nose!!
Angel: lol bad time to arrive in pantry box
Espionata: Mel: Why are you taking me?!
Angel: Blaze: *smiles wears him out - dozes off*
Leo: Mikko: guys! we have an issue!
Donatello Heh. *not looking forward to that part of the walk really*
Angel: Hank: *Chasing still throwing random food stuffs*
Angel ... *giggles* just joshing, swear its just a walk, no girlie talk
Leo: Mikko: *goes to Leo and Vic.* some dino just kidnapped Mel!
Leo *sighs* it's always something. where did they go?
Donatello *snogs, maybe wouldn't mind it...a little*
Angel: Mikey: what now?! *come out to get popcorn*
Leo: Mikko: dunno some portal. you know I hate those things
Leo Mel was kidnapped by a dinosaur
*chuckles rubs his spot* there is a little chatter but nothing girlie
Donatello *churrs, nodding* Okay.
Espionata: Mel: *Keeps struggling but is getting weaker*
Raphael: Zog: *Says nothing... just keeps going!*
Angel hehe - *snugs and smoochies*
Espionata: Mel: Let go I didn't do anything!
Leo family meeting! *calls out*
Angel: Hank: *throws chilli powder at wrong horned bastard and booted back out portal!*
Donatello *smooches her back then hears Leo's bellow, sighs heavily* What now...?
Espionata: Mel: No Daddy!
Angel ... *siiiighs, and smoochies were good! -* come on... *takes his hand*
Angel: Erica: *starts a little, had been watching Blaze sleep - Leo's bellow takes her by surprise*
Angel: Blaze: *snuffles, making cranky face cause Uncle Leo disturbed his nap!*
Donatello *goes with her*
Donatello: Noooooo! Not waking the screeching babeh!
Leo *waits for everyone*
Raphael -.- This better be good, Leo.
Leo Mel was just kidnapped by one of the dino aliens. They took her through a portal and now we have to get her back
Angel: Lol
Donatello Great...
Angel: Erica: *hushs Blaze*
Raphael: They need a Grim
Angel *knew it!*
Angel: Lol yes they do!
Espionata: Mel: *Struggles* Let me go had enough with the Krang don't need to be taken by you guys
Leo I need one of us to stay home and watch the lair and the women and children
Angel: Blaze: *the laziest attempt at a cranky wail EVER! - yawns mid soft wail*
Leo: lol)
Angel: Mikey: *listens*
Donatello And who are you suggesting, Leo?
Espionata: lol
Angel *steals some of his popcorn*
Angel: Erica: *giggles at Blaze*
Leo I think Raph should stay. the rest of us go through that portal and hope it leads us to Mel
Raphael *would volunteer Mikey to stay behind.. but they my need him as bait wherever t hat portal goes, so stays quiet. Plus, he's the strongest so if only one is staying to defend the girls, should be him*
Raphael: may*
Donatello Finding Mel shouldn't be too hard, Leo. Not if the trail hasn't gone completely cold.
Angel: Mikey: we should call up that scrawny don and dino
Espionata: Mel: What did I do? *Struggles*
Leo: Mikko: we should also maybe try and not make it so easy for baddies to get in the lair
Angel: Erica: *smiles at Raph*
Donatello I don't know how it keeps happening. I've been doing regular checks and upgrades.
Leo we'll worry about that when we get back with Mel
Leo: have to go to bed now. night all *hugs*
Espionata: Mel: Please let me go *Is no shape to be held captive again*
Angel: Mikey: *guess rescue is off until Leo back? *goes to give Ally popcorn
Angel *giggles had some popcorn too*
Raphael: Zog: You attract kraang! Perfect bait!
Raphael: Ally: yay, popcorn! *snugs her turtle and snacks!*
Espionata: Mel: What?! *Struggles*
Espionata: When she's still recovering from being held captive last time Mikey don't be a chicken
Angel: Blaze smiled
Donatello: Damn. Stupid browser delay.
Angel: Yeah
Espionata: Mel isn't happy lol
Angel: nope
Espionata: She was starting to recover and that went down the drain lol
Angel: Erica: *sighs - takes herself and blaze to bed*
Angel mannnn what a pain
Donatello Hmm?
Angel bah the dumb dinos
Donatello Yeah. *sighs* I just don't get it. How did they get in here undetected?
Espionata: Mel: *Can't escape* This sucks ><
Angel ... Mmm different frequency? Or maybe the bastard dropped a portal opener in here
Donatello I don't know.
Angel * nods* well let's have a look around - if he did we may be able to find it, and close it or you could study it and see how it's getting around security
Donatello That was my next move.
knew it! Come on then - *starts looking*
Donatello *goes with her* Hmm...
Angel hmmm? Thinking hard? *looking under couch, butt up*
Donatello Yeah. *stares at her butt for a few moments before moving to the other side of the room*
Espionata: lol
Angel joined the chat 29 seconds ago
Donatello: wb
Angel *found Mikey's left overs and coins*
Angel: Lol, moving away from temptation... Ty ty
Espionata: lol
couch, short shorts covered backside
Angel about? *checks under Splinters chair*
Donatello: lol
Espionata: lol
Donatello *distracted by her -- even from across the room* Hmm?
Angel whatcha thinking so hhhhmmmmming hard about Stretch? *winks from between knees*
Angel: Bwhahaha poor guy
Donatello O.o *looks away* No-nothing. *blushes and tries to get his mind on something else*
Angel *grins and goes to check under coffee table butt in air again and boobies dangling under loose tank*
Angel: wonder if the something else for his mind became whether the coffee table would hold them?
Angel: how you pretty lady
Donatello: lol Damn, Angel. Keep that up and he'll take you right then and there.
Donatello: Hello. ^^
Angel *jiggles everything 'looking'*
Donatello *staring again, feeling a certain reaction much lower on his body*
Espionata: Hey you two look for that portal hopper
Angel *shifts a leg so the shorts rise higher exposing more.. Commando butt cheekies*
Donatello *groans softly, swallowing thickly, cannot tear eyes away from butt cheeks*
Angel: Lol they are! ... Or we're lol
Angel: were*
Espionata: lol
Angel *reaches, tank neck line letting all the light through, she got no bra either, nipples all peaked... Shorts show just a little more...*
Angel: ... the poor guy
Donatello *hurries from the room and heads for the bathroom, shutting the door behind him*
Angel hey Stretch sort of supposed to take me with you! *giggles, skipping to bathroom door*
Donatello *leans against the door, rubbing his head, mostly to himself* Get a grip, Donatello. This is not the time for that. *although really needs to soon since it has been a while* Uh...just a minute. *takes a few breaths then turns, slowly turning the knob and opens the door* That was, um...quite the show. *blushing brightly*
Angel well... we... have not... For a while *casually leaning on door frame smiling, shorts scrunched, shirt dangling off on shoulder* glad you enjoyed it *smooches snout*
Shaya: too tired to type.. night
Donatello *slips an arm around her, smooching her deeply*
Angel *slides arms about his shoulders - snogging back*
Angel: Lol yeah girls usually go commando in the lair to avoid the bit attack lol
Donatello *gropes and snogs some more, definitely ready to do more now*
Espionata: Mel doesn't
Angel *mooooans gropes removing gear - crotch of her short shorts nice and damp from her readiness*
Donatello *allows her and in turn starts doing the same*
Angel *finally! Wriggles hips to at last let shorts slid down... Mmm feels good!* mmmm *whatever they were doing forgotten*
Donatello *kisses nuzzles and gropes*
Angel *finds his pulse between snogs, love bites! contrasting with her fingers soft trailing down his sides*
Donatello *moans* I need you so badly right now.
Angel mmmm right now..... *gasps... smoooĉes* heeere! *half in bathroom, strokes his tail*
Angel: lol yep even the bathroom door looks a good spot... or floor... or over the sink or shower... bathtub...
Donatello: He probably wouldn't have her standing up because he doesn't want to put pressure on her belly.
Donatello *churrs* Where...?
Angel mmmm *ponders snogging*
(( naughty continued here: ))